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Everything posted by BN

  1. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: picture ^^ [/QB] Sorry mate, that could be any-town-Somalia.
  2. MASHA'ALLAH 7ft 9ins, 33 stone, size 26 trainers ... and he's still growing High class ... with schoolkids It's a double-decker ... folk gaze in awe as Hussain waits at bus stop High jinks ... Hussain attracts stares as he fools around in street Stooperman ... doors are a problem
  3. BN

    Vote For K'Naan

    Originally posted by Foxy: One wonders what Ayan Xirsi has to do with the subject at hand.....walee waa yaab......from voting for K'naan to ayan xirsi's social club critics..... cheers Shaqo la'aan iyo xaasidnimo weeye...
  4. Why burst someone's bubble? I say, let those believe what they will--whether Somaliweyn or Somaliland. Its only words on a screen!
  5. Originally posted by Shirwac: LOL@Younis & Shirwac. I think Riyaale may be planning to backpack across Europe to campaign for recognition... Serious note--, Are there any others that are surprised by how well UCID did? They went from very low numbers in the previous round to a very respectable showing...despite that Mr. Waraabe.
  6. ^^Then what would you consider these folks at
  7. Goooooooooo UDUB HARGEISA, SOMALIA: Electoral posters arepasted 26 September 2005 on a street of Hargeisa, Somaliland. HARGEISA, SOMALIA: Newspaper street vendor Hassan Ahmed approaches a car 26 September 2005 on a street of Hargeisa, Somaliland. "I've finished all my newspapers because of the elections, this is wonderfull" he said.
  8. Originally posted by Qudhac: eerm waar duke gaadhigii Geedi miyaanu wali xamar gaadhin, oo waxaad tidhi it only takes one houre mise geedi wuu lumay. baaq ma dirnaa haduu lumay. LOL...haven't you heard? He's taken the scenic route...should be there any minute now.
  9. ^^Are you able to provide proof that this company even exists? Not even a website is up...strange for a multimillion dollar firm wouldn't you say? This whole 'deal' seems nothing more than a fabrication playing on the hopes of poor Somalis.
  10. Shirkii Balcad oo qorshuhu ahaa in lagu dhiso Isbahaysi oo ku soo ururay Xaflad Qado sharaf ah LOL.
  11. C/llaahi Yuusuf oo codsaday in ciidamo si degdeg loogu xareeyo xarada Abqaale, ayna halkaa diyaar ku noqdaan ugu danbeyn 10-ka Oktoobar(Wasiir ka tirsan dowladda oo ka hadlay) Muqdisho Warar aanu ka helnay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay oo ku sugan Puntland ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo dorraad galab soo gaaray magaalada Jowhar, farriin uu soo gaarsiiyey Issimada, saraakiisha & xubnaha labada gole dowladda federaalka ee ku sugan gobolada Puntland in uu ka codsaday in si degdeg looga soo uruuriyo ciidamo 5-ta gobol ee uu maamulka Puntland ka taliyo & Buuhoodle, wuxuuna xusay in ciidamadaasi ay diyaar ku noqdaan xerada Abqaale ugu danbeyn 10-ka Oktoobar. Issimada & xubnaha labada gole ee uu la soo xiriiray madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Garaad Saleebaan, wasiirka kaluumeysiga & kheyraadka badda Xasan Abshir Faarax & Xildhibaan Aadan Max’ed Cali, waxaana xubnahaasi ay ku wargeliyeen saraakiisha maamul goboleedka Puntland & xubno ka tirsan baarlamaanka in ay guda galaan uruurinta ciidamadaasi oo aanan la garaneyn Wasiirka howlaha guud iyo guriyeynta ee dowladda federaalka Cusmaan Xasan cali (Caato) ayaa isagoo ku sugan magaalaadan Muqdisho waxa uu sheegay in madaxweynuhu ku jiro abaabul & diyaar garow dagaal, isla markaana uu Jowhar ku uruurinayo ciidamo, kuwo kalena uu qorsheynayo in ay halkaasi soo gaaraan. “Waxaan rajeynayaa in madaxweynuhu uu ka leexdo balantii uu qaaday hadda ka hor isagoo ku sugan Puntland oo intuu xabbad kor u qaaday yiri xabadaas ayaan Xamar ku tageynaaâ€ayuu yiri Cusmaan Caato oo sheegay in qab dhaqanka madaxweynaha ee ah in uu ciidamo ku soo uruurinayo Jowhar, kuwo kalena ay ku soo jeedaan in taasi ay horseedeyso dhibaato, isla markaana aaney jirin sabab lagu aamino. “Haddi uuusan dagaalka billabin, waxaan rajeynayaa in dadka Soomaliyeed aysan arki doonin dagaal dhibaatadiisa, laakiin hadduu C/llaahi uu bilaabo dagaal wuxuu noqonayaa nin habeen guureeyey†ayuu yiri Caaato, wuxuuna sii raaciyey. “Ciidamda Soomaaliya dhismahooda nooc ay doonanba C/llaahi Yuusuf keligii xaq uma laha lagana aqbali maayo†Si kastaba ha ahaatee garabka Muqdisho ayaa ah kuwa aan fulin wax walba ay isula soo qadaan halka madaxweynahu yahay nin go´´aan leh waxuu yirahdana fuliyo tasoo keentay wax walba ay yirahdaan hogaamiyaasha Muqdisho kuwa aan la rumeysan . Nasrudiin Ceydiid Salaad (Diini)Dayniile,Muqdisho _________________________________________________ Ouch.
  12. Via Balcad? And if he convenes a meeting in the capital, as Juma said, that might work against his entire argument.
  13. Originally posted by NGONGE: The choices for politics and Dood wanaag are far too sensible. Juma and Duke for the first & FF (she can’t speak Somali) for the second would have been more interesting. I can just imagine Duke and Juma as Co-Moderators...
  14. More photos here:
  15. UNITED NATIONS, United States: President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed of Somalia addresses the 60th session of the General Assembly 17 September, 2005 at the United Nations. AFP PHOTO/JEFF HAYNES (Photo credit should read JEFF HAYNES/AFP/Getty Images) Abdlullahi Yusuf Ahmed, president of the transitional federal government of Somalia, speaks during the 60th session of the General Assembly Saturday, Sept. 17, 2005, at the United Nations. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson) Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail, Foreign Minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, speaks during the 2005 World Summit Friday, Sept. 16, 2005, at the United Nations. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
  16. Your link isn't working for me. Is there a direct link to the UN page?
  17. Sidee nin miskiin ah, oo waxba lahayn, gargaar u geyn karaa nin kale oo lacag kabatay? Yaab badanaa...
  18. Originally posted by wind.talker: Defeatisis : Fear of the defeated lot LOOL!
  19. Originally posted by Sky: "I like Britain," Somalia's President and former warlord Abdullahi Yusuf told me. "In fact, a part of me is British." Our very own Edna Adan me thinks...