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Everything posted by Archdemos

  1. i see you've already contributed to making this site more intersting again. Welcome back saxeeb. sorry i cant help on this one, but intrigued to read the final product.
  2. I agree with Malika, great examples. Norf we are not only rude as people but our culture is the core problem. In particular the backward and destructive elements within our culture that we actively reward is to blame. It has noting to do with ignorance or lack of education but rather the reward structures we have built support this state of mind. Culture by definition is multifaceted, and don’t get me wrong there are plenty examples of virtuous elements to our culture, however they are often overshadowed by the backward and adversarial elements.
  3. I went to the UK premier of this film in London, we perhaps numbered 4 Somalis in the theater surrounded by wasungus who made up about 98% of the crowd. IR students, lecturers, film makers, charity heads, aid workers etc. The film itself wasn't that impressive, full of holes in plot and as Showqi points out the subtitles were way out, one got the feeling quite on purpose. The protagonist of the story was very un-pc in his description of other Somali tribes, and i got a strong whiff of insidious undertones to the film. He's good at highlighting the toxic dumping issues, but fails miserably in other areas. The story wasn't so much about piracy and the state of Somalia as a whole but his so-called 'adventure' however contrived it appeared. A missed opportunity at genuine story telling.
  4. Even if Mo wins the double next year in London (10k + 5K) which would cement his position amongst the all time greats. I fear however even then he would be ignored by the majority of the British public because he's that FOREIGN lad. He has a great story behind him and he's now using his fame to draw attention to the plight of his fellow Somalis with his foundation. He doesn't need meaningless BBC gongs when greatness beckons. I can't wait to see how he fares against the legend that is Kenny B. The two go head to head in the Edinburgh cross country event in the new year. In some ways Mo is quite unlucky to have peaked with Kenny still in the game (The mans arguably the greatest distance athlete of all time, the Usain Bolt of his discipline), but as the saying goes to be the best.....Good luck Mo, wishing you a successful 2012.
  5. Yes indeed, RIP, and also to the great Charlie Gillett. He introduced me to many a great artists throughout the years. Fond memories indeed!
  6. that was hilarious, Aasif on top form.
  7. learn mandarin and study manufacturing with a strong quants based degree. You cant go wrong. Future proof and bullet proof. If you enjoy that sort of thing obviously.
  8. AUN i knew the lady involved, a very shocking case for everyone connected to the family at the time. I seriously thought this had happened again, glad to hear it didn't.
  9. A wee bit extreme don't you think. Its very hard to live the kind of puritanical existence they prescribe, these young men. Just the other day one sister was trying to tell me its haram to wish my neighbours a merry Christmas, without giving adequate context and evidence. All she kept insisting was she knew it was haram. Thats just a minor example, you'll be surprised at the things they say is haram. Its as if we have abandoned all rational faculties in the pursuit narrow minded rigidness.
  10. NGONGE;764905 wrote: Khat is banned in Sweden, Norway & North America. However, we endlessly hear of people being arrested for smuggling it to those parts (more North America than the two European countries). Now, pay attention NORF, since it has been banned in those countries for years (1989 in the cas of Sweden), what were the gains from these bans? Did the gloom go, the clouds clear and everyone live happily ever after? Did the numbers of those that chew decrease? Did life (overall) improve for Somalis in those parts? As much as I loathe Khat I think NG has a point here. We risk further criminalising our young men with a ban. People don’t stop being addicts overnight just because a ban has come into effect. I think a better awareness programme coupled with tackling the real social issues surrounding unemployment and general lack of opportunities is whats needed for these people. In its own a stopgap measure like a ban won’t solve much, however it needs to be one dimension of a more holistic approach to a challenging issue like this.
  11. I'm inclined to agree with Norf. Desalination plants at least in their current forms are very resource hungry and will require much more than $100 million dollars to sustain if adequate supporting infrastructure development is taken into account. So no it most definitely not a viable option for such a poor country like Somalia. I'm loving this winddrinker idea, simple and sustainable.
  12. quite shocking with its graphic portrayal of homosexuals. its always disturbing to see two men or women at it. i'm very conservative you see, next time I'd appreciate a warning ya Carafaat. other than the homos its a good campaign, but what bothers me is the de facto message, namely promoting homosexuality.
  13. Warya Alpha i have it on good authority that you are not the egoist your online persona presents. I hear your a very quiet lad with good manners, very much the introvert, not this Alpha and god knows what else.
  14. Absolutely nothing wrong with showing emotion after all we are human. I once sobbed uncontrollably in the middle of class at university, people thought I had lost a loved one. Moments earlier I had witnessed an OAP fall flat on her face due to the treacherous wintery conditions. At first no one went to help her so I ran across the road to tend to her, she was bleeding from a nasty gash on her knee. I would guess she was around 70+ easily. Anyway to cut a long story short I helped her up and walked her ever so gingerly to the bus stop. It was whilst waiting for the bus that she told me a bit about herself. In short she had no one, husband and son passed away years earlier. She tried to pay me for my kindness and whilst she was rummaging for something she thought would be adequate to give me, I could see only a few pounds clanging away in her small purse. I politely refused. I sent Judith on her way home. Then that top lip started to tremble, much like Gazza. It just wouldn’t stop. Mind you i did get a lot of sympathy from the women in class. Two decided to accompany me on a water break , just to see if i was aright.
  15. what are you alluding to here Mr Sayid. Please do comment sir. Mr Cameron is full of hot air, still thinking Britain is a global force to be reckoned with. Whatever plans he may have it probably wont be good for Somalis in general, they seldom seem to be these days.
  16. for crying out loud, change the record fella. To help you in your confusion I suggest you go into the corner, and pretend to be a Panda. Go on do it.
  17. Archdemos


    thanks for the reply Alpha. Care to be more specific. Is it a no go in your opinion, Somali company promises the sea and then fails to deliver case or a small issue that can and will be solved in the short term. The outcome of this venture is critical for me.
  18. Archdemos


    Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone in Somaliland (actually on the ground) can give an update on the activities of this company. Are they making progress with laying the cables. Is the project actually off the ground, is it up and running. Do they have a completion date in mind. The website isn't very useful. Many thanks in advance
  19. God i cant wait for this phone to be released. I like Apple alot got Macbook pro, latest Imac Sandybridge, but i can't stand the iphone.
  20. Wow i didn't notice that, but that's what i love about this show great attention to detail. This has to be the stand out scene from this season. Walter losing it temporally, i mean the situation called for it. What wonderful acting. The way Salamanca dealt with Gustavo Frings was truly awesome, i have to admit i was like WTF he can't have survived what do they have to do to kill this *******o, then the camera pans to the the rest of his face. A fitting end to a brutal heartless individual. But there is still one loose end. Mike recovering in hospital bed in Mexico border.
  21. OMG just finished watching this seasons Breaking Bad. Who would have thought W.W had it in him. Pinkman lives on, what a grade A liability. Great show. The first 48 is great also. I remember the vodoo episode, scary stuff.
  22. What a strange woman. She is clearly on something (maybe something in that Coka Kola), it shows towards the end of the video. Anyway she made some sense.
  23. Good luck brother , inshallah you have a safe and rewarding trip. Get some original photos, beyond the well trodden path. if you can:)