The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. lol@ooyin. I don't know about the past but we all know who is crying a river tonight. Haddaba ma dhihin its Yey.
  2. ^lol Madaxweynahu duco badan buu baahan yahay. Masaajiddada maa looga duceeyo oh no that's not possible because he wanted to close all these mosques.
  3. I would be ashamed if I call a traitor, a criminal and someone who is responsible of the deaths of more than 6,000 somalis an uncle.
  4. ^lol@adeerkay. No offense but you don't have the best uncle. Sorry!
  5. ^I am not. I have seen worse. Somali civilians have been handed over to Ethiopia by the SomaliDiids.
  6. His clan is 3 million? even if so, not everyone in his clan is making du'a for him.
  7. they are both using each other to reach political objectives. That is the truth( as i see it). They are sure using each other but the Somalis can not see the big picture at all and it is the Ethiopians that are getting the best of this, making sure Somalia is divided for good.
  8. They are the masters of the warlords y'all aad daba oroddaan or u dooddaan so deal with it.
  9. Aan kuu balbalaadhiyee he wanted to say Muhsin is an ***** for responding to Ismail but wuu yara xishoodoo marka waxuu yidhi they are both ****** lol.
  10. Red, lol no I am just mad at Zenawi.
  11. you kept saying they talked about somalidiidLand ee bal noo sheeg waxey sameeyaan wth your source.
  12. lol xabashi=lions Somali= adhi soo inaan ka baqno ma ahaa waa kusidee
  13. edit : sorry double posted due to PDA issues.
  14. I got a better idea, brilliant one. Go to Asmara!! Mystery solved!
  15. Well Geelle will be told the same thing lol cirka ha ahaadaan
  16. Zenawi, the master, made a call to Riyale and clearly and loudly told him to kick them out. Its bau nothing new.
  17. Xagey wax ku saabsan ama kasoo horjeedo Gobolkaas ku qoreen? Maxaa sheekada loo baddali. you and I both know the reason they are being kicked out, yaanan wax kale lagu war wareegin! Atleast they are not being handed over to the enemy now.
  18. They are from the south and this is the north. North doesn't welcome anyone/thing that might annoy the master.
  19. Ani kuma habaarayo inuu dhinto, uma duceynayo inuu noolaado, either.
  20. Maamulka Somaliland oo ku amray in muddo 24 saaac gudahood ah ay uga baxaan goboladooda weriyeyaashii ka soo qaxay Muqdisho Maamulka la baxay Somaliland ayaa maanta ku amray illaa 21 weriyeyaal ah oo todobaadyadii ugu dambeeyay ku sugnaa magaalada Hargeysa inay muddo 24 saac gudahood ah isaga baxaan. Amarkan oo uu soo saaray taliyaha guud ee ciidanka Booliska maamulkaasi Somaliland ninka lagu magacaabo Max’ed Sanqadhi Dubad ayaa si toos ah ugu war geliyay suxufiyiintaasi inay 24 saac gudahood uga baxaan magaalada Hargeysa, sababo aan la shaacin owgood. Warar kale oo soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in sababta maamulka Somaliland ay u ceyrisay suxufiyiintani ay tahay in lagu eedeeyey weriyeyaashu inay wax ka sheegeen maamulka Itoobiya, taasina ay dhaawac u keeneyso xiriirka labada dal ee Itoobiya iyo Somaliland. Arrintan ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xilli qaar badan oo ka tirsan weriyeyaashii magaalada Muqidsho ka howlgei jiray ay weli ku sii qul qulayeen magaalada Hargeysa oo amni ahaan ka wanaagsan magaalada Muqidsho, inkastoo ay haatan dib u dhacayaan qaar kale oo badan oo ay boorsooyinkoodu u xir xirnaayee si ay u aadaan Hargeysa. Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile Goternburg, Sweden