Lois Lane

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Everything posted by Lois Lane

  1. Jacaylbaro, Walaal dont take it the wrong way, I never meant to take away from the tragedies that occured in Hargeisa to my fellow Somali men and women. I for one believe that those who like me believe in a united Somalia, thus a greater Somalia, must take into consideration the suffering of all of our people in the hands of men who NEVER cared about us( the everyday citizens). I also think that its a simple sign of walaaltiniimo (sorry for the poor spelling) to sympathise with ones pain. Now my point was to simply say that we all suffered lets understand that and work together so that WE never have to suffer like this. Believe me, a blood shed in Xamaar or in Hargeisa or in Boraama to me is one too many! Furthermore, its important indeed to keep the history alive so lessons can be learned, however it shouldnt be used as propaganda to keep us divided. Thats a sick use of information and for the memory of those that died. If propaganda is what you want ,to divide us even further, do what you need to do, but dont do it at the expense of the dearly departed. Its immoral and uncalled for! Long Live Somalia and its people (all of its people)!!
  2. The sad thing besides the many lives that perished is the fact that we wont know how far Hargeisa and its citizens could've gone had this not happened. This is another great example that we must voice our unhappiness and fight to make our country stronger. Keep in mind walaal that while many lost everything and ultimately their lives, the same can be said by other cities in Somalia today. Thus, for that alone we must fight together for a better Somalia!
  3. Caamir, While indeed someone who has been indoctrinated with any belief for that matter will most likely have specific feelings brought up by the lessons received, this is not the case here. The facts are in front of our eyes day in and day out. The TFG administration is NOT doing anything for the Somali population. A government must serve its citizens. This is unfortunately not the case here. For all the years the TGF stood there attempting to govern it has not only failed miserably but most importantly at the expense of the Somali citizens. There is no need to understand "the root cause of the hostility" since a five year old can point towards the problem and the only "unresolved problem" is the state of our country thanks to this pathetic administration and the presence of ethiopian troops. But let me ask you this, as a Somali (im assuming here) how can you not despise what is going on in your country today? and if you do, how can you not see who is really causing these war crimes?
  4. Caamir, Walaal Please let us be clear on one thing. No one recognizes the legitimicay of the TFG. (Of course you have your followers who consider themelves men without ever knowing the meaning behind such term) However the one thing we can all recognize is the war crimes committed by this group of idiotic members and the ethiopian troops along with the american administration. Now, rest assured walaal that peace will come back to every street of Somalia and this will be done in the presence of Somalia's ennemies, namely this TFG joke and its followers. Further, those that helped in the bloodbath of Somalia, will face justice!
  5. walaalo, I dont need to preach im sure my somali brothers here know exactly what I know and then more. It would simply be great if they looked at the big picture and fight their own stereotypes or separatist views for a better and bigger cause.
  6. Lois Lane


    ^^^ Bisinka! and here i thought of myself a wild child for eating raw salmon one time...and your talking about squid? theres a serious need for a bucket nearby when trying these plates.
  7. While peace is a great thing and the efforts of the northern regions are absolutely amazing, theres nothing greater then Somaliniimo. If the same efforts of separatism were put in uniting Somalis, the north would be even better then it is today. Its about time that all Somalis be part of the solution.
  8. ^^^ Walaal the parasites can be taken care of in half a second if only Somalis worked together and believed in the strenght of their unity. At this point fighting or getting rid of the ethiopian army when we arent even together as Somalis is never going to happen. Rather it will only bring more death to our country. And I am frankly so DAMN! tired of seing the death of another Somali man that looks like my brother, my cousin or hearing of the rape of another Somali women who bares the same name as me or as a friend of mine. Really what matters and what will bring hope is for Somalis to finally understand that together we are the strongest. So whatever hatred or steoreotype you have against another Somali break free of it for the sake of your country!
  9. Damn! this is what happens with power hungry men. Its seems like they just cant step down from the position. I wonder if this is what would happen if more women became presidents in african countries? mmm probably not.
  10. I sincerely believe there will be peace in Somalia. As far as living side by side in harmony, of course we can. However this task might not be easily done, if we take into consideration the many issues that are dividing our people today. The positive thing is we can certainly change the situation together as one, united and stronger then ever. This starts from every individual who is tired of seeing his country crumble and his people murdered everyday in their own country or in the diaspora as unwanted refugees. I think we should come up with some kind of process that enables us all to be part of the election that will come up in 2009. Whether its putting in place a voting system were every Somali national in or outside of the country can vote, or demanding a transparency in the voting system and its futur candidates. Those abroad should seriously work together and be part of the solution. We can not waste anymore time debating on which qabil killed which other innocent qabil. WHO CARES! our people are dying as we speak! Last, indeed we can achieve greatness like we used when we believed in Somaliniimo.
  11. ^^ Bisinka! This video is one of the saddest thing I have seen. This is exactly the price we pay for clinging to tribal differences, for hating one another, for fighting eachother when the rest of the world sees us as only Somalis. This is the concequences to our idiotic acts. Our women will forever be raped, mutilated, disrespected, our men will roam different countries for so-called peace, will always be unwanted and our youth will loose everything that Somalia used to stand for, with no history of their culture how will they know who they are? Everytime we argue about useless things like what tribe took from what tribe, we are wasting valuable time that we cannot afford to waste any longer! May God help the voiceless, that are away from their homes. Ameen
  12. While this is despicable, I believe that its up to South Africans to get up and fight for their rights and the respect of those rights. Its beyond me how someone can be in Africa and hate black people. Could it be possible that those ****** who made the video were mentally challenged? No really!
  13. ^^ the thing is she could've really portrayed the whole FGM issue for all its seriousness, but she used it in such a victimizing way...like please find me interesting and pity me since I had to go throught this! WTF! please sit down! I guess the rest will tell if she can come out sounding a bit smart as shes trying so hard to portray already. Other then that..I think she looks good..but NO Iman thats for sure!
  14. ^ These type of act do not help the situation at all! When will Somalis know that point can be made without killing eachother. AfricaOwn do you know when the TFG's term will end?
  15. Somalipride if the taxes are reserved to foreigners making profit of the Somali misery then I guess thats great. But how about investing in locals? how about implementing services and programs that would actually benefit the somali citizens? I guess such priorities would be for the government that will be elected. Neverless walaal, im glad we agree on the importance of elections. J-b, I really dont understand how you can renounce on your country of birth, that alone should bother you walaal. Oh and FYI its usually Somali-Canadian citizen. Meaning you hold a canadian citizenship but are Somali.
  16. I think sometimes people have a wrong sense of pride. By that I mean, instead of being proud of our culture, our traditions our country and so on..we get stuck in trivial things like being proud of a tribe. Thus important matters like Somali names and culture pass us by in our quest to adapt or integrate in a society that isnt ours. I see this specially in youth and younger parents trying their hardest to find names for their children that can be easily pronounced by others. Whatever! So to all those that correct whomever (boss, teacher,) that tries to shortened their name or ask for the "english version" (yes i heard that) I salute you. Our name is our identity
  17. Somalipride, Theres a reason why the previous attempts to form a Somali government failed. The main being that this government was backed by non-Somalis, countries that couldnt possibly have the best intentions at heart in regards to Somali affairs or the healthy progression of our people. Second I believe that all will accept a government in Xamaar if theres democracy in the election process, and for that to happen their needs to be transparency from the government. The people wont buy a few pictures with people putting on costumes to play roles here and there. And last how in the world do you sincerely believe that asking the Somali citizens to pay taxes after all they endured and still are, in the hands of this government is remotely reasonable? Please!
  18. lol Jacaylboro. I guess they can put on all the ill-fitted second hand uniforms of ethiopian soldiers, but all this effort would have meant something if only they could stand up to this puppet government.
  19. Walaal, recognition starts at home! There was never an election, this puppet government can receive every tap on the shoulder it needs still it will NEVER be accepted by the citizens! In regards to the TFG having more recognition then any other government pre civil war...Please state a fact not a dream since you obviously seem to forget about Siad. Lastly im not mistaking them for the Somaliland government, since I do not believe in separation. So dont assume anything for me dear.
  20. The idea that a government would impose a law where tax would be collected by citizens when this government isnt even recognized nor has been elected is a joke! A pathetic one for that matter. Its not enough that this government brings exterior destructive force but now they will try to take whatever possible funds the citizens have. Wow the arrogance of this government never seize to amaze! Also, taxes are usually introduced towards implementation of social services. However the TFG shouldnt even bother pretending to take this role. No one is buying it!
  21. LOL@ the picture with the writting : Dowlad la aan wa dal la aan! What can one possibly know about DAL when he and his likes are prostituting it to the best buyer! Theres no need to report on "tabloids" and whatnot..the so-called proof in Mogadishu is plenty to talk about! Anyways carry on with the fake parades!
  22. Its one thing to want freedom of speech...but exactly do you know the meaning of it? What would be the purpose of insulting eachother? would the point come across better? would people suddendly agree with you? Walaal like it or not an ounce of civility goes a long way. Now speak your mind all that you want to..annoy us all day if you like with this "exclusive ISH" you seem to like so on every thread..but changing sol rules so that we can simply sound extremist or insulting is pointless! Furthermore, why dont you drop the whole victim act..seeking attention to this extend should seriously be reprimanded!
  23. I actually wanted to have my eyebrow pierced like the above pic. But my mother threatened to pierce my forheard so that kinda killed the whole idea for me but now im actually glad she stopped me. I got over piercings alltogether. So I say wait for a while if you still feel the same..heey what the heck do it! Just make sure you bring support when you get to face the piercing gun.