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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Bariga Sanaag Oo U Muuqata Meel Dagaal Lama Huraan Yahay Somaliland.Org — Erigabo, Somaliland — 10 April, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceerigaabo ( – Xaaladda deegaanka Dhahar ee Bariga Sanaag ayaa deggan ilaa shalay, kadib dagaalkii shalay ku dhexmaray ciidanka Somaliland iyo kuwa maamul-goboleedka Puntland. Hase yeeshee, waxa deegaankaas laga soo sheegay dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo laxaad leh. Wasiirro door ah oo ka tirsan Somaliland ayaa ku sugan magaalada Ceerigaabo ee Xarunta Gobolka Sanaag, waxaana la sheegay in ay shirar iyo wadatashi albaabadu u xidhan yihiin ay ku jireen ilaa maanta. Isla markaana waxa gaadhey magaalada Ceerigaabo iyo deegaamada bariga ka xiga ciidamo iyo tikniko xoog leh oo ka tegey magaalooyinka Burco iyo Hargeysa. Waxayna wararku ishaarayaan in xaaladda magaalada Ceerigaabo iyo xoojinta ciidamada Somaliland ee gaadhey halkaasi ay u muuqato in dagaal uu lama huraan yahay. Saraakiil Milateri oo jooga Ceerigaabo ayaa iyaguna u sheegay in ilaa saddex aag oo bariga iyo Koonfurta Ceerigaabo ah ay ku wajahan yihiin ciidamo laxaad leh oo Somaliland ah, dagaalna aan laga fursanayn. Qof jooga magaalada Burco ayaa u sheegay inay dhaafeen tikniko iyo ciidan fara badan oo u sii jeeda dhinaca Bariga xalay, waxana uu sheegay inuu arkay isagu kolanyo ilaa 16 gaadhi oo tikniko ah.
  2. 13 Wasiir Iyo Saraakiil Hay'adaha Samafalka Ka Socda Oo Booqashooyin Ugu Kala Baxay Deegaamada G. Sanaag Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 11 April, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceerigaabo ( – Ilaa 13 wasiir oo ka socda xukuumadda Somaliland oo ay weheliyaan Agaasimayaal iyo saraakiil ka socda hay'adaha Samafalka Caalamiga ah ayaa maanta magaalada Ceerigaabo uga kala ambabaxay Afarta Jiho, iyaga oo kormeer ku soo maraya deegaamada gobolka Sanaag, si ay u soo dhammaystiraan hawlgalkii sahanka mashaariicda. Wasiirradan iyo masuuliyiinta hay'adaha Samafalka Caalamiga ah oo loo kala diray Gobolada Togdheer, Sool iyo Sanaag ee Bariga Somaliland, si ay u soo sahamiyaan baahida dhinaca mashaariicda horumarineed ee goboladaas ka jirta ayaa isugu wada tegey magaalada Ceerigaabo, halkaas oo ay ilaa shalay ku sugnaayeen. Waxayna wufuuddaasi hawshooda dib uga bilaabeen Gobolkaas, iyada oo ay gobolkaas ka taagan tahay xaalad colaadeed oo ka dambeysey iska horimaad ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa Maamulgoboleedka Puntland ku dhexmaray degmada Dhahar ee Bariga Sanaag, halkaas oo lagu soo weeraray wefti ka socda Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumadda Somaliland oo hordhac u ahaa weftiga wasiirrada iyo hay'adaha ee sahanka u ah mashaariicda horumarinta, isla markaana laga soo saaray degmadaas. Wasiirada xukuumadda Somaliland iyo masuuliyiinta hay'adaha ayaa isu qaybiyey Afar koox oo u kala baxay maanta deegaamada Bariga, Galbeedka, Koonturta iyo Waqooyiga magaalada Ceerigaabo, si ay u soo sahamiyaan baahiyaha ka jira deegaamadaas. Dhinaca bariga ayaa iska horimaadku ka dhacay ayaa la sheegay weftiga u baxay in ay gaadhayaan ilaa degmada Badhan. Waxayna dib ugu soo noqonayaan magaalada Ceerigaabo marka Afartaa kooxood soo dhammeeyaan kormeerkooda. Xaaladda ayaa haatan caadi ah deegaankaas, waxaana la sheegay in degmada Dhahar iyo deegaanka ku dhowiba ay si buuxda ugu gacangaleen maamulka Puntland, iyada oo shalay degmadaas laga dhisay gole deegaan oo maamulka Puntland ah. C/risaaq M. Dubbad, Hargeysa.
  3. Minister of Defence Arrives in Sanaag ------------- Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga oo gaadhay ceerigaabo Waxaa xalay gaadhay magaala Madaxda gobolka Sanaag ee Ceerigaabo wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee Somaliland Mudane Aadan Mire Waqaf iyo saraakiil la socotay oo uu ka mid yahay ku xigeenka abaanduulka ee aagga bari Maxamed Abokor. Weftigan oo uu taliyaha ciidanka Qaranka ee gobolka Sanaag Mudane Muuse Jaamac Delef uu kaga hortegey wadada ayaa markii ay soo gaadheen magaalada Ceerigaabo waxay kulan albaabadu u xidhan yihiin ay la qaateen madaxda ciidamada Qaranka ee ku sugan gobolka Sanaag, kulankaas oo ka dhacay taliska ciidanka Qaranka ee gobolka Sanaag. Dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Ceerigaabo ayaa si weyn uga dhursugayey kulankan laakiin illaa iminka ma jiro wax saxaafadda looga soo bandhigay.
  4. Azhari went on to claim Ethios are not illegal invaders but were invited by "the government" (read farther in/outlaw) and that's when the well-prepared Zakaria produced documents including UN resolution banning front-line states, which includes Ethiopia from sending troops to Somalia. When Azhari suggested no Ethios were involved in the recent massacre of civilians in Xamar, the presenter ( who earned his wages last night btw) asked him if the whole of international media agencies were telling lies and he was telling the truth to which he unashamedly replied ..."yes.." Indho adayg. Ilaahaw xishoodka iyo xayaha ha naga qaadin.
  5. Doodii Dhexmartay:- Zakari-yaha Masar iyo Azhari-ga Itoobiya Ilaa iyo maalintii kenalka Aljazeera baahiyey in dooda barnaamijka caanka ah ee al-Itijaah Al-mucaakis lagu soo qaadan doono arrimaha Soomaaliya oo ahayd markii ugu horaysay ee barnaamijkan lagu soo qaado Soomaalida lasykana horkeeno laba qof oo iayaguna Soomaali ah tan iyo markii ay Aljazeera hawada gashay ayaa dadka Soomaaliyeed waxa ay xiisaynayeen cidda barnaamijkan kulul ka qayb qaadan doonta. Dad badani waxay sii saadaaliyeen, iyo kuwa ogaaba in barnaamijkaas ay isugu imaan doonaan Zakiriye iyo Azhari, oo midna yahay La taliyaha madaxweynaha dawlada federaalka , kan kalenaya yahay xubin sida hadda muqata dibad joog ah oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed. Si kastaba ha ahaateen markii barnaamijkii uu hordhacii xiisaha badnaa Faysal Al-qaasim u sameeyey , dadkuna horfadhiyaan T.V-ga ama shaashada horteeda lana xiisaynayo caawa labada qof ee ka soo baxaya Aljazeera yey noqondoonaa, ayaa Faysal markii uu dhameeyey hordhaciisii oo dhamaan uu dusha uga riday sida muuqatay dawlada iyo Itoobiya, ayaa waxa kamaradihii lagu qabtay xubnaha doodu ku dhexmarayso kulankan aadka loo xiiseynayey. Runtii goobtii aan ku daawanyey oo ahayd xarunta jaaliyadda Soomaalida ee xaafadda Xorna Dimishiq waxa ay dadkii daawanayey markiiba Faaleeyeen labada xubnood ee laysu keenay, waxayna markiiba tilmaameen in labadan xubnood aysan isu dhigmin. Waa ta-Koowaade Azhari waxaa lagu bartay intii uu ka hadlayey warbaahinta ama noqday La taliyaha C/laahi Yuusuf nin aan luqadaha markaas wax laysku weydaarsanyo aad u aqoon gaar ahaana Carabiga oo uu aad ugu liito waxayna taasi ka soo baxday dooda dhexdeedii sida uu ku yahay luqada afka Carabiga ah, oo iyadu ahayd tan muuddooyinkan danbe lagu faafiyo xogaha ugu badan ee Soomaalida. Waxaana dad badani aad u ogaayeen in Zakariye luqada inta uu ka yaqaano ku burburindoono Azhari, waayo waxa hore looga bartay in Zakariye si wanaagsan fikirka uu aaminsan yahay u soo bandhigo. Doodii kolkii ay bilaabmatay runtii waxaa goobtii ka soo baxay sida labada nin ay u kala horeeyaan, sababta oo ah markiiba waxa uu Zakariye guda galay in uu wixii fakir uu aaminsanaa Soo bandhigo, isaga oo ka faa’ideysanay Taariikhdii soo jireenka ahayd ee labada dal ka dhaxaysay, taas oo meelna aan wanaag kaga xusnayn, isaga oo ka faa’iideysanay luqada Carabiga ee uu kaga horeeyo Azhari. Waxaadna moodaysay in Azhari isaga oo Og in aanu awoodeeda lahayn doodan , af-ahaan iyo xog-ahaanba uu soo dhexfadhiistay warshada wax Riqida ama burburisa, waxaana dad badani isweydiiyeen waxa uu isaga oo aan si wanaagsan luqada u aqoon uu afafkii kale ee uu bawsan jiray ugu hadli waayey, oo xataa waxaa ka dhicin lahayd turjumaada oo dad weynaha loo soo gubiyo wuxuu ku doodayo. Arrinta kale ee meesha ka soo baxday waxay noqotay in uu Azhari ku yahay C/laahi Yuusuf boog ama nabar ,taas oo ka soo dhex baxday dooda dhexdeedii markii lagu sheegay in uu yahay khaayin, basaas u ah dawlada Itoobiya, oo uu difaacisii kali ahaa noqday in ay C/laahi Yuusuf ilmaader yihiin,iyo in uu qabo gabadh ina C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke ah, lana ogyahay in uu C/rashiid hadduu maanta noolaan lahaa aanu ku raaceen fikirkiisan , sababtoo ah wuxuu ahaa ninkii aaminsanaa in gacana lagu cudeeyo, gacana dhulka Soomaaliyeed lagu xoreeyo. Sida muuqatan markiidanbe ku noqotay weedh lagu karbaasho ,sidaan anigu u fahmay xataa Faysal Al-qaasim ugu jeesjeesay Azhari, isaga oo kuleh, Zakariye, “waa ku sidee Zakariye, ninku waa madaxweynaha la taliyihiisa, qabana gabadha/inanta Madaxweynaha, ha aflagaadeen.” Waxa kale oo uu goobtii ku soo qaaday Azhari qabiilo Soomaaliyeed, taas oo muujinaysay sida uu u awoodi waayey in uu soo bandhigo xujjooyin dadweynaha qanciya, waxa kale oo layaab noqotay markii uu ku tilmaamay Zakariye basaas Masar u shaqeeya, taasina ay noqon weyday wax caqliga gala, markiibana loo sheegay wuxuu is dhex dhigayaa in aanay is qabanayn, wixii Xusni Mubaarak ku qawlayna loo sheegay, oo ahayd in Masar Fahansan tahay Talaabada ay Itoobiya ka qaaday Soomaaliya, waxaa muuqatay in Zakariya jeclaan lahaaba in lagu sheego Basaas Masar u shaqeeya, Masartii Jamaal Cabdi Naasir ee difaaci jirtay Soomaaliya, laakiin waxay ka hoostay Azhari markuu Zakariye ku tilmaamay Basaas Masar. Inkasta oo Zakariye weedhe qalafsan iyo sawaxan uu fadhiga ku asqeeyey haddana waxa muuqatay in Zakariye uu xujooyin soo bandhigay kuwaas oo dhamaantood ahaa taariikhda itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya oo aan marnaba shaadh qurux badan loo soo galin Karin, waxaana muuqatay Azhari in u si doqoni magarato ah isugu dayey in uu cimaamad u saaro itoobiyaanka isaga oo yidhi xabashidu waa kuwii soo dhaweeyey Asxaabtii rasuulka(C.S), Malezna ku ammaanay in uu ku daray distoorka itoobiya in gobolkii doonaa go'i karo, laakiin wuxuu ilaaway Azhari kuwii kabcadda duminayey, hadeer la qabo in ay weeraridoonaan ay yihiin xabashi, Najaashina uu ahaa nin haystay diin sax ah ee aanu marnaba u dhigmin ama lala simi Karin jabhadda Tegreega ee maanta Dalka xoogga ku qabsatay. Barnaamijkii Al-itijaah Al-mucaakis in kasta oo uuna maanta dhaawac Soomaali soo gaadhay dhayi Karin, haddana wuxuu ahaa mid shaadhka ka saaray Azhari iyo C/laahi Yuusuf oo sida muuqata ku khaldamay markuu ka dhigtay afhayeenkiisa ama la taliyahiisa Azhari, oo isaga oo aan xataa luqada si wanaagsan u aqoon marba meel u dira, doodahana yidhaahda magacayga kaga qayb gal. Waxana muuqata in uu C/laahi Yuusuf Haysan maanta qof Luqadda carabiga si wanaagsna u yaqaana oo difaaca, iyada oo maanta qofkii Dawladda Federaalka iyo Cabdilaahiba u doodaa Dhiiqo iyo danbi dhexfadhiisanayo. Waxaan ku soo gabagabaynayaa Doodaasi waxay guushu ku raacday Zakriyihii Masar, Waxayna Guuldarradu ku raacaday Azharigii Tegree. Asad Caddaani Ibraahim Dimishiq Suuriya.
  6. ^^ Its good Arvo from me sxb.
  7. ^^You can bring your flag and your army given that you were invited to Hargeysa by its leaders. Somaliland didn't go there out of the blue. This came as a result of a long discussions and the locals were very much anticipating for their arrival, until Puntland out of jealousy tried to make a mess out of the situation. A good example of "Cadaw ku cunay ama ku ciidayey" sort. Rer Dhahar have brains and understand who is the aggressor.
  8. ^ You are qouting me out of the context sxb. About the hasty union. Indeed it was a terrible mistake that my representatives committed in the 1960s. But I understand that everything they did they did it because they believed in it, because they thought that a strong and united SOmalia was the way forward. It weren't meant to be. And it turned out the complete opposite to what they envisioned. Lets just blame at lack of knowledge from their side. Ok, we agree that a general referendum might be an answer to this question. I would be open to what the experts say when the time comes.
  9. I agree with you guys, those minor wolves should be stoped,they are losers, and all blame lies to our people there, How can guys from Hargaisa dare to come to our beautiful Dhahar? So what burns your guts most is the guy from Hargeysa going to Dhahar? Well, I hope you are alone in your state of mind. I am sure the people back in Dhahar see things differently. And they don't mind the guys from Hargeysa not only coming to their city but also standing by them in their defence.
  10. Mansa Munsa The Somaliland consistitution that you are refering to was written by qualified lawyers from Sudan and was overseen by Dr. Mohamed Omar Gees (from Eastern Sanaag) and Mohamed Hajji Ibrahim Egal. I can assure you, its the most democractic constitution that was ever written by a Somali region. In that, its clan-blind, its region-blind and it gives total equality to all of Somaliland citizens. It gives the right to every citizen to contest for any office in the country democractically and also makes sure that the lesser minority clans get their share. For instance, unlike Puntland, any person from any region who fulfills general cretrion can run for the leadership of the nation. It is not reserved for a particular clan. Also every seat in the parliament can be contested in an open and democratic way. Anyone can be nominated from any region and has equal chance as the other. For instance, you might be surprised by the fact that, a man who was born in Togdheer was nominated in Hargeisa and won a seat in Hargeysa because rer Hargeysa voted for him. In another instance, a man from Awdal was nominated in Gabiley district and won a seat there. It is all about vote not about kinship. That is that for the power sharing. But I would like to know exactly what parts of the consistution that you think are biased and in what ways. You've asked the question about Federal Somali Government. My position is very clear, I am one of those who believe the fact that the union of the 1960s has totally failed us, as Somalilanders. I believe we can not gamble on the future of our people and commit another mistake in which the people will pay a high price once again. But that being my position, I am aware that there are many people who believe otherwise. I respect their position too. It is very natural to have differences of opinion and Somaliland is not the first place to have such a contrasting views on their political future. It happens throughout the world. So, I believe, Somaliland should go through the same AU/UN sponsored political process as other similar cases in the world, went through. That means, I am open for a General Referendum on this issue, giving the people their choice by asking the question of "Whether they want want Unity or Independence?" Your last question was about interests. Well, I think you should ask that question to the people of those regions that formerly supported Puntland but are now disinterested with it. But if I may explore a little, let me first remind you the fact that SOOL and SANAAG are inhabited by many clans who have differences of opinion, but share a long history of common interests. These are clans that are the most mixed and basicaly share everything except the difference in politics. I would say, since those clans that formerly supported Puntland but are now searching for an alternative even entertaining the idea of establishing their own, to seriously consider the better alternative which Somaliland presents.
  11. ^^ lol An old philosopher once said in the late 1900 century three things will become less important by the turn of the 20th century. I can't recall the other two but one of them was "blood is thicker then water". He said "interest" will be what will unite man, not blood. So there you have it, Digi Kong. --------- Mansa, The Somaliland Democractic system needs a lot of hardwork and a lot of further development for it work the way it should be working. The aim of the system is to ultimately lessen the clanish cloath that every Somali sees through the politics. It is already having a significant impact although there needs to be a lot more work. Fighting corruption, transparency and all that you mentioned are part of these work that should be done. The Somaliland national armed forces is made up of all the people and clans in Somaliland from Awdal to Sanaag, Sahel to Sool. The aim of the army is to provide security and create the necessary atmosphere in which the government services and international ngo services can be delivered. You know full well that the great majority of the people of Sool in the places where SL army is stationed are very happy about their presence with the exception of a few who like to create distrust and aroust clanish feverish. I agree a war is no good for anyone. That is why Somaliland has exercised the most restraint even when we obliged to. Even to the extent that some people had to ask why Somaliland is not fighting back.
  12. Che, Doqontu halkii lagu dagaalamay farta ayay ku fiiqda halkii lagu heshiiyey waligeed waa ka indho la'day. Mind you, I am just reciting the phrase. That ugly chapter was closed for too long. The new chapter is about peace building, about development about brotherly neighbors, about working together, all that is good for a healthy and functioning society. You are blind to these, I am sure. ------------ Mansa Munsa Of course everyone needs whatever benefits that they can get. But I was just stating the facts. Call it cantrabaqash but that is how it is. As for your series of questions. I don't know about Puntland, but you seem to have an inherent misunderstanding of Somaliland and the way it works. Let me break it down for you. No one rules no one in Somaliland. Somaliland has a highly decentralised democractic governance, although not yet perfect. Let me give you an example, rer Awdal elect their own leaders, Borama which is the capital of Awdal elects its own leaders, Lughaya which is another city in Awdal elects its own leaders, Zeyla is the same. No district rules another, no region rules another. Everyone runs his own area in a democratic way. The same goes for the rest of Somaliland, from Gabiley to Erigavo. The people elect their leaders from their own local people. The central government is also an elected body with a proportionally distrubuted executive branch. There is an equal number of ministers proportional to represent all sectors in Somaliland. The aim is to create something which is representative of the locals, sometthing the locals elect from the street level to the regional level to the state level. It is not yet perfect but that is the aim. Now, if I get back to what you said, rer Sool are no less nor inferior to other Somaliland communities but its the outside interference and internal disorganisation which have made them divided. What Somaliland is offering is for Sool people to rule their region by themselves. For Lascanood people to rule themselves and elect their own leaders through the balletbox. For Sool to have an equal access to all that is available through Somaliland just like all the other regions without favourship or kinship discrimination.
  13. ^^ Ask yourself, why Puntland isn't doing anything for the parts of Sool that come under it, for instance? The parts of Sool which come under Somaliland recieve all the benefits including annual immunisation drives, food aide, etc. Yagoori now has a brand new Police station with uniformed unarmed police officers. It also recently got a local MCH clinic for women and kids. Xuddun district was about to recieve these benefits but it was Puntland melitia that created trouble there and the worse thing Xuddun has neither MCH nor a police station upto now. These are the basics that every village in Somaliland sports. There are a lot more UN and NGO presence in Hargeysa than in Garoowe. And the offices in Hargeysa have higher status in terms of their scope of work and their ability to make decisions. Its also a fact that most of the NGOs and UN shuttle offices in Garowe refer to Nairobi via Hargeisa offices.
  14. ^^Its is not the Somaliland administration which provides the aide, its the international community. Somaliland government would love to have the means and the money to support and develop its nation, but the sad reality is the little money that coming into the coffers are spent on administration and peace keeping and hardly anything is left for development. But what Somaliland government is able to do is to facilitate the communication and guidance between the locals and the international community. Rer Gabiley understood this first and benefited a lot, rer Awdal were next to understand, while the rest of SOmaliland communities were waiting for the Somaliland administration to spoonfeed them. Now, the people in Salahley, Oodweine, Burao, Sahel are all on board and are trying to help themselves first so that they international community through Somaliland government will help them too. Now the ball is on the Sool and Sanaag regions. Most of Sanaag are on board and parts of Sool. Eastern Sanaag and other parts of Sool need to capitalise on this for the benefit of their people.
  15. ^^There might be those Calool ushaqeeyste but I can't say everyone is like that. Somaliland brings together the top people from Eastern Sanaag, Buuhoodle and Sool to represent them. These are people who were in the political arena since the 1960s and include the likes of Qaybe, Fagadhe, Gees, Cadami etc. These are the statesmen who hail from those regions. I do think everyone of them wants whats good for his region and people. But the problem here is the "Clanism" card which Puntland obviously uses in times of desparate measures. Just like Bush and Johnny Howard use the fear factor of terrorism to try to get more support, the Puntland side uses the clan factor to keep these people in their state. Somaliland is open to all its citizens and everyone has equal right to have his share of the cake. From Awdal to Sanaag, Somaliland will try to appeal to everyone to come onboard. Those who refuse because of clanish reasons, there is nothing we can do for them but we will still appeal for them to join the Somaliland family.
  16. ^^The difference between Somaliland side and the Puntland side is that clear fact that Puntland is doing nothing for those people and they always try to stirr trouble "Khalkhal abuur" when Somaliland comes to try to fill the vacuum. Somaliland is here trying to see what the locals need and wants to try to bring more international support for the locals but the Puntland side neither wants to do anything for them nor wants anyone else to do the job they failed to do.
  17. ^^ --------- Maanta waxaa shirk u qabtay magaalada ceergaabo wefti balaadhan,oo ka koobnaa 13 wasiir, 3 xildhibaan, iyo wefti ka socda 30 hay’adood, iyo wasiir ku xigeeno Weftigaas oo ka khudbadeeyey beerta xuriyada ayaa socdaalkooda ku asteeyey Inay u socdaan barnaamij ah maamul fidin ah kaas oo lagu samaynayo dhamaan hay,adaha dawlada ee goboladaiyo degmooyinka Sland. Waxaa furay maayarka degmada Mudane: Ismail X Nuur kaas oo ku soo dhoweeyey weftiga. Waxa kale oo ka hadlay badhasaab ku xigeenka gobolka Mr C/casiis Xasan Isaga oo ka hadlay kana war bixiyey gobolka, iyo degmooyinkiisa. Iyo in gobolku ka kooban yahay 10 degmo weftiguna soo maray 5 ka mid ah inta kalena diyaar u tahay Waxaa kale oo ka hadlay laba caaqil oo kala ahaa; jiif caaqil C/kariin Ducaale iyi caaqil Axmed Xaashi. Iyada oo uu aad uga hadlay Jiifcaaqil C/kariin Ducaale kana jeediyey khudbad qiimo leh oo uu gobolka hadlay iyo baahiyihiisa aadna loogu sacabo tumay. Waxaa kale oo iyana lagu soo dhoweeyey xildhibanadii gobolka oo uu u hadlay Mudane: Maxamed Cali Cumar Jabaabul isna khubad kooban ka jeediyey. Waxaa kale oo ka hadlay W/dawlaha Caafimaadka Axmed Cali Shire isaga oo socdaalkooda ka waramay darafna ka taabtay baahida gobolka. Waxaa lagu wareejiyey micrifoonki wasiirka qorshay qaran Mudane Cali Ibraahin (cali sanyare) oo ahaa kan aadka loo sugayey. Isaga oo socdaalkoodii ka warmay isaga sheegay inay wadaan barnaamij balaadhan ah mid ay ka cawiyeen hay.adaha deeqda bixiya, kaas oo wada gaadhaya dhamaan degmooyinka dalka. Iyaga oo hadda u socda Sidii ay qiimayn ugu samayn lahaayeen baahiyaha gobolka. Wuxuu kaloo sheegay inay dejinayaan hay’adahaa gobolka waxna ka qabandoonaan. Waxa isna ka hadlay wasiirka arimaha debebada Mr C/laahi Ducaale (dhoolayare) Isaga sii faahfaahiyey socdaalkooda kuna booriyey dadka reer sanaag inay midoobaan. Waxqabadka gobolkana u soo wada jeestaan. isaga oo soo gunaanaday shirkii.
  18. --- General news as of before Sun Set local time. - A total of 14 ministers and a number of MPs are currently touring Sanaag - A total of 21 International and local NGOs are also touring trying to assess the needs of the locals - Somaliland government officials are holding talks with locals in Both Dhahar and Badhan city - A number of Ministers are touring Southern Sanaag - SL Minister of National Planning held a general meeting with the head of the Region and leaders of Erigavo in Beerta Xoriyadda in Ceerigaabo Other developments - A heavily armed Somaliland military has reached the vicinity of Dhahar city - Traditional elders asked Somaliland Officials to remove their armed supporters from the city centre after the local armed supporters successfully stopped a Puntland advance. Locals also asked the Puntland melitia not to attack and bring their armed people into the city - Somaliland officials are going about business as usual inside Dhahar city . - Somaliland lost 1 soldier and 3 wounded. Puntland's death toll and wounded soldiers is said to be much higher. Also Somaliland destroyed one and captured another technical vehicle from Puntland side.
  19. ^^The current problem is stemming from Puntland which doesn't want its hegemonic dictatorial rule being challenged by locals who want to freely express their wishes. ---------- Press release:******teeniya Armed Openly Crossed Somaliland Border Press release This morning of April 9th 2007 at 5 am, while members of Somaliland cabinet and other international organizations were present in western regions, the militia of ********** armed with 17 technical vehicles and 3 transport trucks openly crossed Somaliland border at Dhahar district, Sanaag region. At 8 am, they started to attack Dhahar city. Somaliland National Army and Dhahar people forcefully defeated the enemy and pushed back 15 km away from the city, killing many of them and ceasing a technical vehicle called Dheshico. Dhahar people openly welcomed and showed full support to Somaliland army. Somaliland lost 1 soldier and 3 injured. Other reliable information confirmed that ********** defeated militia is regrouping in Dhahar suburb, Shimbirale and Huddun villages. This is not the first time that ********** attacked Somaliland. Similar operations happened in many occasions and larger scale war has been avoided by Somaliland patience. From now on, Somaliland has lost such patience and is not going to tolerate any aggression from **********. Therefore, we are appealing to the international communities to understand the position of Somaliland, who has no other alternative but to defend its border. Somaliland democracy, stability and development cannot be jeopardized by ********** warlord militia. Ahmed Haji Dahir Elmi Minister of Information and national Guidance
  20. ^^Dabshid, It is funny how Puntland all of a sudden takes notice of rer Sanaag Barri. The Dhaharians are now realising the B.S. "tolka" talk from Puntland isn't getting them anywhere. That is why they are seeking and welcoming alternatives.
  21. ^^Ciidan Somaliland ka socda meesha ma joogo, its the locals that are defending their city from Puntland aggression. We will wait for the news when things settle down.
  22. Paragon Somaliland cares about the peace in its territory. That is why Somaliland invests a lot of time and behind-the-scenes talks with the locals and local elders to create the conditions before such a visit takes place. Its always the Puntland side that tries to create trouble because they know without the clanish talk they will have a hard time getting any support for their clanish state. Its nowonder the great majority of the well known elites (the educated people) from Eastern Sanaag do support Somaliland and not Puntland. Reaching a consensus on any issue is a cornerstone of Somalialnd's politics.
  23. Dabshid Somaliland ministers were recieved to Dhahar by the locals yesterday. It was only when the Puntland officials tried to invade the city without any prior knowledge or agreement from the locals that the locals fought off. And now the news coming from Dhahar are saying that the Somaliland ministers are engaged with talks as planned with local elders. The Puntland officials were rebelled out and they are trying to get more arms and invade once again. Somaliland is represented by local Dhaharians and they went to their city with the consent from the locals and their traditional elders. Its the Puntland side that is stirring trouble.
  24. According to SanaagWeb the locals fought off a Puntland offensive. The Somaliland ministers and member parliamenterians are undertaking their duties as planned. ----------- War Deg Deg ah: Dagaal ka Dhacay Dhahar oo ay iskaga hor yimaadeen ..... Saaka dagaal ayaa ka dhacay Degmada Dhahar ee Bariga gobolka Sanaag, dagaalkaas oo aan illaa hadda la ogayn wax khasaare oo uu geystay. Sida warar aannu ka helnay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa waxay sheegayaan in dagaalkaasi ay iskaga horyimaaddeen dad u dhashay Degmada Dhahar oo iska difaacayey Duullaan kaga yimi dhinaca Puntland ka dib markii ay halkaasi gaadheen Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Xubno ka tirsan Golaha Baarlamaanka Somaliland. Waxay wararku intaa ku darayaan in ciidamo ay ka soo duuleen dhinaca Puntland si ay khalkhal u geliyaan weftigan laakiin arrintaasi ay difaaceen dadka ku dhaqan degmada Dhahar ee taageersan Xukuumadda Somaliland. Wixii warara ee ka soo kordha dagaalka kala soco Shabakadda