Grad Student

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Everything posted by Grad Student

  1. FirstLady, that's true. "i know nothing"-concept. Mr. D. I see u are not pissed off anymore!Good~ you and my friend Rudy are spreading groundless rumors! Okeeey!at least, Rudy is so blunt about it!
  2. Lol@Rudy! what makes you think i am gonna comment on them when you urself abstained from....? waxaa baxar galiso ilaah ha ku sahlo...
  3. I thought i would be selfish if i didn't share this artist's music. sounds Pretty cool! AFRICAN MUSIC: Unique in taste! he'd be satisfiying? BAABA MAAL
  4. Fir Tree (the Mysterious) — extraordinary taste, handles stress extremely well, loves anything beautiful, tends to care for those close to them as well as helping strangers, rather modest, hard worker, talented, unselfish, few sexual relationships, many friends, doesn't want foes, very reliable Indeed. .....
  5. spent my last 20 bucks on a dinner and ended up RUNNING OUT OF GAS on the highway! freakin!!!LOVE
  6. Caramel, i am picking up spanish but it's limited to one sentence for now "me gusta cagar me buepos" which roughly translates to..i'd like to scratch my Balls.
  7. Convenience store at Bank Street robbed by a senior citizen who claimed to have done to buy grandkids' food and clothes.
  8. Woman's perspective: moral of the story is a man who marries more than 1 wife deserves to have his hair plucked out to baldness. A man's perspective: moral of the story is a women are always trying to change men whether he is married/to one or more, physically, emotionally and financially to fit her idealized version. If u ask me, "ninku huurdo waynaa?"
  9. mother$#@%&^...get it? caramel.. LOoooooooooooooooL........
  10. give the guy a break..he just delivered! man!
  11. i'm studying industrial espionage and intelligence manipulation...can u top that heh?
  12. Hibo, adiganaa!? O! MY GOOSENESS!... PRINCESS_DIAMOND, i guess i am gonna have to return those diamonds i put on layaway!lol
  13. is it too late to wish you a happy birthday? i think not! happy birthday! come i wasn't! :mad: you know i wanted to attend your birthday party!
  14. I come here to see that camel on the left side of the screen, mostly. then, i stumble on a great piece of literature eloquently written by no other than the olde nomad; inspired, i move on to grab the bull by horns and sarcastically respond to alot of cheesy topics. What a Waste!
  15. opinionated, that's good! i thought you were gonna send me to gender sensitivity workshop. lol Darman, maxaa jabkeyga uga heshaa horta?
  16. opinionated, It's my worst waking nightmare to offend anyone who had done nothing to me! i could try to make an excuse for myself, but i beg you to let that pass. i am sorry sister!
  17. rudy, see what u's all ur fault now opinionated sister, given your charged views, are you surprised someone might find them objectionable at times? quite frankly, i have no beef with your posts. in fact, i found them to be very logical, cohesive and, of course, on your face. well, Happy new year
  18. lakkad, tell the ppl which group u belong to..oh i forgot, u belong to none of the groups mentioned...U R BUSTED! GRUMPY OLD MAN! waraa HABARIYAKO MAN! happy new year!bro
  19. great discussion. very civil.. i think complete ban on condoms wouldn't help prevention against AIDS or any other STD. with that in mind, Educating the public is the core preventive measure needed here. we all know abstinence is the safest way to avoid this disease, but what some of us may need to know is the importance of SAFE sex. use of condoms when engaged in either premarital or adultery, the two that are mostly mentioned, one must USE A CONDOM each time. that's evidently how Uganda has reversed their high rate of infection in the 90's, using a program they called ABC...A for ABSTINENCE, B for Something else and C for Condoms (being the last option). btw, how come no one mentioned how prevalent AIDS might be in the DIASPORA who are more exposed to it anyway..........i heard some shocking statistics last summer in minnesota.
  20. rudy, ok! now u remember what i am talking about...thanx but no about that my go on this subject will get admins attention and that will not be good man! settled here and forever hold your applause and grin if u know what get my drift. :cool:
  21. Rudy dude, stay clear of these serious discussions cause u play too much! btw, i am still waiting for the offer! NOTE TO MEN: just duck when you see "opinionated" on serious subjects like women's rights cause she seems to be well-versed in NEOFEMINISM/FEMALLENNIUM-A THOUSAND YEAR WHICH WOMEN WOULD PISS ON ANYTHING IN SIGHT! LOL
  22. lol@rudy, oprah fan eh? lol. sorry my friend, i couldn't help!
  23. haven't shared your new year's resolutions with us...or simply yet to audit urself!lol i'll share mine with ya! a) GET STUNNINGLY HOT DATE! b) UPGRADE HER TO FIANCE' BEFORE SUMMER C) MAKE IT OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL D) AND KNOCK HER OUT WITH TWINS BY NEXT FALL! insha allah that's!lol
  24. Raxmah, ..."he poured water on his pants" LOL! Darman, see how you might have avoided a $ the way, staring every booty on the street while driving is not a good idea. just pull over man.