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Posts posted by checkmate



    ya kno ur somali when u have 1,768 uses for vasaline!


    ya kno ur somali when ur on da bus and ur da loudest ppl talkin


    ya kno ur somali when u have bout 30 kutabz at home but never use it


    ya kno ur somali when ur dad married two other wifes


    ya kno ur somali when tea is made 5 times a day


    ya kno ur somali when u put sugar in everything


    u know ur somali if you got chased by AFRO-AMERICANs


    You know u somali when ur mom says " u can memorize music, but u cant memorize quran "


    You know u somali when u shop for gear on the 20th of the month


    You know u somali when u buy sifa phone cards


    You know u somali when u buy a computer and ur parents ask for BBC somali radio 24/7


    You know you're a somali male when.. your watch dangles around your wrist




    You know you're somali when... there are buttons missing on your TV, so you use fork to change the channels.. lol


    You know you're somali when... you have a printer, but it doesn't WORk


    You know you're somali when... you're up late on a school night (checking out the latest posts on SOL)


    you know your somali when your dad swears he was a superstar soccer player



    you know your somali when your mom wears a dirac to the supermarket



    you know your somali when you have the same drapes as aleast 5 of your neighbors



    you know you somali when ... you have a cell phone all day, but you turn it on at 6......only in canada loool...


    you know you somali when ... you go watch soccer games in the summer even though you hate soccer..tdot ppl u know who u r :D


    you know you somali when ... you come to a jam with all yo' bling bling, but still wanna hustle, to get in for free


    u know u somali when u wash the dishes wit socks if we dont find sponges


    you know your somali when u go to somali parties tellin your girlfriend you don't like somali guys.



    you know ur somali when your niece is 40yrs older than you. :D


    you know ur somali when ur told the wedding starts @ 9 pm but the guests and bride show up at 12 am.


    you know ur somali when u smell like bariis and baasto @ school


    you know ur somali when u eat lunch at 8 pm and dinner at 1 am


    you know ur somali when a basic 3 on 3 bball game takes two hours ta finish


    you know ur somali when ur hair line starts at ur ears :D:D


    you know ur somali when ur hair is soft and u look mixed but ur lil brother looks like he's from kenya.. :D:D ..............



  2. "If a bird loved a fish where would they live?"

    this question is really deeeep i don't know which movie but i sure would like ta see it..... but my answer to da above question is,

    in a island .... :D:D:D


    my next qoute:

    finance is the gun and politics is knowin when ta pull the go figure .......



  3. calooooleey aaaa uf uf uf uf war yaa cuno waxaas.. xaajiyo try_me maxaa nin kaan maskiin ka ah u dilee haduu ku dhintana, adaa laguu qabsanaa calooleey, carabka (lo'da n arigaba),maskaxda iyo mijiyaha wax bina aadanka fiyoow cunaan ma aha................laakiin tuujiye wuu cuni karaa cuz ma fiyooba :D:D:D:D ........asxantu

  4. How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?

    woooooooooooow dis is one great movie ..... usual suspects.............


    doo yuuuuuuuuuu speeaaaak any hints on dis 1 toooodam easy..................asxantu

  5. Lol xaraam to u checkmate ,the only reason this topic is reserved to ladies is because I dont want you guys to bother us during summer and tempt us to do unlawful things.


    looooool bambina why xabiibti why

    since when did cup of coffee become so unlawful lool...............asxantu

  6. walaashiis try-me advice from da wise ... u xiir ninka soo wuxu crush (caashaq digaag) uun ma'aha waxaa ku tiraahdaa shinbiraha la ciyaar....haduuba crush ka cararayo wax kheer qabo ma soo wadin .......asxantu

  7. famous hollywood lines:


    1.let's cut 2 the chase

    2.lets get outta here

    3.we should go find out (ok i made this one up) :D:D:D


    hey i can't believe nobody knew goostrahf .......angry management..loooool.....asxantu

  8. libaax aad iyo aad ayaan uga xumahay saabiib laakiin oday waalan oo frostaration haayo ayaa laiga dhigay so i was just defending me self sorry boqol jeer hadaan nomands ku xad gudbay ....... hada iyo wixii ka danbeeta afka ayaa juuqda i gabay.......asxantu saaxiib

  9. k then here's my list .......maxaa dadka iga reebay..

    1. Best Topic Award = og-moti

    2. Funniest Topic Award = tuujiye

    3. Intellectual Award = nur

    4. Best Avatar = nin yaaban

    5. Best signature = nuune

    6. Best Nick Award = darbi

    7. Personality/Character Award = sacdiya

    8. Worse Topic special Award = og-gal

    9. Life time Award = nova (u happy) :D

    10. Loyalty to SOL Award = qac qaac



  10. soomali waxay ku maahmaahdaa (nacasta usha agteeda ayaa lala dhacaa haday garan weeydo,iyada ayaa lala dhacaa) marka mo yusuf maahmaahdaan nuxur keeda haku galo ina adeer.............asxantu

  11. ok here is da plan i start with a qoute some1 finishes and starts a new quote...easy ha ..well here it cames:


    my a$$ may be dam but ....................



    hope ya'll hav fun with dis .......asxantu