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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I am in Somaligalbeed saaxiib. No hoodwinking.
  2. The Minister is lying. Old tactics of Allahay ka Allah. Now that he has baked his bread, he is trying to avoid the poison that will follow. Sidaa ma in lagu dayn bay la tahay. Reer baadiye Indha-adag dheh!
  3. Naxar nugaaleed; I don't know and I don't care about that. In case my profile misled you about my whereabouts, I am sorry.
  4. Naxar nugaaleed; I don't know and I don't care about that. In case my profile misled you about my whereabouts, I am sorry.
  5. Naxar nugaaleed; I don't know and I don't care about that. In case my profile misled you about my whereabouts, I am sorry.
  6. Puntland maamulkeeda ayaa loo jeedaa. Puntland attacked pirates sida loo yidhaa oo kale. Why split hair waad fahansan tahaye.
  7. Puntland maamulkeeda ayaa loo jeedaa. Puntland attacked pirates sida loo yidhaa oo kale. Why split hair waad fahansan tahaye.
  8. Xoogsade; arintii ma been bay noqotay. Ilaahayoow ka dhig.
  9. Somalipride; Sececcionstska aad sheegatay way isqabtaan ooy is maqlaane, bal is layaaba horta intaadan cid kale isugu kaaya dhiibiin. Af aad ku hadashid kugu ma yaale, maad ana alle dhowr cisho iska yar dhuumatid! Siday ciyaalkiibaad xagaa eeg na leedahay. MA eegayo ee maxaad ragaygii u dhiibtay?????????????/
  10. I am for the ICU, northern. I agree with you on that. instead of seeing a united Somalia, Under the TFG and YEY, I prefer the disintegration of it into 36 fiefdoms! NO somalia with TFG at the helm, EVER!
  11. Xoogsade, iga jooji saaxib-I don't mean to be rude. But you are extending my agony a bit more whenever you mention Mohamed Dheere and Abdullahi yusuf. I am getting emotional.
  12. Xoogsade, iga jooji saaxib-I don't mean to be rude. But you are extending my agony a bit more whenever you mention Mohamed Dheere and Abdullahi yusuf. I am getting emotional.
  13. Xoogsade, iga jooji saaxib-I don't mean to be rude. But you are extending my agony a bit more whenever you mention Mohamed Dheere and Abdullahi yusuf. I am getting emotional.
  14. Forgive and Forget, walaal. We owe that to our progeny. Hadii kale ka waran hadii kii Hargeisa lagu dilayna uu yidhaa, I will not forget, ka Xamar hadda lagu xansuuqayana uu yidhaa I will not forget; what kind of a nation are we going to have? We need to move ahead. But The legal system in place will track and convict criminals posthumously. And I know how painful it is, but which nations haven't blood itself at one or another time in History?
  15. The secessionsts are small group of men holding people hostage. When the alternative vocie finally comes to the people of the North, reason will prevail. By the way even the clan purported to be pro-secession is not unanimous on the issue. It is few clan leaders and politicians in te urban area who shout for isolation because they want to carve a small fort of loot for themseleves. Shacabku wuu fiican yahay ee yaynaan inagu israacin sidaynu qabyaalad ugu hadaaqayno!
  16. Me; Forget so that we move ahead. Haddii kale ma tolaa'ay waa ragii ilaayay baan nidhaa? Future stbility and peace is not guaranteed by recriminations and revenge (in the name of justice), but in forming a democratic state where the wish of the people prevails. And people don't wish for destruction. But by forgetting i don't mean to exonerate their crimes. Certainly, They will be in the history books for what they have done to the nation, and children will learn about them. laakiin, waa kuwii sidaa noo galaydu waa inay dhamaato!
  17. Me, we wail for the lost heroes. That is the least we can do.
  18. Tried to do afareey. Xabashida iyo kuwa la socda miyay kuu kala soocan yihiin xoogsade? aniga I don't consider A.Yusuf, Cabdi Qaybdiid iyo Mohamed Dheere iyo General Duke (ku meehsan riwaayad qabiil kolba sawir noogu soo dhajiya) somalinimadii waa ka saaray waa hore. Somalinimadu ma aha in loo dhasho uun, it can be lost as well depending on one's deeds. there is nothing that suggests those who are garlanding occupiers deserve to be called a Somali.
  19. Tried to do afareey. Xabashida iyo kuwa la socda miyay kuu kala soocan yihiin xoogsade? aniga I don't consider A.Yusuf, Cabdi Qaybdiid iyo Mohamed Dheere iyo General Duke (ku meehsan riwaayad qabiil kolba sawir noogu soo dhajiya) somalinimadii waa ka saaray waa hore. Somalinimadu ma aha in loo dhasho uun, it can be lost as well depending on one's deeds. there is nothing that suggests those who are garlanding occupiers deserve to be called a Somali.
  20. Tried to do afareey. Xabashida iyo kuwa la socda miyay kuu kala soocan yihiin xoogsade? aniga I don't consider A.Yusuf, Cabdi Qaybdiid iyo Mohamed Dheere iyo General Duke (ku meehsan riwaayad qabiil kolba sawir noogu soo dhajiya) somalinimadii waa ka saaray waa hore. Somalinimadu ma aha in loo dhasho uun, it can be lost as well depending on one's deeds. there is nothing that suggests those who are garlanding occupiers deserve to be called a Somali.
  21. kaas isaga haka walbahaarin, ragba manihin hadaadn talaabo laga qaadin. It is time to hunt down the dogs. The ONLF should not always leave things at press Release level. In reekooda lalaayana ma aha; oo sidii somalidu taqaanay Dakane loo raaco. I know some will be doing that. But me, I would have liked that man (jaahilkaa wasiir isku sheegaya) in la dilo weeye. Special Operation, if you mean what i mean. Dadka rer-Puntlnad inay ka xun yihiin arinta dhacdayna aqligaygaan ku garan. I don't have to be there. Laakiin General Duke oo kaliyo ma aha kuwaan ka hadlayaa. Daydayga qabyaaladu gogoysay oo miidhani wuxuu u arkaa in reerahoodu guulaysteen iyagoo Axmaaro u adeegaya. Koora-Tuunshe ka la yidha is more sophesticated wuuna ka aqli roon yahay oo ilama aha inuu odhan waa terrorist ee ha la laayo!
  22. Bal waxa nahaysata eega. And we still cry for Somalinimo. Talk of Magnanimity.I am killed at home, I am handed over by my brothers, but that will never force me to abondon my struggle and my belief in Somaliweyn.I refuse to let desperation creep into my soul, and I refuse to look at the bad guys in Somaliland and puntland. I know out there millions of Somalilanders and Puntlanders are mouring with me. For those from my region, please make sure you don't make the mistake the enemey wants us to do. Inaan is nacno oon walaalaheen kala dhimano ayuu rabaa guumaystuhu. The captured (and killed-now or soon) brothers way shahiideen; and you know what is happening in our land. Only two days ago 3 youngesters were strangled to death in Degahbur. Markaa waa dhib ina haysata. laakiin dadka kolka magac la sheegto yidhaa maynu somali eada sheegano way quman yihiin. But is it not at this times, that they should show solidarity? It is not a precondition, but a gentle reminder.
  23. The twom men are martyers. Hadda waa la dilay. But Let us always remain calm and know that the people of puntland have nothing to do with the crimes of few 'maamul' ku sheeg ah. It was the same in Hargeisa-most of the people disapproved of selling fellow somali's to xabashi. Abdilatif niyadda uun aan adkayno-waa masiibo ina haysatee. Makayte wuxuu yidhi: ****** ninkaan Maanta dilin Dawladda Xidhiye Kii dhiigiisa Daadiyaana wuu dalacayaaye. I am terribly devastated, and cry for the lost heroes. But shame is to whoever thinks any of his agenda's will be furthered by selling his brethern. Ahay ah! It is painful.hhhhhuuh!
  24. Malika; I know where those who are angry with Caydiid are coming from- 1990s iyo qixii xamar. For the sake of national reconcilliation, I am saying let us forget our past. Many nations have done that. And by the way, What Abdullahi yusuf has done is treason- not common crime. Against his own nation. I can't pardon him, sorry. Aduunkoo dhan buu nagu ceebeeyaay.
  25. The killings of the recent years are incomparable to anything that has happened before. The fact it is done by our enemy makes it more painful.