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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: On bullet C, alshabaab have to yet recognize Sharif's goverment? Why is that do you think yaa Xoogga? awoowe nimankani shiddey rimmanyihiin, I know they do not recognize culumada ku shirtay Xamar but they know some thing about politics will be very coutious about disagreeing with this. I don't see their attitude that way saxib. Their resentment and feelings towards Sheekh Shariif is quite logical and understandable. It has little to do with them not recognizing the Scholars or understanding politics. These guys don't give a toss about politics and worldly issues. That is what makes them a bit hard to deal with, it takes some convincing and showing them how things can work in your favour without causing a lot of unwarranted damage. No one should expect them to co-sign with sheekh shariif without some convincing and negotiations, forced or otherwise. Waa dad is maan dhaafsanaa in the bad old days to begin with, they considered him AWOL when it mattered. He says he was playing the deplomatic Jihad which doesn't fly well with the Shabaab crew as you know it very well. Now we need to convince them these are the good times and better days are ahead of us. Sida hadda wax lagu wado waa hagaagsan tahay. Waa la qaddariyay, ma loola dhaqmin in Sheekh Shariif uu ka sareeyo, laakiin waxaa loola hadlay loolana hadli doonaa inay yihiin dad kaalin ku leh Mustaqbalka soomaaliya. We want them to treat Sheekh Shariif's government based on what happens next/now rather than on what is alleged and personalities including that of Sheekh Shariif. They are required and expected to change their stance sometime in the near future. Hadda in la hor boodo ma ahan oo lagu eedeeyo waxaan macno wayn ku fadhinin. Iyagaa oggolaan doona culumada warkeeda markay arkaan that their stated goals are being met as much as possible and as the conditions on the ground permitt. I think Alshaab are reasonable, they have leaders and they will listen to them. Everyone whose word counts should focus on those leaders, the rest will fall in line.
  2. Good move on the part of the Scholars. Waa raggeedii. First time soomaali ay yeelatay Marjic Culumo oo midaysan. AMISOM loogama baahna meesha, haku baxaan waqtiga loo qabtay. The reasons are following in my view: A- With opposition minimalized and eliminated over-time by the leadership of Somali Scholars, there will be no threat to Shariif's government. B- The money being spent on Amisom troops will be spent on building somali institutions. C- Dacaayaadda Alshabaab lagu wado waa in la joojiyo. Ilaa iyo hadda wax qalad ah oo ay galeen ma jirto. Wixii khalad ah oo dhallinyaro iyaga ka mid ahi sameeyeen, sida Villa Somalia weerarkeedii, waa lagala hadlay, dib dambana uma dhicin. Dhallin yaradaan Waxaa loo garduubaayaa hadda waa NABADDA soo dhow iyo Sheekh SHARIIF oo oggol wixii wanaag ah in lagu dhaqo waddanka. Marka, baahi dagaal ma jirto inta wada hadal la oggol yahay qof dagaal iclaamiyayna uusan jirin, ama sheekh shariif ama Alshabaab. PS: Yaan la illoobin iyadoo hal ASKARI AJNABI AH WADDANKA UUSAN JOOGIN IN NABAD LAGA Dhigay Muqdisho. That can happen if the same method is followed. This time it will even be better with a recognized government in place who negotiates and uses the free services of Elders and Scholars intent to avoid war at all costs. In addition to that the institutions of government wil recover quickly if there are no other investments the donors will have to consider other than the Somali government. Why do you guys think Uganda wants her troops put? Because the Ugandan officials have taken the millions of Dollars allocated for their troops and stashed it somewhere for their personal use. They want more money now. AMISOM needs to leave. It is a fact that no country with foreign troop presence recovers quickly. The more they get involved, the more devisions deepend and conflicts continue. Soomaalida iyagaa iska adag, waa in la isu daayo. AMISOM TROOPS NEED TO LEAVE THE SOONEST.
  3. Originally posted by hamza9163: Walaal waxaan anigu u arka hadalada sharif ahmed kuwa aanan dhab ka aheyn, oo ah dad kusoo jiidato. Waxaan anigu u arka waxyaallaha ka hor istaagan wada hadal mirra dhala waxaa ka mid ah -ciidamada kuso qulqulaya mogadashu, iyo hubka laga dajinayo dekeda. -Dowlada KMG iyo waxey ku dhisantahay -Barlamaanka iyo wuxuu ka koobanyahay. Suaasha koobaad oo aan anigu is weydiin lahaa waxey tahay, xatta hadii lawada hadlo maxaa lagu heshiin kara? Hadii eey qolada djbouti dhab katahay ku dhaqanka shareecada islaamka, marka horeba meeysan wax kula darsan laheyn TFG. Sheeka iskeenaysa ma aha, dawlad islam ah oo ku dhaqmeysa shareecada islaamka, iyo mid ku dhisan axdi qarameed, barlmaan, iyo heer cilmaani. waan wada arki doona waxa kasoo baxa shirka culimada. Arrimo sax ah yaad ku hadashay. Su'aal kalese aan ku waydiiyo brother, Inta laga duuli lahaa Sheekh Shariif hadalkiisa waa dad soo jiidasho oo kaliya, soo kama fiicna in laga sal gaaro oo warkuu ku hadlay hadda loo raaco xaqiiqdana hadhoow soo baxdo? Hadduu warkii uu ku hadlay iyo go'aanaduu qaato mustaqbalka(marka lawada hadlo ka dib) is khilaafaan, Hala arko. Arrinta meelay u dhici doontaa markaas. Let us see first what conditions he wants to set. It will make the opposition look bad if they reject peace offers without negotiating first. Nin aan dhiig iyo dhacaan midna u hurin xorriyadda la helay yaa hadhoow meel cidla ah ka qaadan doona guusha. In kastoo Alle dartii loo jihaaday oo isaga wuxuu kugu abaal mariyo ka muhiimsan tahay tan dadka iyo saidy kuu arkaan, haddana in adiga mar kasta guusha ku raacdo waa fiican tahay saxib. Aniga sidaa hadalkayga aa ka dareemi kartid, waa see-and-wait, I am glad in Sheekh Umal aaday Muqdisho oo qayb ka yahay wada hadalka Culumada, Aan aragno wixii natiijo kasoo baxda. Sidaa kusoo qatintay warkaada, Culumada aan sugno waxay ka keenaan, ka dibna sheekh shariif ficilladiisa ayaa noo ah arrinta aan wax ku xukminayno. Sida laga cabsi qabo inay dhici waydaa badan.
  4. Btw Xamza, Sheekh Shariif wuxuu codasaday in la dhexdhexaadiyo isaga iyo mucaaradka, he is making rounds and asking publicly for negotiations, it would be foolish to not return the favour bro. Caqliyaa loo baahan yahay I think we can deal with the Shariifka, Let us talk I say. Ilaahay dariiqa toosan hatuso isaga saaxib, anagana xaqa hanawada waafajiyo. It is hard to oppose someone who extends a hand to you. Waxba yaan lagu mashquulin siduu xukunka ku qabsaday, I believe that would not be an issue for anyone rabay islaam in wax lagu xukumo, muhimka waa wixii ficil ahaan shariifka ku dhaqaaqo. Be smart mate and come to the negotiating table first Soona jawaab, fikradaada inaan arko waan jeclahay saxib. Much respect to people ilaahay ka hormariya wax kastoo idil. Xiinka posted earlier Shariif's request to remove Alshabaab leader and Uways from the list of Terrorists Iyo inuu rabo inuu la heshiiyo Saaxiibadiisii hore. That is the kind of action and talk we need to move forward. I hope others return the favour.
  5. Hamza Si cilmiyaysanaa u hadashay bro. Aan ku waydiiyee saxib, maadaama arinta waji cusub yeelatay, taageerada dadkana lagama maar maan tahay, ma xun tahay in lala hadlo shariifka mar hadduu leeyahay aan wada hadalno? Akhri kor Odaga Xaad fikraddiisa, taageerada dadka waa muhiim haddii khilaaf yimaado hadhoow oo gacan ka hadal ay noqoto. Waxaa fiican marka hore in qofka lagu dayo wada hadal. Aniga Shriifka inuu gardarrada qaataa ila qumman. Dad badan oo awalba kasoo horjeeday jihaadka xabashida lala galay, iyo kuwo dhallinyarada si kumeel gaar ah u taageersanaa hadda waad aragtay waxay ku hadlaan meelaha, aniga waxaa ila qumman inaan dadka noocaas ah guul loo oggolaan oo lagu jabiyo khidadooda. Miiska in la tago oo shuruudaha lasoo bandhigo, lagu qasbo sheekh shariif inuu fuliyo danaha Islaamka. Taa haddii laga helo, waa la taageri, haddii laga waayana dee yaa waajibiyay in taageero uusan istaahilin la siiyo? Waxayna u badan tahay Sheekh Shariif inuu reasonable noqdo haddii lala hadlo. He knows warka laga sheego iyo xanta suuqa, wax yaalaha lagu eedeeyo, waxaa laga yaabaa inuu niyaddiisa siday tahay oo dhabta ah caddeeyo haddii lala hadlo oo cabsida hadda laga qabo meesha ka baxdo. In Odayaasha ku garab taagnaan jiray adiga ka mujahid ahaan weligood la ixtiraamo codsigooda waa arrin fiican. Siyaasadaa loo baahan yahay saxib, nabaddana waa lagama maar maan.
  6. Originally posted by nuune: Blessed, the guy didn't make offical speech for Somalis in Somalia, not even in Jabuuti, he should make khutbad ku saabsan waxa uu Soomaalida u hayo, u sameenayo, ku yaboohayo, ugu ballan qaadayo, mustaqbalka waxa uu ka damacsanyahay wadanka iyo dadka, so far Hodheel Barax la yiraahdo in Jabuuti ayuu dhax kududaa sidii weylo cows doog ah la soo daajinayo, and to the worst, all the actions is coming from Somali Uluma, media etc!! He is putting some finishing touches on his government in Djibouti. Taa waa iska caadi saxib. The big day is when he comes back with his government and sets up Shop in Muqdisho. We will see then what is the first policy towards peace his government puts forward and implements. He is getting a lot of suggestions and input from Elders and Somali Sheekhs alike, through the media and etc. There are only two important issues he will have to address as far as the oppisition are concerned: A- Amisom Troops. B- Islamic Sharia Laws. Here is the view of the Elders at the bottom voiced by one Of them: Xaad oo ka hadlay Shirka Culimada, AMISOM iyo Xoogaga wali Dagaalka wada 1- Xagga Shareecada Xaad ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in haddii Dowlada Sheekh Shariif ay Dalka ku dhaqdo Kitaabka ilaahay ay qabaan in la taageero. 2- Xagga Khilaafka&Mucaaradka Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay haddii ay soo baxaan Garabyo ka biyo diidsan Arinta ay Culimada wadaan ayaa waxa uu yiri “Cid kastoo Qabta Fikirka hadda socda Fikir ka duwan waxaan u soo jeedinaynaa in ay soo bandhigaan, Gogol iyo Wada hadal in lagu xaliyo oo Miiska la soo saaro oo loo maro Musaalaxo”. About Amisom “Qolada Dagaalka in ay Mar waliba Wadaan rabana waxaan iyagana leenahay Wada hadal ha galeen, Musaalaxo wax aan ku baadi goobno, wixii lagu duuli lahaa wada hadal ha ka horeeyo anaga waxaan qabnaa Totali in dagaal laga maarmo, haddii dan keeni kartana ay jirta waa in ay noqoto mid Dadku u dhanyahay, Dagaal waan galnay Maalintaas waxaan u qabnay inuu Daruuri ahaa ilaahayna waa nagu guuleeyay, inta hadda ka dhimana waxaan qabnaa in lagu gaari karo Musaalaxo, Haddii lagu gaari waayo isagana oo lagama maar maan uu noqdana hadee iyada Aragtideeda ayay yeelan doontaa, laakiin anagu hadda ka dhigi mayno Furinta hore Dagaal, Musaalaxaan ku Baaqeynaa, Nabad Galyaan ku Baaqeynaa, Wada hadalaan ku Baaqeynaa, Gogol Nabadeed in la fidiyio ayaan ku Baaqeynaa, Ciidamada Shisheeye in ay naga baxaan waan soo jeedinaynaa, intaan lala diririn ka hor waa inaan u sheegno inay naga baxaan Dowladana waxaan ku Tir-tirsiinaynaa Arintaasi inay ka shaqeyso oo Barnaamijkeeda Nabad Galyo Halkaasi ka raadiso anagu sidaas ayaan isleenahay Xalku waa ku imaan karaa”. That is where I and many Somalis stand. Nama khusayso Cidda madaxwayne ah iyo cidda kale, ra'iisal wasaare and who is who or what in the TFG, what matters are the policies adopted by Sheekh Shariif's government. If he does well, and so far he did and spoke well, he gets 100% support.
  7. Xiinka, I will not discuss with you about politics, I am not comfortable with us exchanging views, you know my position as laid out above. I would add only few comments: A- Sheekh Shariif is the president. B- He deserves support for the sake of Unity and peace not for any other reason in my view. C- His actions will either warrant continuation of support or the cessation of it. Can't ask people for blind support at the risk of their faith. That is not to say Sheekh shariif is a bad man but taking the safe road as we are all accountable for our deeds. D- Same yardstick is the one I use to measure others who oppose him, this is not the time for war. I felt you were a bit disimissive without a good reason, and I don't take that lightly as I view that as a threat to my freedom of thought, Tow the line or be damned sorta attitude. Sheekh Shariif kii ku guulaysta horusocodka nabadda Ilaahay haka dhigo. Xaqa ilaahay ha waafajiyo.
  8. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Spare me the sheepish stance adeer. This is about accepting the sheekh as the president of Somalia, and embracing his approach of peace and reconciliation. Walaalow aan wada hadalno is what he has been saying all along. The offer has been on the table. He called the culumaa near and far. Some spoke in favor of his proposal. Others come to seek some istifsaal. It’s very simple awoowe. Somalida qaar baa fawdada ku caana maalla, and it’s understandable. But continuing the anarchy in the name of religion is utterly bogus and will be shown for what it really is. I am very realistic and expect some will scoff these reasonable gestures, and continue to kill and maim. Where's Kashafa, the qurbo man who in his comfort in teh west wants to achieve spectacular victories on the backs of the poor shacab. Come out waryee where ever you are I see you haven't grown out of your usual arm twisting in getting people in line with your thoughts. Sheekh Shariif is not the first man to be called Somali president. What makes him different and will make him different is what he does on the ground. Aniga shakhsi caabudka waa la iiga dheereeyaa, marka, I judge Sheekh Shariif and his opposition based on their stance, who is right and who is wrong on any given situation and not who has the title of presidency. If that doesn't fit your expectations, tough luck nin yohow. You can call me all the names you can think of as usual. Iska hadal yaad taqaan lagaaga haro. Sheekh has the benefit of the doubt in my book, I wait for his actions. Same goes for his opposition.
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Sh. Ummul reportedly flew to Somali capital This is great. The good sheekhs must be involved in the process. I wouldn't call the efforts of the Uluma as favouring Sheekh Shariif. All they said was to support the peace process and the new government. Let us not make this into Sheekh Shariif personality please. I hope he succeeds in delivering Somalia and Somalis. His success will ultimately depend on how he deals with others if they are reasonable themselves and don't make demands he can't meet. The Fatwas of the Uluma will only bear fruits if all sides are reasonable including Sheekh Shariif and both parties make concessions as encouraged by the Sheekhs.
  10. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Zeylaci: ^^ He says he doesn't know the clan stuff, but he even figured out them code to say them backwards: Don't even know Abdi Qaybdiid's subclan after Dacas(read backwards) @Codes, haa dee saxib, koodka haddaanan ku qorin waa la ila kici lahaa, meesha lagama oggola qabiil qaawan, dadabkaa mar mar shaqeeya. Waana runtay, Qaybdiid qabiilkiisa hoose ma aqaan saxib, and God knows how long this guy had been a warlord? 20 years now? I had plenty of chances to figure out all about him. I am sure you being from Mudug Mugdi might know one or two facts about his Abtiris, ii sheeg mate. Ngonge @realities on the ground. yea, your online realities I suppose. Horta ma adigaa tagay Somalia weligaa? have you seen what Hargaysa looks like? I am bila tol and like it that way saxib Waraa Nuune Wiil adeer loo waayay abti looma waayin aa la dhahay see camalkaa abaa? ragaan maa mid iila kacdid? kuwa kale aniga igu dhaaf, sabaaxadaan kala daalaa kulligood LOL. Waryaada, aan ka seexdo meesha. I should be on bed.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Waa kaa! Markay wax waayaan ayaay af Somaliga ma baratay eyo mad baran ku noqonqdan. War be a man and don't forsake your uncle just becuase some guy accused you of something on an net forum. You know that when all is said and done it is your uncle who will save your behind. Nin waynoo tolkiisa ankiray waa duli, saaxib. Well saxib, it feels somewhat odd to even read Qaybdid to be my Uncle. I would be damned mate let alone assume I am of ignoble lineage just because I reject the association. I don't think along those lines and there are far nobler people in my clan whom I can rely on than Qaybdiid. Aabahay laba nin yaa la dhalatay, labadaasaa Adeer i ah. Don't even know Abdi Qaybdiid's subclan after Dacas(read backwards), ma igu qasbaysaan adeernimadiisa? Adigaa waxaa lagaa dhaadhiciyay qabiilkaaga inuu naf kuu hayo saxib, speak for yourself.
  12. ^ Including Salman Cawdah who was encouraging peace and negotiations in Here as well. They should play smart and negotiate from their current position of strength and influence. NGONGE Afsoomaali ma baratay intaa nac nacda iska dhaaftid saxib? mise sidaadii yaad gudhuu u tahay? Nin waynoo afsoomaali aan aqoon waa ceeb oo ku leh soomaali baan ahay. Afsoomaali igula hadal marka hore
  13. Kashafa I want to see the youth and xizbul-islam sit and negotiate in good faith with Sheekh Shariif. He said he wants to negotiate, so let the opposition be smart and sit at the table first. let them be wise and utilize the local Media to convey their positions and win moral support for their stance if differences come out. They can put pressure on Sheekh Shariif to fulfill his announced promises without firing a shot first. A- Sharia laws to be implemented B- Current Amisom troops to leave and no additional foreign troops to arrive If these two demands are made and Sheekh Shariif violates one of them, there will be good justification to oppose his government. It is wise to negotiate first. I need some good reasons to support a war. Everyone is accountable in my book. PS: Abdi Qaybdiid is not my uncle. I have two uncles, one is dead and buried inside his home in Madiina, the other is in the US. Just because someone hails from the same clan doesn't make him an uncle of mine saxib. That is my firm belief and how I was raised. If I must support someone on the basis of clan, I will support someone with good values who is fighting for a just cause and who is from my clan. Thiery A government is one that has the interests of its people at heart, and it is one that offers peace, security and justice to the subjects it rules. The youth already offer that in areas they rule and people are quite content with such services. I was teaing at a relative's house when I was told a lorry from Galkacyo was hijacked by gunmen around Jowhar. The youth went after the lorry and recovered it. They called the owners and businessmen in Galkacyo and told them they can come and collect their car. People in Kismayo take their money in bags and stay late into the midngit for the first time in 15years. If that is not good service and governance, I don't know what else is. Muqdisho will suffer another humiliation and violence if Sheekh Shariif doesn't follow the example of his former friends mate. He needs them more than they need him. The islamists need to tone down the rhetoric in turn and make peaceful settlements possible. Everyone should chill for now. War is not necessary.
  14. Originally posted by Allamagan: lool @ Xoogsade!! annagu tan (Sharif TFG) na ersan mayso Allaha u fududeeyo ... you just wait and see bacdal honey moon. secondly, it doesnt matter who the PM is, but what really matters is how all this came about and all that appeasement nature to it. I am not that optimistic whether it will bear any fruits at all (may Allah forbid). Hadda waa billow howlaha bro, we should be optimistic. Aniga shaqsi ahaan, the process and what transpired within the TFG is not a big concern. My concern is how they get along with others and bring Unity. I take the opposition groups to be sincere and their demands to be reasonable. They are not pursuing clan or personal agenda, so it is easy for Sheekh Shariif to evaluate and meet all reasonable demands they make at the table, return their sincerity with non-controversial policies. This debate about who Sheekh Shariif should have chosen as a PM misses the bigger points that are more important. TFGDa waa isku hal Organization, it doesn't matter who holds what position within itself, what matters is how they govern and get along with others who have legimite differences with them. If the TFG acts as if it has a mandate and can act as it pleases, expect problems. So far Sheekh Shariif said good things and he has yet to implement any major policies. It is too early to make a decision about his government or form a negative opinion. I am more pessimistic about the new troop deployments the US is pushing forward. That will definitely be a hurdle in teh way of negotiations. It will give the impression that Sheekh Shariif needs protection from Somalis like his predecessor. It is better for him to show trust in somalis and work with them. Someone should inform him as well how the money spent on foreign troops can be used to employ and build a good somali military. This is his first test for me. I wait and see. Xiin fariintaas ha iga gaarsiiyo Jaalle Shariif
  15. Kashafa Saxib, The objectives of the Resistance for the past two years went this way: A- Eviction of Ethiopia --> The primary Goal B- Islamic Sharia Laws --> Secondary Goal The first was achieved and the human cost was great. Massive displacement to the tune of million plus and thousands of deaths with high civilian casualities. The vicitims of this war saw it as worth the sacrifice. The second objective is also achieved in all areas ruled by the opposition groups. Question is, how do you move forward now? 1- You can continue the war without the presence of Xabashi incendiary needed to fuel the passions and ultimately lose support, B- Adopt to the new realities on the ground and Negotiate, let Sheekh Shariif walk the talk. The guns should be silent for now saxib. Sheekh Shariif should be the one who introduces the conflicts so he takes the blame. That way, you get support from somalis who value justice over personalities. Shariif says he will talk and negotiate, it doesn't matter what people allege him to be, stooge or whatever, what matters is what he wants to do in the practical sense. He should be given the chance to make some decisions first. Horn and Allamagan Gedoboys, positionna kalaa u furan reeraha LOL. Halaga warsugo Shariifka.
  16. Originally posted by Xamar-Gale: Waranle, the southern places you listed are controlled by Al-shabaab, not clan. Who will you appoint? Select one person and explain why do you think that he would have been a better choice than someone from Puntland. My perspective is that It's better to initiate the desire for negotiated settlement with Al-Shabaab groups and try to meet the conditions they set against the President such that Shariah law and the removal of EU troops? That is what we are watching Saxib. How Sheekh Shariif walks the talk and meets the conditions set by the people who oppose him. Things which have the potential to kill his government at infancy can include: A- Requesting More foreign troops B- Treating the powers that be in Jubba/Gedo/Bay/Shabeelloyinka as insignifcant and wrongly believe they don't matter. C- Any war he authorizes against his opponents will chip away at his base eventually. I hope peace prevails and the opposition groups take the best offers they get. Kollay aragtida dadka Jubbadahoose inta aniga aan ka warqabo, Nabadooda in laga carqaladeeyo ma Jecla. Dowlad magac Soomaaliyeed ku socota inay ula timaado qashqashaad iyo musuqmaasuq cabsideedaa ka jirta. Xukun Islaam ahaa hadda ka jira meesha oo taageero u baahan. Any political moves/decisions that would upset the status quo will lead back to the old days of chaos and disorder. Gobollada kalee Dhallinyarada ka taliyaana waa la mid. Sheekh Shariif must support their admins and strengthen them. Hadduu maamulka sharifka la yimaaddo howlo ka dhan ah nabadda gobolladaas ka jirta, Muqdishana Xukun Islaam ah kusoo rogi waayo, Ciidamo shisheeyana codsado, he will fail the way I see it, tii Ilaahayna waa gooni.
  17. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Hello Folks , Lets hope that sharif and his political opponent don't fall into that deep political trap of yesteryears, which is that of a "contest" between them, particularly as to who have had more in hand, in delivering "their victory" . You see if the argument gets into a "contest" between them, in which each side try to proof to the other one, that they alone, as we used to say in the early days of Somaliland's independence, can boast that beguiling sentiment which was: "Kaatideyda Ayaan U Soo Cabay, Dalkan" or a similar Islamic words to that effect, then I am afraid, theirs will have to be a matter that will have to be settled in the battlefield, indeed. For there will be no other option, open to them, at that time. Therefore, lets hope, that each side sees that "their victory" is bigger than all of them, and indeed each had played a role in delivering it. Hence, a comprehensive compromised ought to be what they should attempt to do so ( or at least aims towards it ), henceforth. Regards, Oodweyne. Very wise words bro. U sheeg Juje oo is mooday inuu dad ka xoog badan yahay. Waxbaa la crushgaraynaa yuu ku hayaa meelaha Sheekh Shariif needs the help of these men to assure in peace and stability. Anyone with relatives in the Jubba valley knows their influence and how crucial these men were to bring in stability and peace in those parts of Somalia they currently rule. A man of honour would recognize others of equal calibre or better. This is their victory altogether. They should hold hands and move us forward. There are pictures of Sheekh Shariif holding hands with Qaybdiid and the likes circulating on somali news websites, such wisdom to forgive warlords and bring them into the fold for the sake of peace, must be applied to the more deserving somalis who shed their blood in honour of their mother country and who earned the respect of many. Haddii kale, hal bacaad lagu lisay ay noqon doontaa dhiiggii loo daadshay Somalia.
  18. Juje caqli meesha kuma haayo. These two men, abumansuur and Turki both wield influence in the south, their word matters. Their support is very crucial to peace and stability in the south. Waa niman karaamo ku leh soomaali badan dhexdeeda for their stellar contribution to our freedom, to the safety and peace now prevalent in the south in general. Xaq waxay u leyihiin inay kula doodaaan sheekh shariif ama cid kale wax allaale iyo waxay u arkaan inay qaldan yihiin ama lagu gafay. They are more important to Sheekh Shariif than Juje and the likes who supported the Xabashi invasion of Muqdisho are. Iyagana waxaa laga rabaa inay macquul noqdaan oo nabadda taageeraan as long as their stated goals are met or addressed. Everyone is important, everyone who can be problematic to peace is important. Wixii qaldan waa la saxayaa, wixii toosanna waa lagu raacaayaa wanaagga. From Raaskambooni To Beldxaawo, to Bay&Bakool, people are happy with the new system that gave them the peace they wanted. Abumansuur and Turki represent such peace. Muqdisho needs their help more than these two men need its help. Sheekh Shariif needs soldiers of dignity who can bring in law and order, justice and lasting peace to Muqdisho. The same way these two have helped in the past, the same way they can now help him moving forward to the future. Haddii kale, Sheekh shariif will be surrounded by the same useless warlords, same usless clan elders, who capitalize on clan emotions time and again. Dadka meelaha ka nacnacleeya oo yiraahda yaan lala hadlin Alshabaab, Abu mansuur and Turki, waa dadka qabiilka aaminsan oo wax magaratada ah. They forget how these men stood for Somalia when the rest slept with the enemy of Somalia.
  19. Sheekh Shariif's election is more likely than ever as Alshabaab gained more ground. The men at Djibouti know their time is up. They will choose Sheekh Shariif if they are smart. If not, they will be wise to seek asylum in Jabuuti and not come back as Muqdisho will not be safe for them and Baydhabo is basking under the flag of Islamic sharia. Xamar is a war zone already. It requires Islamic sharia to prevent bloodshed. Choosing a career warlord, or a known political prostitute will not work. That era is just dead. They choose a good man who can negotiate with the righful rulers of the south(Alshabaab) or face the music.
  20. There are some lessons Muqdisho residents can take from this peaceful surrender of Baydhabo: A- Differentiate the bad from the good and don't aid the warlords when confronted by a better organization. Reer Baydhabo could have encouraged Xaabsade and his militia to stay on and fight but they didn't. B- Xaabsade seeing how unwilling the population was to come to his aide, made the right calculation and phoned in Al-shabaab for his surrender according to this website , therefore -peaceful surrender of muqdisho is what clan elders and the population should aim if there is a future stalemate. Choose the good over the warlords as happened in 2006. Abuu-mansuur is a political genius in making this take-over peaceful and letting Xaabsade and other warlords go on their way. Rumour has it that Xaabsade and his associates had a plane waiting for them and could have left town before Al-shabaab came to town. They opted to surrender the city and leave peacefully without a fight. Finally, a warlord who understood the TFG isn't worth the blood of single Baydhabaawi.
  21. 10 Madfac Oo Laga Soo Ridey Villa Soomaaliya Oo Maanta Suuqa Bakaaraha Lagu Garaacey. Beerdhiga 23.05.2008 15:24 Waxaa Barqanumadii Maanta Suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha ku soo dhacey ilaa 10 Madfac oo ah hoobiya yaal, kuwaas oo sida ay sheegayaan wararka la helayo in laga soo riday xarunta Villa Soomaaliya oo hadda fariisin u ah DKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya. Madaafiicdan ayaa intooda badan waxa ay ku dhaceen guryo banaan oo dadkii lahaa horey uga qaxeen oo ku yaala inta u dhaxeysa jidka 2 aad ee Suuqa Bakaaraha iyo Xerta Sh Cali Dheere ee Degmada Wardhigley. Ma jiraan inta la ogsoon yahey wax khasaare ah oo ay soo gaarsiiyeen madaafiicnadi dadka rayidka ah marka laga reebo in ay bur bur u geysteen guryo banaan oo dadkii lahaa horey uga qaxeen. Ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya iyo kuwa la shaqeeya ee DKMG ah, ayaa bartil maameed ka dhigta badanna Suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha, kuwaas oo muddo 2bilood ka hor intii aan loo sameyn ciidamo madani, ahaa kuwo si joogta u soo farageliya Suuqa, kana geysan jirey dhac iyo boob joogta ah oo mararka qaarkood muddo isbuucyo ah xanibi jirey howlaha ganacsi ee Suuqa. Maaha markii ugu horeysay ee sidan oo kale Suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha madaafic lagu garaaco iyada oo dhac dadan tii ka horeysay duqeyn Suuqa loo geystey ay khasaarooyin badan oo dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh ka soo gaartey dadkii rayidka ahaa ee ku sugnaa gudaha Suuqa. www.Beerdhiga.com
  22. A&T is a good brother and one any somali can trust. Far from being mental, he makes a lot of sense and has a spirit of a true warrior, one who would never abandon a somali when in need. T Waryaa Abtigiis&Tolka, meeshaan waa caadeeda in la is caayo, you are not the first to be called mental or given other names, waxba ha u bixin, you shine amid the darkness of SOL. When I first joined Xiin said I looted his home. After he noticed I may have read Fatxul-Majiid, he slowly backtracked. Odaga marmaruu iska gadashadaa intuu is illoobo. I appreciate your excellent patriotism and spirit. Keep up the good work bro. PS: Your passion is not shared by some in here, keep that in mind when you write and don't have hi expectations from anyone. Don't be discouraged brother man. You are a minority among somalis lately, They don't make men like you anymore.
  23. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Xoogga, alshabaab will continue to do what they have to do. But to cite Zenawi's tough talk as a reason for somalis not talk to each other is a bit curious to me adeer. Zenawi would certaintly love for these talks to fail. Others in some circles may help him unwittingly of course to achieve that goal...which is sad really. Zenawi matters in Somali politics. He is heavily invested, gets paid handsomely to stay in Somalia by the powers that be, his views about Somalia matter, so one must accept Zenawi's talk whether tough or weak is a deal breaker. He said he will stay put and we know the war that is raging is fueled by his troop presence. That is what is stated to be an important issue for the opposition. Zenawi doesn't care about peace talks, a point I am on agreement with you, and for that, he needs to quit Somalia, or be forced to quit in order to force his lap dogs to make a concession. Now tell me, how are my views curious compared to yours?
  24. Mujaahidiinta JABISO oo weerar ka fool ka fool ah ku qaaday Warshadii hore ee Baastada ee M/Muqdisho. Beerdhiga 22.05.2008 18:40 Abaarihii 05:30 galabnimo xiliga Magaalada muqdisho ayay Xoogaga Mujaahidiinta Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed(JABISO) weerar culus oo ka fool ka fool ahi ku qaaday fariisinka Warshadii hore ee Baastada Ex-control Balcad ee Magaalada Muqdisho oo ay deganyihiin ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya. Sarkaal ka mid ah Jabiso oo ka gaabsaday in la shaaciyo magaciisa oo Beerdhiga la soo xiriiray ayaa u sheegay in weerar ay u adeegsadeen qoryaha garbaha laga rido, hubka sida daran dooriga u dhaca iyo waliba waxyaabaha qaraxa ay ku qaadeen warshadii hore ee Baastada Ex-control Balcad ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Daryanka Madaafiicda iyo rasaasta la isku adeegsanayo ayaa ah kuwo laga maqlayay qeybo ka mid ah xaafadaha Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana ay ciidamada gumeyisga Itoobiya ku jawaabayeen madaafiic aan loo meel dayin taas oo aan si rasmi ah loo sheegi Karin khasaaraha ka dhashay. Lama sheegi karo illaa iyo hadda khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee soo gaaray ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya balse waxaa la filayaa in ay jiraan khasaarooyin naf iyo maalba leh oo soo gaaray ciidamadaasi. Dhinaca kale Jabiso ayaa sheegtay in wax khasaare ah uusan ka soo gaarin dagaalkaasi isla markaana ay dib ugu laabteen fariisimahoodii iyaga oo bad qaba. Weerarkan ayaa ku soo beegmaya iyada oo maanta barqadii Qarax miino oo ah nooca meelaha fog laga hago lagula beegsaday ciidamada gumeyisga wadada dheer ee maka al-mukarama taas oo ay ku geeriyoodeen ugu yaraan 4 askari oo itoobiyaan ah tiro kalana waa ay ku dhaawacmeen. Sido kale arintani ayaa timaaday ka dib markii Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed ay ka gooyeen ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ee degan warshadda baastada baadkii iyo biyihii ay ka keensan jireen meelo ka baxsan farisinkooda ka dib markii ay Mujaahidiinta weeraro iyo qaraxyo gaadmo ahi la beegsadeen gawaarida u soo qaada baadka iyo biyaha. www.Beerdhiga.com
  25. Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab oo weerar culus ku qaaday xerada Asluubta Ex-Control Afgoye Duleedka M/Muqdisho Beerdhiga 22.05.2008 19:32 Abaarihii 06:20 galabnimo ayay Xoogaga Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab weerar culus oo ka fool ka fool ahi ku qaadeen fariisinka ay ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ku leeyihiin Asluubta Ex-Control Afgoye Duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho oo mudo ka badan sanad aan wax weerar ahi lagu qaadin tan iyo intii ay soo dageen isla markaana ay yaaliin kayd badan oo hub iyo shidaal isugu jira. Afahaheenka Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow (Abuu Mansuur) oo ay Beerdhiga la xiriirtay ayaa u xaqiijiyay in weerar ka fool ka fool ahi oo loo adeegsaday madaafiicda garbaha laga rido ee sabanadda, hubka kale ee sida daran dooriga u dhaca iyo qoryaha fududba ay ku qaadeen Xerada Asluubta oo ah fariisinka ugu weyn ee ay ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ka deganyihiin Magaalada Muqdisho. Sarkaal Sarre oo aanu wax ka weydiinay khasaaraha ay soo gaarsiiyeen ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ee fariisinka ku leh xerada Asluubta ayaa waxa uu yiri “ ilaahay (SW) khasaaro badan ayuu soo gaarsiiyay, dagaalkana waxa uu socday mudo 40 daqiiqo ah iyo waliba siyaado” sarkaalkaasi ayaa intaa ku daray “ koley culays badan waa jiraa meesha qiiq iyo gubasho waa ka jirtaa guud ahaan, waana lagu dhawaaday ama waa la galayba, koley gumeysiga culays badan waa gaaray”. Dagaalkan oo ahaa mid culus isla markaana socday in mudo ah ayaa dhawaqa madaafiic ay labada dhinac isweydaarsanayeen laga maqlayay degmooyin badan oo ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho. Mujaahidiinta ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ka soo weerareen xerada asluubta 3 jiho oo kala ah:- dhinaca wadada Xoosh Degmada Madiina, dhinaca Wadada Ex-Control iyo dhinaca deegaanak Garasbaaleey duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho. Intii dagaalku socday ayay Ciidamada Gumeysiga Itoobiya waxa ay madaafiic aan loo meel dayin ku garaaceen qeybo ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana la sheegayaa in ay qaarkood ku dhaceen KM4, Saybiyaano iyo xaafada Afrikan Village ee Degmada Hodan. Ilo wareed lagu kalsoonyahay ayaa sheegay in Madfac ka mid ah kuwa ay ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya u qeybinayeen Xaafadaha Muqdisho uu ku dhacay xaafada Afrikan Village isla markaana uu ku geeriyooday hal nin oo oday ah iyo gabar yar. Dhinaca kale websitka ku hadla afka Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab ayaa lagu daabacay in Abaanduulaha ciidamada Mujaahidinta Al-Shabaab General Abu Suleym uu daboolka ka qaaday taaktikooyin cusub oo aan hore loo arag in ay ku soo biirinayaan fagaaraha dagaalka ee Soomaaliya General Abu Suleym ayaa ku sheegay taaktikooyin cusub in ay yihiin hab dagaallan Cusub iyo howlgallo fariid ah oo ay fulinayaan Bi Idnillaah buu yiri Mujaahidinta Al-Shabaab,iyadoona howlgalladaasi lagu dhameystiri doono ayuu yiri cadowga soo duulay iyo cawaantiisa maalmaha kooban ee u haray. www.Beerdhiga.com