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Everything posted by Intel

  1. North watch the New Kids On The Blecch episode of the Simpsons....the one Homer runs in the Springfield marathon. as an inspirational source nooh
  2. Originally posted by Northerner Al Burcaawi: Eritrian in AUS? yeah there is a sizable Eritrian community here.. love'em eritrians....Asha you from Melb?
  3. Val sax also its important to stay well hydrated & have heaps of rest/sleep and from now on try to stay off your feet as much as you can
  4. AAliyah416 i didn't listen to her music..i was merely commenting on her looks
  5. Originally posted by Northerner Al Burcaawi: We had a team made of Arabs - Somali, Yemeni, Filastini and a Masri with one Filipino to make 5. We lost 16 to 14 to an Indian team. I pulled up at the end. basketball innit.. very low scores or isit street bball north how many participants there will be in the marathon?
  6. Originally posted by Devilangle: ps.. dont consumer have right 2 Criticize products that r on the market? but but...its such a perfect product
  7. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: PS, hadaa waran lasoo boodi rabtid, don't blame me. I am only a messenger. warankee sxb.... thank you very much lol @ buy her CD
  8. bla bla bla puntland waxey tahay bey tahay find something useful to occupy your time.. fruitloops
  9. Martin Fletcher My colleague Rosemary Righter wrote last week that the defeat of Somalia’s Islamic courts by Ethiopian forces was the “first piece of potentially good news in two devastating decades”. As one of the few journalists who has visited Mogadishu recently, I beg to differ. The good news came in June. That is when the courts routed the warlords who had turned Somalia into the world’s most anarchic state during a 15-year civil war that left a million dead. I am no apologist for the courts. Their leadership included extremists with dangerous intentions and connections. But for six months they achieved the near-impossible feat of restoring order to a country that appeared ungovernable. This was not done by “suppressing, with draconian punishments, what remained of personal freedoms” — unless you count banning guns and the narcotic qat, which rendered half Somalia’s menfolk senseless. The courts were less repressive than our Saudi Arabian friends. They publicly executed two murderers (a fraction of the 24 executions in Texas last year), and discouraged Western dancing, music and films, but at least people could walk the streets without being robbed or killed. That trumps most other considerations. Ask any Iraqi. The Islamists have now been replaced — with Washington’s connivance — by a weak, fragile Government that was created long before the courts won power, that includes the very warlords they defeated and relies for survival on Somalia’s worst enemy. For the sake of the long-suffering Somali people I hope it can impose its authority. But Washington has taken a big gamble, and nobody should be surprised if the warlords are soon plundering Somalia again or the Islamists are waging guerrilla war. The Government’s appeal for Somalis to hand in their vast arsenal of guns has flopped. The courts’ militiamen have mostly melted back into the population, much as Saddam’s army did after the US invasion of Iraq. Mogadishu’s powerful ****** clan regards with deep suspicion a Government led by a *****, President Abdullahi Yusuf. An African Union peacekeeping force is far off and Somalis will not tolerate the presence of troops from (“Christian”) Ethiopia for long. Washington backed military intervention by Ethiopia’s unsavoury regime because it regarded the courts as a new Taleban, and accused them of harbouring al-Qaeda terrorists. It would surely have done better to try engaging the courts. The US has a record of confronting Islamic movements. It backed Israel’s disastrous war against Hezbollah last summer. It never accepted the Palestinians’ election of a Hamas Government. It cold-shouldered Iran even when the relatively moderate Mohammed Khatami was President. In each case it succeeded only in boosting the extremists.,,1072-2535977,00.html
  10. CG its indeed wax nin wayn oo damiir iyo dareenleh ka xishoodo.
  11. Intel


    ^^^ waar gabadha iyo Rudy kaladaa waa kusidee fartun you are sexeh huuno :cool:
  12. the return of agony to our capital isbaaro, dac, dil, ******** etc are back seems iminku waraabe kasta intoo boodhkii iska jafay ayuu gotkii kasoo baxay. ileen urug iyo uurkutaalo where do we go from here soomaaliyeey?
  13. Could do better Saaxib... Iam from that the family and I don't share Yeey's misadventure 12 brothers ( all in their 20s) from that family left Australia and NZ last night to 'defend' their land and people whereas our Alle-ubaahne can only talk **** from the comfort of his home..
  14. Ethiopia Admits Its Fighter Jets Air Bombed Central Somalia death to Ethiopia :mad: :mad:
  15. may allah unite us all somalis/muslims so we can be one fighting unit against our enemies ameen
  16. Originally posted by Rahima: Melbourne however has lost an exceptional brother. indeed a great loss Rahima.. for not just us reer Melb but the entire somali populace he was young but knowledgeable brother you gotta feel for his young family... Che haa sxb and ameeen Rudy no janna didnot kill him he died in the war in somalia
  17. Originally posted by Rahima: I'm not sure if you knew him or not Rokko, but have you heard about ? yes i knew Rahima may Allah grant him Jennah.. ameeen [ December 23, 2006, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: Rahima ]
  18. Originally posted by rudy: massa from Qardho to Melby! i am sure them kangroos r pissed with u n the rest of sky scraper jumpers! lool.. i get along fine with my fellow furry citizens Rudy.. they're quite welcoming in fact.. regardless of where im from. Red i want the battle to happen mate and the video on youtube
  19. what no sabaaxad iyo sinsinsaar in dhuuxa hargaisa? bloody cowards you both...
  20. Red it’s typically he who talks the talk (trash-talks) before the battle that fails to walk to walk North
  21. the dude wants a hobby not hubby, **** is wrong with yous.. ME do something around the house -Gardening -DIY -Plumbing etc