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Everything posted by Mowgli

  1. Asalaama Alaikum Originally posted by chubacka: As William Blake (A life long londoner) said: As I wander thru each chartered street I see in every face I meet marks of weakness, marks of woe. Hmmmm, I don't think i could have summed it up any better. That is one of my favourite poems...but at the same time its sooooooo true, London in the winter is so unwelcoming, ppl are just soo self absorb, unless you get the occassional old lady talking to you, but most are walking around with a screw faces! But in the summer, as Athena said, London is the place to be!
  2. Asalaama Alaikum abaayo I can't get to any of the sites, could you post the links? Am not sure if its just my problem...or is everyone else experiencing the same thing? Ma'salaama
  3. Asalaama Alaikum I know this topic relates to the Nomads in the USA, but I have to say I was very shocked in what I saw when I went to London this weekend! On Friday, around 8pm, I was out with a friend, we were at a bus-stop waiting for another friend to come and pick us my surprise I first heard a group of ppl shouting in Somali, then we saw a group of Somali youth around the ages of 14-19, there was about 12 of them, at first they were just shouting loud, then came the obscenities, then followed by the harassment of walkers by. My friend and I sat at the bus-stop in awe and watched them as they went into a shop that was closing, steal from it and run away (whilst being chased by the shop keeper), in their attempt to get away, two were nearly hit by a car, but they got up laughing and continued running for the approaching bus. As this wasn't bad enough, the following evening my friends and I decided to cut through the park as it was really cold (buses in London being so unreliable and all). It was after 6pm, already magrib...anyways we continued to the end of the park, there were still one or two ppl around. But as we got near the end, we saw 5 or 6 ppl crowded around one person. As we got closer we could tell the guy on the floor had been repeatedly beaten up. Two of my friends ran up shouting (hoping it would cause them to flee), and alhumdullilah they did (plus we knew it were Somalis from the repeated use of the word "waryaa" and "walaahi"). But what made it worse was that two of the guys remained behind, and to my surprise, it was the brother of some guy we knew :eek: ! We asked him what did you do that for?? As the kid on the floor was a few yrs younger then the 19yrs, he spat on the floor saying "f-ing f*****h that will teach you to pay up next time", with that said, he simply walked away... I never really believed into this Somali gang hype until last year when I saw guys openly bragging about how they have guns and knives and the amount of times they were arrested. Up until last year, I used to play basketball where all the Somali kids used to hang used to be nice cause it gave us something to do in the summer holidays, until one day, this guy invited us to his house for drinks and snacks (a group of about 9 of us went), we thought nothing of it since ppl used to do that all the time... anyways we all sitting outside the house and all talking and this one guy started bragging about his "9mm", me being a big mouth and all started saying "waraa beenta naga dhaaf", he was like no no hold on let me get it, its under my mattress. Lol unexpectedly the guy came out with a silver 9mm in his hand lol you can safely assume it was the last time I ever went to them sides again! As Lakkad said, these kids often have loving families, or as they are male, they are left to their own devices...another time I was at this party (a yr and a half ago) and this guy offered to give me a ride as I was like my mum said I'd have to be back home at 3am (my cousins were supposed to take me back home but they wanted to stay behind),anyways he offered me a ride and as I got home, I said thank you, I will never forget what he said to me "You have a nice family that cares about you, I wish I had someone telling me to stay at home". Some of these ppl here have been sent by they family on their own, or with just an older sibling looking after them, and so most of the time they are left to their own devices, with no one really caring what they do or when or where they go... One thing is for sure, Somali gangs, or Somali kids hanging around in street corners is certainly on the rise, and something needs to be done about it ASAP! Ma'salaama
  4. Asalaam Alaikum Ok, the problem with the financial side of polygamous marriage has already been discussed by many sisters so I won't cover that again... Firstly I'd like to take the time to answer Shaqsii's questions.. Originally posted by Shaqsii: Ok before I start to comment on the issue of Polygamy, can some of you ladies answer the following questions. 1. Is Polygamy Islamically accepetable or not? If yes why are you ladies disputing it? Firstly, no one is "disputing" the legality of polygamoy in Islam aboowe, what is being protested about is the ABUSE of the that right. 2. Why do women agree to marrying a man who is already married to 1,2 or 3 wives if it dis-pleases them so much? Today, I can say I have seen the outcome of about 5 polygamous marriages, all close family...and I can honestly say, out of the 5 marriages, only 1 woman knew what she getting herself into, that her husband had already wives (in her case, two others). But the other 4, had absolutely no idea that their future spouses were already married! In these cases, the men had already wives, but did not tell the women about each fact, the women in the marriages considered themselves to be just one...not two or three. In one of these cases, the second wife did not know she WAS a second wife until after 11 years of marriage, her husband was always away on business, but she thought nothing of it because every few months he would be back, or she would go to visit him wherever he was... In the most recent case, the brother let his family go along with the process of finding him a bride (when he already had one), it wasn't until he was married to the second that he told the family he was already married, and his wife that she was no longer the only one. In this case, it resulted in the sisters embarrassment, because at the age of 22, just after three months of marriage, she found herself to be divorced (so much for marrying for love huh?). 3. It takes two to tango and so how can the blame game be a mans fault only at all times when the ones who agree to the whole deal are the same women who complain after.[/ Honestly speaking, from the marriages I've seen, only a handful of the women knew what they were getting themselves into, the others were totally oblivious through no fault of their own...they only believed what their husband was telling them... I am not fully against the idea of polygamy, I find that it has its purposes, for example if my neighbours' husband died, and she had no means of support to take care of herself and her four kids...then I would consider agreeing if my husband were to suggest he married her to take care and ensure the safety/upbringing of the children. However, I cannot stand it when a guy results to polygamy because he simply can't keep his trousers on! I guess this teaches us to take everything anyone says to you with a pinch of salt...if a guy tells you the grass is green and the sky is blue...I say run quickly outside to double check yourself! :cool: Because all am hearing lately is "heblaayo's husband went away on business, now he is back with a wife and two kids!" Ma'Salaama
  5. Asalaama Alaikum I was so bored I did the test twice: First time...Your IQ score is 131! Your Intellectual Type is Inspired Inventor . This means you've got exceptional verbal and mathematical skills, and are very good at brainstorming new ideas. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results. Second time...Your IQ score is 134! This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Emode's Classic IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here. During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We analyzed how you did on each of those questions which reveals how your brain uniquely works. We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test. According to the sorts of questions you got correct we can tell your Intellectual Type is an Insightful Linguist . This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results. Am not sure about this too??? I don't understand how they determine IQ by these what is the average IQ score? Ma'Salaama
  6. Asalaama Alaikum Welcome Head of Way and Truly blessed...make yourselves comfortable, take off your dacas and pull up for some qaxwo iyo xalwo... Enjoy your stay guys! Ma'Salaama
  7. Mowgli


    Asalaama Alaikum I have problems with exams fullstop! Last year in my History A level exam (a paper all about Stalin and the USSR), I sat in the exam hall for 20 minutes and I could not remember how to spell STALIN (the question was on his popularity). You would think I would have enough sense to re-read the question and realise "Stalin" had been used. But noooooooooooooooo it wasn't until I saw the guy ahead of me was on his third page that I finally snapped back into reality. Alhumdullilah I managed to pull back in time and still get an A. But the same scenario happened to me with a physics paper (I don't usually bother with mocks), I had been revising for weeks and I got a was very depressing seeing those huge red crosses over the page, in my final exam, I didn't bother revising and I got a B alhumdullilah I don't know about you guys, but I have a tendency to switch off with subjects/topics I don't like; which means I don't get the grades I know am capable of getting (if I put in the effort) trying extremely hard to break out of this habit. I agree with Lakkad, worry about them all then your sure to succeed lol. Or don't bother with the whole worrying process, save yourself so much hassle and sleepless nights Ma'Salaama
  8. Asalaama Alaikum Great Idea Hibo...a place just for us females... By the way can anyone help me??? I seriously have a sleeping problem...I cannot seem to get to sleep, even when am tired, I get into bed and huurdada waa iga haada...I've tried all the traditional remedies including Chamomile, drinking milk and going for long walks ! Today I've been up since 7.30am and its now 1.48am...I end up sleeping like at 5 or so then I need to be up at 7.30 to get ready for classes...It was fine at first, but now the sleepless nights seem to be taking a toll if you know what I mean... Any ideas???
  9. Asalaama Alaikum Somalis have problems with inter qabiil marriages let alone inter racial marriages! Ma'Salaama
  10. Asalaama Alaikum Think Tank, certo che parlo italiano! Quale parte in italia eri per 3 anni? Ma'salaama :cool:
  11. Asalaama Alaikum If your ever strapped for cash you guys should try of those translating jobs there is a lot of money to be made from that... I speak Somali, English, Italian and broken French (you'd think after studying it for 6yrs at school I would be fluent in it) Blame the British educational system I say :mad: Lol@Ameenah funny how ppl can curse in a language before they learn to speak I can curse in Urdu, Spanish, Sawahilli, Arabic, German, French, Punjabi and Gaelic??? Don't ask me how...I was a confused little kid with a lot of time on her hands! Ma'Salaama
  12. Asalaama Alaikum Born in Pavia - Mirabella (town near Milan) raised in Rome and Mirabella Eclano (small town in the south of Italy) till finally residing in that little island we all know as Great Britain at the tender age of 10. Hey am I the only European born Nomad out there??? Am beginning to feel slightly lonely now Ma'Salaama
  13. Mowgli


    Asalaama Alaikum :eek: is right considering they thought the world's biggest python was 200 and something kg and that one is more then 400kg!!!
  14. Wa alaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh sister Hope you enjoy your stay Ma'Salaama
  15. Mowgli


    Asalaama Alaikum Am not sure there is an english word for suuro. I always associate suuro with exaggerated gestures, movement of the hands, facial expressions, change in tone of voice, there are elements of whinning and walking around with your nose stuck in the air (for lack of better words), etc etc all these added together give us the word suuro. English language just isn't as expressive as Somali Ma'Salaama
  16. Mowgli


    Asalaama Alaikum fellow nomads Tears flow freely splashing onto pages seeking to feel anything.... Anything at all other than this wrestful feeling that has settled deep within my soul, and words b l e e d onto moistened pages as my thoughts flow out in pen even this release of words is not enough to cause this uncertainity to stop and I try Lord, I try but sometimes, even words aren't enough Ma'Salaama
  17. Mowgli


    Asalaama Alaikum Very good question brother. What dertermines value? As Jamaal already mentioned, it is about satisfaction...humans love instant gratification and satisfaction, many cannot see beyond the demostrated in Khayr little scenario. The man that wants water, is only thinking about his instant satisfaction, because as soon as he quenches his thirst, it will be HIS head that the "blistering" sun shines on. But beacuse he was thinking about ONLY the present, he could not see beyond that and prepare himself against it. Let´s take for example a simple come home from work feeling extremely hungry, saying you could eat a horse...then you make yourself a huge plate of food and you over eat thinking only of the present without paying attention to the consequences, such as feeling sick and bloated afterwards...then begin to wish you hadn´t done that What can satisfy humans? Satisfaction is only about fulfilling your desire just for that one fleeting moment of is about selfishness because satisfaction is about fulfilling your own needs and wants. Let me talk about Maslow for a second... He established a hierachy of needs. At the very bottom was Physiological Needs; these are simple needs such as food, water, shelter. If these feelings are not fulfilled, we are left with pain, irritation, discomfort etc. The second on the pyramid is safety and security, this means having stability such as security of a home, or family. However if there are things wrong within a family, it prevents them from moving onto the next level e.g if a wife has an abusive husband she cannot move to the next level of love and belonginess as she is in constant fear. The third part of the pyramid is Love and belonging. Maslow believed that humans had a need to belong to something, a group, to be loved and appreciated by others *not in a sexual way*. But after accomplishing all these things, does it stop there??? No Fourtly come the Esteem level. Esteem in the since that, one you have gained a skill, mastered something not many can or affording something others cannot...its again the need to be appreciated and recognised. The final pryamid is Self acutalisation. This is where one has accomplished everything else and is now just trying to be the best, reaching his or her full potential. I´ve read somewhere, where this man put another level, this time it was Spirtual he said something along the lines that humans what peace and understanding, to be surrounded by love, deep love, which can be achieved through religion. Another example is from Christopher Marlowe´s play Faustus. For those who are unfamiliar with the play, it is basically about a very eduacted man, who has mastered everything that there is to learn, medicine, law, philosophy, religion etc he finds them all unfullingly petty. To cut a long story short he finally settles on the art of "necromancy", and so he sells his soul to the devil for in return of "four and twenty years" of Faustus doing as he pleases and having the ablitiy to command spirits. When one looks at it, 24yrs is not a lot throughout the course of the play, when his years are coming to a close, Faustus continuously talks about repenting, but never does, he never acheives anything, other then preforming cheap tricks for a pregnant lady, embarassing the pope etc. Even when he reaches his final hour, he does not repent, instead he sits there one moment he is begging time to slow down, the next he is imploring Christ for mercy. One moment he is crying out in fear and trying to hide from the wrath of God, the next he is begging to have the eternity of hell lessened somehow. He curses his parents for giving birth to him, in all that time he could of been asking for forgiveness, but instead he is thinking about what will happen to him within the hour... This is a classical play showing just how futile the needs and wants of humans are, the fact that they cannot see beyond the present as they are too absorbed in the now and that humans can never really be satisfied we never now when enough is enough. Therefore value is determined by circumstances (as Xarbi already mentioned), it is also determined by the present and our instead gratification. Sorry bout this lool didnt mean to go on and on, hope you can somehow make sense out of all this nonsense. Ma´salaama
  18. Mowgli


    Asalaama Alaikum lol healing I used to have a big problem with mobile intruders...and its just so strange cuy am very selective about who I give my number too...just last week, this guy called me...who I thought it was a really good friend of mine who I had lost touch with...So here I was going "hey how you been, how is this, that" and just blabbing on about all times, and what I was doing the back of my mind I was like...I wonder why he suddenly called now, after more then a year and I asked him, *this is after we have been talking for a good 20-30mins*. And when I asked he was like...sorry am not so and so...I was like excuse me? I don´t get it...what to ppl get out of calling peeps they ain´t never met7spoken to...practical strangers...I was like it this your idea of fun, wasting money on someone that could be a potential pyscho. And when you do ask where did you get my number from...they like, your friend gave it to me :mad: ...just yesterday this other weirdo txt me saying "idil i need my jumper back" :confused: then he called I was like, am not the idil you looking for...he was like, arent you the same girl who went to so and so and lives at so and so...I eventually figured out he was looking for another idil i was like, you got the wrong one...*still wondering where he got my num from* Then he was like, stop fronting etc etc...i know its you :rolleyes: ...the world is full of weirdos...problem is now solved though alhumdullilah, I know got two numbers...i still get weird calls with the old new giving to a very select few :cool: Ma´salaama
  19. Asalaama Alaikum :eek: and to think I was complaining about -5 lol
  20. Mowgli


    Asalaama Alaikum Loooool@Lakkad that's the most Somali I've read in one go in my whole entire life lol@ mahadaa aa baraday luqada & waa tuksadaah...must say it was worth it. **feeling a great sense of achivement** But it does get annoying when its your real email and they be like "maxaad ii inkireesa"...markaan dhoho maku inkireeyo then they switch on you...and me with my broken somali writing skills cannot not be bothered to argue Ma'Salaama
  21. Asalaama Alaikum At least this boy is only 7 years old and they figured out what was wrong with him early on. However, there was this 34 year old (or maybe 37), the point is, he grew up in a small village and everyone thought he just had a very abnormal stomach growth. In his 30's he started complaining about pain and he was taken to all kind of doctors. They did ultra sounds on him, but the images just showed a huge mass that was unidentifiable . The doctors began to operate *thinking they were only getting fluid out*. Much to thier suprise the doctor put his hand in and it was like "shaking hands with another person" :eek: his twin had been growing inside him for 37 years!!! SubhanAllah. He had fully formed limbs and everything. I must say the images of the feutus i saw last night were disturbing, but not as disturbing as that of the 37 year old man Anyways gotta get back to work... Ma'Salaama
  22. lol mizz i love the way Apu (in the simpsons) says "Thank you, come again". Thats a classic
  23. loool I love the way the chinese can't say association so they say it as asuusciation lool cracks me up every time...oh yea and the germans/Austrians can't say yes lol they say yaa with that heavy accent
  24. Asalaama Alaikum Wr Wb Well personal choice may not be what Allah swt has in store for us, but here I go. Age: 18-20 1) Education 2) Career/Marriage (as sister Raxmah said, depending if there is a prospective partner or not) 3) Children As sister Bee said not going to uni was not an option even avaliable to me, not only would I not set a good example to my younger sister and brother, but I would have also been the first in my family not to go to uni (my grandmother did, my mother did, my father did, my aunties/uncles did, my sister did). Lol the thought of even suggesting it I think would have resulted in my neck being chopped off "The reality of the world is that nowadays marriage is being viewed as something to be put off till education or what have you its really sad." Mujahid, brother, you are right, it is better to get married young, but in this society of ever rising divorce rates, one has to protect and be able to support themselves in the future. One of the main reasons for me to pursue an education is because if/when I do get married (Allahu yaclam) there is nothing that guarantees that my husband will be providing for me all the time, death/divorce anything is possible (lol not saying that he will die before me lol, don't wanna kill a guy that I haven't married yet ). If and so when this happens, I would like to have the security knowing that I am able to provide for my children and the rest of my family, without relying on other people's help or charity. Take for example my aunty, she is a doctor and has recently got married (to another doctor). She is very happy staying home and raising her daughter and has no complaints, but if anything should happen, she has the security of knowing that she is able to get a decent job and won’t (Insha Allah) have to rely on any types of benefits. Ma’salaama