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Posts posted by checkmate

  1. ^^Waa hagaag jamaaloow nagala hadal nodamkaas aniga iyo xiinfaniin ha nakala bixiyee.


    Erayga "Waaq" Asliyan wuxuu ka soo farcamay luqada la yiraahdo(Orominya) wuxaa na lagu dhawaaqaa "Waqo" micnaheeduna yahay GOD One god to be precise.

  2. This is 1 of my many playlists.


    Turn you lights dowm low By Bob marley and Lauren Hill

    Mr.too damn good By gerald levert

    Everyday people By Arrested development

    Every time I close my eyes By Baby face

    Feel it in the air By Beanie Segal

    Back then by Mike Jones

    Slow down By Bobby Valentino

    Faded Pictures By Case and Joe

    Sexual Capacity By Color me Bad

    Things we do for Love By Horace Brown

    My block By Scarface

    Heart of city By Jay Z

    My body By LSG

    Fortunate By Maxwell

    Feeling on your Bo.oty By R.kelly

    I deserve By Tank

    My love is the shit By Some thing for the people

    Wisper By Ying Yang Twinz :D

  3. Xiin, maanta you went searching for bones in a lions den eh? :D


    Hopes you are familiar with "mortal compact" the game.


    ** throws two freeze balls, freezed, comes close hits with crazy uppercut fallowed by mad combination**


    Voice: Finish Him

    Another voice: flawless victory :D:D


    Bal hada aan isku dayo in aan kuu aqoon kordhiyo xiinoow


    Erayga: WAAQ wuxuu ka dhigan yahay Lord, God, Allah

    Luqad kasta aduunka qarni kasta wey is badashaa, waxna waa ku saa’idaan waxna waa ay ka nusqaamaan.


    Hada waxaad ka muran keentay in eryga:waaq aanu is ticmaali jirnay intaysan diintu na soo gaarin: macnaheedu na yahay qofkii isticmaala erayga:waag waa jaahil amaba diin ma heysto. Marka halkaa waxaa iiga cadaan karta labo mid: in aad primitive logic isticmaashay ama in ay sheekooyin qabyo ah aad ku maqashay.


    Gabogabo: luqadu wey dhuntaa laakiin gef/bedci ma gasho.

  4. Directions!


    FACDHAC Toos u soo bax, DHAG left u gal Lake st, hadana DHAC right u gal Franklin st, parking kugu soo horeeyo JAG ku sii baabuurka, Unit#17 ganbaleelka DHAG ka sii, FAG qof aa albaabka kaa furaayo. :D

  5. ^^ Waaq baa iga marag ah hadii maanta la'i oran lahaa tix ku sheegan qoran sax, wallee baan 1 jabkii xitaa aan kuu quureen.


    Ina adeer gacaliye xumaan marnaba ka ma aan wato u jeedo taas shaki yeysan kaa galin ee waxaan ku oran lahaa in taan ku iri guubaabin u qaado maxaa yeelay faanoole fari kama qodna.

  6. ^^LooL


    Kissing Aaaaa!


    *****Puts on his pigeon (qooleey) suit flies over to Bishaaro, goes around in circles WAQWAQ UUURRR, WAQWAQ UUURRR gets real close Kisses and gets ready to give her some of his regurgitated vomit. She gives him the cold shoulder he chases her around for few more minutes then gets frustrated flies over to Hibo but to only find out the Legend Zu oo suu WAQWAQ UUURR u dhahaayey codkiisa xabeeb gashay and soon as he saw me land he gives me this ZOOLANDER look wooow******

  7. Hibo, Meeri'e Piyari behen


    Cousin keef al xaal? I picked up on some things yesterday and rumor has it that there was this huge virtual fight involving you and couple of the female mods.


    How did it involve libaax sanke taabte? Maxaa ka dhacay meesha taloow???


    Walaashiis, I just wanted to let you know that, the dearest things I know is what you are.

    Gar iyo gardaroba tii ilaaheeda ku harta noqo abaayo.

  8. Funny topic Bob!



    1) Been hadii sheegeesid Been dacas qabto lee sheeg.


    Shactiro gaaban!


    Koo reer xamar ah, aa wuxuu soo galay meel reer wuqooyi jaad ku gadaan.


    Reer xamar: WAARYEEE**In the most qaldaanast way**Jaad oo fashaq eh ma yaalaa?

    Guygii Reer wuqooyi wuxuu u maleeyey jaad nooc kaleeto in uu rabo

    Reer wuqooyi: Waar hareeri gii dhaadheeraa oo casaa baanu heynaa

    Reer xamar: baaraxi aa igu khaarajin rabtaa yaaah

    Reer wuqooyi: waar aqalka iiga bax.

  9. Posted by Bishaaro

    More like a mud wrestling is what he wants. Laakin, I won't.

    Posted by Xoogsade:

    Raalli ahoow ma diidey? Don't you think my public apology is an act of being a gentleman?

    This is great!...Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry **** c'mon yall say it with me****...Jerry Jerry Jerry :D:D


    Bishaaro, How did ya know he likes mud wrestling/wrestling for that matter? Just cuz my brother's name is "xoog-sade", you imagine he is somali version of "Holk Hogan" :Dicon_razz.gif

  10. Posted by Zeph

    I stood in the queue at Ikea yesterday, and when it was my turn handed over my
    and as I proceeded to type in my

    LooL..Now THAT is bizarre




    Heh, thats how it gets done in the Bada Bing club yea? Tell me this, will serving bufallo wings naked have him on his knees, begging me to allow him to kiss my feet?



    You have my word!


    Damn Skippy!

  11. W.w.w.whaat!


    Tuujis xaaji, marka ugu horeysa waxaan hawada kuu soo marinayaa salaan ka soo baxday kashka iyo laabta. salaan ka dibna waxaan ku leeyahay abti macaan dhalasho wacan oo wanaagsan, nooloow oo nuur mar walba.




  12. Being in love $12

    Not being in love $32

    One sided love $95

    There are some things in life money can't buy, for everything else there is DAHABSHIIL :D


