Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^ LooooooL@Volcanic....Monumental eruptions might make the earth shake. Surely, you don't wanna ATL imploding, you already have hurricanes to deal with.
  2. Somalipride....Let's forget about others for sec and ignore the extension rumor.Lets judge Cadde on his merits. The man has as leader preformed terribly. On major issues like security, inflation, and social development, he did little.Puntland is lot worse today than when Yeey was in power. I understand all this is not entirely his fault, but the buck stops at the top. You can't keep on blaming others for his incompatency. Others took advantage the sitaution cuz he failed to exert his power as leader and exercise sound judgement when it comes to the matters of extreme importance. Puntland is limbing today and the only thing that's stopping from complete implosion is the will of the common man as well as the concern and the actions of the Culumma and tribal elders. Where was he when things were coming apart?
  3. ^ you wanna Stoic giving you mouth to mouth...ok that's not invitation Cl...Don't underestimate attorneys either. the power of a woman dear Hhhhhhhmm..why does every woman say that.
  4. The rangy 3-year-old weighs less than 10 pounds, or 4 kilograms. Her long limbs, weak and folded like a praying mantis, cannot carry even her slight weight. She cannot speak. She doesn't want to eat. Health officials say she is permanently stunted. The U.N. World Food Program estimates that 2.7 million Ethiopians will need emergency food aid because of late rains -- nearly double the number who needed help last year. An additional 5 million of Ethiopia's 80 million people receive aid each year because they never have enough food, whether harvests are good or not. Spend their aid on military hardware while their people starve web page
  5. ^LoooooooooooL..luv your Somali...aa,eee,uuuuuu. Hate tofu.waxaas cunto ma,aha. chock on it dheh
  6. ^I doubt it since that's already in my pre-nup signed,notarised and sealed.
  7. Cute,but Burqa is blown away though :cool:
  8. ^I would prefer honeymoon over Somali style wedding, but don't care when employee bring espouses and kids to work.
  9. ^Mine wasn't entirely free. There was person at the front with box and label that said,"3 dollar donation suggested". P.S. what was she doing at work if she got hitched.
  10. Where is Somaliland Jb, so we would know if it's safe to go there:D
  11. Forever Naaaah I'm doing fine. Just bored at work and we had Asian Heritage Day at work, the food was ok, but the music was horrible. P.S. Have you ever had fried noodle, sour sweet chicken, chicken curry and Veitnamese vege rollup together.
  12. simulating the chase of criminals LoooooooooooL..Cl would be the criminal in this baby run
  13. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Yaa inta kusoo koobi karo hee? Adi isasoo diyaari aan ku dhahay, hadal badan haan ma buuxshee... I need sample horta
  14. ^Hi there, I guess the countdown has begun, what after that anway. Take one year sabbatical perhaps
  15. Northerner is sincere. Leave him alone
  16. Aw MMA Shuun laguuma sheegin miyaa. She's the it girl in Boorame Somalipride...Puntlandpost is reporting that story, or is it owned by the same people web page
  17. LooooooooL@KK...Ayeeyo mugoo dhibwaaye umad kudhahday waan kala baxney oo hadana ku dhax jidha oo booto iyo faan kuugu sii daray.
  18. Thousands of foreigners living in South Africa have taken refuge in police stations and churches as attacks on migrant communities continue. Police say at least 22 people have been killed since the violence first erupted a week ago. The Red Cross in South Africa said it could spread to other areas. Many of those who have sought refuge are Zimbabweans, who have fled violence and poverty at home. Up to three million Zimbabweans are thought to be in South Africa. Here are the stories of migrants in Johannesburg who have been affected by the recent violence. HASSAN, UGANDA I live in Fordsburg in Johannesburg where there are lots of nationals from Somalia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Last night I saw a mob trying to break into the residence next door where many Somalis live. I heard gunfire being exchanged. There was looting and I saw people running out onto the street with fridges and television sets. As I was driving through the area last night I saw a crowd setting light to a man. The police managed to get to him and sprayed him with a fire extinguisher to put the fire out. I am not sure what happened to him. It was terrifying. Tyres are being set alight in the street. They are stopping vehicles and pulling foreign nationals out so they can beat them. Foreign-owned businesses have now closed. It's quiet now but very tense. I am staying with some South African friends who I work with and they are protecting me. The violence seems to be spreading from townships to other parts of Johannesburg. I think this may be being orchestrated from quite high up as there is great rivalry between those who support President Thabo Mbeki and those who support Jacob Zuma [his likely successor. Both men have condemned the violence]. I think the violence will get worse. PRECIOUS, ZIMBABWE I came to stay at the Jeppe police station in Johannesburg because some South African Zulu people came over to our house and attacked us. They took our property and hit my husband. Then they said to us: "You must go." We have nowhere to stay so we came to the police station. We cannot go back to Zimbabwe because life there is very bad and there is no food. I hope things will change in South Africa because it is better here than in Zimbabwe. We have nothing - not even clothes to change into. Now we are scared but there is nothing we can do. We hope to stay here in the police station until the situation calms down and things become more stable. HARUN, SOMALIA My brother and I own a grocery shop in Johannesburg. At about midnight last night a group of about 40 or 50 people came and banged on the door. We let them in. They started looting the shop and they took everything. There is nothing left. They beat up my brother with a large fork. He has serious injuries to his back and one of his veins has been cut. He is now in hospital being treated for his injuries. I managed to escape being beaten. I ran away and stayed with some South African neighbours. The police are looking on but they are not doing anything. You would not believe what is happening here. Everybody is fighting for their lives. I am totally frustrated and don't know what to do. I may have to flee to another neighbouring country. I am fearing for my life. We desperately need help. ANTHONY, MALAWI I came to South Africa a year ago from Blantyre in Malawi. I now work as an accountant with a company in Sandton in Johannesburg. At about 7pm on Sunday night I was reading the newspapers where I live, in accommodation at my company's factory. We heard some noise outside. One of us went to the door to find out what was happening. They burst in saying: "Give us money or we will kill you." They said: "We are not looking for South Africans, we are looking for foreigners." My other Malawian friends and I went to hide in another room where South Africans sleep so they would not think we were foreigners. They had guns. I am sure that if they had found us they would have killed us. They then went on the rampage, looting everything they could. They took televisions, DVD players and mobile phones. Intervention It is a horrible situation here for foreigners. We have nowhere to run because they will even follow us home. I don't know when it is going to end. The police are trying to help, but I don't think there are enough of them. If this violence continues, I will have to go back home to Malawi. I think this problem has happened because South Africans our jealous of the foreigners for taking their jobs. They are blaming the status quo on outsiders. It is about jealousy because they see us as a barrier to their moving ahead. I think the number one factor behind this trouble is the influx of millions of Zimbabweans. They are coming into South Africa in droves. But now they are taking it out on all foreigners. Only a political solution to the crisis in Zimbabwe will solve this problem. If you look at the economic development of South Africa you will see that foreigners have contributed a lot to the country - for example in the mining sector. But now they view the same people as "bad people." Most of the gangs going on the rampage are young people in their twenties so they don't know their history. We are killing each other. Black against black; brother against brother. I am worried in case this escalates into a situation that can no longer be handled - like in Rwanda. Intervention is needed now.
  19. It appeared to have subsided by Wednesday morning, but correspondents say thousands of displaced African migrants are living in deteriorating conditions web page
  20. ^I advocate for restoring Somali sovereignty and statehood, nothing less, nothing more.
  21. ^I dought it,but we will be meeting many others in D.C. including Joel D.Kaplan White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy , a devoted Bush supporter. It should be interesting what he had to say.
  22. "Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma in the left parietal lobe," doctors Lee Schwamm and Larry Ronan said in a statement. web page This stings, my class were suppose to meet him in June :mad:
  23. After tonight, Obama needs less than 80 delegates to clinge the nomination.
  24. ^Wat's sad is the government paid little heed to the situation when this thing was brewing over the years. They couldn't even admit these were xenophobic attacks. South African Press ANDILE MNGXITAMA IN CITY PRESS Negrophobia, or the hatred of blacks, has reached fever pitch in South Africa with the recent attacks on black Africans in Pretoria, Alexandra and Diepsloot ... The rise of negrophobia is the logical conclusion of our failure to decolonise our minds and also socioeconomic realities... The root cause of these attacks rests deep in our colonial and apartheid history EDITORIAL IN CITY PRESS We, more than many other nations, should know better. We should know better because we have just emerged from more than three centuries of the horror of settler colonialism and apartheid ... This madness has to stop. There is simply no justification for attacking people simply because they are not South African nationals web page
  25. An explosion has rocked the centre of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. The blast occurred at 1630GMT. Casualties are reported. There is no word so far on the cause. There have been a number of blasts in Addis Ababa in recent years. Ethiopia has blamed them on militants backed by its neighbour Eritrea. Tensions between the two stem from Ethiopia's failure to hand over the town of Badme, which a UN-backed commission awarded to Eritrea.