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Everything posted by Maaddeey

  1. Warkan BBC Somali baaba laga sheegay, lakin sida Qudhac u qoray wax yar bey ka bedelantahay, oo gabadha reerkeeda lagama iibsan, ninkuna waa RUUSH Srilanka joogi jiray. Lakin Problemka dhan waa Qardho oo spelling-ka laga qalday
  2. ^^ Ayoub, waad iga qoslisay! sxb, markaan tegayba 'qolamaad tahay' ayaa la igu waabsaday, markii dambese waxay noqotay: 'lagaa baray oo lagaa badi' oo intaan la i warsan ayaan dadka ku billaabi jiray dadkiina waan kala bartay, nin wax badan joogayna waan u ekaaday, intaan 'qolamaad tahayda' waday, ayaan la kulmay qof reer 'Ayuub' ah, adigaana maskaxdeyda ku soo dhacay Waxaa iigu darreyd markaan 'lalabbo'=nausea fasiri waayey ee Oday Askartii 'Somaliwayn' ka mid ahaa intuu qoslay yiri: 'DEE WAA YALAALUGO'
  3. Dr. Kadare oo ka mid ah Guddigii Af Soomaaliga wuxuu sheegay in ASALKA luqadda Soomaaligu yahay MAAY-MAAY
  4. ^dhibaato sii korodha miyaad ku farxeysaan?. Nimanka miinada dhigay eey ku qaraxday waxay ahaayeen OUTLAWS xizbiga & shabaab ku jira, waana kuwa la xir-xiray ee fakaday, kuwaas waaye kuwa qaska & fawdada wada, image-ka Shabaab-na xumeynaya, Insha Allah waa la iska wareejin doonaa caqabadaha jira.
  5. ^lool, meel lagu jabay uun baad ku qososhaa On a serious note, Haddii waxa la filayo dhacaan Bakaaraha waa ka cararid!!
  6. Hmmm...If Ahmed Madobe is 'Murtad' and H.I. openly backed him, what do they become?
  7. ^dib ula laabo ur comment and post please, since u now know in xadiith-ka uusan graphic ahayn ee tarjumaadda dhibku yahay, thnx.
  8. ^ Cawaaloow reer koonfurka ayaan ugu talagalay, si aysan ugu dhibtoon sidaan ugu dhibtooday, paragaraph-ka ugu dambeeyana waxaan ugu daray inaan qalad la ii fahmin, illeyn 'suuq qudaar' kamaan hadleyne.
  9. Haddaad MOOS rabto, ha filanin inaad maqaayadda ka hesho (with exception of the bigger ones)ee horay uga sii iibso gaari gacanka maqaayadda horteeda ah. Haddaad cabitaan rabto, JUICE ha dalban, haddii kale 'suugo' ama 'dhacaanka' hilibka ama beerka ayaa laguu keenayaa. Suqaar ma yaallo Hargeysa, haddey Suqaar baa yaalla ku yiraahdaan, they mean 'mince meat' Haafeeyn waa 'haaf baasto & haaf hilib shiidan ah' Haddaad Qaxwo Soomaali rabto, ask for 'QASHAR' Muufo waxa laga helaa 'Restaurant Cawaale' oo u dhow Khayriyadda. Orange juice waa 'liin macaan' White Peas waa 'HARAKOOW' Suuqa Khuradda, lagama helo: Qajaar, bocor katiitoow, bocor hindi, batiiq IWM, waxaase yaalla Tufaax, Rummaan, Orange & Cabbage.
  10. ^cid ehelkaa & waxaas waa horaan ka gudbay sxb, horay u soco, toosi luquntaada, 'ha dhag-dhagaagin, hadday ku jaqayso'
  11. JB, leave Samatar, the General alone, can u deal with Samatar,the Professor? he's more a threat than the General, don't u think?
  12. Daaweeye, kolley magac kale inaad wadan jirtaan u heystaa, ee su'aasheydii maxaad ka tiri?. Shaykhal Qabiilah, adigu warkaagu waa weyde facaa raadso!
  13. Originally posted by Kashafa: Me, your recent 25 page thread was really a revelation. All in all, you come across as a brother with good intentions, but your starry-eyed hyper-nationalism (full-blown Somali-itis) is begging for urgent medical care. The doc will see you now Maybe you can explain your version of Somalinimo to the Somali girl I met at the bus stop who's family members were shot dead. In front of her. She told me that fact, so casually, after I gave a nice feel-good Somalinimo speech 'We gotta go back and fix our country yadda yadda". Egg on my face ma tiraahdaa. Maybe you can tell her its no biggie, cuz the people doing the killing were Somalis, and by virtue of their Somalinimo, she should just forgive them. Cafsi iyo masaamax, nooh Maybe you can explain your version of Somalinimo to my friend who as a kid, during the qax, went into the forest to take a leak and stumbled on Somalinimo Somalist Somali men (enough Somali for you?) taking turns raping a woman. He was 9. The victim's age? You don't want to know. Meel fog maxaa uu aadee. Maybe you can explain your version of Somalinimo to SOL's Jacaylbaro who, again as a child, witnessed the shelling and ruthless bombardment of his hometown by the very same Somali National Army that swore to protect him. Or the Somali National Army that poisoned the wells of Bari after Yey’s rebellion. Here we have the Somali Army, the supposedly uber-nationalistic symbol, protector of all things Somali, carrying out the agenda of a dictator by ruthlessly attacking civillian areas under the pretext of quelling a rebellion. The rebel movements(self-styled liberation 'jabhads')also committed atrocities. What do all these entities, running around, committing atrocities left and right have in common ? A secular approach devoid of Islamic values, principles, and rules, which led to the atrocities committed and a systematic tribal agenda. So much for Somalinimo. Maybe you can explain your version of Somalinimo to the children of the 11 scholar-shaheeds (ilaahay janada haka waraabiyo) murdered by Siad Barre (may he get from Allah what he deserves) Tell those children about unity, Somalinimo and how THEIR government, led by Aabo Siad, execueted their fathers for the good of the country and for Somalinimo. So they should actually be thankful to Mr. Guulwade for saving the country from the extremist wadaad terrorists who opposed the inheritance laws 'reforms' aimed at bringing Somalia in line with the modern world and casting off the shackles of 'Deen Carbeed'. Oh and you might want to tell them that you support (or do you?) Aabo Siad decisions to throw the Islamic inheritance laws to the wall and make up his own, since he's the Aabahee garashada and all, na mean? Or the decree banning girls from wearing the Hijab ? What’s a few Islamic laws rejected in return for 'keeping the peace' and ‘midnimo’, sax? Somalinimo aa ku waalatay. Hate to break it to you, but Somalis without their Islamnimo are wuxoosh , descending to a lower order than the beasts of the wild. What's that? You beg to differ? Mama Mia!! Ii sheeg sxbow, who are the people responsible for the killing taking place in my country over the past 30 years, both on the leadership and laymen level ? The CIA? The Jews ?, lol. Let me ask you a question, duqa. What walaal-tinio and Somalinimo is there between me and a jaat-chewing, chain-smoking clannist bum whose allegiance is to his 'Tol-ka' ? Forget that, answer me this. What walaal-tinimo and Somalinimo is there between me and macsharal Dhabo-******s ? Somehow, I'm supposed to feel 'Somalinimo' towards them just because they speak Somali, wear a macawiis/dirac, and eat canjeelo with moos ? So that after that merry reconcillation conference in April(oops, June, double oops, indefinite timetable) we can all hold hands and dance to the Ethiopian national anthem under a Qurac tree. Lol. I don't know about you, dawg, but to me, they're worth about as much as a sewer rat. Hol’ up, I take that back. Sewer rats don't cheer on, or remain silent to, wholesale slaughter. To be more accurate, they're worth about as much as a dead Xabashi. Yup, don't think it could go any lower than a bloated Xabashi corpse. Sxb. As genuine and noble your good intentions are (again they don't cash that check at the bank), your version of secular Somalinimo is corrupt, bankrupt, and extinct. Deader than the Dodo itself. No more Kacaanka. No more Guulwade Aabahee-garashada Siad Barre. No more orientation centers. No more Somali National Army where soldiers were forbidden to pray. What else do you expect from a soldier who doesn't pray and the only thing he knows about Islam is his name: Cumar, Cali, Cisman. Do you think his sacred Somalinimo will prevent him from killing, raping, looting, shelling, and strafing his countrymen ? Salute the Somali flag in the morning, and butcher fellow Somalis in the afternoon, in the name of good ol' Somalinimo, Qaran-nimo, and Dawlad-nimo. Don't get me wrong. I'm not demonizing Somalinimo per se or the brave soldiers who were fighting against the Xabash in '77. No, no, no, my friend. I am a Somali and I love my country and my people, all of my people. Not because they're Somali, but because they're Muslim AND Somali. If a Somali chooses his 'Tol' or his warlord, or his region over his faith, it's rules and it's laws, then he's the one breaking his Somalinimo, not me. If a Somali becomes a Xabash-luvin' biatch, he's the one shedding his Somalinimo snakeskin, not me. What I'm demonizing is secular, ************'ic, clannish, (add a few more adjectives) Somalinimo. What I call Somalinimo on steroids. The kind that is popular with Barre, Aideed, Yey, Gheedi, Riyalle and their cheerleadin’ apologists. I will not support, praise, or justify the actions of a dictator/warlord/skunk who MIGHT have done some good once upon a time, when that good came at the cost of a sea of human blood or going to Addis to get a stamp of approval from Suga Daddy Zenawi. Sayyid-ka didn't walk around talkin' bout "Somalinimo". In his book, you were one of three categories: Muslim, Gaal, and Gaalo-Raac. And he didn't distinguish between the last two. Legend has it that he tied the Gaalo-raac up and threw them in ocean. Alive. The bottom line is this, yo: The only force capable of healing those deep wounds caused to the collective Somali psyche by tribal strife and clannish zeal at the hands of power-hungry qabilisto men, is Deen-ul-Islam and it's application in all spheres of life. Not that clan-tinged sacab-tuming 'Islam-nimo' of Shaykh' Sakhar/Yoonis and other scholar-for-dollars. Nor feel-good 'Somaliyoo Toosooy' hurrah fireworks. That's some superficial BS that means only mockery to the victims of 'Somalinimo'. Maskaxthaatha ka bixi that any other force, be it a grand reconciliation council, or fowr-bointi-fife, will be able to achieve the level of communal unity and rewrite the fabric of Somali society as happened in ICU-led Mogadishu in a few weeks. The ICU weren't superhuman creatures to be able to tame the hell-hole of Mogadishu and 70% of Somalia in a matter of months. Something the joint resources of the EU, AU, UN, US, and 16 peace conferences were unable to do for 16 long years . These men simply took the laws of Islam and applied it to the best of their abilities and understanding. Do the same, you'll get the same results and even better. Do the same not, and I promise you, you will remain a refugee for the rest of your life. And you will grow old watching Addis Ababa summon her Somali eunuchs, one after the other, from Riyaale, to Cade 'Kuusow' Muse, to Gheedi, to their replacements, to do her bidding. By then, I hope you’re still not harping on Somali-nimo and the golden era of the Kacaanka. They say you gotta give a devil his due, so I'mma give Dictator Barre this much: The man was no ************'ing snitch-b!tch and never bent over for the Xabashis. He had the backbone to pursue a pan-Somali foreign policy and wage war against the oldest Christian empire in Africa. A war we would have won, were it not for the Russo-Cuban-Yemeni-Libyan intervention. You have seen with your own two eyes what happens when Sharia law is applied. Forget you, the international community has seen with their own eyes what happens when Sharia law is applied. The international media has documented what happens when Sharia law is applied. It is the height of absurdity to yearn for the ‘hanti wathaag’ age where your faith was suppressed and viciously combated. Food for thought: Close to 500(maybe more) 'secessionist' thoroughbreds from Burco participated in the battles against the Xabash and their handmaidens on the grounds of Idaale and Diinsoor. They weren't bleeding for you, my friend. Nor were they bleeding for your version of 'Somalinimo'. I'll let you figure out what they were fighting and dying for. Let me give you one hint: They are more Somali and more Muslim than you and every single person who supports/ed Siad Barre as well as every single ************ who bleats seccionist on one hand and kills his own people with his own...oops, shiyeeet, almost said: his own hands, almost forgot that we're dealing with low-life cowards here... correction: and kills his own people with foreign hands. I-R-O-N-Y M-U-C-H. The 'Seccionist' is a Somali Shaheed(inshallah) and the 'Somalinimo''Dawladnimo' broken records are Xabash-luvin' munaafiqs. Somalinimo-on-steroids-ow xaal qaado. P.S. Ignore any rough patches, nothing personal, just writing all this ina hurry. I know you're against the TFG and are supporting the Muqawama so no need to defend urself there. Just chillax with the divisive anti-secession rhetoric and focus your efforts where its needed and where it counts. We’ve got a bigger dog to kill than secession. This particular dog looks like Meles Zenawi but barks like Abdullahi Yusuf. If you listen carefully to the barking, you’ll hear: Woof Woof Somalinimo Woof Woof Dawladnimo Woof Woof ‘peace and stability’ Woof Woof. Woof Woof, yo, Woof Woof. Raxmtullaahi Calayka Xayyan wa Maytan yaa Kashafa
  14. Dajiye, warkii shalay ha dul-saarraane, maanta ka hadal & meeshii Maleeshiyaadkiinnii cag dhigeen?
  15. ^lool, mayee waxaa la yiri: 'meel Libaax soo galay Lo' ma joogeysee....'
  16. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Macno Yare, ma haddaad soo toostay. Ahmed Madoobe ma jabin, wuuse jabi hadduusan ragga Sheekh Sharif raacin. Alshabaab waa hilib gows galay, si miyir leh baa findhicil loogu bixin ^Qosol-gariirkii kaagama jeedo maanta, dareen miyaa la soo sheegay, Yaa Faqeehal Qabeelah?
  17. ^^sheekadu ma qabiil & 'sex' in laga sheekeeyey isu bedeshay?? Ahmed madoobe jabkiisee xaad ka dhahdeen, Yaa Jamaacah??, kolley 'K' nimaad isu beheysateene!
  18. Daaweeye (magacaagii hore muxuu ahaa? ), xuub siibasho dhankee ah??, kalsoonida iga maqanse halkeed ka ogaatay??
  19. ^Kuch nahi mere baytaa
  20. kaalaa=nigger jobka roo='kaam karoo'=do some work?
  21. The Zack, Waxaad sheegeyso wax waa ka jiraan, sidaad u sheegeysose ma wada aha, Shabaab ceeb ka samiil maaha, lakin Sawirka Guud fiiri, Jabkooda yey farxad gelineysaa marka ugu horreeysa, waxay u taaganyihiin waa ISLAAM, qaladaad ha isaga dhex jiro, lakin haddii hawshaas wayn ee ay galeen ee lagu cidleeyee loogana soo horjeestay, qasab waxa ah in tadharruf & colleytan badan imaanayo.
  22. Originally posted by The Zack: ^dowlad la'aan bey dhaantaa. Waxey kaloo dhaantaa urur rabo inuu xoreeyo ilaa alaska oo dagaal inuu ku jiro waligii caddeeyay. Walaal The Zack, nin tarbiyyah Islaamiya leh ayaan kuu heystaa (according to some of ur post)ee hadalkaas dad iska dhicinta ah jar yuusan kaa tuurin, ma in Alaska la xoreeyaad ka xuntahay?, mase in Dagaal lagu jiro?
  23. Juje, sxb Booto badnidaa, ma 2006-kii bey ka darnaan doontaa??, Taangiyada Amisom miyaad isku halleyneysaa??, Badbaado wadadiisa soo raac, anaa Sh. Cali Dheere kaala hadlaayoo kuu ballanqaadaayo inaan lagu qaline
  24. ^lool, maxaad ii maleyn jirtay, maxaan kugu noqday, maxaanse mar dambe loo noqon doonin??