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Everything posted by FIDHIN

  2. Doorsahada Madaxtinimada Somaliland oo Soo Gebagabawday Gobolka Oodweyne iyo Sidii Maanta Deegaankaasi Uga Dhacday Doorashadu + SAWIRO Oodweyne(OWN)- Waxa amaanta guud ahaanba si nabadgalyo ah uga qabsoomay Gobolada iyo degmooyinka dalakani jamhuuriayada Somaliland codbixinta doorashada madaxtinimada Somaliland taas oo ay ku tartamayaan 3da musharax ee kala sharaxan 3xisbi qaran ee UDUB,Kulmiye iyo,UCID. Hadaba Gobolka Daad Madheedh amaba oodweyne ayaa ka mid ahaa gobolada maanta sida weyn ay dadweynuhu ugu soo baxeen codbixinta waxaana gobolka oodweyne iyo deegaamadaasi loo asteeyay inay dadweynuhu ka codeeyaan 46goobood kuwaasii oo kala yaala magaalo madaxda gobolka iyo deegaamada ay maamushaba. Deegaanka oodweyne oo ka mid ah dhulka ay had iyo goor uu ka soo baxo codadka ay kala eryadaan musharaxiinta axsaabta qaranku ayaa isugu ah mid muhiimad weyn ugu fadhiya xisbiyada qaranka taas oo mid waliba u hanqaltaago sidii uu u kasban lahaa codka deegaankaasi. Mar dhaweyd mar aan la xidhiidhay gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gobolka Daad Madheedh Daahir Aadan Baxnaan ayaa sheegay in si nabadgalyo ah ay ku soo gebagabwday codbixintii ghuud haanba ka socotay gobolkaasio waxaanu gudoomiyuhu sheegay in markii ay la xidhiidheen dhamaanba goobihii ay ka socotay hawshani ee Gobolka daad madheedh ay soo afgoeeen dadkuna ay kalsooni ku jirto codkooda u siyeen xisbi alaale iyo xisbigii ay iaygu doonayeen. Liiskii dhawaan ka soo baxay Komiishanka Doorashooyinka ee codbixiyaasha Gobolka Daad Madheedh ayaa isagu ahaa mid kor u dhaafayay 49,000 oo codbixiyer taasina waa ta keentay in tii lagu jiray ololaha doorashada madaxtinimada y madaxda saresare ee 3xisbiba gaadheen Gobolkaasi iayag oo mid waliba xisbigiisa taageerop uga raadinaya shacbiweynah deegaamadaasi ku dhaqan. Ugu danabytii waxaa la filaya in maalamaha soo socda si rasmiya loogu dhawaaqidoona liiska kamdanbaysta ah ee codadka uu xisbi waliba ka helay guud ahaanba gobolada dalaka taas oo uu kas oo dhex bixi doono 3xisbiba madaxweyne iyo madaxweyne ku xigeen wadanka hogaamin lahaa . Maxamed Cawed Maxamed Oodweyne News/Burco Office
  3. wat u think?
  4. wat u think?
  5. my best bit was, soomajeestayaashay somaliland caan ku tahay, which means somalilanders never look bck, when i say somalilanders i mean somali pple that live between lawyo ado and laas caanood
  6. heheheh, and is much better than her hate song
  7. i feel sorry for him, because hes from somali ethnic minority, but sure a favour has been done for him, getting punished in this life instead of getting punished here after, the guy has killed real people who had kids , wifes, fathers and mothers, and he platenly admitted on bbc somali back in 1989, people might come up with things like rayaale was one of them as well, im saying no1 is got anything on rayaale till today, he was just a soldier like many others, and this samatar guy was one of the main responsibles, him and Siyaad barre, General Morgan and Gaani, the next target will be Morgan as the other 2 are dead and will be dealt by god.
  8. Puntland have Faoroole and somaliland has Daahir dheere lol
  9. looool, @ caasha yusuf, wat can she do
  10. waan ka naxay niyaw, i imagined myself in their place, and i found it a difficult task,just like alshabab task, me againts the world
  11. yeah simply because, Ethiopia is againts it, puntland is againts it and somaliland is againts it, also dont forget that ssc pple in puntland goverment are againts it with the ssc pple in somaliland goverment, Laas caanood is in somaliland hands and Buuhoodle is near the Ethiopian border, i wonder how on earth they will supply their army, they are in the middle of fire, i urge you guys to stop troubling ur own pple, ur governing ur pple by ur pple already, if u love somaliweyn just for somaliweyn 2 stand on its feet, we have alot of pple from Hargeisa and Burco who support the same idea of somaliweyn, and dont forget that the S.N.M carried its operations from Ethiopia, so never copy the S.N.M
  12. if it comes to qabiiil, alot of Hargeisa clans men wouldnt choose Rayaale as a president, but hes still here and we shouldnt cause problems, this is politics, the only pple who will get affected will be ssc pple, u are fighting each other here, Burao and Ceerigaabo and berebra are safe, and if u want somaliweyn then wait for somaliweyn , ha is waalina
  13. you love puntland so much!, but that place's goverments have bad reputations and is less developing, walahi i wish them the best, because if ur surroundings are good then u will do good as well
  14. i hate the language of pirate state people, i cant wait till ciidanka qaranka captures garoowe
  15. good thing, is maalinta nadaafada, well done reer buuhoodle keep celebrating maalinta gooni isu taaga somaliland
  16. he didnt cancell, the 18may annivarsary, but just the celebrations and that was for the purpose of election concentration, the somaliland flag is waving on top of his house
  17. WorLd rubbish cleaning day is a good thing , and thats means you are celebrating tooo hehehehe
  18. i like when its light skish blue, sometimes they make dark blue which i dont like, the first colour is the original though, laakiin waa calan lagu xaaray walee