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Everything posted by Napoleon

  1. Oh i'm sorry was that not a politically correct term? How about booty bandit? Poop disturbers? Fruit cakes? Fairies? Tinklebells?
  2. I call my penis magic johnson.
  3. Why do women make things more complicated than they have to be, just take the advice from the great guru Dave chappelle: "If you wanna keep a man happy, its simple. Suck his dick, play with his balls, and make him a sandwhich".
  4. It is quite ironic that when the west was experiencing the medieval ages, islam was at its golden age where science, and the pursuit of all knowledge was paramount. And we must as well admit that today, the islamic world is in its dark age's and regressing, where fundamentalists, and corruption reign supreme. As great as the past might have been, what is more important is the future, and we as muslims need to worry more about the future than the past.
  5. Can we start talking about thongs next? that to me seems like a more interesting topic of conversation.
  6. This goes to show you that somali's like all humans only care about their own self interest and prejudice is natural.
  7. Finally we're number 1. If your gonna be a failed nation, might as well be the best failed nation.
  8. ^ Somali's and their hysterical exaggeration never cease to amaze. To the op My only suggestion is to try to get the kid playin in sports, competitive sports whether it's soccer, boxing etc will help keep him focused and busy. Boredom is the number one reason teenagers smoke weed and shit, I should know as a former pot head.
  9. So much for this place being a bastion of "educated, liberal minded" somali's.
  10. Originally posted by Juxa: funny how almost everyone is either from bari/boosaaso or hargeysa/burco one might think somali dhan iney iyagu ka hareen tut tut tut. Or perhaps those from the 'south' don't know how to operate a computer. wali abacus bay isticmaalan.
  11. Is it safe to assume they have incurred the wrath of the all mighty?
  12. Napoleon


    Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: I used to be a woman. what is this? an online confessional?
  13. lool. reminds of this old chappele stand up. "there is no secret down here that blacks and chickens are quite fond of each other."
  14. Layzie G It seems to me, you are waging a 'JIHAD' on common sense.
  15. I am personally against people discriminating against me, but I have no problem discriminating against others. If a caste system favors me over others, who am i to complain? survival of the fittest and all, even darwin would be qabiliste.
  16. Originally posted by TopGirl: quote: good question dabshid. for educated people in 21st century we believe stup!d culture stuff. you do know there are other ways girl's hymen to break without any sexual act. learn science my brother. :rolleyes: ah yes, the old horse-riding tale. somewhere out there is a mythical horse(more famous than the unicorn) breaking women's hymen left and right.
  17. Cartoons were at their peak in the 90's, such good times. Gargoyles, Alladin, Ninja Turtles, Street sharks, Transformers, Beast wars. Those were the days.
  18. Change your name from peacenow, to Serenity Now!
  19. The point you ask? The point is, this sort of thing is typical of african countries. Ever heard of south africans 'raping' babies as a cure for aids. Madness is a daily occurrence on the continent. P.s you seem defensive about the witches, makes one suspicious.
  20. Madness!? This is Africa!
  21. ^ Agreed. I certainly believe there has been a lot of cultural embellishments in all religions, and religious people take things way too literal. We should be taking the good in religion and throwing away the bizarre and irrelevant, and like everything the degree to which one worships should be up to them, instead of trying to have everyone as extremist and literalists. Evolution, natural selection etc are a fact, there is nothing to disprove here. It doesn't however mean that there is no creator.