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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. a-khadar you clutching on straws, somaliland has shown the local people whats it is about and they have no problem with it.. while all you have to offer is empty threats and tribal rubbish that has become of you. these so called garaads have been callin for civil war in sool for years now and it has fallen on death ears because reer sool will not burn their town to satisfy the egos of those living abroad. Brand New police station open
  2. laanta socdaalka/Immigration office for security and control reasons this was very much needed office in the future the office will be moved to tukarag near garowe where the border is. no more open somaliland borders Love it or hate it somaliland is making progress and local people are at the core of everything, i wonder what those that call for war and bloodshed have to offer other than tribe trash they propagate from far away western countries.
  3. i think someone needs their nappies changed tey may have pooped allot.
  4. While the qasuusi and jnm call for blood and war look what we doing. Somaliland to give poor families in sool 80 tons of food free Somaliland opens local medical centre in Ceegaag town Somaliland Road Agency SRA complete maintenance of roads in Sool its all about choice, war, bloodshed and destruction vs developement, democracy and better standard of lives. i believe the local have made their choice. these people need to present better alternative other than the tribal garbage and h-arti nonesense if they want to pull people to their side of the political fence.
  5. A&T sxb hold your horses, somalia and their countless paper presidents have mastered the art of racking up air miles and taking up holiday photo of all sorts with world leaders, remember salad boy, A/y Maalintii sadaxaad oo Dagaalo Duqeymo ka socdaan Magaalada Muqdisho iyo Magaalada Dhinaceeda Waqooyi oo uu ka socdo Barakac baahsan as for sharif maxaad masaakiinta kaga diganaysaa balaayaa ku socotee. ^^^^ remember this, lol dont become duke sxb these paper president success or political failure will be measured back home as they say proof is in the pudding.
  6. djibsomali you are right those that commited those cowardly murderers should be brought to book, some have been caught and others are as you say are hiding in their local tribes. but you cannot use these horrible murders as political tool if you really cared about those victims you wouldnt use them this way to bash somaliland or certain tribes it just show your a hypocrite like all those others who use tragic incidents to bash others .
  7. thank were they relatives, sorry man shid happens
  8. lool waar ka yar jar ha ka tuurina yaa yidhaahda
  9. .......and why should we sort out their provebial sh!t for them.....
  10. the funny things is the people of borame or awdal killed something like 4 out of the last 5 suldan that has been crown by those folks in Dbouti so if i was this new guy i would be worried.
  11. Bosaaso Kulan Looga Hadlaayo Xaalada Magaalada Ceerigaabo oo Kasocda Gudaha Magaalada Boosaaso
  12. this can be way out for the americans too, as they dont have to open can of worms they can just claim he is no longer welcomed in US and deport him to somaliland like they did with the guamtamo prisoners
  13. ^^^^ its better than those who celebrate for suicide bombers and murderers.
  14. sool marches on, with the argagixiso beaten the local government is making huge strides with the help of the local population. Xubnaha garsoorka gobolka sool oo maanta si rasmi ah loo dhaariyay Saribad 2aad oo loogu tala galay khudaarta ayaa saaka la dhagax dhigay construction of a brand new police station + meeting of ministers in LA
  15. there is no honour amongs thieves...or mass murders for that matter.
  16. Faroole have to address beenta badan ee la faafinayo, otherwise silence means agreement Puntland Admin should send special airplane to Hogaamiye Sulieman Xaglotoosiya, and they have to welcome him like statesman they say ignorance is bliss..... you saying Puntland Admin should send special airplane, yet you making airstrip in banaankii hawd for him to land
  17. Originally posted by 'Dalmar': Qudhac, It ain't none of your business, Why you care? The only thing you should know is both Xaglatoosiye and Puntland State of Somalia are against snm militia/somalidiid warkaa mayska hubtaa??? the "TOLL" are standing together against the snm miyaa?? lool sxb its time you stop hullucinating and smell the coffee hating riyaale and loving faroole makes no sense when they have the same political goal, to stop the SSC dream ever getting off the ground. but hey if you wish you can keep singing faroole tunes because to be honest we in somaliland kinda like faroole too he is good partner
  18. duke why dont you explain to dalmar why mr Xaglatoosiye is banned from landing in puntland airports. what does pirateland admin have against this man who is suppose to be working for the freedom of "tolka".
  19. Dalmar whats with this calaacal with farah macalin, dont you know faroole is the first person who is endorsing somaliland rule in LA, mr faroole works as hard as anyone else to make sure your little SSC dream never gets of the ground so i dont see why the baroor at bloke who came for day and left after that. so please stop the self delusion and smell the coffee.
  20. ^^^^ you aint gata runn off so quickly... hang around....
  21. ^^^^ the pirate kid has gone mad, waar ka yar qaboojiya oo biyo madaxa kaga shuba
  22. Sherban, it's sad that loyalty to the nation has gone rock bottom in a rather desperate attempt to build a "nation" from one single clan. Lol like pirateland right oops i mean puntland