Legend of Zu

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Everything posted by Legend of Zu

  1. May be My Now self can learn from your Now self! So do you want to share with us your personal experience) Cheers
  2. ^^^ LoL and how does that look? Tell us why the NY resolutions ellude you when you make any? Cheers
  3. ^^^ Seems all my selves are in agreement to that! However, Future self likes to appear once the Past self is gone, and the now self seems to be quite pissed off with the whole saga (it claims it is not IT that has set the plan and it is not IT that benefits of the plan whilst everyone expects IT to carry out the plan!) Cheers
  4. ^^^^ LoooL...couldn't agree more! Well, the only reason I have been avoiding to eat with my bare hands is when i do it i eat alot! but sab is exception to the rule! Cheers
  5. BTW, I checked 43things.com top notch. I'll register meself Insha Allah! Cheers
  6. ^^^ 43things.com? no am not on it but seems something that will amuse me by the sounds of it. I'll check it asap Insha Allah! Yes, B'days is another focal point when it comes to setting personal targets which as you said makes it more personal. For me I have couple of focal points one is when i visit the graves, I get all worked up and go thru that self correction path as i call it. Second point is every five years when I get that smirk on my face that sense of achievement of the five year plan. Cheers
  7. ^^^^ Great pick up line, I will use it next time! One thing comes to mind when you mention lagging behind Cheers
  8. For obvious reasons, this is the time when all resolution related topics pop up from left and centre. I don't blame you, if you came in to this topic thinking "ooh I am going to say ...I don't have a New Year's resolution because it is all bull " but the topic is not about that! I was asking myself " how come NY resolutions don't work?" because when you think about it they are always about something that is good for you or improvement to your self or they are about you prioritising some issues that you think you should from now on. So I was wondering how come they don’t work and I think in my own way, I came to this…. Well, when you are making a New Year's resolution, you are making a commitment to your self that you will do a specific task or achieve a particular goal. So what you are actually doing is you are asking from your-future-self to commit to do something and here is the catch (perhaps why most of the resolutions fail) Why would your-future-self fulfil a commitment made by your-past-self (who is the your-now-self) perhaps, your future self will have different issues to address, other priorities or opportunities to take and potentially your future self may think your past self (basically You) is one big loser! So may be that is why? So do you think your future self will agree with you? Makes you wonder, isn’t it? So you have to make sure whatever resolution you are making now is something that your future self will agree, don’t you agree? Then again why bother? You don't have to wait for a new year to make a resolution [something that is beneficial to you] then should it be that you have to make a resolution in every minute! By now I know some of you are asking themselves “what is the purpose of this topic?” well that is not the question you should ask your self, what you should be asking is, Why can I not fulfil or commit to my decisions whether they are resolutions or not! Go ahead tell us? Cheers
  9. I am not from SOOL, but i get your drift, Happy new year to you too. Aamiin to your du'a
  10. I was hoping someone will post the Gaurdian article, while I am not a fan of hers, I find it tasteless to condemn a person once they are dead! However we have been bombarded with her outobiography (American way)by the media so the below article may just provide some dark colouring to her character, mind you, the writer tries to be as balanced as he can be! ------------------------------------------------- PAKISTAN'S FLAWED AND FEUDAL PRINCESS It's wrong for the West simply to mourn Benazir Bhutto as a martyred democrat, says this acclaimed south Asia expert. Her legacy is far murkier and more complex Read Here Cheers
  11. ^^No, Not really, and dont worry about Che, he is a former Paki! Cheers
  12. ^^^ Yeah I did that for a reason, I am not able to summarise various scientific theories into one simply post for the SOL readers; my intention was more like to entice the interested reader to seek further info or create some interest at the least. And moreover to highlight it is not as simple as we think! Cheers
  13. ^^^^Try her she may surprise you! Cara, So do you partake the ritual referred here by the "-" formerly known as "Che" Cheers
  14. ^^^lol..That was too quick man, I havent even got the chance to edit it...hehehe..or reread the flow of reasoning! Cheers
  15. Xiin, I think I have spare time tonite and I am in the mood to indulge you with few amateurish arguments regarding “time definition” which I call the mind twister. Lets understand what is the point of contention here, in the article the “Time may not exist” is not an entirely proven fact but the possibility was raised thru the experiments discussed in the article. When I reread some of your comments yaa xiin, I understood your arguments revolve around two things; Time exists and it is linear! Secondly, you argued on the basis that what being measured is time, i.e. how people use the concept. Now what I like to highlight here is the need to separate how the common people use the term “time”, or use the concept of time and how time is scientifically defined are two completely different issue!. Without diverting from the discussion point, this is similar to how people use the concept of weight. Common People use weight to know how heavy is an object, but in the physics world that is a mass! So here I want you to consider that for a moment. Before I go much into the scientific explanations, let me assert the theologian aspects, you will agree time does not exist in hereafter! So it is only in this world that the concept of time is relevant. Again let’s park that thought at the moment. If you ask yourself what is a second, or an hour? What determines what an hour should be? Or maybe you could ask, what exactly is the hour measuring? Is the hour measuring time itself? Is onether valid question! You asserted that what being measured here is TIME? And the hours/minutes/seconds are ways to measure time? Saying that (LOZ) says, what is being measured here is an interval between two events; assume here that you say “Salaat asr is one hour away” here the hour describes when to start the salaat. So this interval explains the length between the two events, what it doesn’t explain is what is the interval is? What we are trying to define here is what is the HOUR!---- makes sense? Or have I lost you?. Now here is where Caanos explanation becomes relevant, defining the interval, here is where the world of physics picks up an equation and defines the interval using the release of quantum energy. This raises couple of questions? Is time continuous or discrete intervals so small that we haven’t discovered yet, and if so then these discrete intervals are so small they almost become as if they are continuous. Hold that thought for a moment...park it somewhere in your mind, it will become useful later! Another issue that comes to mind is, if the interval is defined, is it then Universal? Is there such thing as Universal Time? Clearly you would agree that time is not universal i.e. what Caano described as the quantum viewpoint, time is relative and dependant on altitude (gravity), speed and so on. So far, we have established two things, time flows continuously and it is not universal...So time does exist but not as we know it... If I touch upon the funky bit where time is a real dimension (the fourth dimension), here this concept agrees with the concept of preordained, that the future has been predetermined! It is only waiting for us to pass over! And that is why I like it! Unfortunately, I do not think I have explained it well, but I am assuming in conjunction with Caano’s points, you would get a glimpse of the complexity of the definition of Time and when we talk about TIME it is not as straight forward as you implied yaa XIIN As for Positive his cyclical concept of time doesn’t hold waters (or maybe I need to re read it) Cheers
  16. ^^^ May be he waxes constantly just to please her! Cheers
  17. ^^^^ LooL I mean if you ever go to Thailand, stay away from everyone, dem dudes and dudettes all look alike, so you have been warned! Og Moti would have told you what happened to him in Bangkok! Cheers
  18. ^^^^loooool...true true, good one! Caano, are you planning to give headaches to many solers? compiling the list was homework enough! What the heck, post the formula here!
  19. ^^^^ You can ask her the Month and the Day no need for the year. Lily And Pujah, at least people who understand what I am talking about eh! Cheers
  20. Kooleey, Ilaahay Walaaal ha caafiyo, nabarka iyo dhaawacana ha u bogsiiyo (without scars). kuwa falkan xun sameeyeyna aduunyo iyo aakhiraba ha ooga xaq gooyo, aamiin
  21. Shakiyey! Maxaad ku shakisay?
  22. Only if they have two b'days or hiding their age which in this facebook they don't have to reveal... scemo, people in facebook put the b' Month not the year! So look around and in your head check who shares b'days Cheers
  23. Sxb...Soomali laga aradanyahay ma jiree..halkuu warka u socdo ayaa la doonayaa....garanay nin baa yiri addunyo aan rag iyo dumar la kala garanaynin, haddaase weeye su'aashu!
  24. Originally posted by Cara: ^So of course he must be at least 250%. LOL, gabadha waad u qarinaysaa, on the other hand he is more perfect than her, to be precise 100% better than her! I still do't see why mr perfect [250%] will go for 150% whilst there is a chance of meeting mrs perfect 250%! Aaliyah, there foes your chance of mr perfect, I stick to 150%! Cheers
  25. ^^^^ Is that a Europe thing or aduunyada oo dhan?