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Posts posted by Suldaanka

  1. Che

    Afrika is by large the by-product of colonialism. And Somaliland is as much as any other african country a by product of that same era. Not hard to understand or does it?


    Somaliland is not against "Somaliweyn" or "unity" for that matter. "Somaliweyn" has never meant to be "Somaliland + Somalia", these are only but 2 of the 5 Somali regions. So, our position is this, " it is either 1 or 5 ". "1" being a single "Somaliweyn" which unites all Somali 5 regions and 5 meaning each region being on its own. That is the challenge.

  2. Singub waa gabyaaggii sadexaad (3rd) ee dhooqada dhex dabaasha. The first was Jamac Kadiye, a really old man in his 70s or older, but still housing bitter clanish hatred for us. At that age, he composed a couple of new gabays calling us "jews" and "gaalo" and all those you would otherwise expect from teenager with the wrong upbringing.


    and now its Singub's turn.


    One wonders, Geela Duqisii durduriyey, arankiisana maxaad u malayn? You can only imagine, nacaybka heerkaas jooga. cajiib.

  3. ^^^ Cakaara was one of the oldest and most famous Maqaaxi in downtown Hargeisa.


    On the subject matter..


    This is a classical "Yooyootan", Somaliland politicians are famous for that. That is all as far they go however. No bullets or fights. Just mere name callings and character assissination.


    But, however this is between two men *Biyo Hoosta iska haraatiyey ayagaa is og*, but still it is a very unneeded and shameful of behalf of these gentlemen to engage in this. Especialy at this piont of time when we need to be working in unity to overcome the many problems that lay infront of us.


    I urge the gentlement concerned to engage in a more lively and healthy debate let their critism be more constructive, instead of this useless name calling and attacks on indivituals.

  4. Singubow ma waxii lagu mooday, ma waxaad noqotey, mise waxaan loo noqondoonin.


    Waxa lagu moodaayay:


    A "uniting" figure. A PAN Somali poet, who has by now tasted the bitterness of clanism and has bare witnessed of the many problems that the Somalis in the diaspora are facing day after day. A man who would deliver a thoughtful and calculated speech vis-a-vis of your status.


    Waxaad noqotey:

    A narrowminded clanish pigot, who houses an unmatched hatred for a particular Somali clan. Your speech says volumes about your hidden self. If anything, it was the kind I would expect from a typical hatefilled Somali over the Paltalk system. But unlike them, whom remain anonymous about their hatred, you unleashed your unmatched hatred at a live public gathering.



    Waxaan loo noqondoonin:

    Dadku inuu kala jidh fiicanyahay waxaad ku garataa. A Somali Fighter Pilot , who hails from Banadir area and had never been to Hargeisa, REFUSED to BOMB the city and its residents. And quote: "my decision was firm to risk dying rather than bombarding civilians and their property "



    While another man who owes so much to the people of Hargeisa, a man who without the support and hospitality of the people of Hargeisa would have never made it to what he is today, has called the indiscrminate bombardment of Hargeisa city and its residents as "Righteous" one. Talk about an ungrateful man.



    Hargeysa's reaction to Singub's "Way Haboonayd in Hargeisa la burburiyo"

  5. Originally posted by Qudhac:

    i think her uncle who is a somaliland minister should be shot for being such coward and not even saying one word in her defence in all that time what a wetbag.

    That was uncalled for man. What do you think we are? a lawless country? The minister has done the right job for not interfering with the justice system. Our judicial system is constitutionaly independent.


    There were some mistakes on the part of the government made during this case, but in all, they followed according to our system. They deserve an applause for that.


    If Zamzam feels that she was innocent, she had the chance to make an appeal to the higher courts. On the otherhand, if she thinkgs that she had been wronged or mistreated while in detention, then she has the right to sue and bring all that she thinks were involved to court. That is our system, no body jumps queues or cuts corners.

  6. bg.jpg

    [Gates Rocks Bono at Davos ]


    Davos - Rock star and anti-poverty campaigner, Bono, and computer billionaire Bill Gates , united with British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Thursday to warn that 2005 must be a turning point for poverty in Africa .


    Bono emphasised that leaders of the Group of Eight industralised countries were carrying the hopes of a generation, as Blair reiterated pledges to implement massive financial help for Africa this year .


    "This can be described as an adventure, it cannot be described as these eight leaders carrying a rock. Our generation wants to be remembered for something," the U2 band leader told journalists at the World Economic Forum.


    "Our generation wants to be remembered for something other than the war against terror."


    "We actually want to perhaps be the generation that's remembered for ending extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is what I call ****** poverty," he added as the three joined the South African President Thabo Mbeki, Nigeria's Olesegun Obasanjo and former United States President Bill Clinton in a debate on the issue.


    No bleeding hearts.


    Amid reminders that one billion Africans were living on less than one dollar a year , Britain pledged £45m for bednets to protect millions of Africans from the debilitating and deadly mosquito-borne disease malaria.


    "It's not the usual bleeding heart debate going on here," Bono said, warning of the danger that some of Africa's poverty and conflict-ridden states could turn into destablising hotbeds of extremism.


    "I said how dangerous it is to leave Africa in this state, there are 10 or 12 potential Afghanistans there ," he added.


    Gates and Bono praised efforts by the G8 - which is led by Britain in 2005 - to finance more aid, trade and health care for Africa in recent years.


    "I'm very optimistic about what will happen, but I agree it will be a turning point this year ," Gates told journalists.


    Aid needed to be doubled, rich countries still had to open up to their markets to trade from Africa, and much of the debt relief effort had to be completed by the end of the year, Bono warned.

  7. After a few days of closure, our nomad "cheap propaganda" merchant is back in business.


    Mate, land disputes is not something new in Somaliland. In fact, it is the source of over 90% of the problems in today's Somaliland. It is the last major domestic hurdle that reer Somaliland need to overcome. There were a time when the police clashed with people almost every second month for illegal buildings or trying to calm a dispute between two families. But now that has exponentially decreased, it is something like once or twice a year.

  8. Excellent photos there. I love the sense of "frozen in time" and the emptyness of the those somewhat deserted quarters. It puts you into a state of wonder, that is how the rest of today's big sprawling cities might have been years ago. Somewhat close to how I would have pictured it in a sheeko-xariir about bari-samaadkii. :D



    "dhismaha Masjidka Jaamacaddul Khadiimi oo la dhisay 682 sanadka Miilaadiyada"


    Prophet Mohamed (SCW) was alive at that time. That makes it one of the oldest mosques built.