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Everything posted by Nephissa

  1. Oh, please God NO!.. ANYTHING but.. ANYONE else from SL besides ol' Oodweyne. I'd even take Ngonge, or Suldaanka, the lesser evils.
  2. ^ ii daa GJ, ina eeddadeey. He meant no harm, it just came out all wrong , that's all. And I believe him.
  3. Emp, waa ku gaadaayay, laakin waa iga baxsatay tookadaan. Insha Allah, markalaan ku qaban. .
  4. Warya, I said I like, not I is. oh by the way, what's your definition of the categories, shaki aaba i galee? L0L.
  5. my. Ducaysane! . Wixii kor loo tuurabo ma waxaa moodi busmaar? Caafiyo Alle, aboowe. Caafimaad waara aan kuu rajeeyay.
  6. you mean it's not a schoolwork? Emp, waa ku salaamay walaalkiis. Waa kuu jeedaa weli kutubo xoor ma noqon. Still Ramadan sign+avatar baa kugu shabeesan. Awguuriyo.
  7. You won't be "Ina Magac Laawe" markii lagu qabto. Not long ago, in Canada, a student was almost expelled from University for posting chemistry homework on facebook.Cheating in Cyberspace
  8. L0L. I like the strong female who knows what she wants and doesn't take shit off nobody, the one that looks out for her own interest "kaadi u kacdo" category.
  9. ^ I very much agree with you. It really is liberating and I am lovin it. I watched this show 'what not to wear' once and it cracked me up. Who do these people think they are, trying to tell someone else how they should look and dress? I know of 20 somethings and 40 somethings that take something like this show seriously and drive themselves crazy. pucca, thanks for the tip. I'm pretty sure that I'm wearing the wrong size, as the band feels too tight, and as I always wear underwire bras, the wire digs into my ribs..
  10. Allamagan, when did female genitalia insults become socially acceptable? How would you feel if a girl said to you 'naag doontaa kaa yar'? :rolleyes: .
  11. Talk about NASTY and TOTAL **DISRESPECT**!!!! @GJ.
  12. L0L@Red. Forget this dude, he's Somalia. . Aniga & adi aa is leh, Somalis. Somalians ka buska dambe soo fuula ku dheh.
  13. Originally posted by al-Hashimi: This is my take on it, when they say Somalian they mean someone or something from the country known as Somalia [where all the fighting takes place] as well as Puntland. But when they say Somali they mean the ethnicity so the they might mean Somalis from O.g.a.d.en. or from Somaliland or from Djibouti or from Kenya. War muxuu leeyahay? The Puntlanders are not ethnically Somali? gaxgaxgax. Al Hashimi, dude, you're so funny Walahi. Tell me laakin, are you Somalian or Somali, horta?
  14. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^Hey Cara , Don't you worry about SOLers like Zack&Co and SCORPION_SISTA who were hoping to read summin a lil "risque" and juicy-- It so happens that I, dhulQarnayn, have a particular forte, when it comes to narrating gamy stories. So enjoy! **************************************************** I once met a girl on, if I recall correctly. She was a twenty-three year old college student who lived somewhere in the east bay, which was very convenient as it meant she wouldn’t have to drive far to deliver herself to moi'. Her profile pictures showed a cute and thin Somali chick who looked westernized, but those are always the best kind. Westernized Somali chicks usually tend to love the whole Killafornia “bad boy” image I’d cultivated, along with the ability to write in complete sentences and speak with a reasonable level of intelligence, until I'm drunk with caano boore ofcourse. This is usually a recipe for “I’ve never been with a Somali guy like you. Now, keen aan caano booraha kuu shubee" Now since, this girl was particularly cute, I didn’t balk when she said she wanted to meet and share with me some caano boore at a local spot. See, I typically didn’t like to leave my house and, as a general rule, I made chicks come to me. This served a number of reasons including, but not limited to: 1) Calming my massive ego- I like it when chicks offer themselves at my door, ergo I am king. 2) Appeasing my massive insecurities. In the real world, I’m just another self-concious big fore-headed Somali dude. But in my own domain, I am king. 3) Saving me huge sums of cash. Lots of caano boore and shiisha at Casa de dhulQarnayn. Drink as much as you like, smoke as much as you like, I’ve got plenty (Of caano boore, not cash. I’m a broke a$$ nigga). 4) When THE favourable moment hits, where homegirl arrives at the intersections of shiisha high, caano boore drunk and horny, we’re already on location for MY incursion. (Have I shown you my marrakesh pewter duvet?) 5) I’m lazy and don’t like to go anywhere. (Snores before whores!) But like I said, she was cute enough and seemingly “normal” for a Somali chick (They all seem normal at first). I suspected that she might back out altogether if I pushed her to come straight to my place. Plus it was kind of a challenge. Could I play the game outside of my own domain? Could I get her to buy the caano boore and shiisha? Could I get her back to my crib before she realized that she’s about to screw a total stranger who’s only criteria for a date was that she be cute and paid for my shiisha and caano boore?(I’m a romantic) So I gave her the affirmative and agreed to meet up with her at her favorite watering hole (and hopefully later be up in her favorite wet-hole?). She chose: It is, or at least was, a cool little place in the east bay, right on Mowry Blvd. Not exactly my style, but they had caano boore and shiisha (which was totally my style), and girls (which were even more my style). I arrived a few minutes late and she was already there, puffing away at her first shiisha. I apologized for being late but she said no problem, she’d only been there a few minutes. A few minutes and she was already burning through the charcoal and polishing off her first glass of caano boore? That’s a good sign. As I was a chronic caano boore drinker, who gulped down caano boore like a thirsty man drains a tall glass of cold water, I enjoyed a female who imbibed the same way (I also enjoyed a female who could drain a tall glass of water, preferably mine). It usually turned out great. We both got a$$-out inebriated and thought it in our best interest to screw each other in spite of the fact that we probably did not know anything about each other. Of course, there was the occasional issue where one or the other of us got too high to function, or the other turned into a fcuking puss. But that shite happens. Call it a job hazard. Anyway, turns out she was a bit horny just like me and we got along swimmingly. We ordered numerous sessions of shiisha, had some great conversation, followed quickly by silly chit chat, and then kissed. We were full on going at it in the back of the lounge and, at one point, I had my hand so far up her skirt I think my fingers got tangled up in her fallopian tubes. Needless to say, we had a mutual attraction. This went on for a while until I finally said in af somaali, “Naa meesha naga kaxee!”, and let her pay the bill (I’m a feminist). We collected ourselves and staggered out the front door and onto the sidewalk. I suggested that she follow me home and she said, “Nope. I got a class to go to early tomorrow.” Ummm, did I just hear this naccas correctly? I left my house to come here. I drove almost three miles (ok, more like three quarters of a mile), but still she wasn’t going to give me ANY? Because she had a class in the morning? Oh noo! I didn’t spend the last couple of hours in a pretentious hookah lounge, fingering your poonanny and tongue wrestling, so I could go home and rub one out. Hell no!! you’re going to have to quit your bloody college! I suggested that maybe she’d like to drive me home, just to make sure I get there safely (horny me IS very clever). To my amazement, she actually agrees to that idea (horny her is decidedly NOT very clever), so we start walking to her car. We get about 20 feet away and she pushes me back into a semi-darkened doorway right off the sidewalk. She pushes her tongue into my mouth and starts rubbing my member in a way too aggressive for any public street, even in california. I'm thinking to myself,"Tan kuwii dhalay walee wey ku khasaareen". Anyway, I get hard instantly and I can’t decide if I’m turned on by her actions or by how clever I am. Nothing turns me on like my own ego(I’d screw me). One thing about good ol' dhulQarnayn, I never had a problem ever getting it up. Even in the most extreme conditions, I could still get it up. And up I was at attention, ready to pay homage to the nether regions of this crazy somali chick. The girl actually starts to unzip my slacks and I figure she’s just trying to get me amped up before we head to my crib. Head, apparently, is the operative word here. Seconds later she is on her knees and performing very "unsomali" things to me. I’m halfway between “DAMN this feels good” and “holy shit there are a lot of cars driving by”. I’m not an exhibitionist by nature and prefer that nobody watch me make monkey sex faces, particularly if they’re sitting at a traffic light in their Mercedes. And we’re not exactly in a removed alleyway either, nor behind a dumpster, off on some side street (Very romantic by the way, just fyi). We’re in a tiny corner, on a busy carriageway, next to a Hookah lounge that’s just closing down, street lights blazing. Two minutes later, people start pouring out of the lounge. All I can do is stand there, frozen, while this chick is on her knees manhandling my groin in front of most of the Westside(If only I could make that 2Pac shakur ‘W’ with my hand). Now I have a multitude of problems (I have always had a multitude of problems). One, I have an overwhelming desire to start yelling down at her, “It’s last call b*tch, finish that drink!”, and watch if anyone else finds me funny. Two, I’m extremely uncomfortable and want to leave, but I don’t exactly want her to just get up and step away just yet, leaving me fumbling to cover up my naked pecker. Three, at this point I’d be happy to let her continue, but there’s no way I can do it with all of these bloody looky loo’s staring at me. Can’t these folks just mind their own fcuking business? Move along people. Nothing to see here. This chick is not on her knees, sucking my phallus here on Mowry Blvd. She’s not. No seriously. It’s all a big misunderstanding. She dropped her contacts on my loins and is trying to find it with her tonsils. Finally I had a moment of clarity, reached down and literally shoved it back in my pants. Zip. Snap. Kapish. Done. I start walking. She struggles to get up, steadies herself, then staggers and chases me down the sidewalk. I’m laughing and she’s a little angry but hey, it’s not like the sidewalk-suckoff was dhulQarnayn's idea. After a few seconds of blowing off steam (she’s doing a lot of blowing tonight), it’s right back to being lovey-dovey and ready to get in the car. Once in her car, she leans over and tries to get at it again with me. Now I'm kinda tired and would like to take a leak and really just wanna get home. I miss my home. I tell her let’s wait and get out of this area first, lest the highway patrol came and bust us for lewd behavior(Qofta waxaan uma leeyey ineena ogeen inaan "oday" Somaaliyeed ahay!). Moments later we pull into the parking behind my building (finally, dhulQarnayn's den, where real romance occurs) and she starts to lean over. I assume she’s going to come inside but she says no, that she really has to get up early for college. I start to argue but my heart isn’t really in it. I’m tired and truth be told, our rendervouz in the alleyway wasn’t all that great. The fun part was only in the fact that we were on a public sidewalk. I said goodnight, gave her a peck on the cheek, and jumped out of the car. In no time at all I was in my bed. And we never went out again. Two days later I get a call from another Somali chick saying, “Did I see you at the hookah lounge on Mowry the other night?” I replied with, “Nope, never been there. But Somaali badan baa ii faanisay, so I've always wanted to check it out.” “Wanna meet there for some shiisha sometime?” I said, "Suuure!" To be continued... dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s A&T , eat your heart out Mr Sheeko Baaba Raqiis...LOL! p.s.s Some of the events that took place in that story were purely fictional-- dhulQarnayn is a God fearing wadaad. Changing it to 'caano-booro' won't get you through and make you sound smart. Hadaad rabto inaad brother A&T la tartanto, grow some real balls first. Taking someone elses work and trying to lay claim to it is insane desperation. source
  15. ^Thanks abbaayo. I don't agree with the notion that the majority of women let themselves go after marriage. Perhaps the reasoning is contentment and age? Not laziness or lack of attention to image but rather instead getting wrapped up in the changes to your lifestyle, daily chores, increased time demands at work and at home, increase of attention on eachother. I think age and environment play a great deal in this game. Its all about the stage in life and what you choose to make a priority at that time. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Bisharo, nin baad heshay that is why aad isku nacday. wixii lugugu guursadey baad rabtaa in aad remove garayso. yaa kaa yeelaya. is qaawi hadaad rabtid laakiin ha isku taabanin kuwaas. ooo fooking ell not you again! Maxay kula tahay inuu igu guursaday? Ma maqal miyaa, behind every good cook there is a happily fed man?
  16. Af aan Xiin ku iraa 'daa A&T' iguma yaal. May! Adigaaa ka daba raaraca..oo lulmanaaya . Is toosi baan ku leeyahay.
  17. waxan soo xasuustay paltalk, fuq, fuq, ka fuq maayka lol markii la is dhihi jiray. Hadda waxay maraysaa, fuq, war fuq, ka fuq, Xiin.
  18. :mad: @ NG. You need to clean your mind out daily....just as you do when you shower for your body. Lilly, , I still want to look nice and be pretty but I would really rather spend $$$ on home improvements these days, and wonderful meals etc etc. Isma nicin, not yet..
  19. Let me tell you a little about who I USED to be. When I was a teenager up until few years ago, I dressed up ALOT. I had 2 closets stuffed to the gills with designer clothes, don't even get me started about shoes. Jewelry? sheeesh! I had an enormous collection. I often had a set of things, the matching necklace, earrings and bracelet. I always had my makeup just perfect, when I was able I matched my nail polish. You get the general idea. Over the years, [boy, have times changed!] I have become so casual as to wish I could be naked most of the time. It takes me 15 minutes to get ready. One of these days when I have the money, I'm going to have a breast removal so I don't even have to wear a bra, I swear. Is this old age or change in life circumstance? Has anyone else gone through this change?
  20. How to say I Luv U in Nigeria.. Your mobile phone beeps, you have received a text message. It begins: "I swear, I will make sure I give you HIV..." But it's not an abusive threat, it's a "romantic" text message copied from a book on sale all over Nigeria that professes to give young people the words they need to court the woman or man of their dreams. "H is for Happiness and joy forever with an I: Incomparable love that will never V: Vanish until death do us part. BBC The following are unsolicited text messages received by one woman: Call me, I love you When you see d sun shine, dats me smiling at u. When d bird chirps dats me singing softly to your ear. If d clouds should release a few drops those r my tears bcos I'm missing you &when u feel d wind blow, dats my sweet breath whispering I love you. please reply Hello my sweet luvn sugar coated choco mallow milky shaky honey dipped chiz meltin orange juicy mozzarella pepperoni spicy icy friend, how r U? Good morning. I just woke up from a dream that I am in an aircraft and someone like you is in the cock pit. A U a pilot pls? How I wish I cud hold u so close 2myself.. caress your feminin body during ds drizzlin. Bet u r goin to luv it hun!! Hop ur enjoyin ur sleep. I KIA! Pls I say open the door to you heart for me to come in, I promise from dat day dat we meet till d end I will always make you smile. I really love you.reply...cheers [ ]
  21. This breaking-up thing sucks. The first time it happened [13 years ago], I would sit at the end of my bed and eat candy a-l-l night. . It does make you wonder sometimes, if love is worth all the pain.
  22. wooooooo! I am SOOOO Busted! :eek: go to sleep now, you're in no state to type.
  23. never had that [acudubilah mina shaytaani rajeem.] but I have really bad twitches. For whatever reason it feels like I'm falling out of bed or off the couch; then I jerk and wake up. In fact when I travel on planes I have to secure my hands under the seatbelt as a restraint because if I don't, I will literally elbow or hit the person sitting next to me.
  24. ^ drunk typing again? Sober up, dude.
  25. What next? What did she do? I know she'll kill him, but how? ala Ugbaad's ?