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Posts posted by Buuxo

  1. Ilhan,Considering what many Somalis have gone through,Im surprised that majority are not Mentally ill. Truely resilient people baanahay.


    Having said that ,Mental health is an area that is not very well understood and dealt with ,even in Developed countries.And it is very difficult for sufferers and their family to understand and to come to terms with an illness that is not as clear cut like heart disease or kidney disease or a broken leg, the former is in the 'mind' of the sufferer.



    What issues do you face with family members or friends who suffer from either of the two?


    Lack of understanding of the illness by family and wider community and

    The sense of shame / blame,the family & individual feels and associate with the illness.



    •Do you get any support from any organisation?

    •How do you cope?



    •Do you think the medication they are put under is a solution or is it just making it worse?


    I think medications are a great.If you could imagine feeling so low or having constant worry about thoughts or voices telling you to do horrid things ,it's safe to say that would be the worest feelings or pain one can experience and would stop them from doing basic things in life like eating/drinking/sleeping etc and which in turn leads to negative consequences.



    •Some people take the person back home to Somalia do you think that is a good idea don’t you think they would be better off here where they can get better medication?


    What benefit do they get from going home? If they are ready or stabilized and there is the capabilities to manage their health then sure.

    But it's foolish to think that returing them to Somalia is the Answer to everything ( from rebellious children to treating chronic disease/ mental health problems).



    •How about those back home do you think it is right for them to be tied up?


    No, but you have to ask yourself .Why they are being tied up.It's because of the absolute lack of services for the Mentally Ill.If they don't restraint them and then they are more than likely to harm themselves or others.So they make do! Sad but true.



    •Do you agree that they are possessed by the devil?


    Allahu Aclam.Perhaps we need to rule it out.Especially in the situation of Schizophrenic like disorders


    •Since we are Muslim what is you thought about them seeing a psychologist?


    I don't see a problem.

  2. Sayid,LoL. Soo maalin kaste cunto somali ma cuntid? Try wax kale now then .Be adventureous nooh.As for Maqaayadah Qurbaha, we have a long way to go.


    PS: I love my Beobol,lest im accused of being Anti-somali ama inferiority iyo wax daran.


    Juxa,Alh for bisbaas!

  3. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

    Best visual restaurant I had seen waa maqaayada Idman in London, Ingiriiska.










    I hope its cunto as appealing as its interior design.

    It looks like someone's house.Nice furniture but doesn't have maqayad appeal.

  4. Really? The first time i heard the song,it was being performed by Miiraale and it was A+=amazing :D


    I love boqol too.Thanks for the link,never heard of shirib,sounds interesting.