Lois Lane

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Posts posted by Lois Lane

  1. ^^^ Respect who walal?


    Back to the post,


    I agreed with the mother in the documentary, theres simply no guidance. While its not right to put all the blame on either parents that arent there to guide their kids or the education , social and justice systems of foreign countries that dont always have at heart the advancement of our youth, I think its important to understand that no one will do for you, what you can for yourself. Meaning that at 18 you have a great share of the responsabilities in your failures!


    That being said, im glad that Rageh decided to do this documentary. Hopefully more somali men in their respective fields will give time to this problematic issue that our youth face in every diaspora, from London to Montreal.

  2. Noam Chomsky is a brilliant man. However I think this just adds to the clear picture that we already have from the US administration and those that are allies with them. Its unfortunate that some still buy the whole nuclear threat that supposedly exist. Everything is an excuse. Yet this isnt news. But lately, it seems like the excuses given to populations arent even well constructed lies. Theres no effort put into the lies that we are fed. I mean C'mon!!


    I think Zakarye Mahamoud said something along the lines of "if you get into a fight with a man, in your own city thats one thing, if he wins then thats fair, however if he goes out of the country and brings extra force with him, specially one that has a history of killing your people, then theres nothing fair about that. Thats is not only the case anymore with us, but every country that seeks the aid of the US administration. Theres nothing fair, legitimate or legal about the state of their policies.

  3. Originally posted by GJ:

    especially students can try to raise money at their unis and organise events.........

    I agree!!! The least we can do is by any form demonstrate our deep intolerance for the massacre that is taking place in our city. If some have access to a local paper, write a piece, if you can do events do it! whatever you can contribute will be better then sitting and feeling sorry..or worst in some cases hoping that it will simply get better thanks to the murderers we have for ..shall I dare to say " leaders"

  4. Meles Zenawi never saved Somalis from anything, rather he took the little chance Somalia had of being introduced to democracy. Lets not make mistakes, democracy doesnt come to you by force, nor is it chosen for you, democracy gives that equall voice to the man, the woman, the intellectual, to the non-read. Its pathetic to have some believe in what this man is saying, even worst thank him..for what??!! killing, displacing and raping your own?? In that case you might as well jump on the Bush and Blair love-wagon also.


    Somalia does not need an intervention from Ethiopia, no matter how many Somalis live there, that is no justification, to have them meddle into OUR affairs.

  5. Naxaar Nugaleed said

    the city should be vacated anyways so a more through clean up, rebuilding and deterrorizetion


    Walal theres no reason for our people to be displaced and thrown in this tragedy, so that the "city could be better rebuild" Lets us stay in ruins if it means for them to not be thrown out of their own homes. DAMN! you lack some serious empathy for your own people. That is a disaster in itself

  6. Juje,


    Althought our country isnt in the happiest of times, mainly due to traitors and the lack of our own people actively chanllenging these poor excuse of a government, July 1st is still a happy day becomes it represents how our fathers fought for Somalia's independance, and that alone is worthy of all celebrations.


    Long live Somalia!!!

  7. ^^^Thanks walaal,


    Greatly appreciated,


    By the way , would you know of any organizations like the one above in North america?


    (I feel like im hijacking Adnan's thread, sorry:)

  8. Salam to you walaal,


    I have been asking myself the same questions lately. I am more then ready to help my fellow somalis. I participate in any kinds of gathering (not at the local coffee shop)where people discuss ways to aid ours.


    So far I believe the best thing to do is to start with yourself, try to participate in rallies and protests if theres any in your area. Also try to send letters of concern to your local representative, they might not care for one persons opinion but the more WE as a people whether in Somalia or abroad let our voice be heard, the more others will notice that theres a problem and we refuse to just stand by and watch our people die endlessly!


    P-s: let me know if theres any legit humanitarian organisation that you find about.

  9. Allahu naxiriisto walaalo and may he ease you and your family's pain in this time.


    I am happy to hear that she passed away in her country, since this is what she wanted. I hear most Somalis wish for this, try to take comfort in that.

  10. its time to do your part, call your news ppl and Rep/congress ppl and let them hear your voice.

    Indeed! if your local representatives, dont seem to listen, please VOICE (loudly if you must)your concerns about the tragedies which are short of a genocide among your local communities and to your community leaders.


    Send letters and emails to your government, petitions, hold protests, prayers sessions, gatherings anything, just do something!!


    If nothing else seems to move you, then the steady death toll of muslims, should motivate you to put aside whatever grudge or ill feelings you have towards any other somali.

  11. Awlugeeye,

    Thanks a million walaal for sharing this great documentary! I have always enjoyed watching Rageh Omar and this was certainly a great piece.


    If all africans think like the little Massai girl and go back home after their studies or even give back to their land in other ways, I can only imagine the results!

  12. I agree with some of the post above, but after all is said and done, theres only numbers left instead of people. Thats the sad part. When you watch the news or listen to the radio and everyday A SOMALI dies. Thats the tragedy.


    Im so sick and tired of people debating about which government is better and which ones are liars. Who cares, our people are still dying, Somalia is dying. Thats really all that matters. Politics is a great tool but for the past 15-16 years we havent used it properly so why not change the way we do things.


    I think now all the efforts should be geared towards helping our people throughout our country if you can make duas, great, if you can send help, great. Do anything and everything to help.

  13. This is one of the problems with internet, but more importantly with having little boys (and sometimes grown *** men too )who lack sense and little girls who happen to be too insecure to think before doing anything.


    Unfortunately this isnt something only non-hijabies girls have to deal with, Hijab doesn’t stop you from anything

    Its all within the iman. This idea that we as somalis have when it comes to hijab and non hijab wearing sisters is very wrong. Its seems that not wearing one automatically makes you lenient to making bad choices or being out of control and of course a certified bad Girl..Please!


    I think instead of pointing fingers, we as a community internationally or locally need to acknowledge the problem. That our young men degrade women so easily, that young women seem to not only lack confidence but try to emulate this western culture to the fullest.


    I say we gotta a problem

  14. S-badne,

    I suppose I missed the humour train on this one. For those that happen to see "HUNTY TOWN OR BUULO EELAAY" I happen to see a great city with a very important history..and where some might see just another Somali town. I see just that.. a Somali town and frankly that’s more then enough for moi.


    Also I believe that Peacenow explained that he showed only the green lands.


    Hate it or Love it…Borama is a beautiful city ( just like any other city is Somalia for that matter:)

  15. ^^ Walal, Borama IS a decent size city, these pictures show the countryside. With one of the most respected university in east Africa and its many business such as hotels Borama is nothing close to a "dusty tuulo". Before making judgements you might want to visit the city first.

  16. Quite frankly, im not impressed by the pictures. Yes indeed we all know Saddam Hussein killed and harmed many in different ways. However every prisonner has civil rights even Hussein. This is known to the entire international community. But once again the american government is just showing us how much they consider themselves above any law. I mean we all remember what the U.N and the international community thought of going to war. Yet the "mighty" USA did it anyway.

    Disgusted yes...shocked no.

    Its a dirty war.