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Posts posted by Tahliil

  1. I am not sure if you are a parent Duke but Mothers and fathers lost their own siblings due to cholera, hunger and some shelled while fleeing an agression...they are out there, under the trees, inside the city and on every corner street in Hamar and I don't think they r going to shake hands with murderous bunch who they for sure, with certainty know they are responsible for the death of their own flesh and blood; sons and daughters.......they r out there Mr.Duke to revenge in any way they know how...and you will hear from them as long as they know where those criminal are.....


    Won't any parent do the same?? Revenge for his own? buy a gun if he never owned one b4? and hunt down the killers? smoke them out of their Villa holes?


    or frankly Duke u assuming in ur clean smart thinking that they will hand over their guns, search for another wife and pray to god to replace the lost son and mother with another healthy baby boy at the age of 50? lol...


    I hope none of us experience a parent's (especially a mother's) pain who lost her own family in a pure aggression...


    lol shaking hands....ku lahaaa u r missing the point...Adeer again and again and again

  2. The victims of the invading troops of his country were countless civilians beyond doubt, and the Ambassador should note, however much he avoids from the fact, that the leaders of his country and that of the TFG will be brought to justice to answer charges of crimes against humanity when the appropriate time arises – however long it takes. Massacring hundreds of innocent civilians on the pretext of endorsing a regime that is suitable to Ethiopian’s policy in Somalia is not a matter that will be swept under the carpet in the long run.

    I don't think the fathers and mothers who lost their own children while in sleep in their beds due to Ethiopian shelling and bombardment will forget and forgive...and I don't think either that they will blame their deaths on anyone else but them and their stooges....


    A mothers mourn is said to b heard in the 7th heavens and a father's revenge for her lost siblings quietes her moaning down a notch....

  3. Following Hadraawi's suugaan and songs i thought Beledwayne was the city of love...


    Marka cadeey should b the New Orleans of Somalia...where the marti gra known as THE aw-osman hits the beaches every year...

  4. Fatal Blast Disrupts U.N. Somalia Trip


    Published: May 13, 2007

    MOGADISHU, Somalia, May 12 (AP) — The United Nations’ top humanitarian official made a landmark visit to this battle-scarred capital on Saturday, but his trip was disrupted by an explosion that killed four people near the United Nations compound.

    John Holmes, the under secretary general for humanitarian affairs, is the highest-ranking United Nations official to visit Mogadishu in more than a decade. His trip, including a meeting with President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, was delayed briefly by the blast near the compound.

    Mr. Holmes said he intended to ask the government to allow aid to reach its people while it tried to build on the fragile peace here. “It is their responsibility to look after civilians, to protect civilians and at the very least not to obstruct aid,” Mr. Holmes said.

    The trip took place about two weeks after Somalia’s government declared victory over an Islamic insurgency.

  5. Eedo Cali Casho Fanaxleey, I-look-pretty-in-pink Geedo is quoted saying to one Somali web page:


    These fresh tigrayna Army are nothing but the engineeers and the medics who are going to build new bridges, hospitals, roads and goverment houses; as their mission states also they r going to feed the starving mothers and kids sheltered under trees for the last 3 months and ultimately they will collect and burn the hundreds of unclaimed human corpses and remains in Hamar...


    This is going to b a masssive clean up, and we will b there for our 'tigrayna handlers' to provide them with what they need. When they are done the mission, we promised them a day at the beach, beautiful Somali women and excellent Moqdishu cousine

  6. I agree, Somalis never forget the death of their sons nor do they forgive the perpetrators easily. So don't think those who's sons your massacred via the use of Ethiopia, will be smiling away readily to share in your litle " Rebuilding Somali project"!

    thank you Geel-Jire, Well said...


    Simply every Somali except those few stooges and their Buraanbur boys amongst US is able to see the Sham that this Ismail pal of yours and that AdeerKEEN of OURS is tempting to achieve and confuse the real Somalis who have our nation's best interest at heart....and We those of us who have that little shred of decency left in them won't buy his gimmick at the expense of our dead and fallen Southren Darwiishes..


    Rebuilding Somalia....what a farce...they could at least start with their administrative project and messiah mercy mission by collecting the hundreds of died bodies, ACTUAL HUMAN MEAT on every street of the city...corpses and kids and mothers among them who WE with OUR Tigreyna brothers shelled and bombed and killed in their sleep and homes.....


    Still all am projecting here is Tahliil's righful rejection of a filthy and dishonesty message in disguise...and please don't take this stressfully....it aint nice for your health...

  7. I think the truth is a bitter bill to swallow these days to so many TFG stooges...and I can as always with my sharp eyes and an unadulterated ears Adeer, without the help of a REERKA conference call spot anyone of those TFG stooges trying to claim or allege an insincerety or falsehood to spread a word of dishonest and misguided truth....that AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire is busy nowadays with notions of nation rebuilding while the bodies, the bones and the flesh of human beings just like you and me are scatterd all over southren Somalia...From Beledwayn to Kismaayo...is a cheap farce


    And he this character you are so bent down on your knees defending is propagating the propaganda message of the YEEY VAMPIRES and their meles Masters... and I for one would b doing a great disservice to those Southren Darwiishes who died to defend the honor of their Nation if ever I pay attention to his distractions from the pressing issue of the country....


    Saxiib whatever you say and however many times you say, your pal Ismail is either a fool among the fools who have no bearing on the real subject of somalia or he is like so many of my Reerka brethren these days a stooge among OUR many stooges who is simply selling a diversion plan from the real Somali problem on the ground today in Hamar and elsewhere Somalia ...


    In any case, Mr. Tahliil have all the rights to his opinion and again he thinks the whole article is misleading us from what requires, demands our immidiate attention to an absurd wild goose chase called "Nation Rebuilding"...Support kulahaa

  8. The TFG is all we have now. We cannot deny it the support and the resources it immediately needs and then expect it to do well. In the eyes of some of us the TFG may be bad or fall short of our expectations. But, seventeen years of anarchy and bloodshed must have taught us that a bad government is better than no government at all.

    lol....is it just me who's laughig out loud at this character or all you guys r fallin off from ur chairs...Have mercy on him...


    Can one ask an undertaker to perform a heart bypass surgery on him and expect to walk away from the operation room in whole,intact, without missing major organs or something altered about him???? lol How can we be so blind?? by expecting so much from the wrong crowd...murderous lot who could care less of your pain and suffering for the last 17 or whatever yrs....support them kulahaa....


    Why do we often times sound like thou these thugs have just fallen from the heavens, pure angels who want do good for us, for the nation, for those 500,000 they displaced from their homes, slowly dying of hunger diseases???


    What a filthy propaganda...support kulahaa

  9. How did Cadde come to the presidency? was he elected? Did he campaing? went up and down in the region to shore up puplic support? Did he win an overwhelming majority vote? Who moniterd those elections?


    Or was he just, let's b frank, another renegade who got fed up with the system cause His tol had been abused and crashed by people from far away central regions and that Adeer of his Jamac Cali Jamac shamed the tribe by disappearing when the going got tough? and then the General left his home in Ottawa and took up arms against an older renagade to defend the honor and the name of the old Bari Kingdom?


    In any event I could b wrong, Would someone, with a better sense of history, please refresh my memory of how Cadde come to occupy the Villa Bosaso?

  10. Eco. and Duke... why r u presenting the TFG AS THOUGH its a break from the past? i know i am wasting my time to engage with you two... cos its difficult or near impossible to dislodge fundamentalism.. but i wont give up although many have…


    Answer this if u may


    Why support characters that have raped, maimed, killed, enslave, a nation and a people?


    Finally, before you accuse me of supporting the UIC let me say this… my opposition to the warlords of TFG and their invitation for the colonization of Somalia, doesn’t mean I support the backward UIC that wanted to take us back to the Middle Ages!!

    hhmmmmmmmmm...........characters who have raped and killed and maimed and looted??? In the past tense??? I think I personally can live with that...I think the nation is capable of putting the past behind it and move on...BUT a cynic like me would rather ask you to use the present tense instead of the past tense to simply complete your thought....as the maimin and in broad daylight looting now in pictures (coutersy of ADeer Duke) continues....


    Anyways, I did not mean to hijack your curiosity...I think ur post deserves an honest answer if ever there's been one....Aan dhawrno

  11. Originally posted by Tahliil:

    No new AU troops for Somalia

    May 08 2007 at 02:26PM


    Ghanaian President and current African Union chairperson, John Agyekum Kufuor, on Tuesday rubbished reports that the AU would be sending additional peacekeeping troops to Somalia.


    "I never said immediately, I said the AU wants to send 8 000 peacekeepers as soon as possible
    but we are having trouble finding the troops," Kufuor said in Pretoria where he was meeting South African President Thabo Mbeki.


    On Monday it was reported that the AU would send an extra 8 000 peacekeepers to Somalia, a statement attributed to Kufuor, but on Tuesday he said he was referring to the original deployment of AU troops, not any new ones.

    Read on:

  12. No new AU troops for Somalia

    May 08 2007 at 02:26PM


    Ghanaian President and current African Union chairperson, John Agyekum Kufuor, on Tuesday rubbished reports that the AU would be sending additional peacekeeping troops to Somalia.


    "I never said immediately, I said the AU wants to send 8 000 peacekeepers as soon as possible
    but we are having trouble finding the troops," Kufuor said in Pretoria where he was meeting South African President Thabo Mbeki.


    On Monday it was reported that the AU would send an extra 8 000 peacekeepers to Somalia, a statement attributed to Kufuor, but on Tuesday he said he was referring to the original deployment of AU troops, not any new ones.

    Read on: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=68&art_id=nw20070508115744955C259729

  13. Is that all by yourself Duke...inside the dark, Copying and pasting all those posts nonstop as thou u r proving something hard to prove, trying almost to make a lie to look like the truth....Somalis say....Fulay wax ka hub iyo ulo badan....THEY DISMANTLED BARAAKO CABDOW IYO TOBAKAAYO MADOW....WOW!!!


    Granted that this time around is our AdeerKEEN's time...WE should loot as much as we can and get out as soon as we can....There is no government viable here...Habarkast waa ogtahay...we should stop lying to ourselves and do the looting and killing and VACATE quickly...

  14. ^^ Your definition of the word - hiding - must be different from mine.

    I also didnt know that the fact that the TFG was dependent of extra fire-power that to route out that the many factions that were against the creation of a government in Mog, was up for approval.

    What on earth u talking about

    What I'm saying is that its just ridicilous to actually go from that to stating that the TFG was literally "hiding".

    I thought the hole statement was just an expression but you seem to believe that the TFG forces really were hiding behind Villa Somalia all the time when they were just getting some fire support to blow off

    Yes, you should really leave this thread before you expose more of your contentless argumentation.

    Dear Moderator;


    Nothing personal against my good friend Somali-Economics here but i frankly thought that this section of the forum was "R" Rated....I could b wrong since I didn't read the term of agreements...your golden rules compeletely...but some of the contents of these pages are strongly worded and not suited for the minors....and I believe their unrestricted participation of this adult-only forum could only bring a lawsuit against you.... lol

  15. Somalia: Roadside bomb blast sparks the casualty of five policemen

    Aweys Osman Yusuf


    Mogadishu 07, May.07 ( Sh.M.Network) A road side bomb blast caused the casualties of at least five Somali troops on Monday. The bomb exploded as a group of Somali troops onboard a police pickup truck passed by on route to the presidential palace in south of the capital Mogadishu.


    Witnesses told Shabelle that five police men who were seriously wounded in the blast were removed from the wreckage. Asho Ali, a witness, said she saw five policemen bleeding after the blast. “I saw five with blood everywhere on their body. At least three seemed dead because they were not moving at all,” she said.

    Is it this confused and helpless man you r referrin to who found his way to those trucks???

  16. Chief Awale, like many of Bush's new allies in Somalia, was once a leading figure in the "Black Hawk Down" faction of warlords that mutilated and humiliated U.S. soldiers during America's previous foray into the territory.
    But of course, he too has been been forgiven for his past misdeeds by the Great White Father in Washington.
    Indeed, Awale has come in so far from the Black Hawk cold that he was put on the CIA payroll last year -- alongside Mayor Dheere, McClatchy reports. Your tax dollars at work.

    How I hope to see that paragraph printed in Newsweek or Time magazine..the truth is that one needs not to invistigate that deep about Abdi Qaydiid's involvement of the death of those 18 American soldiers in Mogadishu.

  17. By Xiinfiniin:


    I am beginning to realize that we in the Diaspora give Ethiopia too much credit for the current Somali experience. Ethiopia is America’s hired guns in the region---no less and no more! If you agree with that simple proposition, don’t you think the more we talk about Ethiopia in a imperial terms, the more we allot to it a majesty to which her history and her current power structure does not merit?

    Well phrased bro, I think we should stop right here and right now about talking Ethiopians as thou they r this gigantic country dominating East Africa as the sole power of the region....


    Hunger and diseases, and corruption, and public figure assasinations, and a war the could erupt any day along the border with Eretiria...is the reality in Ethiopia...They really don't deserve this credit we r all bestowin upon them wrongly so....