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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. Sooner or later most of us will have to return back home insha ALLAH. I have no interest in returning (never been actually) living in that effed up country Somalia, are u kidding me? That country will be screwed for another 100 years lol. And its ppl are screwed high on khat lol. Dude get over somalia, forget somalia. there are too many somali wanabe polticans not enough indians as they say. These cats (somalis) can't even agree overseas and get into fights whereever they gather, war dadkan dalqalto walan ha naga taaga crazy mothers. I pray for u somalia, but good luck to u with these ppl as your populace. focus on making it big in the states or England. millions and millions of opportunities, make urself a rich man then can u help others. My words of wisdom. :cool: I do think your topic deserves a more serious look and requires serious answers. good luck in getting them or more important implementing them on the ground. salams
  2. That's all right brother. And I understand what u are saying, people should understand differences in the ummah is rahmah. when u don't have that much knowledge, u tend to be not so tolerant on different opinions and even have argonace, and personally i have been through it and may Allah forgive us for our shortcomings, and i have even changed my views on certain issues such as apostasy after gaining more knowledge. May Allah give us more knowledge, you will see with more knowledge one has of islam and islamic history, the more tolerant and merciful they will be in expresing their views and on countering opposing views. You should watch this lecture by Imam Anwar Insha-Allah: The book of tolerance
  3. yo i am late w/ my reporting lol. altho too early in the race to make a call, not good for hilary's campagin to take 2nd place. 15 votes, Barak 16 votes, Edwards 14 votes. close race. IA she will take N. Hemp. Huckabee do to the conservative christain vote, is a favorite.we will see IA. ps: SK it would be nice to c a black woman (hot one at that) as 1st lady in the white house. will it happen?
  4. Obama Takes Iowa; Clinton takes 2nd Place. Edward 3rd. Close race. Huckabee on Top in Iowa; Romney in 2nd. Sen. Dods drops out of race. for more news visit what the heck is Iowa caucuses? Caucuse 101 Video Next New Hempishre. Debate this Saturday 7pm If your not registered, please register and get out the vote. Go Hilary. It aint looking good for us lol.
  5. ^^^took me a minute to understand what u meant by disclaimer and cenosoring point of views, if u mean the last sentence of the first post...i said that because i think its lame, a cliche too simplistic, and i was more interested in the experiences/views of the girls more so. ps: I'm the only son in my family and me and my sisters were raised differently, and i think rightfully so. Just a simple example, i would be sent at night if something was needed from store and not my sister whose only 2 years younger. Marka girls=more sheltering/protecting namean. tho i would say (exception being me ) girls tend to be more mature/intelligent honestly then boys around their age, but still. Originally posted by Juwairiah: ^^I had computer, internet access, and webcam when i was 15 in my room, and never ever did something bad cause i did not fear my parents, I feared Allah the Al-mighty. My parents thought me not to fear them, they just thought me that Allah is watching me wherever i am, and that had a big impact on my life. So i think the person should have freedom and all u have to tell them is to fear Allah. I disagree. U can't use yourself, or others that are an exception, (they do good w/out being told) to dismiss/diminsh the importance of struture/law/rules, which are there to condition people whom otherwise would not be inclined. the world/home would not run smoothly w/ just lecturing "do good", "fear God", but need the rules implemented. Munminah-not a problem walaalshis.
  6. Originally posted by GJ_Goate: Although I dont agree with many things he says on current issues, i hear that his in depth series on hereafter and the ashaba are clearly good. Examples Geelow? if you dont mind. Thanks SK, and rest this new interview and following transcript may shed more light: Transcript of the interview from CagePrisoners (Imam Anwar’s words are bolded): Moazzam Begg: When were you arrested? On what grounds were you held? Were there any charges made against you? Anwar Al-Awlaki: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem . I was arrested in mid-2006. Initially I was held because I entered as an arbitrator in a local issue here, a tribal issue. I was an arbitrator in that issue and I was arrested until that issue… because the government wanted to solve that issue rather than have it solved tribally. MB: Right. AA: After that, they began asking me questions about my local Islamic activities here, and later on it was becoming clear that I was being held due to the request of the US government. That was what they were telling me here, and that the Americans wanted to meet me. MB: Subhan Allah[ii]. Well, that’s something that we can share together. I’ve also been held at the request of the Americans for quite some time. The other question is that the media reported that your incarceration was due to having some knowledge, or some people who were involved in 9/11 at your sermons. Could you clarify any of this at all? AA: That was one of the issues that the Americans asked about but I don’t know if I was held because of that, or because of the other issues that they presented. But it was one of the issues that they enquired about. MB: Can you describe a little bit about what your prison conditions were like? What was your individual cell was like? AA: For the first nine months, I was in solitary confinement in an underground cell. I would say that the cell was about 8 feet by 4. It was about 12 feet high. It was clean. No interaction with any other prisoner was allowed for the entire nine months. After that, they moved me to the upper floor. The same thing, it was solitary confinement, although the restrictions were less, and the room was larger, it was about, maybe three times the size of the initial room, the initial cell. I spent there the remainder of my period, which was one and a half a years. I was allowed for the last month and a half… they moved another person into this room, for the last month and a half. So for a year and a half, minus this month and a half, I was in solitary confinement, with the exception of the last month and a half. MB: Subhan Allah. Did they place any restrictions on you in terms of what you were allowed to have in your cell, how you were allowed to interact with other prisoners, or in any way, other than you have already stated? AA: When I was in the underground cell, there were restrictions on family visits, restrictions on any food that my family would send me, there were restrictions on books. I was not allowed pen and paper, and no exercise whatsoever. I hadn’t seen the sun for the entire period. What else… No interaction at all with any person except with the prison guards. Later on, when I moved to the upper level, even though I was still in solitary confinement, but the restrictions were less. Visits from the family were more frequent. They would allow me food from home twice a week, and I was allowed more books. So things were better during the last period of the time I spent in detention… I don’t want to say sentence, because there wasn’t any sentence. MB: That’s one of the questions I was meant to ask you. You were never charged with a crime, is that correct, and you were never put through any legal system? AA: I wasn’t charged with anything. I was held for interrogation. When interrogation was over, I was released. MB: Did any foreign interrogation take place? Did any Americans or any other foreign nationals interrogate you? AA: Yes, the US did interrogate me. Officials from the US. MB: And do you know if that was the FBI? Did they identify themselves as FBI, CIA, NSA or anything? AA: Yes. They were FBI. MB: Okay. And how was their attitude towards you… how did they deal with you as a person, how did they regard you? AA: There was some pressure, which I refused to accept and that led to a conflict that occurred between me and them, because I felt that it was improper behaviour from their behalf. That led to an issue between me and them during the interrogation. That was solved however, later on, and they apologised. MB: Al Hamdulillah[iii]. Were you able to have contact with your family at all, during the imprisonment, of course you’ve already said that they restricted from you letters, phone calls, and so forth, for the first nine months, I think you said. But afterwards, did they allow you this contact? AA: Yes, towards the latter period of my imprisonment, I was allowed visits from my family, once a week. MB: How often were you interrogated, by either local officials or foreign officials? Was it something regular, or was it something sporadic? AA: The interrogation was on and off for a year. MB: Is there any truth in the rumour that you were placed under house arrest prior to this and that you were banned from speaking in public? AA: No, no that’s not true. I haven’t been placed under house arrest, nor have I been banned from speaking publicly. MB: There was also something that said that you were being punished in prison because you were teaching some of the other prisoners. Is this true also, or could you elaborate on that? AA: No, I didn’t have a chance to deliver any lectures because I was in solitary confinement for the entire period except the last month, which was only me and another person, so I wasn’t in touch with other prisoners. MB: Are you allowed to travel outside the Yemen? Obviously, many people want you to come to the United Kingdom and elsewhere, to come and give lectures, and you’ve only been out a few days! I think this is based on a question from a lot of your supporters, subhan Allah. Are you allowed to travel outside the Yemen to give lectures? AA: Well, I would like to travel. However, not until the US drops whatever unknown charges it has against me. MB: Yes, and that would be my advice to anybody who would be in that sort of situation is to be aware of that. Can you tell us any of the lessons that you’ve learnt from being incarcerated that you would like to share? AA: In sha’Allah[iv] this is something that I plan to do in a lecture or more, and I would leave it to that point. MB: In sha’Allah… and is that one of your plans for the future? Do you have any other plans for the future that you’d care to elaborate upon, or is it something that you’d wish to wait and see how time evolves? AA: You mean, in terms of lectures? MB: Lectures, and just life in general. Not just lectures but generally, in the future – what does the future hold? AA: I have a few opportunities open at the moment and I haven’t chosen yet among them. I’m still sort of studying the situation at the time being. MB: What was your response to the outpouring of support and concern, the campaigns, petitions, Facebook groups and the messages that you’ve received since your release – what was your response to this? How do you feel? AA: Al Hamdulillah, it was very moving to know that there were brothers and sisters out there who were making du’a[v] for me. Al Hamdulillah Rabbil-Alameen[vi]. I believe that I was released due to the du’a of a certain righteous person who was making du’a for me, because RasulAllah (salla Allahu alayhi was-salam)[vii] says that when a person makes du’a for his fellow brother, an angel makes du’a for him, and RasulAllah (salla Allahu alayhi was-salam) says that the du’a for your brother Muslim is an accepted du’a. So I believe that it was due to these people, who were making dua for me, that I have been released, and I would like to thank them very much and say jazaakum Allahu khairan.[viii] MB: In sha’Allah, and I pray that the du’a that they made for you is also made for all the other Muslim prisoners around the world, in sha’Allah, and that they will all be released. Could you please give some words of advice, to the other prisoners and the prisoners’ families in terms of your experience, and how they might benefit from your words? AA: My advice to them is the saying of Allah, azza wa jall[ix], “You might dislike something but there is a lot of good in it for you”.[x] And the hadith[xi] of RasulAllah (salla Allahu ‘alayhi was-salam), Whatever decree Allah has decreed for the believer it is good for him. So if Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala[xii] has decreed that a certain person should be in prison, and that if Allah azza wa jall has decreed for a certain family that one of their members is in prison, we, as believers should believe that this decree is good and there is a hikmah, there is wisdom in it, and we should all have the trust and faith in whatever Allah azza wa jall has destined for us; because RasulAllah (salla Allahu ‘alayhi was-salam) used to say, in the du’a, ‘As’aluka ridha fil-Qadhaa’, I ask You to make me satisfied and happy with what you have decreed for me. This is the first word of advice. The second word of advice is this is a test for your sabr, patience; and patience is the one deed in which Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has promised an open reward. “Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning.”[xiii] There is no limit on their reward that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala gives for the Sabireen, the patient. Finally, one should always believe that the strongest weapon that they have is du’a. They should never underestimate the power of du’a. ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab[xiv] used to say, I’m not worried about Allah not accepting my prayers but I am worried about the way I pray to Allah azza wa jall. Allah will accept the du’a, Allah will respond to the it, it’s just that we have to do it properly, with sincerity. MB: SubhanAllah, jazaakAllahu khair. One of the things that we used to do in Guantanamo, one of the things that I learnt, was Surat Yusuf[xv] used to be the most often, the most resonating surah that I used to read, and contemplate on, simply because Yusuf (‘alayhis-salam) was thrown in prison for something he didn’t do. And when I read that, in prison, it was totally different, my attitude towards it, and I began to cry in a way that I never would have thought was possible. Did you feel any particular verses from the Qur’an, any particular aayaat[xvi] or sahaba[xvii] stories, were relevant to how you were faring your time in prison? AA: Well, the feeling I had when I was reading Qur’an – every surah, every ayah was totally different when I was reading it in the cell, compared to when I was reading it when I was outside. MB: Yes, absolutely, ma sha’Allah[xviii]. AA: That was particularly true with Surat Yusuf but I can say that this has been the case with every single ayah and every surah in Qur’an. It was in a totally different light when I was reading it in prison. MB: It’s quite amazing, because in prison, for us, in Guantanamo, they took everything away from us, our clothes, our families, our food, our life, everything and the only thing that we had that was familiar to us was the Qur’an, even though it was a different version or a different print, but it was the only thing that we could look at that was familiar. Everything else - the land, the area, the prisons, even the accents of the people that were speaking were totally unfamiliar except the word of Allah. AA: Subhan Allah, and because they took everything away and gave the Qur’an, that is why the Qur’an had this different meaning. ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan[xix] used to say that if our hearts were clean and pure we would never satisfy our thirst from Qur’an. It is because of the distractions that are going around us, that we don’t get the most benefit from Qur’an. But when a person is in that solitary environment, all of the distractions are taken away and his heart is fixed on the word of Allah azza wa jall, the ayaat of Qur’an open into a completely different – they give a completely different meaning. MB: Absolutely. Do you have or have you had interaction with people who have been in Guantanamo, in prison or after release, have you been able to speak to them or see how they’ve fared since their release at all? AA: There were some brothers who were brought from Guantanamo and handed over to the Yemeni government and spent time in the PSL prison where I was but I didn’t have a chance to interact with them. I heard that they passed through while I was there. However, I never had a chance to interact with any of them yet. MB: In sha’Allah may you interact with them in jannah[xx], insha’Allah AA: In sha’Allah… I would really like to know how it was over there. MB: In sha’Allah. Finally, I suppose it’s a question for Cageprisoners. Do you have any words about your feelings towards organisations like Cageprisoners are; what you think of our work, good or bad? [/b] AA: The brothers and sisters at Cageprisoners are fulfilling the order of RasulAllah (salla Allahu ‘alayhi was-salam) which was stated in Bukhari[xxi], ‘Seek the release of the prisoner’, and they are at the forefront of fulfilling this command of RasulAllah (salla Allahu ‘alayhi was-salam) so I ask Allah azza wa jall to reward them and assist them in their efforts. [/b] MB: Barak Allahu feek[xxii]. JazaakAllahu khairan, ya Shaykh. AA: Wa iyyakum.[xxiii] source
  7. I don;t know many somali songs, but hear dem from other cats...dis one is catchy and i kinda dig it. dont know who sings it or what its called it but it goes like dis (excuse da language) Da da da da na da da na naa dad na da dad na na (Daalo studio daalo studio)....ubax baxyo oodgno sida (something) iftimo, mogthay daardtaa inan uu oo manhay, hedhee ina abti aboowe, aboowe huuno, qalbi ku ma aaborintid rux an arko adiga uu mode, hedhee ina abti abaayo aboowe huuno, I never forgot you ee amuuus.
  8. ^which of his curses at u do you miss most Cara? but yeah funny dude. I can't be bothered to search the archives for funny hailrious comments....the one i posted was recent and made me laugh really hard about the kids shitting around hahaha....but yeah mos def SOL hasn't had many funnies dis year sax. Fill free to post funnies of any-time aiit. And happy new year. no i don't work the graveyard shift, never have...but up late.....part-time only during the day.....Off since the Dec 17th, but I should take a vaction from my laptop IA.
  9. Indeed! This is great news. Very happy for the Imam, may Allah bless him in this dunya and in the next life. SK, there doesn't need to be reason to be arrested. Uncle Sam ordered it, Yeman obeyed her master. There was another Professor Florida Unv, cant recall his name, and his video is on Youtube, him reciting the Ibn Tamiya's (RA) what can they do with me, my paradise is in my heart. i believe he is still under custody? God bless him.
  10. salams, i must admit and say this place (SOL) is very entertaining and the people are interesting characters. during my time here, tho i liked debates (ok arguing), ive also laughed at what some ppl have written. And i mean, spilling drink ooo shit that was funny. But we gonna just keep it to the funnies of this ending year 2007. You are allowed to pick and present one Funny, and in the end, the funniest comment of 2007 will be awarded sound cool my ppls? When i read this i was at work and i laughed so hard cats thought i was crazy, my stomach was hurting. Funny girl, my vote: By Nephthyus: Qof aan aqaanaa laakin areebo ah inta kale been. The woman has 2 year old twin boys. Waxaa u yaal hal tuuji salootada. The twins poop in the living room daily, mid haduu ku fadhiyo tuujiga uu kan kale u baahdo, wuu soo ordaa couch kuu koraa uu ku sii daynaa. The house smells like a freakin boosaneero. Haday bakeeri wax kuugu keento ma arkeesid waxa ku dhex jiro, dufunka iyo xabagta korkiisa saaran darteed. I remember mar inaan juice ay ii keentay tuujiga agteeyda yaalay ugu dhex qubay lee. I truly don't get people who live in filth. The germs and infectious virus, not to mention the creepy-crawlies that may be lingering about really makes me nauseus! Ufff..
  11. In 1845, the onset of the Great Irish Famine resulted in over 1,000,000 deaths. Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid declared his intention to send 10,000 sterling to Irish farmers but Queen Victoria requested that the Sultan send only 1,000 sterling, because she had sent only 2,000 sterling. The Sultan sent the 1,000 sterling but also secretly sent 3 ships full of food. The English courts tried to block the ships, but the food arrived Drogheda harbor and was left there by Ottoman Sailors. Due to this the Irish people, especially those in Drogheda, are friendly to the Turks. This event led to the appearance of Ottoman symbols on Drogheda United’s emblem.– (source: Wikipedia entry on Drogheda)(Note, in 1845, the 10000 pounds dedicated to the Irish from the Sultan would be worth approximately 800,000 pounds today, that is $1,683,280 US Dollars.On the other hand, the Queen gave the equivilant of 160,000 pounds today or 336,656 US Dollars) The Osmanli Traveller blog has copied to text a writeup by a Christian Priest who wrote about the Sultan of the time in his travelogue. His account mentions this incident briefly. What is interesting is that without knowing of the secret sending of the ships, the priest was already impressed with the character of the Sultan in his response to the Queen.On the Character of Sultan Abdul Majid Khan, by the Rev. Henry Christmas M.A. (Christian Priest) written in 1853:‘One or two anecdotes will put his character in its true light. During the year of famine in Ireland, the Sultan heard of the distress existing in that unhappy country; he immediately conveyed to the British ambassador his desire to aid in its relief, and tendered for that purpose a large sum of money. It was intimated to him that it was thought right to limit the sum subscribed by the Queen, and a larger amount could not therefore be received from his highness. He at once acquiesced in the propriety of his resolution, and with many expressions of benevolent sympathy, sent the greatest admissible subscription.It is well known that his own personal feeling dictated the noble reply of the divan to the threatening demands of Austria and Russia for the extradition of the Polish and Hungarian refugees. “I am not ignorant,” was his reply, “of the power of those empires, nor of the ulterior measures to which their intimations point; but I am compelled by my religion to observe the laws of hospitality; and I believe that the sense and good feeling of Europe will not allow my government to be drawn into a ruinous war, because I resolve strictly and solemnly to adhere to them.” This is the true spirit of Christianity, and there is more it in the Mohammedan Sultan of Turkey, than in any or all of the Christian princes of Eastern Europe.’- “The Sultan of Turkey, Abdul Medjid Khan: A Brief Memoir of His Life and Relign, with Notices of The Country, its Navy, & present Prospects” by Rev. Henry Christmas , M.A., 1853 Also note, this generosity and compassion occurred during the time of the supposed ‘downfall’ of the Ottoman empire according to Western history books, and Sultan Abdul Majid in himself is not counted as one of the greatest of Ottoman Sultans. A simple examination of the events surrounding this engagement will open anyone’s eyes to the high station of the character of Sultans combined with their skillful ability to traverse political waters to achieve moral, Islamic ends. And how many secrets missions remain as yet uncovered?
  12. Cageprisoners has confirmed that Imam Anwar al-Awlaki has been released from prison in Yemen. “The time I spent in detention was a great blessing from Allah. They were moments of contemplation and study which I was greatly in need of. Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed me during that time of solitude with tranquility and peace to the extent that at most of the time I was preferring detention over freedom. Now that I am free I ask Allah to enable me to thank Him for his blessings. “I am greatly moved to know that many of my brothers and sisters have been asking about my situation and praying for my release. I thank them all. May Allah reward all of you with Paradise.” May Allah bless the Sheikh. and help the rest. His lectures you can find here. Take the time and listen to him, promise you'll benefit from him greatly. peace out!
  13. Khalaf


    Ijithad? Exploring the History: past, present, future. Whatever happened to Ijithad in the Ummah? Its decline and how can it be revived? ps: has this topic been discussed, haven't seen it since i joined the site. Salaams and Happy New Year.
  14. This is funny joke: Before Marriage: He: Yes. At last, it was so hard to wait. She: Do you want me to leave? He: NO! Don’t even think about it. She: Do you love me? He: Of course! Over and over! She: Have you ever cheated on me? He: NO! Why are you even asking? She: Will you kiss me? He: Every chance I get! She: Will you hit me? He: Are you crazy! I’m not that kind of person! She: Can I trust you? He: Yes. She: Darling! After Marriage: Now read this from bottom to top.
  15. ^Maybe explains why there is no humanity (in the culture) towards women whom do not cover? I believe there are rocks thrown at them in Somalia? And if anyone violates her (uncovered woman) forget about her getting any justice, she would be blamed sax?
  16. Nacam, it is up to the parents, and will be the particular family's decision, but since there are many young ladies here, the reason i started the topic was to gather their ideas on the issue their concerns/experiences in this area: ie vactions/study aboard programs in Europe ect u know what i mean? Muminah, thanks for your comments first of all. but a hypothetical question sister, if you wanted to visit another state w/in Canada which i believe you are from w/ your friends during your vacation, do u think you and your girlfriends would be doing god knows what subhan-Allah? Or would u, as young girls enjoy the scenes, dine out, shopping ect and do what girls do? I think the latter sax? And this goes out to scarastic comment of Cara as well, there is no worry about the girls, but simply a concern of safety, since this country ie New York during new years is crazy. I took the negative position to see arguements for affirmative, but personally i dont c nothing wrong w/ it. get on plane, get off plane, family picks u up at airport ect. no big deal...
  17. I have been closely studying these Somali women- half a dozen or so- throughout the world . Where's your rapport report madem? Honestly sister, looking past the superfical stories of the media and their backers and observing the reality of women in many of these cultures including the somali one, women get the bad end of the stick. Dumarka wa la gumeysta sax?.
  18. Originally posted by Lois Lane: ^^^ Since when does feeling empathy for a fellow Somali, another human being ( who indeed lost his way to the right path) make you misguided? and what path may that be?
  19. Salam Alaykum, and in spirit of Eid...Eid mubarak yaa Muslimeen and may Allah give us a good New Year. Ameen I have my own ideas on this topic, i am sure having been here for a while some of you may know what that maybe. But i am going to open the floor to everyone and am in interested in your thoughts/experiences on the topic, in particular the females. Its the holiday season, school/work is out, its party-time, new years ect. This means there is high risk, in fact the highest risk season. Liquor, drugs, parties, and da hustlers that want game young girls. How much freedom should a young girl be given by her family? Travel w/ her friends ect to another state about 2 weeks? What do you think? ps: None of that, let a girl live, youll just push her away w/ protectiveness junk. Thanks.
  20. Masha-Allah! Public servents like this man should be involved in the countries poltics/affairs, not the current tuugo. thanks Kool.
  21. Khalaf

    Writing a book

    ^^^yo skip my man, how can u not know David, the brotha that feeds us pirated movies on SOL? ..... Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale, i call em David an old nick. I know what u mean bro, its easier said then done. But its all about having a vision. I am actually suprised, its a good suprise, i didn't think somali people read books lol. Same w/ blacks, I used to work at barnes and noble for a few mths, and walaa u never c a black person, always white ppl usually women that are buying tons of books. Reading is fundamental. (remember grade school lol). Bro i never heard of Ken follet, John Grisham. I don't have favorite authors per se, i read anything from on Islam, to stock market/economic books, to Stephan King books, to John Stienbeck (one of my fav authors), to Ayaan Daraan . Diversity ya dig. I thought it would be great idea to write a book on the civil war... a fiction story based on true events, ie hotal rawanda. I don't believe that has been done. There are many ideas honestly, many things to write about. screenwriting is what i played w/ in HS, always enjoyed that, but left it. IA anything is possible. Thanks everyone for the comments and your great ideas. lol@ Sophis, come on now, walaaleey its not about competition but writing is an art, its yours personally and comes from the heart ya dig.
  22. ^waxaba ha qoseliiin man diib isku nooqo w/ ****** comments ........2 kala saar daadka...a public figure involved in dirty poltics......iyo hooyo somaliyeed. Don't argue bout it, isku xishood sxb.
  23. Short videos: "sexual terrorism" This conflict hardly gets reported! Very sad! Anyway its good to be aware. I learned a lot! What a world!
  24. ^^^^Istagfrullah, yo your ridiclous man. two you don;t know that or know the old mother. whomever she is respect your elders ninyahow, its haram to assume things. what ppl do is between them and Allah. May Allah bring peace to Somalia.