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Originally posted by 'Dalmar': ......dilka Sarkaalkan ayaa waxay noo sheegeen in qorshahan lagu Khaarajiyey Marxuumkaas laga Abaabulay aqalka Madaxtooyada. ....Waxayna si cad u sheegeen in dilka Cusmaan Yuusuf Nuur uu si rasmi ah oga danbeeyo Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. ......Daahir riyaale ku doonayo in uu kaga takhaluso shakhsiyaadka ka soo jeeda Magaalada Burco ee miiskan ku leh Ciidamda Maamulkaas Somaliland....... ....... maamulka Riyaale door bidayaa in uu ka Faa'idaysto dhaqdhaqaaq laga yaabo in ay sameeyaan Hogaanka cusub ee SSC..... 1. I would not put this beyond Daahir Riyaale. 2. It makes strategic sense that the enemies of the HJ clan should try to takeout their military leadership. 3. It is also highly opportunistic of Daahir Riyaale to use the tense situation in Sool to hide his dirty doings. 4. Taking out any military muscle that Siilaanyo might have should it come to that. 5. Considering what happened in mid 90's to those people, this doesn't come as a surprise. Let's see what the 'investigation' brings.
Originally posted by Cowke: Formula. (3/5) X 100 = 80%. The kid is right.
Me? write? abadan!
Maxaa Ka Jira In Cismaan Yuusuf Nuux (Afdhilo) Xidhiidh Soke La lahaa Garoowe, Yaase Dilkiisa Ka Danbeeyey?. Written by Tuesday, 03 November 2009 12:57 Faallo( ilo xog-ogaal ahi sheegayaan Taliyihii qaybta 12aad ee malayshiyada Hargeysa Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur (Afdhillo) waxa uu ahaa nin xidhiidh dhaw ka dhexeeyeen isaga iyo Garoowe, taas oo sida la sheego xataa xaaskiisa oo ka soo jeedda Garoowe ay degganayd iyada iyo carruurteeduba. Cismaan Afdhillo kasoo jeeda magaalada Burco ayaa aad loo xaqiijinayaa in uu tagi jiray maalmana soo joogi jiray magaalada Garoowe, oo ay xaaskiisa iyo carruurtiisu joogeen isaga oo ah taliyaha malayshiyada qaybta 12aad, xilligii dawladda Soomaaliyana ka shaqayn jiray Garoowe. Nin xog-ogaal ah oo ku sugan Puntland ayaa waxa uu yidhi “Xidhiidhka hoose ee ka dhaxeeya Puntland iyo Somaliland waa mid qoto dheer, hasa yeeshee meesha waxaa ruwaayad loo jilayaa shacabka SSC. C/samad Cali Shire Carruurtiisu waxay joogaan Hargeysa iyo Burco, Wiilka uu dhalay C/raxmaan Faroole Madaxweynaha Puntland, oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Bishii hore wuxuu joogay Laascaanood, wuxuuna la kulmay niman badan oo Somaliland ah sida nimanka jooga halkaas, wuxuuna ku dhuumanayey sidii uu yahay Saxafi, wuxuuna waday farriino, Cismaan Afdhillo Carruurtiisu waxay joogtaa Garoowe”. Way iska caddahay in labada maamul muddooyinkii ugu danbeeyey xidhiidhkoodu aad u sii xoogaysanayo, waxaana arrintaas dhawaan ka sanqadhiyey Wasiirka Caddaalada ninka ugu magacaaban maamulka Hargeysa Casoowe Xasan Bisaas, oo markii uu hadlay Wasiirka Kalluumaysiga Puntland Faarax Faruur ka sheegay BBC-da in uu muddooyinkanba wanaagsanaa xidhiidhkoodu, ayna wada leeyihiin cadow ka dhaxeeya, kaas oo ah Alshabaab. Waxaanay iskaashigoodu aad u sii xoogaystay intii lagu dhawaaqay Hoggaanka cusub ee Nairobi, iyaga oo isku mawqif iska taagay, waxaana ilo wareedyo ku sugan Garoowe ayaa hore u sheegeen in labada maamul mid kastaa hadda dhinac xoogga saarayo. Dhinaca Hargeysa ayaa hadda saaray culayska Magaalada Buuhoodle, dhinaca Puntland waxa ay culays saarayaan dhinaca Tukarraq, iyaga oo ka hortagaya siday sheegeen in aanu Hoggaanka cusub ee Sool, Sanaag Iyo Cayn wax dhaq-dhaqaaq ah samayn, iyada oo ilo xog-ogaal ahi sheegeen in Maamulka Puntland Garoonada Boosaaso iyo Gaalkacayo la dhigay magacayada Xubnihii ka qayb galay shirka Nairobi si haday halkaas uga soo dagaan loo xidho.. Waaxase hadda sooba korodhay qaraxan ka dhacay magaalada Laascaanood, oo aan ilaa iyo hadda cid sheegatay jirin, ayaa labada maamulba waxa ay aad ugu dadaalayaan sidii ay dusha ugaga tuuri lahaayeen Hoggaanka cusub ee Nairobi si loo saqiiriyo intaanu hana-qaadin. Maamulka Hargeysa Saxaafaddiisa ayaa wadda olole ay ku xidhiidhinayaan Ururka Alshabaab, iyo Hoggaanka cusub, iyada oo Wargeysyada Hargeysa ka soo baxa aad wax uga qorayaan iyaga oo cinwaano ka dhigay (Garaad Jaamac Xidhiidh Mala Leeyahay Qaraxa Laascaanood), waana aad dareemi kartaa sida xaalku uu u socdo in ay doonayaan maamulka Hargeysa in ay isku dayaan in ay ka faa'iideystaan qaraxii ka dhacay magaalada Laascaanood. Waxaa iyaguna hoosta ka ilka caddaynaya Maamulka Garoowe, oo isaguna jecel in Hoggaanka Nairobi looga dhawaaqay Hana-qaadin. Waa wax iska cad in Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur (Afdhillo) Garoowe xilliguu doonayo gali jiray, xilliga uu doonayana ka soo baxo, waxaa taas kuu caddaynaya markii qaraxa lagu dilay magaalada Laascaanood waxaa Garoowe markiiba ka soo baxday Xaaskiisa iyo qaraabadiisa, oo doonayey in ay aaskiisa kaga qayb galaan magaalada Burco. Dhacdooyinkani dhammaantood waxa ay ka markhaati kacayaan in loo baahan yahay in bulshada deegaanka u dhalatay ay feejignaan badan muujiyaan, dad badani waxay aamminsan yihiin in Khaarajintii ka dhacaday magaalada Laascaanood ay ka dhalatay ismaan-dhaaf u dhaxeeya Saraakiil ka tirsan Malayshiyada Hargeysa, oo ay iyagu Khaarajiyeen ninka dhintay, iskuna dayeya in shacabka reer Sool dusha looga tuuro. Dadka qaarna waxayba aamminsan yihiin in taariikhdii 100 sano ka hor dib isu soo celisay, u fiirso Halgankii Daraawiish waxaa jirtay Siyaasad Boqor Cismaan, Beelaha Hargeysa, Faranjigii Talyaani Iyo Ingiriis iyo Amxaaro kaga soo horjeedeen Daraawiish,. Maanta u firso waa intii oo u wada maleegaya dibin-daabyo beesha SSC si dadban iyo si toos ah, hana ka tagin SSDF iyo SNM xilliyadii siddeetemeeyaadkii iyo hawlahoodii. Waa lagama-maarmaan in ay ka dhiidhiyaan beelaha SSC, iyaga oo isku duuban hawlaha loo maleegayo. Kuwa wali aamminsan Puntland in ay wax qabanaysoow ku quuso in Madaxdii Puntland iyo kuwa Hargeysa aanay waxba ka dhaxayn, shaahana lagu wada cabbo Hargeysa iyo Garoowe, adiguna sidaas in aadan ka bixin laguugu talo galay ilaa Addis ababa, London iyo Washington-na taxan tahay.
The ONLF does not need my defense. The honor of the young men and women fighting for the liberation of their homeland and the peaceful existence of their people does not need my support. For their cause is just Their cause is honorable Their cause is righteous They will succeed They will be remembered They are heroes of the Somali nation Honorable are those that defend their homes, honorable are the ONLF.
^ Silly boy
Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote: Originally posted by me: The secessionists with their pirate cousins are using these self orchestrated attacks to arrest and extradite true Somalis to the Abyssinian dungeons. I could believe that. They all dance for Zanewi,nijaasta. Weren't they chasing around some Sheikh in Burco too? What do you mean you can believe that? The pirates are not our cousins. They're ME's cousins. Ok your right, the Secessionists and the Pirates are brothers, Zenawi baa wada dhalay.
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: :confused: What are you babbling on about? Nothing dear. Waan kuu ducayn.
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: I also heard from this Arab guy that it is part of the big plan for Christian take over of Muslim lands Are you loosing the plot Ibti? My apologies if you are overcome by grief. It was insensitive of me to draw you into a conversation about this matter considering your close proximity to the deceased one.
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Somalis at their thats "what I heard" or thats what reports say. Baal share the reports you have heard or seen @ Me. Otherwise he remains nothing but your theory. Ibti, Why do you have to speak about all Somali's like that? Who is he that is remaining? Your not making any sense. Take a moment and formule a good question.
Ibti, It is not my place to convince you or to provide proof to anyone. These are reports that are coming in, you can believe whatever you want. Secondly, Who said anything about a theory?
Ngonge, Those are two seperate actions. Surely you can understand that. One event preceded the other. To make it more graphic for you. 1. Ethio kills a man >>>> 2. The finger is pointed at other people. >>>> 3. The secessionist militia take some actions, arrest some people.>>>> 4. The people fight back.....etc etc and the result is bloodhed. So it is simpleminded of you to claim that the Ethio's are imposing a curfew.
Ibti, The guy that claimed it is not capable of doing anything like this. And there is no such thing as JNM of any other acronym. The word on the street is that this was 100% Xabash attack.
The secessionists with their pirate cousins are using these self orchestrated attacks to arrest and extradite true Somalis to the Abyssinian dungeons.
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Me Even if it was the Ethiopians, they used and will use their puppets on both side- meaning the end result is the same. A somali did the deed, but someone else made the decision for him- by extention the payback will be on a somali. Well played. And the payback will have an equal reaction, that will be just as severe. Thus begins a cycle of bloodshed. Secondly, how do you know that it was a Somali that did the actual deed? There are actually enough Ethio agents walking around in todays Somalia to do this and more.
Originally posted by Norfsky: ^Those people of LA/Sool who made this 'occupation' possible by sleeping with enemy, should they also be a target? The Xabash targets anyone. They do not care about secessionists or unionists.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Someone is dreaming about Ethiopians ......... No one is dreaming about Ethiopians. The information that’s coming in is reliable. The reasons why the Ethiopians would want to murder this man are also clear. This war is bigger than Reer hebel versus Reer hebel. If this war was a Reer hebel war bari hore ayaa la kala bixi lahaa. The Ethiopians want to destabilize the North of Somalia for their own gains and they want to put the clans of Togdheer and Sool against each other. We should not forget that the take over of Laas Caanood by the secessionist militia and the abandonment of that city by the Pirates militia was orchestrated from Addis Ababa. We should also not forget the strict orders from Addis Ababa that the Piratelanders received with regards to their posture on the SSC issue. Somaliland and Puntland are illegitimate entities that are used as pawns by the Xabash, they do not work in the interest of the clans of North and East Somalia. The people of Northern Somalia will fight each other if they wish so, but they will not fight each other just because the Xabash is setting them up. We can all see through the games that the Xabash is playing.
Uffff un adoo dhahaya yeenan ku maqlin.
The Ethiopians were behind this attack.
The usual suspects are reading from their scripts. Well done to all for sticking to your script. Let me burst your bubble, according to sources in the city; the Ethiopians were behind this action. Why they did it?.....go figure. The analysts among you were probably suspecting the Xabash.
Originally posted by Maaddeey: Me, Good Post, laakin Qaybta 3aad ee ugu dambeysa waa yara ila qalad: Magaca Carbeed hadduu kan 3aad & wixii ka dambeeya uun buu caan noqdaa sida: Dahir Rayale Kahin, Lakini Kinsi looguma yeero Xaaji, Shariifna sidoo kale sheek Axmed looguma yeero, ma qaldanahay? Maaddeey, Waxaan ka wadaa qaybta sadexaad, magaca Carbeed waxa uu noqon karaa magac reer hadii lagu daro, magac sharfeed. Sida: Reer Suldaan Axmed Reer Mahdi|Cismaan Reer Sayid Maxamed Reer Sharif Xasan Reer Xaaji Yusuf etc. Marka waxaan leeyahay magac Carbeed kaligiis ma noqon karo magac reer Soomaaliyeed. Waa in lagu daro magac sharaf kale. Look at the example below for another Somali lastname. Ahmed Muhamed Dhore
Originally posted by Hunguri: . Edited message.
Woman swallows 78 items of cutlery Published: 6:00AM GMT 29 Oct 2009 A woman obsessed with swallowing spoons and forks was forced to have an operation after she ate an entire canteen of cutlery. Surgeons in Rotterdam, Holland, removed 78 different items of cutlery from Margaret Daalmans's stomach after she came to hospital complaining of stomach pains. The cutlery removed from the woman's stomach Photo: CEN An astonishing X-ray taken before the operation showed dozens of forks and spoons trapped inside the 52-year-old patient. "She seems to have been suffering from some sort of obsession and every time she sat down for a meal she would ignore the food and eat the cutlery," said one medic. Daalmans works as a secretary in a local estate agents and told doctors: "I don't know why but I felt an urge to eat the silverware – I could not help myself." Medics also revealed it was not the first time that she had been treated for eating the cutlery. They said she has been diagnosed as suffering from a borderline personality disorder that left her with an urge to eat cutlery and she was now getting therapy. Doctors said there have reportedly been other cases as well of people being treated for the urge to eat unsuitable objects – but none that appear to have consumed quite as much cutlery in a single session. They confirmed that the woman had only ever eaten forks and spoons – but never knives. They were unable to explain why. The woman made a full recovery and is said to be responding well to her treatment for the obsession. Source
Meiji, Clan is a part of the social landscape of todays Somalia, any group that wants to bring change in Somalia whether positive or negative has to acknowledge that and use the clan system to their advantage. The enemies of Somalia do not shy away from manipulating clan sentiments. Why should they use our social system against us? Clan is a part of Somalia's current social organization and the sentiments of clan should be used for positive change in Somalia. Clans must be recognized and subordinated to the national interests of our nation. The fact that the wadaado have recognized this fact does not mean they are clannists, it means that they understand Somalia's problems and that they are on the right path for solving those problems. We should not walk away from the clan system so that the enemies of our nation can use it against us. Somalinimo does not equal walking away from clan totally, it means understanding the role of clan within the current Somali social system and subordinating the clan to the will of the Nation as a whole.
Meiji, As Somali's we all have clans. I suspect that if you are a Somali, that you too have a clan. Being born a Somali from a certain clan does not make someone clannist. Clannism is a political ideology and the wadaado have shown us that Clannism is not their ideology. You claimed that the wadaado are clannists, I ask you now, PROVE IT. Don't try to get away with cheap excuses like, hebel is from such and such clan, or they are located in such and such town. So what if a certain group of wadaado are located in town X, or so what of their leader is born into a certain clan? After all that town is a Somali town, that man is a Somali man. Finally What gives you the right to call anyone clannist? I think that you can also be accused of clannism if we were to use your logic. Somalia will become strong again, despite all the people who are standing in the way of our freedom. The ONLF will not stop for individuals who rather focus on silly things like a regions name instead of lending support to the brave people of O-gadeeniya who are fighting the worst kind of oppression.