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Everything posted by FreshPrince

  1. 5. "Somaliland defends it gains." Lol, that says it all. You're a Somalidiid and anything you say is irrelevant.
  2. ^ Two brothers from Puntland. Xiinfanin and General Duke, you two are my favorites. Throughout the years, I've observed your posts and how you have systematically karbashed the Somalidiids. You guys gave me laughters that no site has ever given it to me. You two have defended the truth beyond any member in here and you have surely not wasted a second of your time in here for you've used it for the benefit of all. You two are truly like role models to me and you've inspired me truly to the core. Masha'allah. I'm glad to say that I'm related to XiinFanin and General Duke as Tol and may Puntland prosper Amiin!
  3. General, the matter at hand isn't about uniting the people of SSC, but rather, the question one should ask is, what are they going to be united for and against. For instance, if SSC people are united, which they are, that's only 50% of the job. The other 50% is what will they unite against? Would they unite against joining Somaliland? Will they unite against joining Puntland? Would they unite to build an SSC State, similar to Puntland and Somaliland?
  4. General Duke;769997 wrote: Great pics indeed, good luck to the locals. However one has to disagree with the notion that this is a unique one of a kind meeting in Somalia. Clans have held meetings before on many levels and whole regional admins were created inside Somalia. The SSC clan need to unify themselves and chart their own course. The good thing for us unionists is the waving of the blue flag and the total lack of scessionist symbols in Talex. Insha Allah Khair. Well said, General. The likes of you from Mudug, Nugaal and Bari have to understand to tie up the jokers amongst you like that self-proclaiming Puntlander named "Somalia", who's tarnishing your name and tolnimo. He's dragging it on the mud. Personally, I don't think he's one of you guys, perhaps his mother might be from Puntland, but he surely sounds like he's from Hergeisa.
  5. It will survive with the help of Allah. As you know, SSC State will be from Sanaag and it's shores all the way into Hawd. That's a huge land/territory. Plus, Buuhoodle Airport and Laascaanood Airport, not to mention an Airport in Taleex will be sufficient. Did I mention the OIL. Trust me, we SSC people are Nationalists. We will NOT drill our Oil, when the rest of Somalia is in turmoil or when there is no Central Government. Our Oil is for SSC and Greater Somalia as ONE.
  6. @Somalia, you're a total joke. I mean, you make a Clown look like he's a Physician and an Astronomer. lol
  7. A young teenage almost commits suicide by slaughtering himself when his Father denied him permission to allow him to go to Taleex and take part in the Khaatumo 2 Congress. People of SSC are saying loud and clear, "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH". Wiil aabihii u Diiday inuu Shirka Khaatumo aado oo Mindi Isku Bireeyey Iyo Xaaladiisa Caafimad oo Wanaagsan. Saleebaan faarax jaamac oo Da’diisa lagu sheegay 22jir ayaa Aabihii u Diiday inuu aado magaalada Taleex ee ah Halka ay taalo Gogosha Wada Tashiga beelaha SSC, Wiilkan ayaa aabihii ka codsaday in uu Siiyo Kharash uu ku aado Taleex, Balse aabihiis ayaa ku amray in uusan Ka tagin deegaanka uu joogo oo aha Dandan. Arintan ayaa Shacabka Deeganadda SSC naxdin ku abuurtay kadib markii ay Arintan Foosha Xun maqleen, inta badan Shacabka deeganadda SSC ayaa haatan ku sugan Taleex kuwaas oo intooda Badani ay u soo aadeen in ay indhohooda ku arkaan Fantasiyaha iyo Damaashaadka Horu Dhaca u ah Damaashadka Shirka Khaatumo 2. Xaalada Wiilkan ayaanu wax ka waydiinay Dhakhtaradda Isbitalka laascaaanod kuwaas oo Warbaahinta Real-Taleex u xaqiijiyey in Xaalka Wiilkani ay Hada Wanaagsantahay.
  8. Odey Maxamud Xaji Cumar Camay warns the Hergeisa-Based militia of attacking Taleex, in any way, shape or form. Maxamuud X. Cumar Camay:- Hargeysa Way Heli Jawaabteeda Hadday Isku Daydo In Ay Soo Weerarto Taleex. Buuhoodle( Maxamuud Xaaji Cumar Camay ayaa ku tilmaamay hadalkii shalay ka soo yeedhay ninka maamulka Hargeysa u qaabilsan arrimaha gudaha mid aan ku qotomin xaqiiqada dhabta ah ee jirta. Wuxuuna sheegay Xaaji Maxmuud Xaaji Cumar Camay in maamulka Hargeysa heli doono jawaabtii uu horeba u heli jiray, hadduu isku dayo in uu weerar ku qaado xarunta shirka ee Taleex. Xaaji Maxamuud ayaa hadalkan ka jeediyey xilli ay maanta galinkii danbe ka anbabaxayeen magaalada Buuhoodle, iyaga oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Taleex oo shirku uga socdo beelaha ***********. Hadalka Oday Maxamuud Xaaji Cumar Camay ayaa jawaab u ah hadal uu shalay warbaahinta ka jeediyey maamulka Hargeysa, isaga oo ku hanjabay maamulkaasi in ay weerarayaan goobta shirku ka socde ee Taleex.
  9. MORE DELEGATION ARRIVES IN TALEEX. Wafti uu Horkacayo Ugaaska Beesha Xaamud Ugaas ee Ugaas Faraax Dheere oo Taleex Lagu Soo dhaweyey+sawiro Waxaa maanta Soo gaadhay Gelinkii Hore Taleex Wafti uu Horkacayo Ugaas Faarax Dheere waftidan oo kasoo kicitimay Tuulada Karin garfood ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Cuqaal iyo Ergooyinka Shirka Khaatumo 2 uga Qayb Galaysa Beesha Xaamud Ugaas. waxaaana soo dhawayn loogu sameeyey Hoolka Shirarka ee Taleex waxaana halkaas kula hadlay Afhayeenka Gudiga Qaban Qaabadda Gudaha ee Shirka C/fataax Cismaan Dhalac waxaana uuna uu halkaas c/fataax kasoo jeediyey Qudbad uu Ergadan kusoo dhawaynayo isagoo c/fataaxna uu sheegay in uu ku faraxsanyahay in ay ergada uu horkacayo Ugaas Faarax ay Si nabad ah kusoo Gaadhan Talex. waxaa intaas kadib halkaas ka hadlay Ugaas faarax Dheere wuxuuna sheegay in uu ergadiisu tahay Ergadii Ugu Danbeysey ee Baalaha SSC isla markaana waxa ay ugu dib mareen ay tahay in ay soo gelbiyaan ergooyinka dhanka hawdka ka imaanaysa ee soo marayey deegankisa isla markaana ay sugayeen amaanka ergooyinkaasi waxa uuna aad ugu mahad celiyey Dhamaanba Cidii Soo qaban qaabisay isla markaana hindisaha shirka lahayd waxa una sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsanyahay imaanshiyaha taleex. Isku soo wada Duubo waxaa Haatan taleex laga sugayaa Hogaankii SSC kuwaasi oo Gelinkii Danbe e Maanta kasoo kicitimay Buuhoodle.
  10. The Zack;769504 wrote: The clan with the best history in the entire Somali Peninsula have finally decided to come together and claim their land. The forefathers of these people kept the Somaliness and the Muslimhood alive since the 1800's. They are the reason we are Muslims and Somalis today. They have every right to create their own mini state until a strong central government is built. VIVA SSC! P.s. I see Abdikarim (The brain behind everything the TFG have accomplished since Shariif Canbe came to power) in the pictures. Good stuff! The Zack, our history didn't start in the 1800s. You're making us seem like we're fresh in the game. lol SSC people's history is at least 1,000 years old and some have shown prove that SSC people along with their cousins from Jubbaland, Puntland and Somali Galbeed date back to the ages of the Pharaohs. Nonetheless, we know for a fact that SSC people were present in the Jihads that Ahmed Gurey was involved in the 1500s (16th Century). That wasn't the beginning of our Nationalism for Somalinimo nor our Fight to Defend Islam either. We have a long history as the people of SSC.
  11. Som@li;769491 wrote: Waw, it is in full swing Yes it is, indeed. The funny thing is, it isn't still over yet. There are tons of delegations that are still being awaited. From Sool to Sanaag to Cayn and even all the way to Danood and Gobolka Wardheer. I think the Jubooyinka SSC clan members will send a Delegation as well.
  12. HUGE Delegation from ERIGAVO (ceerigaabo) has arrived in Taleex. Daawo:Wafti uu hogaminayo Garaad C/laahi maxamed Guuleed oo sogadhay taleex Iyadoo ay manta qaar kamid ah ergooyinka kaqayb galaya shirwaynaha khaatumo ay soogaadheen ayaa waxaa galabta soogaadhay magaala taleex ergooyinkii kasocday magaalada ceerigaabo oo uu horkacayo garadka Cabdi laahi maxamed Guuleed ayaa siwayn losoo dhaweeyay iyadoo lagaga hortagay meelkabaxsan magaalada kadibna losoo galbiyay dhinacayo gudaha magaalada Garaad cabdi laahi maxame guuleed oo waftidan hogaaminayay ayaa kamahad celiyay sida diiran ee loosoodhaweeyay isagoo umahad celiyay dad reer taleex
  13. Yes, no doubt. Somaliland is created by British and Foreign Powers, and in return with Somaliland's help, Al-Shabab was created to disrupt Somalia, so Somaliland can have a really good case for secession. However, as long as Somaliland is based on the boundaries of the clans of Hergeisa, Burco and Berbera I will vote for their Independence and secession from Somalia, without SSC and Awdal.
  14. Dr_Osman;769234 wrote: You make me suspicious where u are from, are u from hargeisa? you sound like day israel, one day arab, one day same lineage as mogadishu folk the next same lineage as jabuti folks...Your topsy turvy bro like that where noone can even take u serious and just hangs up on u like they did on that somaliland guy who called somali channel on puntland and manta Ding Ding Ding! BINGO, we have a winner. lol You have noticed it too. This "Somalia" individual is tarnishing the good name of the people of Puntland. He's cheerleading for SNM one day, then he throws a little pebble at SNM and in the same token, he drags the good name of Awdalites and SSC/Darwiish in the mud, while clabbing for something called "Azania", and ironically he's supporting the execution and handing over of individuals from Somali Galbeed to Ethiopia. He's what I call "Inside Enemy of the State". Is he from Hergeisa with a mom from Ex-Puntland? Possibly. I just hope you Puntlanders watch out how people like this guy named "Somalia" ruins your reputation and name, while using your name.
  15. Somalia;769235 wrote: @Fresh Prince I hope your SSC "Movement" finds a home. I hope you don't get a heart attack when an SSC State is announced in Khaatumo 2 Congress. lol
  16. Congratulations to the clan of Mudug (Abdullahi Yusuf Yeey), Nugaal (Faroole-thank-you), and Bari (Cade Muse). Hope the progress continues, and the assassinations to come to an end.
  17. You do know, you have a man who portrayed as Idi Amin in a movie, right? Why do I sense you're not a fan of Forest Whitaker, but rather Idi Amin?
  18. Somalia;769215 wrote: Awdal debacle will end in 2012 with peace talks. So, you rather not see Awdalites rule themselves as an Autonomous State within a Federal Somalia?
  19. Is funny how the Somalidiid Separatist in Hergeisa don't want nothing to do with Somalia and their talks are merely based on if and only if Somalia would recognize Hergeisa as an Independent country, while in the same token, the Hergeisa-based Separatist clan want to force Awdal and SSC to be part of what they call "Somaliland", in a talk to forcefully put Awdal and SSC into their "Somaliland". Double-Standard, Oxymoronic and complete bullshit. lol
  20. What do you guys think? How would this impact Somaliland State and Puntland State?
  21. Abdul, there is a difference of what's wanted or needed and the hidden agendas of some. Clearly, the people want unity and Somalia, but only Allah knows what the G-6 and G-15 and our Elders really want.