Che -Guevara

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Posts posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Warmonger-Ninyahow..Horta stop Faaraxs massacring their own people in Somalia-we go extinct, it's cuz of mass murder and mass displacement in Somalia. Get your priorities mixed.


    P.S. And why would worry as long as Somali men are reproducing whether be with Xalimos or Ajnabi.


    Malika...It wasn't even a big deal in Somalia. In Xamer, women were married to Italians and Arabs.

  2. ^I don't think you have worry Somali race dying out cuz marrieges to other ethnic groups. Faraaxs are already doing mighty job of that on their own. Blaming Xalimos is just silly.


    Ibti- I guess you used Cl's catalogues.


    Unknown...My Somali is rusty but It would be kaluun not kaaluun.

  3. Xiin...I read your initial post one more time and it is more than just an observation but to your questions-the reason garbage isn't pickup in Bosaso and elsewhere in the old country is the breakdown of the social structure that was in place before the war(the word antebellum comes to mind not that there was something very elegant and grandiose about Somalia but at least there was peace and system in place). Should litter in the streets be the norm. Absolutely not, but it will take more than local Imam preaching about nadaafid during the Friday prayers to clear the rubbish. Unless the Imam comes out of the mosque and entice people to clean streets-nothing will be done. That said, Xiin is Nestor among the SOL elders and gravid with ideas. What would be the solutions to this problem?

  4. Originally posted by Pucca:

    My canadians are excellent athletes...they dont need medals to prove that.

    This is not special Olympics dear and we are not in kindergarten :D


    LooooooooooooL@Ibti...Half aaa...Only Pucca is left in Canada. What they need is those East Germans coaches from 70s.

  5. LooooooooooooL...I think you are being little sensitive. Nowadays everyone is suspect not to say there's an inherent culture of prejudice against blacks. Doping become so bad that all sport federations are required to test their players before sending them to international events. Some federations had to pull out players from this Beijing games. People's natural reaction become one of suspicion every time player does well whether it's Phelps or Bolts. It's unfortunate but that's sad the reality.

  6. ^The problem of doping is more endemic in track and field-Marion Jones, Tassos Gousis,Roman Usov,Justin Gatlin, Latasha Jenkins, and the list goes on. Track and field became more like Tour De France.


    P.S..Phelps is tested after every win and I'm sure they will test Bolts too!

  7. LooooooooooooL@Pucca


    come on now, the Olympics is Yanks vs Ching Changs-the rest might as well go home :D


    The English are pathetic. Paula Radcliffe drop out icon_razz.gif