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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Just Cause, Why you do you think those who prayed in the plane have little knowledge of islam? They could have alterior motives in doing that for all I can interpret. but lack of knowledge? I am not sure.
  2. Putting Aside the long standing disagreements and wars we had with them, when it comes to personal behaviour and attitudes, they have some good points while we have some weaknesses as much as we have some good characteristics. No one is perfect. This is not about historical enmity but an observation people made about somalis. We should work on the weakness rather than try to dismiss it just because someone you don't like mentioned it.
  3. Somebody missed the sarcasm of Wind.Talker lol.
  4. Showing respect and common courtesy is very important. You are no less dignified by lowering your voice and being mindful of others in your presence.
  5. "It is hard to interrupt. they don't care about you unless, you keep your mouth open like them." That is the Point lol. Very good observation. You don't wait around to speak, or require permission for anything sometimes, it is like take everything and anything you want without asking, and once you get it, never say thanks or if you say it, the other(doer of the favour) looks at you as if you have done some sin , you wanna talk? talk and be uadible. Somalis are loud although I dislike the generalization. We used to have a table to ourselves in the cafeteria at work separated from the rest of the workers. And people used to ask us if we were fighting or just were so passionate about the subject we engaged in. Of course, we had to tell them that we had a lot of catchup to do and make up for the lost time for the last years we were adrift. They understood mostly. I was the moderating force and reminded the guys to keep it low because people are staring at us LOL. The more severly unurban lads among us dismissed me always with comments like "Doofaartaan yaa warkooda yaa ku jira". Talk about islaweynin cidla ah. Miskiin, Dabeecado badanaa nalooga fiican yahay. We lack patience and don't care about privacy among other things Wey WIILO. Naga dhaaf adiga hiilis cidlaa heysaaye
  6. Orgilaqe, If Koya keeps to be polite and discusses with an open mind, he/she will be the one either converted or taught something new about islam she/he didn't know prior to discussing with Muslims. Koya knows only what Koya was taught possibly as the final truth and never ventured into examining other religions. So, brother Orgilaqe, don't worry about Koya. Koya will learn something with Allah's help. Koya. Welcome.
  7. Originally posted by M-illa-tnt: So did any of you guys find the books. I would realy like a copy and see what the big deal is with this guy. I keep hearing stories second hand. If anybody out there in camel threads can lend me a copy I would realy apricaite it. Just Search Online. Type "Cilmi Boodhari Poems" or "Cilmi Boodhari" and you will find websites. Most of them written in Somali if you can understand
  8. As I read the plethora of expectations that SEEM TO grow expenontially on a daily basis, I am asking myself how am I gonna pull it off? LOL.
  9. Exactly Bari Nomad! My sentiment. Live where you please and feel secure. End of story LOL.
  10. SUE. Most non-muslims who live in a country where islam is a big issue and muslims have an impact on the social and political landscape are this way. Very fearful and frightened of islam. I think you can turn this into an opportunity for your colleague to learn about islam from you. If you can address his fears and debunk the myths, may be it is better. Just be careful of how you approach him with it in case you decide to talk to him about this. You don't want him find out you spied on him It is nothing to feel bad about. I once left an islamic link forgetting to clear the history as I do before leaving work. My co-worker found out about it and started to read it everyday. He informed me how good the website was and how he became interested in reading some more subjects about islam. I was shocked and happy at the same time. I eventually bought the Quran for him as I couldn't answer every question he had. I thought letting him find out everything about islam from the source was nicer. You can leave a nice, academical, islamic website on the computer, and by chance, your friend might find something interesting in it. Or you try to find other ways to address your concerns with him if you must. Good Luck.
  11. Silence, Yea, I am sure about that. I sometimes require an interpreter for a simple communication. You have no idea. LOL. "That isn't a feminine sentiment but more like a feminine thinking" LOL. That may be true but I thought a "name" means a lot to the person, and when it is carried on the neck in gold, and it is from someone special, what could go wrong huh? Nothing feminine about that I suppose. PS. Don't apologize. I don't get offended easily. You will do no harm.
  12. LOL, Sorry Wiilo, Hadaan Aqriyey mar labaad. Thanks again.
  13. Nafta. It would have been fine had you taken that address to Wiilo as one personally addressed to you as well. You are welcome Wiilo. Thanks for the compliments. Aniga meelaha inaan dadka qashqashaado aan rabey hadda laakiin waa igu adkeysey markaa i dhahdey aqyaaraa u egtahay. No more fooling around now lol.
  14. x_quizit. Thanks. That explanation helps. As for your suggestion of an Original gift as a poem, a thoughtful letter or a song, It would be nice. But I think for those gifts to do their trick, the intended target must also be receptive to them as well. Not all women are romantic and are inclined to be satisfied with mere expressions like that. Btw, you sound nice and romantic LOL. Haneem A. LOL@YEA SURE. I wasn't defending Silence's sarcasm of a cheater buying diamonds and going free without repercussions. Also, by saying western women are more progressive when it comes to certain personal adornments such as gold and diamonds, I wasn't letting you down. It is only my observation. Different cultures have different attitudes toward aesthetics. Silence. Did you understand my "Nothing is forever" comment? Femme Fatale. Are you that otherwordly? lol@bulukaati.
  15. Wiilo Cadeey, Cadaaladda waa taqaannaa adiga Garab tuujiye naftiisuu u cabsadey iyo in qofuu isha ku haayo laga hoos bixiyo LOL. Wuxuu u maleeyaa "weyninka" inuu ceeb yahay ama bad credit. If I am that Old, It only puts me in league with mature women like Wiilo LOL. No offence abaayo Nafta ka warran? Adiga iyo Qabowga yaa raayey? Take Care.
  16. Originally posted by Silence: quote: NOTHING IS FOREVER. Except a 14 carat diamond ring. Bribe her with it and sail to the Red Sea Inaar. :rolleyes: LOL. Hey, I am a man of course who wouldn't relate to a lot of feminine sentiments. If I was buying a present to someone I love and care about, It would be other things though I would include Katiinad with her name on it for a surprise LOL. Or if she names the diamond as something she likes then I would buy it for her. But I would never buy these on my own initiative because of the complete disconnect I have with them. They would never come up at the top of the list of the presents. Am I missing something here? I think Western Women are more progressive in these areas. I like their attitude towards Gold and Diamond. It isn't top AND big of an issue compared to Somali/Arab women. May be they love the diamonds but not the gold. Enlgihten me please. Why is it the way it is with you women? Is it the culture that instills the interest in you? And excuse my ignorance about the importance of these things. As I said, I can't relate to this as I suspect most Men do not as well. I just know you somali women love that thing and I don't udnerstand why.
  17. Femme Fatale, In that case, I am glad I was wrong then your heartbrokennes is a justified one. May you be rewarded for it handsomely Sis. Take Care.
  18. Xumaan kamuusan wadine, kawareegsada nooh. Ninkaa il ka heshiin bes miyaa kaaley?
  19. It is easy to comment and dismiss an issue when you don't have to deal with it for real. Just imagine someone you shared a lot with, who had been closer to you than your father, mother, knew you in every sense and basically you were part of his life falls through the cracks and cheats on you? I don't think you can just brush aside everything between you in one swoop and call it quits. You might forgive him in hopes that he doesn't do it again and pray he doesn't though the hurt is too great for you. Honestly, nowadays, naagaa niman iska xoogey/dhacay leen maqlaa Women aren't helpful themselves. Sometimes they even like the guy who is not available. What the hell is wrong with that picture? LOL. Ilaahey ha idiin yasiro baxaraa ku jirtiine Prevention is better than cure. I would prefer the woman to tell me any dissatisfaction she has with my company. If I can't make her happy in the least, or can't deliver for her, she doesn't feel she is respected enough, satisfied with life in my company, yearns for something I can't give to her that she can't do without and etc, I must let her go happily. It is better to let someone free than let them live in a cage where they grow restive and ultimately do as they please without you knowing about it. One has to try to please his/her partner and watch for signs of dissatisfaction to prevent them from making mistakes. Otherwise, with negligence, comes great dissapointments. It is fact of life. So, girls, be loyal listener and make sure you don't forget that a man isn't for life unless he has the satisfaction he needs in your company and the same goes for the guys. NOTHING IS FOREVER.
  20. Sheherazade, you have a nag for understanding people positively. You tried to save Orgilaqe but who is listening anyway? LOL. I am surprised AT how you explained the subconscious thoughts a guy may have when you said: "It's about the guy's perception of what might lie beneath her physical appearance". You even brought a helpful explanation for the word sexy. If I was Orgilaqe, I would have thanked you a lot. Thanks on his behalf. LOL@BEE.
  21. Femme-Fatale, If that helps . I previously thought you were joking around. But seeing the consistency with which you express your heart-brokenness in many ways, shapes and avatars, I thought, there is some truth to this sad story of hers. But anyway, “Better by far you should forget and smile/Than that you should remember and be sad†(Christina Rossetti). It is as if you were saying all the time that “No one is so accursed by fate,/No one so utterly desolate,/But some heart, though unknown,/Responds unto his own†(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) and I was ignoring it all the time thinking she is just being funny and cute in her own ways Smile Sis, hopefully your heart becomes washed of all memories of his unless you want to hang on to them and live in unnecessary torture that is self-inflicted but curable. Take Care Sis.
  22. Femme Fatale, Marka horaa lagaa rabey inaa qalbigaaga ilaashato. Once you give it away and you let it be dominated by other, and something goes wrong, it is hard to get back to normal. Quraan Aqriso and try to not hang on to memories. He is just a human being like the rest and nothing special about him if you can only see through the fog of emotions Wiilo. Good women are plenty. It is not lack of them but more like who defines the term "good" and what are the definitions. Someone with the wrong concept of what is good always will have a problem.
  23. Wind-talker, My family had similiar experiences and more but I am not bitter about it or hang on to bad memories. You made your decision and there is nothing wrong with it