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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. GARHAYE; Aptly put. I agree. Was extending the insidious lairs a bit more. I know their agenda has nothing to do with liberation!
  2. Don't evade the basic question, Bro. Don't you feel the old man is a tribalist, nonetheless.
  3. Sometimes you hear the truth and wise words from the unlikelist of sources. i beleive them on this one. by the way, what about Allpuntland and carmooyin, widhwidh etc. Are they not qabiil-centered if not more? Just for your information. Abdullahi Yusuf has consistently shown he puts tribe before nationhood. JB any doubts on this story?
  4. The tabloid might be lying. But the content is something i heard from the supporters of the old man time after time. I know that is what motivates him! Qabiliste!Shame
  5. I think the poll reflects the mood of those back at home (like me) who i talked to. It fits my prediction very well with ofcourse the usual insignificant error margin of (+-5%) MMA 300 is very fine (statistically)as long as the sampling method and data analyis conforms to the norm of statistics. I am fine with this research. i don't know about somali's in diaspora. Obama, despite being black and fiery rethoric on CHANGE, carries no weight behind him to execute a big change on west and Muslims relations. It is all big talk!
  6. In view of all the prons and cons, how about SOM-GADENIA. Ethiopia can't say it is a somali expansitionst endeavour; and the rest of the somali's don't see the clan they so-boviously are freaked with here. Or any other name!
  7. Koora You seem to be mixing up things; just because you dislike Somaliland's ambitions and you think the TFG is the only tool to stop them. Well, somalilanders must be won over and must not be subjugated to the otherwise sacred unionist jingo! AS MMA, accurately summed up whether in Qabridahar or in Muqdisho, the fight is for freedom and bring somali's togather (at least that is what i think it should be). As to the link to the somali Re-liberation struggle, I am proud of anyone contributing to it, contrary to what 'US/Xabashi-worshipers think)
  8. Abtigiis


    Good to share knowledge, laakiin wax walba lama soo uruuriyo. It is not that i don't appreciate your intentions. Waa naxay walaahi!
  9. Go'aan shalay u soo gaday miyuu saaka kala gooyay Garbaduub i hayntii miyuu garab i naafaeeyey waa hore ayuu nin geeljire ahi ku cawday.
  10. Call it instinct, but i feel the french failed to capture the pirates. come on, we all know somali pirates are sophesticated. on the other hand, it is entirely possible elders are trying to exonerate clan-boys of their wrong doings. It happens so frequently. Somalipride, I thibnk the TFG and it spresident are a disgrace. and Somalipride is severlely damaged by the recolonization they spearheaded. At least, The Hargeisawi's are ruling themseleves.
  11. Both will do as long as the Somali thing is there. But i tell some of the 'not-combative' clans in my region, are not fighting not only because of the name. They surrendered.
  12. Abu-Geljire; I think they are there already.
  13. very informative and accurate. The TPLF thugs will soon be obliterated. Kuwaaas nay dad sii daba fadhiyaan!
  14. Rudy; I feel honoured to be associated with anything that sounds Somalia. Thanks you for calling the region western Somalia. As long as people don't think of it as an appendex of Ethiopia (i hate that name) anything will do for me. Ameeen & Odayga (Peasant) I fully understandn your frustration. But hey all societies have passed through upheavals. We will pass it oneday; and some things won't be the same anyway. About Islam, i still reckon, Somali's are the best muslims still (based on what i have witnessed of some socities we thought more religious than us). Don't be pessimistic. Pray for your oppressed brothers.
  15. Nepthys, if i misquoted or misunderstood you, i am terribly sorry. forgive me sister. Koora-Tuunshe; Is it a secrect that some people don't mind the region to be called Ethiopia, but can't stand another clan's name? how do you see that, and mind you i am not insisting on that name! MMA I respect your opinion,SXB. but don't you think the genuine debate concerning that region particularly on the name will be useless without allowing those who see some labels as representative of more than a clan? yet, i get your point that there is a risk of going into the quaqmire of clan politics once that is allowed.
  16. Abdilatif; heartly greetings, SXB. keep up the fight.
  17. peasant, is the name the only problem? i think that is quite dissmissive and parochial. assume the name is changed tommorrow, and what then? do you rule out the Sii-galbeed syndrome? war dee waa la is ogyahee, yaan la isu gaban! As i said before, i hope ONLF will change its name ( even briefly) to see what follows. I know you would have come up with, ' the new organisation the SNLF is still filled with O's!).
  18. Nephthys; Way to go! master idea. by the way do you have any meanigful things to contribute except veiled clan-bashing and vitupertative rethoric? you haven't said anything, i see.
  19. Koora-Tuunshe; A lot of what you sad makes sense, but do you think a name change will unite the people?seriously? and honestly? yet, i still believe ONLF must change its name? But for you as a somali, it wouldn't have been difficult to support a somali clan fighting Ethiopian occupation, if you were totally free of clan-sentiment. That is what i beleive. otherwise, the ONLF must still change its name, if at all, to embarass apologists of occupation. by the way, i lived enitre my life in highland ethiopia, and am very knowledgable about the eritrean and the other facts of ethiopia's long history of internal/external warfare. i have nothing to dispute of what you said. but just one last question, when Babile, Chinacsani and other lands (of the other non-O) lands are annexed to oromia, has anyone fought that injustice? and what more should have been inflcited for the other communities to rise up? I think you are also missing a big part of the isue, in that the others are also to blame for the disarrray. unless you are suggesting perhaps somehow life under Ethiopia is tolerable. And as to the myth of a powerful ethiopa, I think some people have the wrong perception about that. the internal disunity is much more complicated than that of somalia, and the rulers of today are not loved by anyone. It is the war on terror windfall, that kept this regime on power. and mark my words, Ethiopia will disintegrate some time soon-like any other empires. the fate of Yugoslavia is what i forsee. Ba'char Yigtameen (see you in good health soon).
  20. Whatever mistakes the ONLF might have made in sticking to its name, won't belittle the nobility of its struggle against a tranny of one of the most barbaric and primitive regimes. Ultimately, a free ****** will be an added advantage to the rebulding of a great Somali nation.
  21. Abu-Geljire haven't got you. But you have the liberty of siding with whoever you think is a brother. why ask other to define. Mandela was a terrorist, remember!
  22. Koora Tuunshe; I think your suggestion for unity among us is welcome and a noble idea. but, had it occurred to you your approach is not entirely helpful? perhaps you make a bit of introspection on that one. otherwise, what you calling for is right! laakiin xilli la tabaalaysan yahay dee moral issue dhamaanteen inaseegan haku mashkuuline, iyagoo qabiil ah (ama aad u aragtid) taageer. perhaps then, they will say ahaa! this fellow brothers maxaan gaar uga leenahay? The way it looks now, waa waxoogaa wiirsi-camal!
  23. Gediid; Mohamed Moge Singub ayaa dilay meesha kuma qorna! waa is barbardhig kale. I don't know about his role on Axmed Gacayte( whom i love very much). It is my first day i heard this. The rest of your story makes perfect sense!