Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. waleh burburki puntland wuu soo dhowyahay Cabdilahi yusuf telefoon halo diro.
  2. Fiidkii caawa oo dil ka dhacay Boosaaso BOOSAASO:War hada naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Boosaso ee Caasimada u ah Gobolka Bari ayaa sheegaya in Caawa Fiidkii Bartamaha Magaalada Boosaaso agagarka Huteelka Dhiif lagu dilay Nin ka soo jeeda Degaananada Haylaand,warkan oo faahfahsan gadaal ayeey Allsanaag idiin ka soo gudbin doontaa. Source Allsanaag.com
  3. Gaalkacyo: Dagaaladii ugu xooga badnaa oo ka dhacay Gaalkacyo maanta..WARKII UGU DAMBEEYEY 24. december 2009 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Dagaaladii ugu xooga badnaa ayaa ka dhacay gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobalka Mudug, markii ay dhinaca Koonfureed ee magaaladu bilaabeen in ay duqeymo ugeystaan xaafadaha Waqooyi ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Ilaalada dawladda Hoose oo maantadii hore ku jiray dagaalka, ayaa lugu soo qaaday guluf adag oo uga yimid dhinaca Koonfureed ee magaalada, oo adeegsaday madaafiicda goobta iyo boobayaasha culus, taasoo walaac daran ku abuurtay dadka magaalada Gaalkacyo. 02:40 saacada magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa si toos ah uga bilaabatay magaalada adeegsiga rasaasta waa weyn ee ka dhacaysay gaadiidka dagaalka, waxaana dhinacyadu ay adeegsadeen rasaas geystay dhimasho iyo dhaawac xoog leh. Ciidamada dawladda Puntland ayaa wajahay dhinaca Koonfured ee magaalada, markii ay sheegeen in lugu soo humaajiyey xarumahooda dagaalka, isla markaasna ay dagaalada ka soo qeybgaleen si buuxdana uga soo mid noqdeen ciidamada Maamulka Galmudug oo aan ukala harin. Saraakiisha dawladda ayaa difaacay adeegsiga hubabka waa weyn,waxa ayna sheegeen in magaalada gaar ahaana xaafadaha Puntland lugu garaacay madaafiicda goobta oo geysatay khasaare iskugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Ka jawaabidii hubabkii ka imaanayay dhinaca Koonfureed ee magaalada ayaa kalifay in ay dib ubaxaan ciidamada Galmudug, isla markaasna ay kuwa Puntland ay gaaraan goobihii ay fadhiyeen ciidamadii ka soo horjeeday. Kulamo xasaasi ahaa oo looga hadlayay xaajada dagaalka iyo waxa ay Gaalkacyo baaqi ku ahaan karto, ayaa go’aamo kala duwan ay ka soo baxeen, kuwaas oo ilaa hada aan loo soo gudbin Saxaafada madax banaan. APL ayaa xariiro ay la sameysay cusbitaalada Waqooyiga & Koonfurtu waxa ay sheegeen in ay qaabileen dhaawacyo fara badan oo ay ku jiraan dhinacyada dagaalamaya iyo dad Shacab ah, iyagoo sheegay in ay sidoo kale lasoo gaarsiiyey dad Meyd ah oo ay ku jiraan dad shacab ah. Madfac ka yimid dhinaca Koonfureed kuna habsaday xaafad ay joogen dad rayid ah ayay ku dhinteen qoyskii dagana, qaarkoodna ku dhaawacmeen, taasoo ka mid ahayd talaabooyinkii laga dhaxlay dagaaladii maanta. Dhawaaqa rasaasta ayaa hada yaraatay, inkastoo marar qaarkood la maqlayo Rasaasta qoriga BKM iyo AK-47-ka oo ay dhinacyada caadi uadeegsanayeen ilaa shalay, inkastoo ay hakad weyn gashay madaafiicda goobta oo la adeegsanayay intii udhaxaysay 02:40 ilaa 3:30 Saacada magaalada Gaalkacyo. Wararka Gaalkacyo kala soco www.Allpuntland.com F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  4. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Maya Soomaali neceeb baa hadal siineysa! LoooL@Xaqdara..Galk acayo situation is xaqdaro, Laas Caanood is outright oppression.Sometimes, ironies are lost on people. You can’t compare the two my friend, when was the last time 9 people where killed in lascanood
  5. Nine killed in northern Somalia clashes: elders (AFP) – 1 hour ago MOGADISHU — Security forces clashed with clan militias in Somalia's semi-autonomous state of Puntland in a battle that left at least nine people dead and dozens wounded, elders said. The fighting took place in Galkayo, a large city straddling the border between the northern state and the territory of Galmudug, which officially falls under the administration of the transitional federal government. "The fighting was the heaviest between the two sides in recent years and caused several casualties," local elder Abdi Mohamed Gele told AFP. "Nine people, five of them civilians who were caught in the crossfire, have died so far," he said by phone from Galkayo. He said sporadic gunfire could still be heard in the city. According to elders and residents, militiamen from the southern half of Galkayo shot dead a Puntland local government official late Wednesday, sparking the anger of the Puntland authorities. "The reason for the fighting is not clear yet but it looks like the clashes are a consequence of the recent incident in which a local Puntland security officer was killed," Husein Yahye, another elder in the town, said. "Around 10 people died today and the death toll could rise because the fighting is ongoing," he said. "I saw the dead bodies of five civilians, some of them killed by a mortar shell that struck in the northern part of the town," local resident Muse Ibrahim said. Galkayo is the scene of frequent tensions between both sides but Thursday's clashes were the worst of their kind in years. Puntland, which declared its semi-autonomous status in 1998, is relatively peaceful compared to Somalia proper, which has been wracked by violence since former president Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.
  6. Guul ciidanka qarranka somaliland meel alaley meel ay joogan
  7. Che sometimes you have to sacrifice alot to achieve all your goals. Ilahay wuxu yidhi xaqdarada ka dagaalama
  8. wa war aad uu fiican qeyb ba is leh magaalada ganacsigeeda xoog ku haysta wa qassab ina la ga dagaalama xaqdarada
  9. Somalia where is that, ooh that failed state No thanks i would never want to live there.
  10. You sound a bit confused adeer, I am not interested in your lands, but stay away from SSC, then we shall be in agreement for ever. Since when does ssc belong to you last time I checked ssc was part of Somaliland And even if you claim the land where do you draw the line in sool And even in sanaag Ceerigabo?
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^No this man is one of the secessionist elders of SOL hiding behind a false name I belive, not one of our own. Also we dont care what anyone else does, just dont come to our lands thats all. i agree thats why you have to support the secessionist Somaliland. waxba isu ma keen jiran Anigu i support your idea
  12. Published: 10 December 2009 Bolloré proposes Berbera-Adis Ababa transport corridor Bolloré Africa Logistics, part of the privately-owned Bolloré Group, has come up with a plan to connect the Ethiopian capital with the Port of Berbera in Somaliland Outlining the project in London yesterday (9 December), BAL's executive vice president, Dominique Lafont, made the point that Ethiopia, which has been landlocked since Eritrea became independent in the early 1990s, is today totally dependent for foreign seaborne trade on just one outlet, the port in Djibouti. "A country the size of Ethiopia, with a population of 80 million, should clearly have alternatives for foreign trade," Lafont remarked. "We think we can help Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government is very interested and we have the right experience in Africa to offer services on this new corridor." BAL already provides successful long-haul trucking services in other parts of Africa and has developed what it calls a "corridor approach." Examples include Durban-Lubumashi (2950 kms), Dar Es Salaam-Bujumbura (1780 kms), Mombasa-Kigali (1670 kms), etc. BAL's own road fleet comprises around 1500 tractors and trucks and 2200 trailers, together accounting for around 30% of its transport corridor requirements in Africa. This fleet is supported by preferential agreements with other trucking firms. "Managing transport corridors is probably the biggest added-value service that we can offer our customers, because we can provide door-to-door services despite often very challenging physical, operating and security conditions," continued Lafont. The Port of Berbera was formerly a Soviet naval base and, having checked out the infrastructure there, BAL estimates that over time major new investments in port facilities could be justified, although it could start up operations there fairly quickly. However, some E100-200M is needed to bring the road connecting the port with the Ethiopian border up to a reasonable standard. BAL has plenty of experience operating ports with poor inland connectivity, so is confident that port operations could begin first, to "kick start" things. The problem is raising finance for both the port and the road link, since Somaliland is not recognised internationally, so major development agencies such as the World Bank cannot be asked for help. "We have been working on this for around 18 months and we are starting to get international support, but it's certainly a very difficult project," said Lafont. "In due time Eritrea may open itself to the world and that would provide Ethiopia with an outlet at Asmara, but that is not a problem for us. A country the size of Ethiopia easily justifies three sea ports." Somaliland is the autonomous region that seceded from Somalia and it has its own government, seated in Haregeisa, which is still seeking international recognition as an independent Republic and has applied to join the British Commonwealth. Its area corresponds to the former British Somaliland. The Berbera-Adis Ababa plan is among a number of projects in which BAL is now involved in the "top part" of Africa, as it meets what Lafont calls the "pan-African challenge." It is in discussions with undisclosed local parties to set up joint ventures in both Egypt and Libya, covering port management and project logistics. In Algeria, it may become involved in a dry port in Skidah in the east of the country, serving the "oil corridor." BAL is Africa's biggest port operator with a 50% share of the container market in West Africa. However, port operations account for only around 20% of BAL's activities. These embrace ship agency, ship repair (currently highly profitable), freight forwarding and airfreight as well as barging, trucking and, in Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon, freight and passenger rail operations as well. It has dry port and warehousing operations, provides commodity export and import services, as well as project management. Its comprehensive coverage has enabled it to step up its supply chain management and total logistic service activities. Lafont also reported that BAL will develop Congo Terminal (Pointe Noire), where it is building a new deep water berth, as a transhipment hub for Far East-West Africa container traffic. As previously reported, APM Terminals is now part of the Congo Terrminal concession, with BAL and other local partners
  13. Bollore Africa Logistics to sign $700 million deal with Somaliland. Written by Bloomberg/ Dec 23, 2009 at 11:31 AM Addis Ababa(Qarannews)-- Bolloré Africa Logistics, a unit of Bollore SA, may sign an agreement to manage the port of Berbera and oversee $700 million of upgrades to the facility in Somaliland , Abdillahi Duale, the foreign minister, said. “Our discussions are already in an advanced stage,” Duale said today in an interview in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. “We have already made a basic agreement.” Representatives of Bolloré, an investment company controlled by French billionaire Vincent Bollore, have met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Somaliland President Dahir Riyale to discuss the agreement which will probably be signed next year, he said. Berbera port handles food aid and other cargo bound for landlocked Ethiopia. Port revenue provides approximately 75 percent of the Somaliland government’s $50 million in annual revenue. Somaliland, a former British protectorate that merged with Italy’s Somali colony in 1960 to form Somalia, has remained free of violence during the 18-year civil war in central and southern Somalia. Source Bloomberg/Jason McLure
  14. December 23, 2009 Wasiirka Deegaanka Oo Digniin Culus u jeediyay Garaado Reer Sool ah Oo Sheegay In Shir ay ku Qabsanayaan Degaanka Xudun Ee G/Sool. Hargeysa (Harowo) - Wasiirka Wasaarada Deegaanka iyo horumarinta Reer Miyiga Md. Maxamed Xagar Dirir oo ka tirsan wasiirada ka soo jeeda gobolada Sool, Buuhoodle iyo Sanaag Bari ayaa maanta shir jaraa’id oo uu xafiiskiisa ku qabtay waxa uu digniin culus u jeediyay Garaado reer Sool ah oo ku baaqay shir Hoogaamiyayaasha Dhaqanka Ee Beelaha ssc ku qabsadaan degaanka Holhol oo ka tirsan degmada Xudun ee gobolka Sool. Hadalkii Wasiirka oo dhamaystiranina waxa uu u dhacay sidan Source listen here http://harowo.com/2009/12/23/wasiirka-deegaanka-oo-digniin-culus-u-jeediyay-garaado-reer-sool-ah-oo- sheegay-in-shir-ay-ku-qabsanayaan-degaanka-xudun-ee-gsool/
  15. Somaliland President Meets With Kenyan MP's. Written by Qarannews Dec 23, 2009 at 09:02 AM Hargeisa (Qarannews)-President Dahir Rayale Kahin met yesterday with a delegation from the Kenyan parliament currently on a visit to Somaliland. The Kenyan delegation is led by Mr.Farah Ma'alin MP, deputy speaker of the the Kenyan parliament. President Dahir Rayale Kahin welcomed the delegation from Kenya's parliament to Somaliland and spoke of the ties between the two nations. Mr. Rayale remarked on the current political, social and economic situation in Somaliland. President Rayale thanked the delegation for undertaking this visit to Somaliland and encouraged them to explore Somaliland's nascent democracy by engaging with all members of the Somaliland society. President Rayale concluded his remarks by stating "It is unfortunate that Somaliland's considerable achievements have been overshadowed, in the African arena, by the need to add address the terrible situation in Somalia. However, Somaliland's peace, stability and democratic credentials must be acknowledged by Africa and the World, and these achievements should be a blueprint for solving the dilemna in Somalia". The head of the Kenyan delegation, Mr. Farah Ma'alin, thanked the people and the government of Somaliland for the warm welcome extended to the visiting parliamentarians. Mr. Ma'alin remarked that this is not the first visit by Kenyan MP's to Somaliland, an indication of the strong ties between the two nations. Mr. Ma'alin stated that the delegation is looking forward to meeting with government officials, members of both chambers of the Somaliland parliament, opposition parties, as well as, Somaliland's economic and social organizations during their visit to Somaliland
  16. Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa: Ibtisam, people from the north are Somalis, and no problem with it if they designed the Somali flag or made the song. Besides, there are many Somalis from North clans of the SNM but still and passionately believe in Somaliweyn, Buuba is a great Somali politician, Hadraawi also Somalist poet and who can forget the great Abdulahi Suldan Timacadde's Kanna Siib kana saar, a powerful Somaliweyn poet. Suldaan timme cade said in his poem Aynu eegnu siidu yahay kana siib kana saar Aynu eegnu siidu yahay , lets see how it is Dee waanu eegnay wuxu noqday garbage
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: The flag is an important symbol of the ongoing development of the Puntland identity within Somalia. It is not a rebel flag like the SNM or Somaliland flag, no it was created by memebers of the public in an open competetion that's the type of process and engagement the Somali people crave for. It is not a cesessionist or sepretist flag as it has the Blue and white star featured prominently in it's make up. I am pleased with it and like the name, will be embraced by the people of Puntlant. As for the Young Turks, it's a political term used to signify changing of the old guard and the entrance of the new. From the corpse of Ottoman Empire emerged the Turkish identity an Turky itself. From the anarchy of Somalia and hopelessness insha Allah will emerge a new republic And Puntland as the catalyst. 7 years duke on sol waligi na Secessionist qallad uma qorin maanta laakin xata Separatist sii qalada ayuu uu soo qorraya waleh puntland wax baddan ba iska badalay oo goosashadii baa soo dhow.
  18. Originally posted by Hadaan Kooyey: Wafdigu ma qayilayaan?? Maya kenya miirada lugu cuna hargeisa na Harari ba lugu cuna uu dha dhami mayo marka may qayilin
  19. Nice flag i like the osmania script in the middle wadankeygu waa puntland dhalashadeydu waa puntish luqadeydu waa cusmaniya
  20. Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo Cawa Qasriga Madaxtooyada Ku Qaabilay Wefdi oo Ka Socda Barlamanka Kenya Written by Qarannews Dec 22, 2009 at 12:41 PM Hargeysa (Qarannews)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane, Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, waxa uu caawa kulan kula yeeshay Qasriga Madaxtooyada wefdi balaadhan oo ka socda Golaha Baarlamaanka ee dalka Kenya. Wefdigaasi oo uu hogaaminayo, Mudane, Faarax Macalin, oo ah Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Golaha Baarlamaanka ee dalka Kenya, waxa ay booqasho dhawr maalmood ah ku yimaadeen Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa uu marka hore wefdiga uga waramay taariikhdii sooyaalka ahayd ee Somaliland tan iyo markii ay is raaceen wadankii la isku odhan jiray Somalia iyo markii ay qaranimadeeda kala soo noqotay dalkaasi. Madaxweynuhu , waxa kale oo uu wefdiga ugu mahad naqay socdaalka ay ku yimaadeen Somaliland,iyagoo inta ay dalka joogaan indhahooda ku soo arki doona horumarka ay ku tallaabsatay Somaliland, gaar ahaan dhinaca Nabad gelyada, Xasiloonida, Geedi socodka dimquraadiyada iyo arrimaha kale ee ku saabsan horumarka dalka. Madaxweynuhu isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata waxa uu yidhi "Waxa ayaan darro ah, iyada oo arrimahaasi ay Somaliland qabsatay in caalamka, gaar ahaan wadamada Afrika ay dhagaha ka furaysteen aqoonsiga Somaliland iyo taageerada ay u baahan tahay , mudnaantana had iyo jeer la siiyo meesha dagaalka iyo qalalaasuhu ka socdo oo ah walaalahayaga Soomaaliya". Madaxweynuhu , waxa kale oo uu carabka ku dhuftay in ay lagama maarmaan tahay in wadamada Afrika ay albaabadoodu isku furnaadaan, gaar ahaan dhinaca Isgaadhsiinta iyo Ganacsiga, taasi oo wax weyn ka tari doonta in Afrika marka hore ay iyadu is tix gelis isna barato. Hogaamiyaha Wefdiga, Mudane, Faarax Macalin, waxa uu Madaxweynaha, Xukuumada iyo shacbiga Somalilandba ugu mahad naqay soo dhaweyntii fiicnayd ee isaga iyo wefdigiisu ay kala kulmeen mudadii gaabnayd ee ay Somaliland joogeen , isagoo tibaaxay in indhahoodana ay ku soo arki doonaan meelo badan oo Somaliland ka mid ah inta ay dalka ku sugan yihiin. Gabo gabadiina, waxa uu Mudane Faarax cadeeyay in socdaalkoodani uu noqon doono mid sii xoojiya xidhiidhka labada dal ee Somaliland iyo Kenya, isagoo aan noqon doonin kii ugu danbeeyay ee ay dalka Somaliland ku yimaadaan. Sidaasi waxa lagu sheegay warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay madaxtooyada Somaliland oo uu ku saxeexnaa afhayeenka madaxtooyada mudane Siciid Cadaani, warsaxaafadeedkaasi oo uu nuqul ka mid ahi uu soo gaadhay shabkada qarannews
  21. Garaad cabdirashid garad ismacil is the rightfull garaad of lascanood isaga ka weyn garaad jamaca yar eeh dibbada laga keenay
  22. I think there is a security problem in puntland and this is the work of organized crime in puntland , and not the work of Alshababist.
  23. Why doesn’t he use a recent pic Like this one