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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. Asslaamu Alaykum Warahmatuallah Wabarakatuhu, We have to realize the societies that we live in, we are minorities. Of course we will be questioned about what Muslims do overseas, just like groups before us have been. I don’t see this as an issue, what I see as the problem is the response. Quote “I came to the conclusion that teh best to defeat this media is best to ignore it and muslims should create a media blackout, no speeches, no interviews , no views .. basically let them†This attitude of just ignoring the media, ect is not only counterproductive, but it will make the situation worse. In America viewpoints are influenced by the media, groups that have been successful such as the Jews, have brilliantly used the media to get their message across, hence attitudes towards them in America is favorable (example: polices in Palestine). We must utilize the media and get our viewpoints and concerns across; the media is the greatest weapon. If we just keep quite and watch the show (that is about us), like some have suggested, then we will let others speak for us, the wrong message will be told to the average person, thus that average person will in turn ask you what he has seen on tv. And one more last thing, all the misery that is happening to Muslims, of course it hurts as since we are one body, but we have to remember to Allah belongs all that is in earth, and heavens. Without any major newspaper, any national tv show, or radio, without any visible strong Muslim leader or dawah, and all the negativity surrounding Islam, everyday many many convert to this deen. Thus this deen doesn’t need us, we need the deen.