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Posts posted by raula

  1. waxaan ka nacayba mareekan waa NBA..sorry Taleexi waxaa igu dambeyse berigii the "DREAM team" LA ey iskugu aruuren- (all the lacibiin mixed w/kuwa ey ka dhamaaden...)saan diliq uu iri maba soo laabanin'ba nooh :D


    alaha kuu sahlo iyo team kaaga :D

  2. ^^:D


    NG-get out of town waryaa :D


    Yunis, don't loose sight of who's on top of that food chain, it'll make your life a lot easier to manage...... ee sida ula soco :D Congrats.



    PS: coming soon, sometime in the fall i hope IA, i'll be opening a match making site ee sida ula socda, otherwise, i am thinking of URUR dumareed. More to come IA

  3. I second UCHI & love the second pic *(unlike her predecessor, crazy LUCY :D). Mrs Hassan lol(for lack of better words is really ROCKING that garbasaar. Love it).


    ps: (perhaps I am biased as looking at this from outside/diaspora) is it a quarterly thing for our leaders to visit nearby country's leaders for anything other than diplomatic relations ??? waa maxay faankaan oo ah so & so visited ___, bizarre

  4. waves @ Juxa & Ibti. the rest (BOYS)....mmmhhhh :D


    STOIC-you cannot come back w/out viatu ya BATA :D (the only bata shop-back in 2010 left in Eastleigh was around 6th street? i think, otherwise go to town)-I have seen similar ones but expensive.


    maanta i got some work to do & waxaa igu socdo qaraami (as its raining out there) & some really HOT JAVA-salut ya'll :D hawada hadaad iga baxdaan ka warama :D

  5. war hedhaaya..horta salaama maliintey/habeenkeey idin tahayba.


    tan kale..ani iyo saxiibtey (islaan indhayar-NGONGE would say INDOYAR w/his arabacized somali uuf :D), caawo wax baa inakala haystaa. luuq meeshan ah in the campus baan wax kuu aqristaa (summer break its pretty much empty EVENING & NIGHT times)...marka EVERY FRIDAY islaantaan ODEYGEEDA oo joogo shiinaha (CHINA I am guessing) bey la sheykeysataa, sacadooyin. Lakiin manta HILFIIHII bey uu qaade. For the past 2 hours especially, waxaan ka baqaaya ineey KOMBUTERKA ooga soo dhex baxdo. TOLOW muxuu sameeye. wey iska qeylo dhereed laakin waxaad ka dareemi kadhe (ROMANTICM p/ABTIGIIS definition)...but i think otherwise caawa. kaaga dara i think her connections cuts off on & off markaa qeyladeeda oo ah -(PUNCUATED ah baad maqli...then waxaad dhihi miyey is marjisee mise ?) she's still going at it.....wale kaa caawa hadey is ag joogi lahaayen I am sure lafihiisa baa meelaha laga soo qaadi lahaa.


    where is nuune oo dhihi jire shineeyska waa baari oo hadal qaboow :D

  6. chicken la qaado mise la xambarsado waxba ma taryso..hadii aad romantic isku sheygeysaan car waa kii toreyda la goyaa hal mar (intuu bisinka ula qabto..)chicken kaa (wan-qal camal) -I think this is the kind of romantisim that IBTI is talking about (maybe). EXCEPT NUUNE only (waa markuu qaruumaha saaran yihiin :)



    Another SERYKAYL performance-to NATION MEDIA team..lol...


    lol@the Pythagorean theorem & gravity...


    @4:13- "during the 9pm bulletin...we also want you to tell us where those BULLETs come from because the govt does not provide any ammunition to members of the press" :D lol "ladies & gentlemen..the ENGLISH used to say ..where the is a WILL there is a BENEFICIARY :D we'll correct it..where the is a will, there is a way" :D