Che -Guevara

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Posts posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Confuse eh...LooooooooooooooooL



    Ethiopian Troops Kill More Than 40 People

    By Salaad Iidow Hasan (Hiis), Hiiraan Online

    Friday August 15, 2008



    Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) – Ethiopian troops have killed more than 40 people this afternoon in an area near the town of Afgoye known as Arbiska. The people were civilians traveling in passenger vehicles.


    The victims were in two passenger vehicles. The killing of these civilians appears to be intentional as Ethiopian troops continued to fire on the passengers until there was no movement (perhaps to make sure everyone in the vehicles is dead).


    This brutal killing of civilians riding in passenger vehicles seems the worst atrocity aimed at passengers although in the past Ethiopian troops killed unarmed civilians in several occasions and at several places.


    The number of civilians Ethiopian troops killed in the last 24 hours exceeds 50 when we include other civilians Ethiopian troops killed this morning in an area near former military camp located off the main road that links Mogadishu and Afgoye and others who were killed near Makka Al-Mukarrama street.


    The killings of these civilians by Ethiopian troops comes at a time when this morning Ethiopian troops were targeted with explosions in the area between Mogadishu and Afgoye as well as four attacks they faced several days ago when they were traveling on the main road that links Mogadishu and Baidoa.


    English adaptation by Mohamed Amin Ahmed, Hiiraan Online

  2. ^Your adherence to religion lacks practical dimensions. There's solution to everything. Promoting fervent devotion to one's faith without considering the practical ideas to the problems lacks creativity.Before you start preaching them-either give them the means or show the them the way to clean this rubbish.

  3. People, it is not that I'm not able to pay this money. It is just that I don't understand why we have to bear the burden of someone's illogical action. The man killed another human being for no apparent reason.He is callous with life. And I do help and contribute when I'm asked of something whether it's money for burial, for the sick or for someone who is down on their luck. Whose to say this person won't kill again considering how trigger happy he is.


    NGONE...Why would I preach against something I already decided to support albeit reluctantly.


    DhulQarnayn..I doubt God would unleash his wrath onto me for failing to help a murderer.


    Gheele T...It just so happens the man that get killed belongs to Duke's "people" but don't tell him that he already thinks my objection to Yeey stems from my 'hatred' for his "people".


    Saqajaan..The relationship with the tolka seems to be one way street. So far I have yet to reap the fruits of the Tolnimo business.

  4. Lily-He wasn't intoxicated he murdered the guy.

    I personally would have handed over the victim's family and let make the decision if they wanna spare his life or make him pay for crimes by hanging him high.


    DD...It does happen everywhere but I think it's people try something else.


    Ibti- The man he killed wasn't particularly important.


    Malika..I didn't pay a dime. There's no point in supporting a bad habit.


    Saqajaan..I rather be laangaab.


    Dhubad...Let them kill each other. I know that's sound evil but why do we have to suffer.

  5. A guy called my adeer the other day from the old country saying our family need to fork over atleast 2000 dollars for "save a jack*rse life fund". The man goes to say that we need to contact every member of the Tolka as if ever we keep list of these people and whereabouts. Naturally, adeer politely obliged and said he will see what we can do. I get call saying qaaraan la rabaa to which I answered for what.Supposedly some jack**** decided to recklessly blast a guy over simple argument. I paused for second and politely told my uncle, it wouldn't just cheaper to kill this murderer that way only he has to face the consequences of his irresponsible actions. I believe in saving lifes but I rather give my money to starving child than khat crazed id*ot. I know every life is precious but I see no point in saving this man's life!

  6. The Islamic civilization had reached its peak in the 10th century, and by 1100, the number of Muslims rose to 5.6 million. 18 There existed in Cordoba alone, 200,000 houses, 600 mosques, 900 public baths, 10,000 lamps, 50 hospitals, lighted and paved streets. Muslims introduced public baths because of their need to to wash in preparation for prayer 5x a day. Libraries and research institutions grew rapidly in Muslim Spain, while the rest of Europe remained illiterate.


    In Muslim Spain, knowledge from Greece and Rome was preserved. Arab scholars produced encyclopedias on medicine and astronomy in 11th century, also including astrology, psychology, zoology, biology, botany, chemistry, physics, mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, etc., which Christian scholars acquired and translated. Toledo thrived essentially because of its Muslim rule, and became the "cradle of learning," and the chief point of interaction between the Muslims, Christians and Jews. Western scholars traveled to Spain and Sicily to learn Arabic and to make transcripts of texts in Latin. Muslims produced cotton, paper, salt, silk, satin, pepper, stamps, clocks, soaps, rulers, maps, globes, furs, velvets, described over 200 surgical instruments, and named over 200 stars with Arabic names.
    Hence, it was this Islamic civilization in Spain that was the main threshold behind the European Renaissance.
    During the time the Muslims set foot in Spain in 711 until 1084 (a year before Toledo was taken) Muslim Spain had become an area unique to the entire world.

    Xiin..Your question reminded the above piece by a sister. Andalusia was the embodiment of all that was good with the Islamic civilization.The sister painted beautiful picture of life in Andalusia.Try to contrast Islamic Cordoba, Seville and Toledo with other European cities in the dark ages. I'm sure you know the stark difference between Andalusia and rest of Europe which was then run by one universal institution the Roman Catholic church to which all were devoted.


    The poor peasants of dark ages who slept not from their domestic animals and city dwellers whose excrement would go by their houses were all deeply religious people yet they were poor, filthy and ignorant.The European monks and scholars who sought knowledge and enlightenment from Andalusia were amazed how knowledgeable Muslims were, how clean the people and cities were and how tolerant Islamic government were to the non-Muslims. They couldn't believe the robust economy, the free exchange of ideas, and managerial/administrative skills of those running this land. And when these monks and scholars were alone with their thoughts in the moment of introspection, they understood that they must learn all they can from this civilization and learn they did eventually conquering the very civilization that they so amazed with.


    Not to make it long but the point here is they didn't look down on those poor peasants and call their existence an ignoble one by insinuating that these peasants were filthy coz they didn't follow the words of Jesus Christ. Instead, these monks/scholars used what they learned to advance their civilization.


    You went back, saw a pile of trash and thought..Geeze these people must have abandoned the words of Allah and the Sunnah of Our Prophet (PBUH). The usual suspects came in and joined the chorus. Not once it did occur to you find practical solution for this problem. Instead you climbed high on pedestal looking down on everybody all the while you could have simply engaged with few of the merchants in town and suggest to them to start a waste disposal company-just one truck with two or three trash collectors would have done the job. It is an investment that would have solved a public health issue and created jobs.


    Every other or so day, trucks come to your and every Faarax in here's neighborhood to collect trash. It's beyond me that you wouldn't share things you know with your fellow Muslim. I guess it's easier to criticize them than it's to actually teach them something.


    That said, I'm gonna end my rant with another little fact. The predecessors of the Roman Church were the mighty Rome itself and the Greeks-two civilizations that Andalusian Muslims and others look to for knowledge.They studied and translated many works of Greek and Roman scholars that Andalusia was teaching to the inheritors of these civilization the very thing they should have known. The point here is civilizations evolve and devolve!!!. It's natural cycle and I'm sure you could figure where the Islamic civilization is evolving or devolving now.



    One last thing I was reading this story while back web page In country, where Islamic brotherhood lurks everyone corner, I wonder if you could go and preach about conducting themselves Islamically?


    P.S. I very much liked Cara explanation better even though she didn't offer any solutions either but atleast she didn't pass down judgment and question people's deep held faith.

  7. Xiin-I wouldn't know what goes in your mind and it wasn't was meant to be taken literaly but you sounded like depicting these people's everyday purpose as ignoble. Atleast that's how it came across to me. How you surmise these 'rumblings' in your mind is diffirent story. Could this have less to do with Islam or moral degradation and more to do with your need for 'mechanized' convenience hence you rather have cashier with fake smile and empty gestures.