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Everything posted by FreshPrince

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;774359 wrote: Freshprince people tried to divide Somaliland since the 1990s but they all failed , Somalia is pretty divided because it can be divided How many Mamuul goboleeds are there in Somalia right now Azania Galmudug Pudhlayn Ahlsuna Ximan iyo xeeb West Pudhlayn State And than you have the TFG How many Mamuul goboleeds you have in Somaliland non:D Again, if Somalia is divisible, so can Somaliland, which isn't even a country that is recognized. lol
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;774353 wrote: ^^^Somaliland unity is a must it can't be divided Awdal is where Somaliland was founded in 1993 , Sanaag is where our old ancestor hails from sool is the land of the brave and ofcourse oil. LMAO! Who says it can't be divided? If Somalia is divisible, so can Somaliland, especially a Somaliland that isn't even a COUNTRY that is recognized. LMAO
  3. Abokor Omar;774348 wrote: What you don't grasp is that set backs only help cement our determination to achieve the ultimate goal; Recognition. The words failure, failed, giving up were left behind when we absolved the union. May your dream come true, my reer abti. Jeecliya Hergeisa oo la gooyo, Jeecliya Somaliland (without Awdal iyo SSC) oo Wadan ka go'an Somalia noqda.
  4. LOOOOL, can someone please post Puntland's new map now that SSC and Raascayser State are officially out of the picture.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;774084 wrote: War inanta dayaa whats with these guys gabadha eryanaya isla yaaba oo niman waweyn iska dhiga War dee gabadhu wa doqon. She said that Somalidiidka are Lions and SSC are Buffalo. War gabadhu doqonsana, ma miid dhandhan ah ba dhalay talow?
  6. MoonLight1;774076 wrote: War cidaan Hees badanaa, oo Garaad badanaa, oo shir badanaa. lots of big farts, less actions. Looooooooool ! Without J.S iyo Reer Yagoori, Aaliyah would've been giving birth to few kids belonging to Reer Siilaanyo. lol Garad Jama Garad Ismail, may he live long. Without him, nothing would've been happening for Beesha Dblock. We are the bridge between Hawd iyo Nugal. We are the ones holding on to Laascaanood for Somaliland, we are the ones spearheading the SSC State. lol
  7. Aaliyah, aka Moron, listen here, you shouldn't be talking about "Libdhimaysiid Laascaanood", cause right NOW, Laascaanood is in the hands of Siilaanyo's tribe, forcefully for 4 years, almost 5 years actually. Secondly, I am from Yagoori, I'm from the largest subclan in SSC, my Garad, Garad Jamaac Garad Ismacail is in Taleex, without us JS, I don't think Laascaanood will ever be free. Bow down, ina gumaydyahay inu gumaydku dhalay.
  8. How am I a Slander? Just because I said few things that are TRUE, you're pissed off? Aaliyah, you really are a moron. Would a girl from Hergeisa ever say SSC are Lions and Somaliland is a "small little buffalo"? LOL
  9. Aaliyyah;774062 wrote: hence the lions and the crocodiles are sl and pl lool.. salaam The likes of you are what we the Dblock fam have. You actually gave a good compliment to Somaliland by referring to them as "Lions". What a moron. No offense, but how could YOU fight against a Lion, if you believe that you are a "small little buffalo"? Bluelicious' analogy was MORE raggnimo than yours, a Somaliland-giving-Puntland-giving compliments-who-says-she's-is-against-both-of-them. lol
  10. War Deg Deg Ah:maamul Goboleed maanta lagaga dhawaaqay Gaalkacayo. January 13, 2012 | Filed under: War cusub | Posted by: admin Gaalkacayo:-(RT)Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug ayaa waxaa maanta looga dhawaaqay maamul Goboleed cusub oo la magac baxay maamul goboleedka Galbeedka Puntland West Puntland State (WPS) kaasi oo ay xaruntiisu noqonaysa magaalada Gaalkacyo. Xaflad aad u sareysay oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen siyaasiyiinta, waxgaradka, culmidaa’udiinka, ganacsatada iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada kuwaasi oo kasoo jeeda Beesha ******** oo degta Galbeedka Puntland iyo qeybo kamida bariga iyo bartamaha Puntland. Maamulkan oo noqonaya maamulkii 3-aad ee deggan magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa kusoo aadaya iyadoo waayadanba ay isa soo tarayeen maamulada kusoo badanaya gobolada Puntland, waxaana horay magaalada Gaalkacyo uga arimin jiray maamulada Puntland iyo Galmudug oo ka kala taliya qeybo kamida xaafaddaha magaalada Gaalkacyo. Muxuu Yahay Maamulkan WPS Maamulka WPS (West Puntland State) ayaa waxaa ku dhawaaqay beesha ******** oo iyadu kamid ahayd beelihii qeybta ka ahaa beelihii aasaasay maamulka Puntland sanadkii 1998, waxaana dhacday in sanadihii ugu dambeeyay ay beesha ******** saluugsanayd qeyb ahaan waxyaabaha kaga soo aada awood qeybsiga maamulka Puntland iyo sidoo kale qaabka loo maareeyo kheyraadka deegaanada Puntland. Siyaasiyiintii iyo waxgaradkii madasha xafladda looga dhawaaqay maamulka cusub ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in wixii ka dambeeyay sanadkii 1991 oo ay ahayd wakhtigii ay burburtay dowladii dhexe ee Soomaaliya in cid waliba ay sameysatay maamul ay ku dooneysay iney ku hellaan sadkooda dhinaca siyaasadda iyo sidoo kale iney hellaan kheyraadka ay la wadaagaan bulshada inteeda kale. Haddaba maadaama ay Beesha ******** ay si muuqata u dareentay in maamulka Puntland uu noqday mid aysan si siman u wadaagin bulshada goboladaasi degta ayaa waxaa dhacday in maamulkani lagu dhawaaqo. Daahir Maxamuud Muusse oo kamid ah siyaasiyiinta Beesha ******** oo isagu horey uga tirsanaa saraakiisha Puntland ee kasoo shaqeysay maamulka dowladda hoose ee gobolka Mudug ayaa kamid ahaa shakhsiyaadkii ka hadlay madasha shirka waxa uuna sheegay in si kumeel gaar ah loo magaacabay Guddoomiye iyo Guddoomiye ku xigeen iyo waliba sidoo kale guddi gaaraya ilaa iyo 23 xubnood oo noqon doona guddiga bundhigga u noqon doonta dhisitaanka Maamulka Cusub ee West Puntland State (WPS). Waxgaradka iyo ganacsatada ku dhaqan deegaanada Galbeedka Puntland oo ay ugu horeyso xaafadda Garsoor ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta mudug ayaa si weyn u soo dhaweeyay maamulkan cusub ee haatan lagu dhawaaqay waxayna ku booriyeen in maamulka cusub ee West Puntland State uu ka shaqeeyo horumarinta guud ahaanba bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan deegaanka Galbeedka Puntland. Dhisitaanka maamulka West Puntland State ayaa imaanaya xilli bilawgii bishii Diseember ee sanadkii tagay ee 2011 ay magaalaad Gaalkacyo ku dagaalameen askarta maamulka Puntland iyo maleeshiyaad ka tirsan beesha ********, dagaalkaasi oo yimid kadib markii ay ciidamada amaanka Puntland sheegeen iney xaafadda Garsoor ka sameynayeen hawl gallo ay ku sugayeen ammaanka kuna soo qabanayeen shakhsiyaad la sheegay in lagu tuhunsanaa Kooxda Al-shabaab ee ka dagaalanta Koonfurta iyo Bartmaha Soomaaliya. Realtaleex News desk.
  11. Laascaanood is actually gone. Wake up Aaliyah. I don't know why you're even talking, when your mouth should be "SHUT". Somaliland flag is flying high above Laascaanood, Gambadhe, Yagori, Gumays, Erigavo and soon Buuhodle and Talex.
  12. If an ALL-OUT war broke out between Somaliland (SNM + Supporters) and SSC (Unionists), who would win? Somaliland National Army SSC Army
  13. Born in Hergeisa, raised in Hergeisa and Australia.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;774019 wrote: Aaaliyah what is the new name of the new Mamuul did they make that clear yet? Union State of Somalia or United States of Somalia
  15. Khadar and the rest of the SSC crew you have no rights to speak as long as Lasanod is under the flag of Somaliland. Hadalku wuu iidin ka xidhanyahay! lol
  16. Citizens take up arms and fought against Military soldiers that were trained to the most perfect way! Respect to them SNM fighters. I hate to see them do the same to others, which they themselves fought against.
  17. I honestly recognize and respect the bravery of the SNM fighters. Knowing that Afweyne and his regime had strong army and weapons, they abandoned their post and went into the wilderness, with only AK-47s and took them few attempts to liberate their clan's territories and within 10 years and help from Mengistu, they liberated their territories from the Afweyne occupiers. I am an Anti-SNM because they killed thousands of my clansmen, but I recognize and respect their bravery in facing face-to-face Africa's most equipped army. Lixle was the head of the Tank Division in Mogadishu in 1980. He must've been a very important asset for the SNM, since he was familiar with Tanks, how to operate them and what it needed to be active.
  18. Abdul;773611 wrote: Actually he is from hargaisa and he is just a mole.He has exposed himself now. Actually, I am from Yagoori. I'm related to Ina Quuje.
  19. Starts at 1:52 duration: Reer SSCYOW, follow me to bloodless victory and peaceful coexistence with Somaliland as Somalilanders and have your demands met.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;773551 wrote: Fresh prince is the first Horgale as they call them in the land of the Darwiish:D Lol, sxb am I right to say what I'm saying? Do you believe a Federal Somaliland, where States are created within Somaliland to provide more greater goods directly to the inhabitants of those States within a Federal Somaliland?
  21. So, now I'm an impostor? lol The truth is in front of you ALL. If I'm going to get back Caynaba without a single shot being fired and then become an Autonomous State within Federal Somaliland, what else can I ask for? Mogadishu could really go to hell for all I care.