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Everything posted by Som@li

  2. ^wara maxaa ka khaldan, ma hadaa lagu bari dhaqanka , iyo sida hablaha loo la hadlo, tartiib u soco yaan seeftu kula tegine!
  3. Air force one is necessary, madaxwayne aan diyaarad lahayn ma madaxwaynaa
  4. Alla maanta gaajo waynaa. 6 hours to iftar. I was bit sick and could not eat much,
  5. NASSIR;741256 wrote: . Perhaps the cash relief method can be a much better solution Actually, cash is worse, it will totally disappear in the hands of corrupted officials. Don't to you remember the story where auditors found only $3 million out $312 million given to the TFG was accounted for? This is a sign of why Somalia is the most corrupted nation on earth.
  6. There was a recent report which showed less than 20% of the aid reach the intended needy people. watch this program from Aljazeera
  7. I reckon there is a corruption involved, No body will rent this mansion, it is too expensive for majority of people, so rent it to the government.
  8. ^Masha Allah, May Allah bring peace to Somalia, Amin. With Peace, Somalia can shine again, and will be a beacon in Africa, God willing.
  9. *Blessed;740990 wrote: Perhaps, they're just repulsed by you. It usually happens when you lack bathroom etiquette. lol
  10. Great move, and big moral boost for the government
  11. Destruction of the buildings , houses, material lost is something we can recover in short time, but the impact and destruction on human lives, will last forever It looks far better than i though for a city with over 20 years of ongoing war.
  12. Reports say, NG left for ASIA to rescue the OLD man
  13. Aamin, elehkiisana samir iyo iman
  15. Nabadoon Xalay lagu Dilay Boosaaso Waxaa xalay magaalada Boosaaso lagu dilay nabaddoon ka soo jeeda Kililka 5aad ee itoobiya. VOA Somali | Washington E-mail Daabaco Nabaddoon ka soo jeeda kililka 5aad ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa xalay fiidkii lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso. Cabdiwahaab Sheekh Maxamed Allaale, oo sidoo kale ka tirsanaa shaqaalaha shirkadda isgaarsiinta ee Golis waxaa la dilay xilliga afurka ka dib isagoo ka soo baxay gurigiisa kuna sii jeeday goobtiisa shaqo. Lama yaqaan cidda ka dambeysay dilkiisa, mana jirto cid loo qabtay falkaasi. Dhowrkii bilood ee la soo dhaafay magaalada Boosaaso waxaa ka dhacayay dilal salka ku haya aano qabiil.
  16. And he is looking at the Ethiopian for help...
  17. the sooner we get rid of this Idi0t the better, What unfortunate to have him as "leader". And yes, he will be gonner soon.
  18. 14th August 2011 · Bosaso:- Magaalada Bosaaso oo ayaamahan Amaankeedu Wanaagsanaa ayaa Caawa lagu dilay Alla ha u Naxariistii Suldaankii Beesha Gar-Koombe ee ku dhaqan Magaalada Bosaaso, dilka Suldaanka ayaa warar is burinaya laga soo sheegayaa. Warar baa sheegaya In Suldaan Cabdiwaaxid Axmed Sheekh Cawaale uu la shaqayn jiray Shirkada Golis ee Telefoonada, walow ay jiraan warar kale oo sheegaya inuu ka Max-banaan Howlaha Shirkadaasi. Hase yeeshee dilkiisa baa dhacay xili uu Salaad ka soo baxay Caawa Fiidkii.
  19. I think this is the beginning of more to come if the economic conditions does not improve.