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Everything posted by Nephissa

  1. Ok, I'm a bit behind, but Wow! SOL needs to reinvent their model of "banning" perhaps put some better measures into place, or change the metrics by which they measure those that deserved to be banned. ps. Zack, you made it seem like you were ejected from paradise. It boggles my mind that some people can be banned repeatedly but still return. Meel lagaa ceersaday maxaa kugu soo celin? Ish.
  2. "LAS VEGAS — In a city where luck means everything, O.J. Simpson came out the big loser and his unlucky number in a case full of bizarre twists was 13. He was convicted of an armed robbery that happened on Sept. 13 and was found guilty on the 13th anniversary of his Los Angeles murder acquittal. The Las Vegas jury deliberated for 13 hours after a 13-day trial... ...Even the stunning verdict came as most of America slept, oblivious to the irony that Simpson might spend the rest of his life in prison for what most perceived as a petty crime, a tussle among dysfunctional middle-aged men." The Huffington Post O.J was totally overcharged in this case. Any normal person would get maybe a year or two in prison, not facing life like he is now for robbery/kidnapping. Sounds like overkill to me!
  3. Alla fulaysanaa oo wadno waynaa! Waryaa JB, Somaliland kaliya ha ku dhex meer-meeraysane, goormaa topic dhahaayo 'Muqdishu fiirso dacalada' soo dhajinaysaa? ood nin Dalmar ah noqonaysaa? waa ku sidee, maxaa ku daari..
  4. If I was a NASA scientist or a surgeon who saves cancer patients 6 nights a week and my spouse asked me to give it all up for him, ihii! I would run, run away from such a man so fast that all he would see would be a blur. There are greater things in life than love for one person, it's called love for beeso. . Originally posted by Ace of Spadez: i wouldn't give up my cell phone carier for my wives. we should keep our cell phone plans seperate. seperate everything . separate Xayraan too, Xaaji. L0L.
  5. ^ wait, is 'tits' a cuss word?
  6. Can anyone foresee the dangers approaching Puntland? Only one thing is certain: Western missiles will fly. In attempt to wipe out Pirates sanctuary in the region. Dad badan badanna way ku baabi'i. Dadkiinan haddaa qos-qoslaayo maxaa idiin dambayn doono. Wallee, dhutuq-dhutuq hore, dhawano hees dambee leedahay la yiri. :rolleyes:
  7. Masha Allah, I'm impressed with Malika. The sister is carrying on those traditions and rituals that was instilled in her. Making sure they are passed to the generations to follow, she even extends an invite to lonely, single folks in the masjid that don't have someone to share Eid with. Yartu xoog badanaa! I want to be just like her when I grow up . [Hi Malika *Waves*, you must be the motherly type.. .] Eid for me, is totally exhausting and not fun. It means you bust you buns to cook, shop, and prepare your home, etc, etc. Anyways, I haven't done my brows since the first day of Ramadan, Alhamdulilaah! and I was going to leave them alone - promised myself to never mess with my natural eyebrow growth ever again [Ramadan or not.] They're now growing in different directions and I was perfectly happy with that, untill hubby told me the inlaws [who by the way, watch me like a hawk when I speak, eat or walk] are coming over this Eid. Ahh! it's stressing me out. I have to get them neat and shapely for the occassion. Y'know as they say; the look of a face is all about the eyebrows! Not so sure what I should do. Pluck or leave it be.
  8. Ma kaa dhab baa :confused: . Waxanu ma Af-Somali baa? Oo yaa dhalay, xaggee looga hadlaa?
  9. Originally posted by Faynuus: dad waalaan baa ka buuxaa and when jaadka soo dhoco, qof miyir qaba luguma arkaad is leedahay magaalada dhan. nimankiina kala roor naagihiina qaylo. acuudka. . Dadka waxaa ka sii daran aa la dhahay eriga! Eri carbeed wixi beledka joogoo dhan buun ay isku yeerinaayiin. Caaac! Suldaan, brother, Allaha inii siyaadiyo nabadda iyo amaanka. Meel waxan joogaa the plant pots-ka on my porch la iga xado. I can not fathom why someone would have the audacity to just walk up to someone's front door and steal potted plants. It's not like it is a money tree or a pot of fort knots gold. Markaa, ha ila yaabin inaan la fajaco Somalia oon waxna la xadayn, it just boggles the mind.
  10. Originally posted by nuune: Waxaa ugu darnaa kuwa ayagana, this happened in Xamar, in xeebta Liido, it was usual thing for two partners to come bada liido, then xariifkaan iyo xariiftiisa aa waxee soo qaateen this mini-boat square one which only fits for two people. intii la dhax seexday ayaa la iska marqaamayey, then badii iyo hirkii aya qaadey oo meel fog bey la tagtey, halkaasna waxaa ku cuney SHARKS. Hadii labadaba la cune, yaa taagnaayoo baas oo soo report gareeye their experience? A&T is going to get hand slapped for that one!
  11. Jazakalaahu Kheyran brothers. I prayed last nite @ my local mosque. The dua'aas in the witr prayer were very deep and moving. All of a sudden, I started to feel rather emotional and I cried, hot burning tears. Alhamdulilaah!
  12. But what really strucks them dumbfounded is when at mid-day, a city of around million people goes to the Duhur prayers and all that Cash and Gold and Diamonds are left as they are untouched unsecured and on the streets. . Bes hee, xoogaa naga kala yaree, xataa atleast mid run u eg noo sheeg, laakin saan xaaraaan. Kacbadi aaba ka dhigtee meesha ayadaan waxna la xadine.
  13. Originally posted by The Zack: B_G, Well I guess it depends where you are. Its 1pm here in the east coast on the 20th of Sept. so yes I'tkaf starts tonight. Like Jaceylbaro said,let's makee sure we don't forget to pray the Tahajud. Brother Zakaria, how should we perform the Tahajud Prayer and how many rakats should we pray? Thanks.
  14. Jazakalaahu Kheyr, brother. I missed many salaah during my ignorant years. I pray now, Alxamdulilaah, but as soon as I commence my salaat I start talking in my mind. Sheeko baraleey baan gali. I'm so not there.. May Allah give us the hidaya to offer our salaat with khushooc.
  15. Well..I 'm not gonna say I was innocent growing up, especially in my teen years. . I will admit that. Laakin gacan ka hadal ma aqaan. Come on nuune, I don't look qamarji, do I? Look @ my face..
  16. nuune, maxaa beenta keenay? yaa bistoolo madaxa looga haayaa? ma garan, runtii. Meel dadka is qaraacaan hadaad adigu ka timid, or it's easy for you to beat the crap out of your friends and be friends the next day dadkoo dhan saas maahee la soco.
  17. y'know what they say: remotes are extension of a man's - - - - -. Hint: It's a 5 letter word.
  18. That's what I wish for too. But I never forget that I'm fasting.
  19. Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation with a friend? No. I take the MATURE way out, I just look @ them and they run. . Never could I physically get in a fight with anyone, that's just childish. However, about 3 weeks ago, I got into a physical fight. She hit me, I walked away, she hit me again, and I tried to walk away, then she punched me, so I jumped her. Yup, I had a play fight with my 5 year old niece. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: Back in the day - all the time even fought my siblings whenever they tried to switch the channel while i was watching Dragonball Z - All pumped up i went KaMeHaMeHa on all of them I hate & love the aftermath though; I hate those akward silences when your in the same room, or when you need something from that person you can't go to him or her cause you will be seen as the weak one, or they will feel as if they were right in the argument (and this continues for a week or two) But it's always a good feeling when you finally work it out, it's like your hanging out again with a person you haven't chilled with in months ahaha rabshoole waaxid! My younger brother beat me up once over the remote control. I have been bullied & attacked by mid adoo kale ah.
  20. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: kolkol intaad iloowdo miyaad ku yar tuurtaa? I mean I know a friend who often drinks water only to realise he was in Ramadan later. They say its Allah's way of blessing some among us! Saan u rabo jiray inaan mar kaliya is hilmaamo leee! Ice cream baan cunay io juice aan cabay dad leh waan maqlay. Laakin waligeed iguma dhicin. Caku! Waxaa markaad doon doonaysid ma heshid shooow.
  21. It went so fast, Alxamdulilaah. Surprisingly I haven't been hungry or thirsty at all this ramadan and it kinda defeats the whole purpse of Ramadan: to feel the hunger that too many in this world feel everyday of the year. I thought I was maybe eating way too much, so I've decided to cut down my suhuur intake down to a glass of milk and a bowl of cereal. So let's see inaan gaajoodo maanta.
  22. I would be kidding myself to think that my culture and ethnic background do not play a role in who I am, and how I think or more likely why I feel the way I do about things. Being American, Brit or Swed by naturalization or even by birth won't take my Somaliness away from me. Thus, I choose to be Somali. My ancestry is extremely important to me, they are my kin and their blood runs in my veins. It connects me to them and to my roots, it makes me who I AM. My parents taught me things they have learned from their parents, who learned from their parents... there's a connection that each of us has with our heritage. I was born Muslim first, Somali second, and so I shall die.
  23. Originally posted by Zafir: Ps: From these pictures JigJiga has more roads then all of Puntland combined. . Oh no you di'int! Wait till somebody tells you Puntland has freeways with 11 lanes on each side.
  24. Nephissa


    Perché? By the way, dhagta is qabo. I was thinking about you yesterday. Xagguu qabtay baan islahaa. Daaco qurun baad shoow la maqnayd too much bursaliiid..