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Everything posted by raula

  1. Mooge..lol..kuguma dambaabaayo hadaba..kaftan beey iga aheed...ee xaal qaado ina adeer. As for Safiya..mar dhaweeyd baan magalada ku arke..marka she's gusty to set foot home..unlike moi <-----
  2. MMA..waa mahadsantahay..bal see yaan uga tegi labadeeyda waxaro geeljire by heart..can't rule egocentrics! Laakin I'll vote for MALKIA Malika.
  3. Xiin & Mooge..out of all the ex-pats going back..you only had to pick Safiya..Really :rolleyes: How about in xildhibaanada lagu daro from the block
  4. raula

    Love is....?

    Malika..in better terms..waa sidi naag walac ah! Capish
  5. ^^^yeah. Crazy times indeed that's how you know its elections time in America. Obama is too modest for going after such comments but I say Biden can do that on his behalf..he's a veteran & doesn't shy away from the typical "lipstick on a pig" jokes those cadaan/American right wingers say.
  6. raula

    Love is....?

    Loof waa kadaabad..or in my neck of the woods a B*&C* (not my words....)
  7. ***<----appreciates the cock-fight ensuing***. well as for the stats..pathetic...but foreseeable as in shouldn't expect much from post-colonial, post-war authoritarian govt's. Mr. Boston--waa runtaa! war heedhahaya..(Malika & Che)..ani dee habo in lai' noqdo baan rabaa maxaa dhacey..or i be ayeeyo to some...this habo thing is messing w/my cup of tea. Spread the love dee
  8. ***<----appreciates the cock-fight ensuing***. well as for the stats..pathetic...but foreseeable as in shouldn't expect much from post-colonial, post-war authoritarian govt's.
  9. raula

    Amal Aden

    Somalia;860371 wrote: She's Somaliland's answer to Ayaan Hirsi. :cool: No wonder Mooge saw it as 'pressing news'. Serioulsy politics waa qumayo Who cares what she's? ..
  10. Apophis;860087 wrote: You deduced all the above from just one picture? lol @ Chimera
  11. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;859960 wrote: However, I blame the location and its lack of full security. Intee meel raqiis jaban raadinaayeen. Magaalada hoose inay ku dhigaan ayee ahayd. I agree, for those who know...Ngara (and not LANGARA..shuud like Budland is saying)..has always been littered w/crooks..I know as i went to school there. Though i agree w/many that the attack is unwarranted, dee xiligii mise qarnigii magool iyo sado & the likes heesaha mu(or ma)caaradka qaadi jireen kuma jirno...(backed by their clansmen/women & what seemed like a stable populus is gone)...the country is in turmoil & fragmented both physically & spiritually. Marka at least she could have beefed up her security... I wish her the speedy recovery. Ah! allow dumarka soomaliyeed uu sahal..wale meel uu sahlan baa iska yar.
  12. Faafan thx for the video..Indeed FM has never hidden his true intentions/sentiments about Somalia, Ethiopia, or the USA for that matter. I remember the visa situation..when it sparked up..lol. This guy is a true nationalist i.e. (Somali-Kenyan) & for anyone to say that he doesn't know (especially) his regional history is an understatement. He put's those Kenyan politicians/Parliamentarians who speak foul of the poor somali refugees in their places. Brilliant FM & thank you for standing up for all of us. He will be a remarkable president
  13. I hope she won't come back & 'apologize' for such 'slandering' (otherwise true facts) comments about an "ALLY" of USA.
  14. Salaam all..I see that its pretty much reer-GB & the outlier JB. Well for the manly men..get rid of the caloosha kido's as it can impede in other functions such as "operation restore hope" as i have heard
  15. " Degenerate Cultures..." well well..that says a lot? You might want to look at some historical data/facts on where there used to be "degenerate" before times like slavery/colonization et cetera. Btw, some systems are directly interfering w/black progress like the rates of incarcerations in USA (don't know about other countries in particular)..when you have disproportionate #'s of black/minorities incarcerated more than they exist in schools & that could start from their nascent years in school/daycare..where minority children are expelled or punished severely compared to other groups.
  16. ^^^lool. inteyba maseyr gaarin tolow armey xiiqdii ku dhegte markuu habeen madow kasoo hor baxe..odayga cireeyste..yac! Juxa thx for sharing sis..sad indeed! ilaahey gabadhaa iyo reerkeeda ha uu sahlo. In accord w/your sentiments..I would prefer castration than xabsi..especially if that was my dear sister Abwaanow-mandhow islaamaha..have been 'supressed' for a long while the other gender has all the glory..marka hadey mid sirsirataa..dee it won't break the camel's back..iska daaya ha raaxeysatee..to equalize the ratio. (ok tis a joke..not to contradict my previous sentiments here).
  17. ^^though it might help. Che..meesha ha ilko cadeeyne..ka kac baan ku iri..Boston iyo 'qaraxeeda' kasoo kac mise wale..adoo dhutinaaya la gaasooqaadi doona Ms moons: I hope the family is aware of your pending plans:D..& not just the FB friends/Friends-at-large. Nonetheless-Mabruuk.
  18. lool..I was about to say..oo maanta kii Yaabana..is 'flip-flopping' from his crime-captain duty to .....astronomy... then i see this,nice surprise
  19. Apophis;859356 wrote: But seriously, this stats are bad and I wonder if Somalis are affected in similar way. Well, Minnesota having one of the largest populations of somalis..& rightly perhaps by #'s the most incarcerated..(my guess) could be indirectly affected by increase in prison terms in most states while some states have cut down. Just heard this on the local news the other day..here is some of the report. "Study: Minn. Prison Terms Lengthening, Costs Rising The average prison term for all crimes committed by Minnesota offenders has grown by 38 percent in the past two decades, the 11th largest increase of all states surveyed, costing state taxpayers an additional $93 million, according to a recent report from the Pew Center on the States...." http://kstp.com/news/stories/S2736594.shtml?cat=1 Here is the pew Center report..(http://www.pewstates.org/uploadedFiles/PCS_Assets/2012/Prison_Time_Served.pdf) In my perception & I am sorry if i offend any SOLers from Florida..(how do i say this in better terms)..this state is one of the F*CK-up states socially, economically & perhaps spiritually. Their policies are for loonies
  20. AbuS..i heard recently that there was a fire that consumed almost xafaad/perhaps a block..due to some electrical wiring mishap or over-consumption..?
  21. ^^^couldn't agree more walaalo. Abwaan iyo daadka aan is fahan..horta let's agree to disagree...Ma oran dee dhacdooyin kaano kale..mise waalid somaaliyeed oo ubadkooda uu roon ma jiraan..I am not generalizing that our parents aren't upholding their honor to their children & so on..however, i was merely pointing out that this happens & such (as the story depicts) could be the case. Pakistanis or whatever cultures they may have..could have it worse..however, with all these 'imported' (for instance) religious propaganda..iyo daqan awal lagu arkin qoomiyada somaaliyeed..koleytaba there are some elements of such filthy practices in our communities.. N'ways...allaahu aclam..koleyteba my stance inaanta waa lagu qasbe ninkaas..& if indeed she felt she had a choice...Allah (s.w.) knows what the outcome would have been. As Juxa said..& as diinta says..we should hold our mothers to be pristine..but walaahi there are some..that are just WICKED.
  22. gooni;859111 wrote: Maxaa nagruumo looga reebay meeshuba golaha maaweeladda ha isu bedeshee? Faroole meesha aad buu u walaaqay runtii waana tan keentay in dumar laga waayo liiskaan. loool@Nakrumah.
  23. beautiful indeed. AbuS- cambaaburkii makasoo dheregte ciidaan
  24. ^^^sure we aint pakistanis or Arabs..but elements of similarity are there. I am not mixing up situations..they were just examples..in any case, if the gal felt that she had a choice..i don't think this would be the aftermath? Do those that are raped or stuck in abusive relationships in the west (somali's or not) have options? Indeed they do..they have relatives just like she did & friends..but tragedies still happen? Now why does it happen is the question? was it lack of courage? stamina? compassion? fear of being shunned? death ? or worse ?????????? I was just commenting on courage.
  25. MMA...c'mon why not reer BOSTON eh mandhow at least reer miyigeena an iska haysanoo better than reer-TO ku qufulan sadexda # (911..I am not sure what's the equivalent of it there in CANADA) iyo Fraud