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Posts posted by Biixi

  1. Threatened MP ordered out of secure home


    AMSTERDAM — Liberal Party MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been ordered to vacate the high-security home she is renting in The Hague within four months.


    An appeal court sided with her neighbours who complained her presence put their own safety at risk and caused disruption to their lives. Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner broke the news of the court decision at an EU meeting in Luxembourg on Thursday.


    Somali-born Hirsi Ali is known as a critic of aspects of Islam and she went into hiding in November 2004 when filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered. They had finished work shortly before his murder on Submission, a short film about the ill-treatment of women under Islam.


    Hirsi Ali and fellow MP Geert Wilders spent several months in hiding in secret locations due to death threats made against them because of their stance on Islam. "I think this is dreadful, horrible to have to move. I am happy living here and I feel safe," Hirsi Ali said in response to the judgement.


    The neighbours lost their case initially but they won on Thursday when an appeal court accepted Hirsi Ali's presence meant they no longer felt safe in their own apartments or in the communal areas of the complex. The court ruled that is contravened Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights which guarantees respect for a person's private and family life.


    The Dutch State had contravened these rights by moving to the apartment complex without seeking their consent and without taking measures to diminish the neighbours' valid fears, the court said.


    Justice Minister Donner said he is considering appealing the decision to the Supreme Court "otherwise it will create difficulties for the protection of various people".


    The neighbours said in a statement that their court action had not been directed against Hirsi Ali personally, but against the State for exposing them to danger.



    Doesn't this make her a terrorist

  2. Asalaamu 3alaykum


    Wiilo, waan ku faraxsanahay in aan wax isku raacnay. Taas oo ah in ay dawladu ganacsi la sameyso cid alle iyo cidii ay doonto.



    Mid waa inaad maadaama aad mas'uul tahay waxaad xaq u leedahay in lagu siiyo xuriyad aad howshii laguu doortay aad u qabato adigoo jabinaynin sharciga, midna waa xaqa ay kuugu leeyihiim dadka aad ushaqaysid ama ku doortay ee kuugu aaminay howl qaran.


    waxa kalana aan isku raacsaneen



    Haddaba, haddii shaqabkii aad mas'uulka u ahayd aysan rabin inay ay wax ku darsadaan Ethopia maxay tahay waxa kale aad adigu raadinaysid.


    Yaa yiri Soomali Itoobiya wax kuma darsato?

    Soomaali iyo Itoobiya waligeed xiriir dhaqaale baa ka dhexeeyay, xitaa markii ay labada dowladood is dirirayeen. Dal aan ganacsi la galno, waxna yaan ku darsanina labo wax oo isla socon kara ma aha.



    Waa inaad fiirisaa waxa ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed doonayaan iyo waxa ay diidayaan maxaa yeelay taa ayaa ka muhiim san waxa kale oo dhan.


    Soomali maanta maalin ah waxa ugu ween oo ay dooneyso maxeey tahay?

    Dawlad ay yeelato maxaa ka ween?

    Nabad ay dadkeeda meel alle iyo meesheey Soomaliya ka joogaan helaan maxaa ka ween?

    Wax barasho ay dadku helaan maxaa ka ween?

    Inta Soomali ka maqan oo uu dad wadan lihi haysto ineey helaan maxaa ka ween?



    Waxaa jooga dadkii ay wiilashoodii oga dhinteyn dagaaladii aan la galnay Ethopia oo xusuusto sidii ay ugu wiil waayeeyn dagaaladaas isla markaana ay rabin in ay wax ku darsadaan dowlad Ethopian ah, ogna cadowtinimada inagala dhexaysa.


    geeridu waa wax xaq ah, intii dhimatay Allaha u naxariisto, eheladoodadna samar iyo iimaan Allaha ka siiyo. Dawlad Soomaali ah iyo dawlad Itoobiyaan dagaal dhex mara mudo aad iyo aad u fog ayaa laga joogaa. Ilaah waxaan ka baryayaa in xumaanta na dhex taalana uu naga saaro wixii dhacayna inaan isa saamaxno iyo samar ii naga siiyo. Dagaalkaa waxaa ka dambeeyay xad gudub ay dawladii waagaa jirtay ay dad faro badan u geysatay, waxaa ku xigay dagaal ay soomali dhexdeedii isku leysay walina socda. Goormaan ka baxaynaa dagaal iyo ibtiladiisa? Haddaan had iyo goor aar goosasho ku jirno nadab waligeed dhalan meyso, kuwii samarkaa hela Allaha inaka dhigo.



    Marka waa in dadkaa hadalkoodu laqiimeeyaa lana dhagaystaan iyo waliba inta aan qofna oga dhiman dagaaladaas balse u arka in Ethopia lala heshiiyo ay qaran ahaan dan inoogu jirin.


    Waliigeey ma maqal qof yiraahda waxaan oo kale.

    Haddaan heshiis diidno soo dhibaato kale iman mayso? Soo dad kale kuma dhimanayaan? Inta la heshiiyo oo la is raali galiyo maxaa inoo diidan?


    Runtii waan sii wadi karnaa arintan ku saabsan laheshiinta Ethopia iyo faa'iidada ama qasaaraha inooga imaankarto. Waxaan idinka codsanaa inaad soo qortaan waxii aad isleedihiin waan ka doodi karnaa ee quseeya dalkeeda. Runtii aniga markii aan ka fakaro arimaha Soomaaliya iyo dhibaatooyinka ka jiraan runtii meel baa i xanuunta, i guess waa lay oran karaa inaan ahay wadani. Waa inaad abuuraan urur wadani ah here on SOL. Haye yaa igula jira arinkan, ururka magaciisa waxaa layiraahdaa URURKA WADANIYIINTA SOOMAALIYEED . Somali Nationalists.


    Urur aad ku jirtid oo dad kula fikir ah ay ku jiraan ilaah ma dhaliyo, haddii uu dhashana Allaha saqiiriyo :D


    Ps -- Isku day inaad abuurto urur ka dhex dhaliya dadka niyad sami, is faham iyo isla noolaansho. Waa haddaad wadaniyad tahay, haddii kalana macawiis intaad soo xirato STURBUCKS qab qablayaasha jooga ku biir --- Waa kaftan

  3. :D

    "Anoo kaa keeney meel

    "Kuunya Baroow u dhow

    Kunturwaarey agteeda

    Kismaayo intaa la gaarin

    Kanada markaan ku geeyey

    Kibir baad biloowdey

    Indhahaad soo kuulatey

    [bKabtaada aad moodid

    Kooyo gaadaal saanta looga kabay[/b]

    Surwaalkeeda kar karan

    Kuleetiga kor u taagan

    Sida Kuuleey Cali Banjar"


    Animaa adiga kir kaa mudan

    Iima taal iima hayside"




  4. Ninkaan shaqo la'aan aa ka badatay, ana waan wada aqriyay :D Mohamed iyo maxamed maxeey ku kala duwan yihiin? Duruuftaa keenta in sidaa wax loo qoro, qoraalkuna magaca macnihiisa muusan badalin. Mohamed iyo Maxamed, sida ay Soomalidu tiraahdo, waa isku dhawaaq.


    Qofkaan wali muusan maqal Mo, Zak, Ish ...Cali iyo Ali ee uga dhagtay.

  5. Asalaamu calaykum


    Salaan dabadeed.


    Arimo badan aa laga hadlay mida aan ra'yi ka dhiiban karo waa tan ku saabsan Dekadaha ay Itoobiya isticmaalayso. Ra'yigeygana waa kan


    Horta maan maqal mana arag wax cad oo ah in heshiiskaa laga galay dowlada Itoobiya ay dekdaha Soomalia isticmaasho. Taa runteeda iyo beenteeda Alaahu aclam. Haddii ay dhacday oo dadka dhulkaa degan ay raali ka yihiina aniga dhibaato uma arko.


    Waa run inuu Soomaliya iyo Itoobiya dagaal dhexmaray, maxaa inaan heshiino inoo diiday?


    Haddii ay dekadaheena isticmaalayaan, inaan canshuur ka qaadano maxaa inoo diiday?


    Markuu dhaqaalahooda dekadaheena kus xirmo maan intaan Jibuuti iyo Eritrea kaashaneyna kula gor gortano in ay dhulka ay naga heestaan noo soo celiyaan haddii kahalan aan dekada ku cuno qabateeno.


    Aan ku soo gaba geeyo -- Colaada iyo dirika waxaa ka fiican niyad samida, nabada iyo isla noolaanshaha!

  6. Somali student groups around the city raised $28,000 for drought relief.

    By Emily Banks



    tudents across the Twin Cities raised about $28,000 to help people in drought-ridden areas of Somalia, and today they will hand over the check to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

    Laura Olson, a representative from the Red Cross, will be in Minneapolis to accept the donation from local Somalian student groups at a ceremony at the Minneapolis Community and Technical College.


    Shukri Warsame, a University sociology junior, said the money is a relief effort for a drought in Somalia.


    “It’s the worst (drought) in 40 years, that’s why we took the initiative as students to do the fundraiser,†she said.


    The Somali Student Association and Somalian groups at other Twin Cities colleges, including St. Mary’s University, raised the money through charging admission to an event held in March. Between 300 and 400 people attended, Warsame said.


    The event included the showing of a documentary about Somalian families, and attendees paid admission and made pledges, said Jamal Adam, the effort’s lead organizer and graduate student at St. Mary’s University.


    “When we heard the news about families in Somalia, students at MCTC, the ‘U’ and other students wanted to contribute to help families in Somalia,†Adam said.


    He said the students wanted to give something back to their community and help “alleviate the humanitarian crisis that resulted from the famine and drought.â€


    “In parts of Somalia, people, especially children, are dying because of malnutrition and starvation,†he said.


    Warsame said the students researched relief efforts and found that the International Committee of the Red Cross works in parts of Somalia where the droughts are most severe. She said they decided to use the organization as a “vehicle to get the money to the people who need it the most.â€


    Josh Kittner, an associate in development communications at the American Red Cross, said the organization “is the way neighbors help neighbors in need, whether it’s around the corner or around the world.â€


    “This is a very generous donation and we’re very thankful for it,†he said.


    The groups will continue accepting donations and plan to hold another fundraiser concert in May.


    “It was a very thoughtful gift,†Kittner said. “We’re extremely happy that we’re chosen for the conduit for your compassion.â€


    Warsame said the drought is ongoing.


    “The more money we collect, the more we hope to send,†she said.


    Today’s event will be at 11 a.m. in Room L3100 at Minneapolis Community and Technical College off Hennepin Avenue.




    Source: Minnesota Daily, April 18, 2006

  7. Asalaamu Calaykum


    This is a good question and a topic that require much thinking and research. I've read most opinions so far and have and summed them up as following:


    Opinion 1

    Africans are genetically prone to these conditions, and therefore lack the skills to sustain enjoyable live. They are lazy, uneducated

    ... subhuman. Evidence is their primitive thinking, believes etc etc . This point is not new, it has been used by different groups in history to explain their superiority, and continue to do so, the technique and the language may have changed. RACISM! This opinion is not only laughable, but it is sad that some of its intended victims support it.


    Opinion 2

    Africa suffers 'cause of exploitation. Whether done by non-Africans or Africans. This exploiting individuals/countries/organizations make sure that the African status quo doesn't change and it hasn't changed so far. The evidence is everywhere if one really cares to Read



    My opinion

    Africa is in its current state for many reasons

    -- Africa is Still being colonized

    -- Africa's resources are still exploited by those same people that have done so in the past with the help of other Africans.

    -- Africa is cash cow for the UN and its branches...starving baby dying on camera brings them donation money and fame...look at BONO.

    -- Africa suffers from brain drain...don't need to explain.


    Have you ever heard or seen the UN sending food and water to Somalia before a draught, why do they wait after people die to collect monetary donations from non-Africans?


    Why doesn't the UN stop flooding African markets with donated foods and the same time that local farmers are trying to make money from their harvest?


    Why does the UN stop governments that try to subsides its farmers?

  8. Asalaamu Calaykum


    Jazaakallaah Abraar. You writing was very helpful to me, may Allah reward you for your effort. Also, thanks for the link...

    "Aboo Hurayrah quoted Allah's Messenger (saaw) as saying: "Allaah, Most Great and Glorious said: Pride is My cloak, and greatness is My robe, so whoever competes with Me, with respect to either of them, I shall cast him into Hell" (Saheeh Muslim, vol. 4 #6349, Sunan Aboo Dawood, vol. 3 #4079)


    May Allah guide us all.

  9. Asalaamu Calaykum


    Greatings to all the brothers and the sisters that spend to much time and energy in Allah's cause, may your efforts be rewarded. I'm confused about something that I heard at the masjid this past friday qudbah, and that is IKHLAAS. I understood the jist of it, but I would like more clarrification from you that know more than I.


    How does showing off fit into this, if at all? Will it be showing if you tell someone about your good deeds? Do you have to conceal your deeds from your friends and family?

