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Posts posted by Tahliil

  1. Helirous...see the fathers and the mothers who lost their children, who lost their belongings to Tigraynan invasion, who are spending horrible days in the open because their homes are occupied by Tigraynan boys, who are daily moaning for the loss of baby Maxamed and Maryama, and unable to burry their children in the gutters, who are maimed and sick because of hunger and starvation, they r Duke they are there overthere too bro...in the midst of it all and they will, I mean fathers, real fathers will stand up and die for the dignity of their 3yr olds....

  2. So one is out as you r saying and then incomes another looter, revenger, bent to sell his soul with a mission and a mandate he could never ever understand in plain simple Somali let alone in Tigranyan with 846,546 Mekele boys under his skin ( I was going to say under his asss but out of respect for SOL golden rules),am thinkin of how is that better now!!!

  3. what differences do the numbers make? anyways the Tigraynan boys (20,000 or 569,897 whatever)are there for the Summer holidays, Beaches and Beer and whatever other entertainment we offer, and then headed home soon afterwards...you know until the next summer vacations, next yr...right??? Cancoon Tigraynan style

  4. How I wish and wish all of that to b just a mere wish....honestly wishin is sometimes golden....


    Somalia is under occupation by 569,549 Tigranynan boys, kids are getting blown up everyday, stooges and bloodsuckng vampires are running the country like its the Qat Kioskis in Islii, how I wished that wasn't true!!!!

  5. I hope no one, prays sincerely, deep in my heart, that not a sngle soul expereinces that atrocious life-time nighmare of losing one's own child...


    These pple have lost, not 16 yrs ago, but just yesterday and today are losing their own chidlren throu the aggression and the invasion of 326,798 Tigranyan armament WE brought to the country to help us....do..

  6. did i get the facts wrong? Would you be more relieved if the numbers were a thousand or two less...say 20 kids and 8 moms dead? Is that ok, justifiable to accomplish the mission..just 20 of them southereners

  7. u shouldn't be blinding yourself...This whole mission was embarked upon revenge...Gacmodheere iyo geedi fanaxleey and others included are being used to facilitate our little dark project of 'its pay-back time..'...that i swear is in the heart of many many of my fellow regional friends and relatives....come on...call it what it is....


    Most of US in the diaspora supported the outcome of the conference in 04, regardless of the goons selected because we wrongly and regretably assumed that hope may spring up from that, however, few of US, handful supported the genocide in muqdisho and the Tigranynan occupation of Somalia not because it was going to bring hope back into our lives but simply because it was in lue with sinister plots and shameful acts in the past to b revisited....undeniably so...


    Tell me why would anyone, in his right mind, beat the drums for the on-going slaughter of these little kids...? support the occupation of 265,785 Tigraynan boys in Hamar? other than what I have already said....Revenge...done for US by the Tigraynan boys and girls of the 101st infantry division...

  8. I am desperate as hell ....how can i deny that..any occupied person, sane and without the echo of Tolka propaganda in his head, would tell you exactly that.....Look at the 169,000 Tigranyan boys in my homeland....you think am relaxed and joyful about that????


    I am desperate as hell... Cidiyo Kudirir that's what they call me these days...in my Hometown in the northeast of Soomaliwe. I don't want to lose my existing over some cheap, hateful game of REVENGE sir...

  9. lol waa noo ahaatay....proudly so...History does not have a disclaimer...bro...Once again it fails US...honestly...look at the history and the bloody mayhems behind the eyes, look at the worn-out, vampire face in the picture…..Is that our choice, our pick from the pack, the best we could come up with….an 80 year old goon…who at the expense of our kids and us sold the country for reasons, I swear to god, he himself has no clue or worse could never ever understand even if it has been explained to him in plain black and white cause the thug lives in a different era...come on….stop the gibberish we can do better, let’s stop this goon before he does more harm to US…

  10. lol...I hold no grudge against no one...I can assure u that I have the purest of hearts for all Somalis but somehow My dear duke....we seem to have failed once again...


    to me the simple and humble and straight shooter Puntlander that I am, I always like to call an injustice everywhere an injustice ....this mission of hatred and being stooges has no other explanation to me other than...calling it what its...Revenge...exacting the just punishment onto those who wronged US 16 years ago...


    How else would you justify the thousands and thousands and upon thousands Tigraynan boys in Somalis Land today....and please don't tell me that they have the best intentions at heart for US?


    The only rational thing uncle that comes to the mind of any sane Puntlander is that WE are hell-bent on our knees these days to punish that old foe of OURS with whatever means possible and of course with these new and deadly weapon known as the Tigraynan boys....the next best thing


    Annihilate them nincompoops…I can dig that…but call it what its…don’t go off like the morning sprinkler in my yard about Aways Dahir and Baydhabo and bloodshed and Meles propaganda we heard it before….its getting old…

  11. lol I will leave it at that...Let them southerneres pay the price of what they have done to US with their chidlren and wives of course....US brother 16 years ago...WE never forget right, do WE? at least WE know what WE want now....they did not then...which rightly justifies our position...it's all merry and good...let them looters and scums and scum gonna-be toddlers die.... revenge is a dish best served with indiscriminate Tigraynan shelling...lol ...rebuilding kulahaa..