Legend of Zu

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Everything posted by Legend of Zu

  1. Well...this is not about astrology, neither about personalities or falling from trees, or fav colours and b'days, This is about some phenomena regarding B'days. Here are few strange coincidences - Did you know that "there is more than 50% chance that two people are born the same day if you have 23 people in a room?" and even weirder the probability goes to 99% for 57 people in a room! Since Somalis are mostly large families (an average of 6-10 members) I want you to think about this and then get a list of your family, cousins, friends, class mates b'dates until you get the list to 57, and check if two of them share the same b'day! Also if you check (assuming you use facebook) the b'days of your network, you will see most of your friend's b'days are in November and Sept. if you dont have facebook check the list you compiled! Now you know, even tho you never stop to ponder on it, why you feel sometimes you are giving more gifts or sending more cards in certain months. Apparently, this issue is a mathematical problem known as The Birthday Problem Who would have thought Mathematicians have sense of humour! Check this against your family and friends, and lets know what you have discovered. Cheers
  2. OK...what was the point of the story? :confused: Cheers
  3. ^^^^ two great stories, Hassan is top bloke, altho I think Abdi made up the stories! Cheers
  4. ^^ Well, if you are 100% plus 50% certainly you are missing another 50%, no? I wanna know where that 50% is? .....ah, don't answer that, isn't that the 50% that comes along with marriage? Go on then, get married asap to complete the missing 50% Cheers
  5. ^^^LoL. ok calm down wax kugu haystaa ma jiraan. just a quick question tho, where did the "nus" come from? seems to me half is not complete? Cheers
  6. ^^^^ So if he is perfect, why would he go for imperfect? unless you are perfect yourself!, Are you perfect Aaliyah?
  7. ^^ Becus we are regrettably regretable beings Have you ever hated someone only to like them later
  8. ^^^ Thing,,,that sounds nasty! ...My New Laptop! Why do ppl get grumpy as they get old?
  9. Yeah...My upcoming trip... What is the hardest thing you ever did
  10. ^^^ Nothing in Particular, whatever you ca offer!
  11. Gh, How many marduufs of khat you can buy Can you qoute any memorable qoute!
  12. Awesome,,,but consumes me which is what i like about it. I am feeling angry and depressed becus of the holiday break!! Are you satisfied with where your life is heading
  13. I did...before the fifth year..Now I am bored shitless...what will I do the remaining year bal? I am thinking next time I'll make it four years! What ia the most captivating thing you did in 2007?
  14. ^^^ Dream career..Go for it! Are you blonde or brunette?
  15. C Lady What phone call are you waiting?
  16. C Lady, you want my q's....you can't handle my question! At this moment, what are you thinking about?
  17. LoL...entre has issues, he is looking for Santa! As for you, What are you doing on NYE?
  18. My Bed...F'ing awesome! Why do we like asking q's? PS Val and Ghanima, Tacbaaniin...
  19. Seriously, Abtigiis wants to make us believe there is a such thing as Personality of the Year! what are the criteria? If anyone I will say Prof Geedi th Ex PM For resigning without becoming a warlord. Cheers
  20. Don't you hate when you respond to someone and someone else's post comes in between.. The New Year is another bloody year, init?