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Everything posted by Pucca

  1. Pucca

    Today I....

    ^your teeth with thank you for giving it up...those drinks stain your teeth, Seriously not hot.
  2. Pretty people would...just pretty people
  3. Pucca

    Today I....

    Today my brain still hurts from all the memorization i did for my anat exam...my fingers have cramps from all the diagrams i drew. It hurts to think...*sigh* atleast its done... *drops dead*
  4. i'd be with my mother and siblings...*sigh*
  5. mcdonalds is a very disgusting place to eat at...its far from being healthy and if thats not a reason to stop eating, then religion or this black issue wont stop you.
  6. Pucca

    What to wear??

    im totally against the whole 'maxaadara' at a wedding idea. They have other days to hold that, there's no need to give a lecture at a celebration..a happy wedding celebration. The prophet (blessings be upon him) did say we should have fun and games. I just dont see how the death and day of judgment fit into the whole 'happy, fun, games' celebration. Besides, half the stuff the woman lectures about at the end arent even advices; they sound more like darn scary threats. im all for eliminating nikis though...i hate that very much.
  7. Pucca

    What to wear??

    I really hate the camera man...I dont get why he must film the people and all their damn pores! i mean, really dude..do ya need to be THAT close?? and even more disturbing, whats with the filming of people coming out of the washroom? a little privacy please... i hate weddings, i do...
  8. Pucca

    What to wear??

    There's no such thing as 'women only' weddings these days...no sir they're all freaking mixed! So one might as well dress properly knowing that during some point...there will be men. Pisses me off really, i mean why not just mention it to the people that men will suddenly come rushing in when the groom comes so that people (like me) dont have to run around looking for something to cover ourselves with ...ARGH! oh well...i've sworn off weddings for good this time. I'll be sick with terrible cramps anytime im called to one... ps. why isnt the camera man ever consider to be a MAN??
  9. Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: The khamiis is more xaax(for lack of better word),try that one for a change. *sigh* quite xaax.
  10. Pucca

    Today I....

    today food tastes really gross...even water has a funky taste and im oh-so- hungry.
  11. Originally posted by Dabshid: I love Macawis, but only use at home. Pucca, Please don't talk abt Macawis like that, iga raali aho if my comment about the macawis offended you.
  12. ^thats even more disturbing.
  13. i've seen a lady wearing a macawis a couple of weeks ago at a nearby grocery store, and im not talking about a gorgarad here...this was a real guys macawis. Sorta strange but i guess she must share it with her husband or something. i find it very ugly, they should definatly not be worn outside the home. Its disturbing enough that men 'rearrange' themselves when they're wearing pants but its freaking gag inducing when they do so while wearing macawis.... my point is, its gross.
  14. Pucca


    i've had back problems for so long and doc has forever been giving me painkillers. According to her (my doc) there's nothing wrong with my back, i should just exercise and take my painkillers. thats when i started fantasizing about her slow death...dull knife and all. so ibtisam dearest, whenever you find something that works please do let me know. Till then, i wish you the best of luck and may allah ease your pain. question, do your backpains get worst around certain times of the month?
  15. Pucca

    Today I....

    today i've attended a funeral and have never been more moved. There's some hope for humanity after all...
  16. may allah have mercy on him and grant him jennah inshallah. the video is heartbreaking and quite scary how someone can aim to kill 6 ppl.
  17. shoot!! this aint the sorta thing i want to see when there's a darn storm outside. *goes off to cry*
  18. Originally posted by underdog: Pucca, you're one of "those" huh? 'Those' good students who rarely use assistance?? do you mean 'those'?? if yes, then yea im one of them
  19. it aint ever too late... happy belated birthday dearest!!
  20. Pucca

    Today I....

    today im feeling totally mellow.
  21. so um...any hijabis with eyebrow peircing?
  22. i'd like to peirce my eyebrow too...only ma would have my head if i did that. i'll give it a few more months for her to get used to the idea before doing it. hmm do they have 'fake' rings??
  23. No How loud are you when using your cell?