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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. Hence we are to believe folks with your mentality are making remarkable strides in developing the Nation, or have done the past? I wonder where the benchmark is here? :confused:
  2. ^^Je usi babaike niku tisha tu..
  3. I have to keep bringing this thread back to remind my dear sxb SKY that he ows me an explanation...
  4. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Olol do you ever stop? Sxb, in all honesty, you are one of the main reasons our country is still in turmoil and you are NOT even supposedly Somali! Could you care to clarify how Olol is the main reason for the turmoil? Quite interesting I think I missed a point where Olol was marked out as a prime Warlord.. :confused: :confused:
  5. Originally posted by Sky: Apparently there are officials as high as the minister of defense of Yemen celebrating Koowda Luulyo right now in Bossaso who travelled with the president. We'll prolly hear and hopefully see more tomorrow about Koowda Luulyo in Bossaso. Sxb am still waiting for your clarrification regarding the visit of Yememn Defence minister for the celebration of Kowda Luulyo in Bosaso.. :confused: :confused:
  6. Originally posted by NGONGE: War and the blowing up of commuter trains, buses and taxis cannot be compared in anyway, shape or form. Try telling that to the innocent victims in Faluja, Baghdad, Basra, Kabul, etc... Though I do not at all condone the acts in London today or anywhere else in the World. I however put it in a the same category as those 'awe' bombs in Iraq. Cause its victims same as those in London were innocent and carrying out their daily lives. You mention warning sxb..I wonder how that will change the form of the atrocity. Will the thief who warns that he will steal your goods more different than the one who doesnt? Ngonge: I’m being generous to the murdering oafs I wonder whether you meant this the suicide terrorist or the Internationally Legalised terrorist soldiers of GB and USA in Iraq. I hope you meant the latter , or to be more fair both.
  7. Originally posted by ofleh: Madam, if you we were any more oxymoronic, I'd have fainted. Warya how dare you call Mzee Ngonge madam..? No wonder you find sanction in the Pub..
  8. I pray that all Nomads are fine...am Ok and cant get back Home. I came into to work, Victoria, early this morning and now am walking in the streets wandering around.
  9. ^^Exactly Soma...higher Council Taxes, double C charge, rise of levy's on anything supplied by the London councils, including transport. Cause the brunt of the cost of preparing goes to the London authority and they have to raise revenues. But then again having Nations of the World as your guest for two weeks is worth all that ..innitttt? East London will be posh after the Olympics.
  10. President Abdullahi Yusuf has told the BBC he is to head south through Somalia from his northern stronghold collecting troops and militia as he goes. He plans to go to the town of Jowhar, which is 90km north of the capital, Mogadishu, and is his preferred temporary base for the new government. The warlords in control of Mogadishu have threatened to attack Jowhar if the president establishes himself there. Observers say the president's announcement could trigger fighting. Since President Yusuf left his exiled home in Kenya last month he has been based in Bossaso in his home region of Puntland preparing to venture south to Jowhar. Mobilising "Without troops no government can work," the president told the BBC's Somali Service. "We are now recruiting troops in Puntland. They are also being recruited in Hayran, Bay, Bakul, Gedo and Juba regions. We will mobilise," he said. Somalia has not had a functioning government since the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991 and 13 previous attempts to end the anarchy have failed. The Somali government, which was established in Kenya, has been divided since May, with the speaker of parliament operating from the capital, and the president refusing to move there while it is still under the control of his rivals. The Mogadishu warlords were named as ministers in Mr Yusuf's cabinet but soon fell out with him, siding with the speaker. Last month, President Yusuf met the speaker, Sharif Hasan Shaykh Adan, in Yemen's capital, but they failed to agree on where the government should be based. Mr Yusuf is from the north-eastern region of Puntland and has little support in Mogadishu. He has also been criticised for his links to Ethiopia, distrusted by many Somalis for meddling in the long civil war. BBC Africa analyst Martin Plaut says that unless foreign powers, or Somali elders, can intervene to prevent a conflict erupting, the stage is now set for a confrontation between the president and his former associates in Mogadishu.
  11. Originally posted by audacious: If your talking about kismayo, I think you would want to know that the boys who control kismayo are from western galguduud and not gedo. Does it matter whether they r from Galgaduud or Gedo or even Japan...they are still..
  12. Originally posted by audacious: and quite frankly the residents of ceel-buur (qanyares kinsmen) are equavilent to Ina YeY's SUB-SUB-SUB CLAN. How do you measure it by yard or by the fact that at sometime the sub-sub-clan of Yeey have whipped the asses of those boys in Gedo and thus you think they are very big and bigger than others.. . And since you are semi-nova in here please note that the 'Big-Brother' of SOL does not take kindly the direct mentioning of Somali tribal names, his previous proffesion was in the secret service (NSS) so he likes in in morse code...
  13. If you think these heavyweights : Aydeed Jr, Koogare, Abukar Cadane, Engineer Enow, Bashir Raage, Mohamed Dheere will fightf : Alxaaji Muse, Qanyare, Catto, Eng. Caddow, Botan, etc. for a cause that is close to the heart of 'odeybiiq' Yeey then you are counting on empty wishes. The irony that you Duke expect this shows the vacum in your thinking as usual lacking in substance and utterly rubbish.
  14. ^^Benta inta la'eg waxaa sheega dad aan damir, xishood iyo dadniimo laheyn. Lakiin waxaa yab leh ku faraxa dagaal, wa hadoba dacey, dhex mara besha deegta Dayniile. I can see the last resort of those blindly supporting Yeey has turned out to fabricate and spread lies.
  15. Originally posted by BN: This government is finally starting to establish itself at home, Where exactly is it establishing itself sxb..? And how are things looking brighter..?
  16. Originally posted by audacious: Jumatatu xaasid baad tahay,war dee inanku iska daa. He is lost and deperate wallhi.Even Gen Cade left bosaaso a day before the "president" came so he wouldn't have to make an excuse to why he didn't welcome him.
  17. Originally posted by Sky: but warar lagu kalsoon yahay report that there were good reasons why the people were barred from entrance to Bossaso airport. Apparently there are officials as high as the minister of defense of Yemen celebrating Koowda Luulyo right now in Bossaso This is has to be hillarious..what is the top secrecy about celebrating 1da Luulyo? And yes I certainly look forward to you furnishing us with info regarding the Yemen Minister of defence celebrating in Bosaso.... You crack me mate...
  18. Originally posted by Sky: they do not want to risk all that just for another meaningless, endless clan vendetta. You bet..! However you have as usual sidetracked from mentioned scenarios and went on to talk about hypothetical developments...clever boy..!
  19. Originally posted by Sky: Jumatatu, if Suudi, Qanyare etc militias werent seen advancing slowly to Jowhar with obvious cruel intentions on their minds Wasn't that the whole intention, for forces from Mogadishu to advance and attack Jowhar? I guess it did not work.. . Mohamed Dheere can make all the war cries he wants, Geedi can go on declaring that the temporary capital city is Jowhar and so on. We all know where that is coming from and where it is leading to..I dont think the priorities are Jowhar at the moment am sure the 'scrap-merchants' in Mogadishu have something else in their minds..keep on watching this space.. . By the way Sky shouldn't you be worried about the in-clan assasinition in North Galkacyo, the power struggle between the nou and old camps in Bosaso and so forth? :confused:
  20. I wonder how far Jowhar is? From Nairobi to Jowhar via Djibouti,Doha, Sanca,Bosaso, etc...
  21. Xaflad lagu maamuusaayay sanadguuradii 45 aad ee ka soo wareegatay munaasabadda 1-da July ayaa caawa lagu qabtay magaalada Kuwalamapur Cismaan Cabdi Xasan “Black†HornAfrik. Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Xaflad lagu maamuusaayay sanadguuradii 45 aad ee ka soo wareegatay munaasabadda 1July oo mideysa madaxbanaanida gobalada koonfureed ee Soomaaliya iyo israacii waqooyiga iyo koonfur ayaa caawa lagu qabtay magaalada Kuwalamapur. Xafladan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen ardayda wax ku barata dalka Malaysia ayaa bilaabatay caawa lixdii fiidnimo xilliga magaalada Kuwalampur iyadoo ay soo gabagabowday caawa saacadu markii ay aheyd 12kii saq dhexe. Xafladan ayey ka soo qeybgaleen ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee wax ku barata dalka Malaysia, ajaanib lagu martiqaaday xafladda iyo marti sharaf kale. Munaasadda oo lagu qabtay mid ka mid ah theater-da jaamacadda IIUM( International Islamic University Malaysia) ayey ardayda Soomalaiyeed ku soo bandhigeen banraamij masraxeed ay kaga hadlayeen dhibaatada uu gumeystaha u geystay dalka Soomalaiya Ugu dambeyntii xafladdan oo ay ka soo qeybgaleen marti sharaf badan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Dr. Maxamed Cabaas, Dr. Xasan Sheekh Nuur Imaam iyo Eng. Shariif Yuusuf Geedi ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa dadkii ka hadlay Mr. Faarax C/qaadir oo ka mid ah mas'uuliyiinta heyadda waxbarashada FPENS iyo maamulka machadka SIMAD isagoo ardaydii isugu timid munaasbadaas kula dardaarmay inay dhibka halganka loo soo maray aysan iloowin
  22. Warbixin ku saabsan qaabkii looga xusay gobolada dalka munaasabada 1-da Luuliyo xalay Munaasabado lagu maamuusayey maalintii ay xoroobeen gobolada Koonfureed ee Soomaaliya & Is-raacii gobolada Waqooyi iyo Koofur oo ku beegneyd 1-dii Luuliyo 1960-kii oo ay ka soo wareegatay 45 sano ayaa lagu qabtay gobolada dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana xalay magaalooyinka Soomaaliya ka dhacay munaasabado loogu damaashaadayey munaasabadaasi. waxaana goobihii lagu kala qabtay ka mid ahaa Ex. Xaruntii XHKS oo xalay 6 saac lagu saaray calanka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya, waxaana munaasabadaasi goob joog ka ahaa guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka & xubno isugu jira labada gole ee dowladda & dadweyne aad u fara badan, waxaana xubnihii dowladda ee halkaasi ku sugnaa ay salaan sharaf ka qaateen ciidamada milateriga oo uu hor-kacayey Jen. Max’ed Nuur Galaal. Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan oo xalay ka hadlayey xaflad ka dhacday hoyga Nabadda ee degmada H/wadaag ayaa sheegay in xornimadii ay heshay ummadda Soomaaliyeed 1960-kii ay kuwa badan u geeriyoodeen, taasoo ku timid is-xilqaan & wadaninimo ay muujiyeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Kalsooni darro ayaa maanta na haysatee ILLAAHEY aan u towbad keeno†ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka oo kulan casho ahaa oo ka dhacay guriga Nabadda, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in la isku haysto Muqdisho laguma shaqeyn karo & waa lagu shaqeyn karaa, wuxuuna xusay in caalamka uu ka codsaday in la nabadeeyo Muqdisho si dowladdu ay dhammaan ugu soo wada guurto, wuxuuna ka codsaday shacabka ku dhaqan Muqdisho in howlaha horyaala ay si geesinimo leh u dhammeystiraan Shariif Xasan wuxuu sheegay in ay muqadas tahay in la qaado isbaarooyinka teedsan Muqdisho & hareeraheeda inta dhiman haddii taasi hirgashana ay Muqdisho noqon doonto magaalo Soomaaliyeed oo dadkii ka maqnaa ay ku soo laabtaan.