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Posts posted by GaroweGal

  1. I finally step foot in a gym the other day with my sister (who goes regularly). Not the best experience. The only thing I could manage was the treadmill. She got me lifting balaayo, the bike killed my legs and my back hurts. I totally need hydrotherapy....

  2. ^^ I am glad you concur Mr Hungarian. Jinkeega was acting self-righteous. Now that I am back I shall deal with more pressing issues like rooting for my tuulo, aiding some random bandits and world domination. icon_razz.gif




  3. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    [QB] This is the tail end of the Surwaal gaab trend. I expect it to die out within five years and for the short skirt, swooshy hair and pierced bellybuttons to dominate the mainstream for another twenty years before a repackaged Salafi movement returns to wrest the initiative once again. Cyclical stuff, innit!


    Haha! :D


    Personally I think the Somali youth at my current tuulo are normally distributed with a standard deviation of about two. Don't ask me how I obtained this figure. :confused:

  4. ^^ Easy there qofyahay, don't want you popping a vain with your huffing and puffing. :D This was mere randomness after a boring night. Me thinks I should acquire a personal diary one of these days and then I shake my head at that silly notion for this is heaps more interactive. icon_razz.gif

  5. Ibti, Allah(swt) says in his noble quraan "wacrid canil jahiliin" and turn away from The jahil ones. Simply turn away. This is one of my uncle’s favourite ayahs from the quraan, I have by no means comprehended it till today. Your conversation in regards to clan is no DIFFERENCE to the conversations that the pagan Arabs had in the middle of the desert in Arabia 1400 years ago. It's a disgrace to witness so many nomads take part in this worthless subject of clanism . I ask Allah (swt) to not make me among the Ignorant ones.

    Please refer to Surah Al-Imraan where Allah (swt) tells us about the state of Qurish when tribalism was a predicament, perhaps reflect on the words of Allah(swt) when he mentions how their hearts where united by brotherhood (Islam). I am only directly speaking to you because you portray yourself on this forum to be a woman of religion.

    With that I bid you a good ramadan.InshaAllah.

  6. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:


    Now I am trying to figure out how southern Somalis look different to landers.

    Disgusting, Ibti even this is low for you. We are divided as we are do we need more division?

    We all look the same.

  7. Rudy, Hold the thought right there, I will get back to you when I decipher WTF you are saying, perhaps I could hire an interpreter, FUK write english for the sake of humanity . Oh and one more thing SPEAK when Spoken to. Isqor Qor JOOJI.


    Escort yourself out------->That way NOT wanted.


    Another day another DOQON SOL member I have to deal with. My hands are full. And why do certain men around here BIJ like naago? seriously. :mad:

  8. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    Eeer mix weddings also have the buranbuur and qabil of the two families, no other clans gets or expects to be mentioned- their mothers clans and fathers clan. I think it is one of the healthy uses of qabil still surviving and a good fun!


    Long live buranbur

    Ibti, I hear you are more in tune with punjabi dance moves ;)

  9. Ibti, You are still not on the same page as me. Reciting alhamdu and understanding the meaning is quite different. Anyone can recite it a five year old and 50 year old, but how many can tell you the meaning of "ihdina siraadal mustiqiin"guide me to to the straight path for example in that particular surah??? only a few dear and not the average muslim I assure do a survey you would be surprised just among teenage SOmali girls or boys who pray five times a day or maybe even try older age groups. The Somali community is a classical example, they memorise the Holy book yet have no idea what they are reciting, and I believe that is what Ayan is finger pointing at.

    All I am saying is about time we (as the Somali community) stress more on the understanding of the qu'aan as opposed to memorising it.



    Haat, me referring to you as Sheikh is called an example of sarcasm dear so dont get too excited and Hamza Yusuf is clearly more knowledgable than you. Soo iska Aamus. :rolleyes:

  10. You jumped the gun ibti, I agreed with Ayaan in the sense the average Muslim does not know what the Qu'aan and the hadith says without a translation, lets get real how many of us now what what surah al-hamdu means? and we recite it like how many times a day?. And in regards to gaining knowledge from someone I was referring to what Haatu said about "make sure to take your religion from people who you are confident that they will not corrupt your beliefs". And how is one to now who is and who is not corrupting your beliefs??? So one MUST ACQUIRE knowledge to begin with in order to differentiate who is taking them down a rocky path comprehendo. Hope that helped!

  11. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

    ^^ True. In athletics, it is widely believed Bile would have won more medals, including the olympics, were it not for his injuries. When he did compete, he beat the best of the bunch( Africans weren't really dominating during his era).

    By the all mighty, did Karl just post something I agree with?


    Comparing Abdi bile to Mo-farah is like comparing Jane Austen to J.K Rowling. Perhaps before we dwell on him let him make it to the olympics. :D

  12. ^^^Is SomaliLand the choosen land above all? I feel this is how its treated by SOL members.Istaaqfurulaah.


    Ngonge: Ever noticed how Jews feel its necessary they mention they are a Jew. You meet them on the street, at work and at uni they MUST mention they speak Hebrew or have some sort of affiliation with Jews before they draw the next breath. You could be watching a movie and the character out of the blue screams "YES I AM JEW". I feel this is how certain SOL members from S'Land act like, its scary.


    [ August 02, 2010, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]