Che -Guevara

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Posts posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Islamist rebels attack Somali government HQ

    Tue Jul 8, 2008 10:12 AM BST


    BAIDOA, Somalia (Reuters) - Heavily armed Islamist rebels have attacked the presidential palace and key installations in the Somali government's Baidoa headquarters, killing at least four soldiers, officials said on Tuesday.


    Witnesses said mortar bombs fired by the insurgents late on Monday also hit the airport and a large refurbished warehouse that serves as the parliament of the Western-backed interim administration.


    "Several mortar shells landed on us, killing three troops," Ibrahim Ali Isak, a guard at Baidoa's high-walled presidential palace, said by telephone.



    Seven of his colleagues were injured and taken to hospital, where medical sources said one of them died.


    The attack was carried out by militants of the al-Shabaab, which the United States has listed as a terrorist organisation.


    A spokesman for the rebels, Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, told Reuters their target was the presidential guards and Ethiopian forces supporting the interim government.


    Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein told reporters in Addis Ababa on Monday that the international community must deploy U.N. peacekeepers in his country without delay, or risk worsening insecurity across the Horn of Africa. Continued...


    © Reuters 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  2. Weerar lagu qadey magalada Baydhabo

    8 Jul 8, 2008 - 6:28:15 PM




    Ugu yaraan hal askari oo ka tirsan ilaalada madaxtooyada Baydhabo ayaa ku dhintey gantaallo xalay lagu weeraray degmadas oo xarun u ah Baarlamanka DF halka dhaawacu yahay Lix, iyadoo weraradas ay sheegteen Kooxda hubeysan ee Al-shabaab.


    Saqdii dhexe ee xalay ayaa lagu garaacay Baydhabo madaafiic, iyadoo lala beegsaday garoonka diyaaradaha iyo madaxtooyada, iyadoo rasaas aan badnayn laga maqlay gudaha iyo daafaha magaalada.


    Afhayenka Al-shabaab Sheekh Mukhtar Rooboow [Abu-Masur] oo saxafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay inay dagaalkaas iyagu ka dambeyeen, ayna weerarro ku qaadeen saldhigga ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa Dowladda.


    "Dagaalka aan ku qaadnay Baydhabo wuxuu fure u yahay dagaallo badan oo aan la damacsannahay degmadaas oo ah saldhiggii ugu dambeeyay ee DF iyo ciidamada Ethiopia" ayuu yiri Sheekh Abu-Mansur oo saxaafadda ugu qabtay shir jaraa'id hawada saakay.


    Askariga ku dhintey iyo kuwa dhaawacmey ayaa wuxuu gantaal hoobiye ah ugu tagey teendho ay ku jireen.



    Weerarkaan ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horreyay ee ay mucaradku ku qaadaan Baydhabo.


    Howlwadennada Isbitaalka Baydhabo ayaa waxay shegeen in dhawacyadu ciidamadan ka tirsan ilaalada madaxtooyadu ay yihiin kuwo fudud oo aan darnayn ayna daweyn ku hayan. mana jirto cid ka tirsan DF oo ka hadashay weerarkaas.


    Dhanka kale, xalay kooxo hubeysan ayaa waxay bam ku turen guriga talyaha sirdonka DF ee Baydhabo Max'ed C/raxman waxaana la dhawacmay xaaskiisa oo ay isku goob ku sugnaayeen.


    Werarkan bam ayaanay jirin weli cid sheegatay, waxana sidoo kale booliiska Baydhabo ay ku fureen rasaas gaari kuwa dadweynaha ah, iyadoo ay ku dhimatay halkaas gabar yar ayna ku dhaawacmeen afar ruux oo uu ku jiray wadihii gaarigaas.


    Baydhabo ayaa xalay xalay waxay ahayd meel aad u kacsan, iyadoo maanta ay tahay mid aad u daggan, waxaana weeraradaan ay kusoo beegmayaan xilli ay socdaan shirarka baarlamaanka Somalia.


    Garowe Online, Baydhabo

  3. The discussion reminds of this guy


    However we feel about SNM and whatever we think about them, they have a history to tell and their people have achievements to boast without caring too much about the condemnations coming from outsiders like us. To further the case of Snm's achievements, ironically we don't belong to Snm and we never had, but we celebrate with them on their successes. And our politicians, opposition or otherwise "Udub and Kulmiye" all commemorate Snm victory and speak loudly from the crowds with the intention of praising snm achievements even if that includes Awdal's blood. More embarrassingly, our children study Snm history in school. What more can we say about snm?

    I am not necessarily calling a party which would be against Somaliland existence but I am calling for a party which seek awdali's fair share in Somaliland by any means and if that includes bloodbath in the streets of Borama so be it.

    Even those that support secession feel some alienation, but the idea of formenting to get fair share is horribly misguided. web page

  4. Paragon..There will be consequences if they don't conform to this disguided, but reer Awdal are not helpless and weak. Hargeysa will have the upper inintially but in the end no Somali tribe can subjugate any Somali tribe. One might win few battles but war will go on. But one thing reer Awdal would worry is that Hargeysa unlike many other Somali tribes are singlemindly united in what cause they decide to undertake. You would see other Somalis switch sides and side with the "enemy" on occasion much like reer Gedo siding Galgaduud or Qaybdiid being welcomed in Galkayo, laakin you would never see clan X you Ceyrow put it splitting and joining the "enemy". In that sense, reer Awdal might have to worry since Hargeysa will definately united in their drive to ensure conformity.


    LooooooooL@AT..My fingers and my mind were not well coordinated. I meant you work for uncle Sam. It's case of tuug intaa tuug dhihin ku dhahaa.


    Hello Lazy.

  5. Awdal has never been better. During the Barre regime or any time before than today.

    Who should we credit, the Somaliland admin or the locals and Awdal diasporo?


    If you think he has built Hargeysa, Burco, then think again hun

    I thought the progress made possible mainly thanks to the admin or is there reason you are singling out Riyaale.



    The sool and E. Sanagians were pitted against their neighbors in Ceerigabo, CeelAfwayne, those in Sool were pitted against Caynabo clans, Burco.


    The Awdalites on the other hand were armed to the teeth by the Barre regime and took part in the annihialtion of X clan.

    So every other Somali from Ras Kambooni to Zeila is guilty of crimes against your people. And I would assume your clan X did nothing to contribute to Somali saga. War Ceyrow, tolka waxay ku shaykeestaan when others are not around noola timid. With your line of thinking, reer koonfur don't even have to worry Somaliland secession. If reer Awdal, Sanaag and Sool were given a choice between Somalia and an entity dominated by people who believe the rest of Somalia wanted to annihilate them, I think reer Awdal, Sanaag and Sool will wisely choose Somalia. If everybody thinks like you, it is only matter of time before Somaliland implodes.

  6. It looks like biya la,aanta has caused this incident.


    “Riiggan waxa loo wadaa Magaalada Borama, ka dib markii uu shalay BBC-da ka sheegay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Awdal inay Biyo-la’aani ka jirto Gobolkiisa.

    web page

  7. ^Cadeey,kheyr baan urajeenayaa Awdal intee Soomaaliya kasoo kabanayso.Riyoode iyo rag badan hurdo la,aan ku dhici markay Xamer cadeey hagaagto. :D


    Nuune...I understand the administration mightn't be equipped or have the resources to deal with some of these things, but atleast they acknowledge these disasters. Their complete indifference is very telling.

  8. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    Ceyrow Jnr,

    You have become quite a nuisance of late. Choose a side and stick with it. A man with two wives can never be fair to them both, never mind one with two causes.

    LoooooooooooooooooooL :D:D


    Paragon...When the home turf is threaneted. Miciyo aa lasoo baxdaaye. These boys need long overdue reality check ;)

  9. Not quite, bit of deviation from the norm for me. The poor woman was in tears, and completely helpless. Luckly for me, the other fella that came to her rescue was large white fella.


    P.S. I realised alot of crimies committed against women goes unreported. It's amazing how much they put up with.

  10. The story reminds me another incident where people just did nothing while a man hit by car lay there without anyone coming to his rescue web page


    I personally witnessed people being physically and verbally in the subway while riders watch. One day this particular man was physically and verbally what I assume was his girl friend. Nobody did nothing for couple minutes. I and another guy finally confronted him and like any bully he bolted


    We also have problem with web page . People watch these things happen.

  11. Anyone expecting anything different from this man is setting up themselves for disappointment. Reer Awdal have no one but themselves to rely on. Hopefully there are better days coming their way.


    P.S. It look likes every little child, woman, and man might get their own region icon_razz.gif

  12. ****** is cultural groupings that hail from all Somali clans. It is the culture, the language (May May) and the lifestyle that unites them. Still each of ***** clans does trace their ancestry to the Maxaa tiri(nomadic) clans.


    [ July 07, 2008, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]