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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. Hunguri, No response ? I take your silence to mean you prefer your current existence as a Xabashi plaything. No problem. Choice B meesha ay ku gaarsiiso adiga iyo Tol-ka aan aragno. Wa in'na ghadan li naathiraho la qareeb.
  2. This is yet another monumental failure and defeat for Alshabaab and company If gaining hundreds of repentant fighters and showing Umada Soomaliyed the ugly clannish face of Ahmed Madoobe is considered a 'failure & defeat', I hope we see more 'failures & defeats' of this sort in the days to come. But make no mistake Ahmed joins the hapless TFG not out of conviction but out of convenience. Agreed. Convienence because he is nothing more than a power-hungry warlord who will offer his services to anybody that will pay him. In Ahmed's case: Ethiopia, Kenya, and the TFG. Men like him deserve the utmost humiliation before they are destroyed. When Black Ahmed is captured, I hope the Xisbah parade him throughout the streets of Kismaayo making him hold a sign that says: "I tried to attack Kismaayo with my clan militia and was an agent for both Ethiopia and Kenya. Look at me now. This is my reward. Kids, don't follow my career path" They left Ahmed Madoobe with only 2 choices: be completely marginalized and become irrelevant OR stay relevant by joining the TFG. He became irelevant the very minute he cut a deal with Ethiopia. Nigga was livin' large in a rented villa in Addis while the likes of Bashir Maqtal languish in Xabashi jails to this day. No, abti. Ahmed's current disgrace is all of his own doing. What did they expect when they push former allies against the wall without even offering a face saving exist strategy Here's the best face-saving strategy I can think of for Ahmed Madoobe and it consists of four parts: Part I: Get on your knees. Part II: Beg for mercy. Part III: Cry & grovel to emphasise how truly wretched and destitute you are. Part IV: Maxkamadaha(Judiciary) ee Wilaayada Islaamiga ee Juboyinka may then grant you clemency in the form of exile, after which you can join Cabdullahi Amxaar in Yemen.
  3. Read all about it: The two clannist criminal cousins of Gaandi and Ahmed Madoobe signed a treaty wherein they join forces, incite clan warfare, and carry out the agenda of the Kenyan goverment in Jubooyinka(or at least, try to...markii la karbaasho bay xudooda orod-orod ugu cararaayaan) Of course, you will still find some maan-gaab sheep who will claim that both men are patriotic Somalis...because they are working for Somalia's interest and they have been forced to work for Ethiopia and Kenya because of the baddie bad guys: Al-Shabaab. If Black Ahmed and Gaandi go on TV and announce they are taking direct orders from and are getting paid by the Kenyan gov, you will still find maan-gaab sheep not only defending them, but also claim that this naked treason is justified and has theological legitimacy(lol) because Abdulqaadir Gacamay and Bashiir Salaad said so in a fatwa. Caqligaas aa meeshaan ku haynaa, ee bal kawarama akhyaaray ? Say you're a leader(school, family, workplace, etc) and you have to deal with this craven mentality that does not shy away from anything no matter how low or how heinous ....what would you do ? Honestly now. Original source Somali source, laga soo xigtay aljazeera report Somali shacab gives their reaction(Gobonimo perspective): Ishii buktooy kubikaac ahmed madoobe in uu ahaa inashariif soo idin macadaan kuwíi lahaa waa xizbul islaam hakajawaabo ahmed madoobe asaga iyo maqtal daahir ayaa iskumar laqatay asaga waa lasodaayay ahmed madoobe maqtalna god madoow ayaa laguturay taas ayaa kuugu filan daliil Excellent point. Bashir Makhtal is still locked up; Black Ahmed was released. Happenstance ? Waa war macquul ah, waxaana ka fahmi karnaa:- 1. In Axmed Madobe awooddiissii milleteri baaba’day waayo DKMG ah wuxuu u yaqaanney “RIDDO”, haddana wuu la heshiiyey, marka ninka meesha tabar baa dhigtay, dabcan Dawladduna waxay rabtaa taageerada Axmed Madobe ee deegaanka inay ka faa’iidaystaan. 2. Axmed Madobe wuxuu kaloo rabaa sidii uu Kenya xiriir ula yeelan lahaa, taasna waxay kallifaysaa inuu DKMG ah kamid noqdo. 3. Arrintaan waxay isku soo dhaweyn kartaa Xizbul Islaam iyo Alshabaab waayo waxyaaalaha ugu waaweyn ee ay isku hayeen waxaa kamid ahaa arrinta Axmed Madobe, mar hadduu Axmed Madobe cadowgii ku biirayna haddee waa mid kamid ah qodobaddii la isku hayey oo meesha ka baxay. Marka Xizbul Islam ama saaxiibkood ayay raacayaan ama Alshabaab ayay la heshiinayaan. 4. Heshiisku macno badan samayn mayo waayo hal beel ayaa heshiiska gashay, jubbooyinkana beelo badan ayaa daga oo wiliba xurguf ka dhaxayso. F.G. Walaalaha Soomaalida waxaan uga nasteexaynayaa inay iska daayaan isticmaalka kalmadda “RIDDO” ama gaalaysiinta. On-point analysis. Warkani hadduu jiro oo xaqiiq yahay waana filayaa inuu run yahay waa Wax laga naxo waayo waxa aan sugaynay dhexdhexaadinta odayaasha iyo dadka waxgaratka ah oo muddo hawsha dhexdhexaadinta ah wadey.Dhinaca kale waa war wanaagsan waayo Axmed madoobe inuu Riddo ku dhacay waa muuqatay waayo sida munaafiqiinta ayuu isku qarinayey oo uu lahaa diinta ayaan udagaalamayaa, Subxanallah, Allahayow gaalo muslim ku soo duulaysa aanaan u noqon xaabo, warkii alshabab ay hore ucaddeeyeen waa rumoobay oo Ethiopia inuu basaas u yahay waa caddaatay ilaahay isaga iyo xilfigiisa iyo gaalada iyo murtadiinta intaba ha jebiyo. Xasunallah wanicmal wakiil. Ironically, this "union" of traitorous cousins backfired immediately: Hiiraale and Fartaag, another traitorous cousin duo, now feel threatened by this clan calculus and refuse to work with Ahmed Madoobe and Gaandi. Lol, the. irony. is. just. too. thick. Battle of Ahzaab all over again and the dissolution of the enemy army. Turned out to be a net positive for Shabaab 30 meeyo ka mida Ciidamada Axmed Madoobe oo heshiiskan ka warhelay kana gadoodey ayaa u galey Maamulka Xarakada Shababul Mujaahidiin ee Gobolada Jubooyinka, waxaa sidoo kale jira ciidamo qeybo Jubooyinka ka mida ku sugan oo laga yaabo iney Al-shabab ku biiraan This isn't the first defection, as Somalis sites have been reporting streams of defections from Ahmed Madoobe for some time now as the misguided youth awaken to his true face: that of a wretched traitor. Anything goes in the name of power and in the name of Tol-ka. When he says "Dadka deegaan'ka", it's code for Tol-kayga. He is now at the mercy of clan-owr-kacsi(Tolaaay, Tolaaaaay). Ferguson & Haatu, how about a dhaanto for Uncle Ahmed, eh ? Kistoo yar oo shaah iyo xanjo ku gato haloo arooriyo yaah ? Shax-shax
  4. Hunguri, horta waa ku mahadsantahay sheekada oo xeesa leh aa soo gudbisay. I remember playing the "xasan oo xuseen dilay ma arag'teen" game as a kid, but never understood the origin of the saying or the story behind it. You learn something new everday. Tan xigta, war ninyahow horta dagaal'ka maxaa qasab ka dhigay ? War ninyahow mida naliga la'yahay waa intaan oo kaliya, oo hadaa aqbashaan wa Rabul Kacba inoo dagaal'ka istaagayo. Hadaba waa maxay arinkaas oo dagaal'ka ku istaagaayo ? Waa intaan oo kaliya: iyo War intaas manaliga kari la'yahay ? War maxaa ku jaban hadee Shareecada Islaam'ka uu hogaansataan oo dhuliga Amxaaro iska kor qaadaan, oo freedom, true freedom ku noolaataan ? War maxaa ku jaban hadee idol-worship'ka la zooliyo oo goobaha ee qaboor-caabud'ka la bur'buriyo ? War niman'yahow: Alaysa minkum rajulun rasheed ??? War ninyahow caribiga waa taqaanaa ee ila feeri ay al-Jazeera soo diyaarisay ? Bal ila feeri khayr'ka, barwaaqada, caafimaad'ka, jacayl'ka, kal-gacayl'ka, hufonaanshaha(welcoming open'ness), dago'naan(calm & tranquility) ay ku nool yahiin shacab'ka Soomaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaladaas ee Baidoba, once known as the city of death, due to starvation & genocide inflicted by the criminals(Qaybdiid, Galaal, Aato, RRA, Shaatiguduud, and more..SNF..SPM) who are high-ranking ministers and generals in the puppet-entity you support today. Laakin meesha bugta waan aqaanaa. Meesha cilada ka jirto, sii fiican baa uu aqaano, ee waan kula hadlaa ee ii dhagayso: Abti, weligaa ha ku riyoonin sheeko xareero'da ah intoo qabiil walbo shiro oo "self-determination" ku andacoodo oo daho "dowlad ama dowlad goboleed baanu nahay". Sheeko bararaleey'daas qof laga dhagaysanaayo ma jirto. Iskaba'dhaaf 4.5 oo taas wa wax lagu qoslo. You have before you two choices: A) Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalaasha ah soo raac oo aan gacamaha is wada qabsano anagoo ku hoos nool dhalada ee sharaf'ta badan ee Shareecada. B) Xagaa iyo Ethiopia & Antarnashanal Kaamonity madax-madax isugu toor, kana war sug dharbaaxada Mujahideen'ta iyo dhaartooda ahayd inay dal'ka oo idil ka tir'tiraayaan najaasada ee gaalo-raac'ism, qabyaaalad, and grand treason, bi cizzi caziiz ow bi thuli thaliil. I hope inaa dooratid choice A, laakin-se hadoo shaytaan'ka kuu sheekeeyo oo qabyaalad iyo adoon-jacayl iyo jago-doon'nimo kuugu afoofo, hadaba rag iyo kooxooyin kaa horeeyay waxay dorteen choice B ee bal aan soo fiirino meesha ay mareen: Aaway Cabdullahi Amxaar ? Aaway Cali Gheedi ? Aaway Nuur Cade ? Aaway Cumar Xashi ? Aaway Laqanyo ? Aaway Hiiraale ? Aaway Shariif Ahmed ? Ma see wadaa ? A or B, choice-ka waa choice-kaagu, ee ninyahow dagaal'ka aan soo af-jarno ee gacantayda waa kanaa oo soo taagan ee ma aqbalaysaa.....mase Zenaawi hab'kiisa(hug) aa Gacamay iyo Bashiir Salaad kuu xalaaleeyeen oo ku dahiin waa "daris wanaag" ? Kashafa extends his hand to Hunguri in a gesture of walaal-tinimo asagoo dahaayo: "yaa qowmanaa ajeeboo daaciyallahi waa aamino bih"....will Hunguri be able to free himself from the vise-like embrace of Meles Zenawi or not ? Will Hunguri clasp the hand of his Somali-Muslim brother or will he continue his current existence as a Xabashi servant and a plaything in the hands of Gabre and Mesfin ? The choice is his to make, and he and the people he claims to represent will have to live with the consequences of that choice.
  5. Gheelle, don't forget that the Sons of Somalia are fighting on multiple fronts(need i count them ?)against multiple stooge-enemies(need i name them ?). This fact alone is unprecedented in the entire history of Somali-dom and is a testament to their enduring strength, staying power, and steamrolling momentum. Don't let the hateration affect your thinking: facts are facts. Sit tight, abti. Soo-dhawayn wacan iyo marti-soor wanaagsan la imow markay ciidan-ka sita calan-ka towxeed'ka soo gaaraan tuuladaada.
  6. A few questions, por favor: Modern insurgencies last approximately ten years, and the government’s chances of winning may increase slightly over time. - How did Vietnam work out for you ? Did the insurgency collapse in 10 years ? Did the 'gummint' win ? Or was this the defining picture of imperialism's last gasp in Indochina(forget not, Dien Bien Phu and the defeat of the Frog-eaters) It was Tuesday, April 29, 1975. Rumors about the final evacuation of Saigon had been rife for weeks, with thousands of people - American civilians, Vietnamese citizens and third-country nationals - being loaded on transport planes at Tan Son Nhut air base, to be flown to United States bases on Guam, Okinawa and elsewhere. Everybody knew that the city was surrounded by the North Vietnamese, and that it was only a matter of time before they would take it Source I forgot that this was and remains a sore spot. My bad, yo. Also: Castro in Cuba, who starting off with just 12 men took on and defeated the American puppet-'gummint'. No external support or state-sponsorship whatsoever.(Soviet help would only arrive long after he secured the country and formed a goverment).
  7. LOL@ Mansa Munsa, Gheele, Hunguri, and Xiin(Isbaheysiga walaalaha Puntland ) Abtiyaal, waa hore nii sheegay: Is-geejiya. Xaardheere fell this morning. Hobyo is only a few miles away. Keep your ears and eyes peeled for the cabaad of the Tol-ka as they wail about the advance of Xarakatul Shabaab Al-Mujahideen. Then, as has been your wont throughout history as gaalo-raac dhabodhlifs don't forget to send a SOS call to Mother Ethiopia to intervene with the blessing of Ameer-ul-Mufliseen wa Sayid-ul-Saqiteen wa Imaam-ul-Xoolo Cabdiraxmaan Faroole(qabaxallahu waj'hah). In the meantime, go around the globe and raise funds to buy a Super Fatwa signed by such luminous names like Mr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi and Mr. Salman Awdah. Let's see if that'll stop Garowe from falling. And when Garowe falls, say something like: "Car waakaasaa Maakhir/Dahar ha yimaadeen, walle mida aa ku dhigno." And when Maakhir/Dahar falls and caroortii mooriyanta aahaa xeeroyin dhaqan-celis(or to be more accurate, deen-celis) lago wada guro, say: "Walle waala isbaranaa, car wa kasaa Bosaaso ha uu soo dhawaadaan" Niman aa aqaano aa shidaysan oo markii Shabaab maqalaan xaar, kaadi iyo shuman isku daro. Is-geejiya, and start revising af-tigray, kolayba waagi Cabullahi Amxaar aa sii fiican oo barateen ee
  8. Gabyaa aa beri hore wuxuu yeri: تبقى الاسود مخيفه في اسرها حتى وان نبحت عليها كلاب تموت الاسود في الغابات جوعا ولحم الضأن تاكله الكلاب وعبد قد ينام على حرير وذو نسب مفارشه التراب Rough translation: Lions remain awe-inspiring even in captivity/ even if they are barked at by dogs And Lions die in the jungles out of hunger(implied: from a refusal to surrender and compromise their inherent God-given majesty)/ while dogs(implied: who have sold out & surrendered) eat (tender, juicy) goat-meat And a slave may sleep on (a bed) of silk/ whilst a nobleman's bed may be the dirt While these so-called "respected scholars", clad in their rich, flowing garments, sit pretty in the Ethiopian Protectorate of Puntland and stuff their soft, overgrown bellies with hilib ari and geel, while issuing out a Super-Holy-Fatwa(kinda like the paid advertising you see on late-night TV), the Somali Lions are out there in the fields of Glory, impervious to pain, hunger, or lack of sleep, doing what Lions do best: serving and protecting their pride and their lair: Somalia. Lions will remain Lions dogs will remain dogs. And the twain shall never meet.
  9. Provided that the news reports given here are accurate, and provided that this particular quote is accurate: Culimadu sidoo kale waxay amaaneen Sida ay Ciidamada Puntland Amaankooda u sugayso,Qaarkamid ah Culimada oo ka yimid Konfurta & Waqooyi Galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa dhankooda muujiyey in aysan Malaynayn inay jirto Xukuumad Culimo Amnigeeda Sugta iyagoo sheegey in ay arki jireen Dawlada la dirirta Wadaada balse aysan horay u arag Dawlada Culimada la shaqeysa soona dhaweysa,waxaana ay Sheegeen in ay u Mahadcelinayaan Xukuumada Puntland oo uu Madaxweynaha u yahay Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud. I bear witness and I make Allah my witness that the men below: Sh.Yuusuf Aadan , Shiikh Dr.Bashiir Axmed Salaad, Shiikh Cali Warsame , Shiikh Cabdullaahi Daahir Jaamac, Shiikh Cabdinaasir Xaaji, Shiikh Dr Axmed Xaaji , Shiikh Cabdulqaadir Nuur Faarax, Shiikh Daahir Aw-cabdi , Sh.Xassan Maxamed Ibraahim , Shiikh Axmed CabdiSamad , Shiikh Maxamuud Abusheyba Sh axmed Maxamed Sulaymaan Sh. Maxamed Idiris are described in the following ayah: They prefer to be with (the women), who remain behind (at home): their hearts are sealed and so they understand not Indeed, their hearts are sealed, so they roam the lands deaf, dumb, and blind(sum'mun, buk'mun, cum'yun, fahom laa yabsiroon). They sit there in Garowe only a few yards away from where Ethiopian intelligence base & barracks plot on how they would distinguish the light of Allah and divide Ardul Soomal Al-Muslimah into a hundred clan-lands. And they sit. They sit there in craven silence....as cowards...as slaves... of the dirham and the doolaar....of the bariis and the baasto......slaves of the largesse and bounty of slaves of Ethiopia, making them slaves of slaves. They sit there without having uttered one word, not even a whisper of protest, against the campaign of carnage being carried out in the name of the 'dawladnimo' they support and praise in Garowe. Not one word to be heard, except the resounding noise of craven silence. Silence in the face of this. Just as the TFG forces hurdled past their own defences and sought protection in the fortified AMISOM quarters, the ‘peacekeepers’ indiscriminately fired countless number of mortars in the heavily populated districts of Mogadishu. 20 people are now confirmed dead and more than 30 injured – some critically. Of the injured 26 were children! This morning, Mohamed, a father of some of the injured children in Madina Hospital, said that 6 of the children had died. ‘There were kids everywhere; I counted up to 26, including my two sons. Some of them had shrapnel wounds in their stomach, head and legs and they all came here full of blood. See that young girl there on the bed; the doctor says she will have to be amputated to save her life. It is very sad. The youngest is 4 years old I was completely gripped by the horrific scene, when the screams of some children pulled my attention, not far away from the young woman. Instinctively, I made my way to the location of the noise and saw four children, of almost equal age, bleeding and crying. Large pieces of shrapnel had punctured their frail bodies. The youngest, a blood-stained 4-year-old, glued her pleading eyes at me as I kneeled down beside her. Lifting her hand with effort, she stretched a delicate finger which I held. Her legs were swimming in a puddle of blood, as her brittle bones were broken by shrapnel. There were no words to console this innocent child. Words would make no meaning to her muddled mind now. Wiping her face with my kerchief, I returned her hand to a relative who came looking for her. Tub'ban lahum. Khaaboo wa khasiroo, wa Rabul Kacba. They have eclipsed the limits of xusnul-than. 72-excuses intay dhaafeen ay waxay marayaan kumeeyo(thousands). We ask that Allah guide them if there is any khayr left in them, and if not, we ask Allah to turn them into aaayah min cindih, so that the generations of Somalis will point to them and say: "Look, Those were the scholars who sold their Knowledge and their Faith for thamanin bakhsin daraahima macdooda. They rejected the ciz'za of the knowledge Allah gave them(taaj al-waqaar) and chose instead to soil themselves at the feet of gaalo-raac traitors. Look how Allah has humiliated them." In conclusion, we say: Yaa muqalibal quloob, tha'bit quloobana calaa deenaka, wa kitaabika, wa sunnati nabiyak. Ilaahow adiga aa kaaga magan galnay lun'naansho oo ka dambayso hidaayah. Ilaahow, adiga aa kaaga magan galnay dhulinimada nifaaqa iyo in taaghoot la hoos fariisto oo madaxa loo raariciyo. Ilaahow adiga aa kaaga magan galnay inaa deenteena ku gadano dhalaal'ka adoonka. Allahuma Aamiin.
  10. Sayyid, Also where do you get the idea that just becuase you doing something xaraam - that you might as well go and do the most extreme of xaraams since you already done bit of this and that?? It's not sarcasm. They have already done the most extreme of xaaraams by murdering fellow Somali-Muslims who came to aid them just to please the West in the hopes that this will give them 'ictiraaf' as a stand-alone country, the fictious O'ia. Waxaa intaas oo raaco, deen'ta Islaam'ka lagu jees-jeesaayo(gar-ka xiir!), Amxaarada lala shaqeeynaayo, inta lagaarin moral issues like niman iyo naago is dhax'boodaayo. I think that's far more relevant for you to address than finger-pointing at my online persona.
  11. My geography is just fine; just a typo. I meant to say the area under the control of Al-Shabaab, roughly 300,000 sq km, is greater than the area of Great Britian, Ghana, and the Philipines (not combined tho), but that's what happens when you dash off posts on the go. And the point was to show their national dominance and the breadth of their influence.....not quibble over petty points like the one you just made(Aha!, I caught Kashafa in error!) Question: Why do you always(or often) restrict yourself to the margins of a discussion ? Do you also have to consult a 'Holy Scholar' about where the Xaq lies in Somalia ? I guess you'll wake up from your deep slumber when the standard-bearers of Raayatul-Towxeed pay a visit to Qardho and the clan milita there. Untill then, ii baashaal, abti.
  12. Originally posted by AYOUB: Kashafa If it’s cheap propaganda you still have to explain it. Is it a case of photo manipulation? Is corpse in area controlled by Shabaab/HI? Yes? Then how did it get there? Was it a security failure? Why the corpse in that disrespectful state; if that was not some sort of punishment and threat as the article seem to suggest? Have the accused issues a denial or an explanation? No need to tell us about AMISON atrocities or lack of mourning over their victims. That’s totally irrelevant. Nin qalbi la’ Quraan kii u akhriyey, “Qaaf“ dheh ku harraadye Kutubaa sidii lagu qarridhay, qiil la’ Aakhiro’e Qayrkii ka hadhe waa ninkii, qalay walaalkiiye. ~ Timacadde (AUN) Ayoub, I thought it was so obvious that it was a fake pic, that it didn't need an explanation, but if you insist: Yes, it obviously looks like a classical case of Adobe Photoshop manipulation. You don't have to be a graphic designer to be able figure that one out. Am I 100% sure of this ? No, because last time I checked, I wasn't omniscient. Say for argument's sake that it's a real head, then what ? Al-Shabaab is not a shadowy underground group for them to rely on anonymous intimidation tactics; Al-Shabaab is not a Mexican drug cartel; They are the Masters and Commanders of a land mass greater than that of Great Britian, Ghana, and the Phillipnes combined. They have a court system in which they executed one of their own fighters recently( if you've been paying attention) If they do behead somebody, say Jimcaale's late dhabqhoodi cousins, they announce it publicly, in the words of Abu Mansoor: "Walle, waa qowrac". For anyone to even insinuate that this is Al-Shabaab's work, they have to provide the slightest whit of evidence; None has been provided here. Hence, shameless and cheap propoganda from shameless and cheap people. As I've said before: Defeated on the ground, hiding behind Amisom tanks, destroyed in the arena of ideas & debate, annihilated in the public opinion battleground where the Somali shacab flock to the areas the Mujahideen control where they show their appreciation and gratitude; all the lowborn xuthaalah are left with is cheap propoganda: "Al-Shabaab aa dhuusay, Al-Shabaab recruit kids by getting them addicted to drugs in mosques(this gem courtesy of Munaafiq Sharif in his embarrasing MPLS speech)" How do you reason, or as you put it, "provide an explanation" with qashin like that ?
  13. The Zack and Ferguson, I think you didn't catch the sardonic impart of my post, marka af-soomali aa nigu sheegaa: Abtiyaal, dhaqan'keenu iyo suugaan'teenu waa wexii raacsan Deen-ul-Islaam Al-Xaneef. Wexii ka soo horjeedo, qashin'ka aa lagu tooraa, walaa karaamah. Gabdho-hee Soomaliyeed oo xushmad, sharaf, iyo xishood mudnaa intaa calan cilmaani uu soo xirteen oo markaas stage soo saarteen, aa tiraahdeen: "Sidaan uu niiki, oo sidaan uu dheel, oo sidaan isu rox-rox, oo sidaan dhac-dhac ka sii" And for what ? So that they can be leered at by dirty old men ? For warped patriotism in the name of a non-existent 'country' that you invented and called O'ia ? This is what happens when the cancer of secularism spreads among a Muslim people oo Ilaahay ku karaameeyay deent'a Islaam'ka. So what I was telling you was: Why stop there at niikis ? Why not go full-blown il-bax ? Next OSF event waxaa ka dhigi karteen bump'n'grind joint. Kan xiga waa wet t-shit contest. Let me give you some practical advice: Hire a few blondes from the local strip club at the next ONLF/OSF dhaanto. After all, anything goes in the name of O'ia, right ? Secularism, booty-shaking, taking money from Ethiopia on the sly, murdering fellow Somalis who have come to aid and liberate you. Hadii aa deedeen codsiga ahayd "Yaa qowmanaa ajeebo daaciyallahi waa aminoo bih" oo ku gacan-sayrteen Xukmiga Shareecada oo ku atkeysatiin cilmaani'nimo iyo khayaanad, hadaba dharbaaxada Mujahideen'ta ka war suga, ogow'na hadootee oohin iyo cabaad waxba ma tarayso. Tii Uncle Black Ahmed ku dhac'thay'na maniga foga, ee waantooba oo is caqli-celiya inta ay nolasha mac'dahay.
  14. Haatu, Xamar will fall inshallah very soon, taas la iskuma hayo, abti. It's a matter of when, be it days, weeks, months, or years. Constant progress is the name of the game and concrete accomplishments are the cement to the foundation of the Mujahideen's national dominance. Now, unlike my opponents on this forum, oo uu bartay inay iska hadlaan oo iska butacaan, I will provide evidence to back up my assertions of the Mujahiden's steamrolling momentum and national dominance: This just in, Roonir-good in Shabelle Dhexe falls to the Sons of Somalia: Maamulka Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ee Gobolka Shabeelada dhexe ayaa sheegay in Ciidamadoodu Saaka lawaereegeen gacan kuheynta Degmada Roonirgood ee Gobolkaas. Waaliga Xarakada Al-Shabaab ee Gobolka Shabeelada Dhexe Sheekh Bukhaari Aadan oo Maanta Saxaafada Shir jaraa’id u qabtay ayaa sheegay in Ciidamadoodu saaka ka saareen Degmada Roonirgood Maliishiyaad uu kutilmaamay ******** qaswadayaal ah oo is aruursaday. Not a day passes by without the news of the liberation of yet another Somali degmo or magaalo from the bandits of the Ethiopian-funded, Ethiopian-armed, Ethiopian-directed clan militias.(which you support, correct?) Today, the people of Roonirgood will join the rest of their Somali-Muslim people in 10 provinces and across hundreds of thousands square miles by sleeping in peace and waking up in peace, secure in the knowledge that their sons, their daughters, their wives, and their wealth are all protected from dhil, dhac, and kufsi by the Iron and Blood of Xarakatul Shabaab Al-Mujahideen. And they are forever grateful as this young brother shows in (0:58 to 1:20)
  15. Aawaya botaadii raqiis ahayd iyo cantarbaqash'ka ee jaat'cuna'yaasha ? Aawaya baqbaqlayntee gun'ka iyo qayladii cawaan'ta ? "We will wipe them off the face of the earth" "We will recapture Mogadisho" "We will launch a three-pronged attack: from the Kenyan border in the south by Ghaandi & Hiirale, in the central provinces by Ahlul Zenawi wal Shirk, and in Mogadisho with Amisom tanks leading the offensive" O the sons of gun'nimo & treason, yaa ikhwatal khawana wal khanaaziir, where is your vaunted 'massive offensive" ? That obese blob of fat Sharmaarke might have a answer for us: Despite months of pronouncements by officials that a big offensive is imminent, Somalia's prime minister told The Associated Press the government will only gradually try to expand its control of the capital Any offensive action will be more of a gradual expansion of the area under the government's control, Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke said, claiming the media had misunderstood the government's plans. "It is not a big push. It will be gradual and well-planned," Sharmarke said in an interview Wednesday. Lol, blame it on the media. Misunderstood kulahaa. Waraa dhoofaar, instead of blaming the media, why don't you take responsiblity for your failure, announce to the world that you're too weak and too cowardly to escape from your 2 square mile prison, and ask for 'forayin interfeenshan'(foriegn intervention) ? I mean, worst case scenario: Waxaa maqlay Cabdullahi Yuusuf xerada uu ku jiro qol aa ka banaan and I think he'd be willing to host his "ina adeer". I can picture him saying: "Ina adeerow, rag'gaan Al-Shabaab waa ibtilo, 40 sano aan soo dagaalamaayay, weligay'na wadan'ka kama cararin, hada'na waa ii jeedaa dhulinimada aan ku jiro. Adiga'na waa ku kan oo waa is-keentay. Waxaa maqlay Faroole iyo Cadde Muuse'na way soo socdaan oo qol baa ayaga'na uu diyaariyay. Walle, Al-Shabaab waa ibtilo"
  16. Exercising my First Amendment rights guaranteed by the Konistooshan, this is my opinion of this thread: Cockroaches(in human form) feeding on a piece of rotting food(cheap propoganda). Cheap propoganda for and from cheap people.
  17. ^^ Interesting, but if I may ask: When will the OSF incorporate wet t-shirt contests as a part of the "Hagardaamo Gumaysi, Halgamaa wax ma yeesho" spirit ? By the same token in which your young maidens shake da ting on stage as a display of patriotic fervour, don't you think it would be a great idea to showcase their, ahem, vibrant fertility in the form of a wet t-shirt contest ? Hadaba, waxaan codsanaayaa in fikradayda ah, wet t-shirt contest, la tix-geliyo, laguna daro ixtifaalaat'ka ee ONLF/OSF.
  18. A_Khadar, Here you go...as recent as Jan. 13 of this year, homeboy made Hajj to Addis, asking Papa Zenawi to intercede on his behalf. If this news piece is true(and it is), will you agree with me that Garaad Jaamac is a dayoos ? If you say no, my next question is, what more does he have to do in order for him to qualify for dayoos-hood status ? Warar naga soo garaya magaalada Adis Ababa ayaa sheegay in ay Halkaas kusuganyihiin Hogaanka SSC iyo Garaad Jaamac Garaad iyo Faroole oo looga Yeeray Adis Ababa. Ilaa iyo hada ma cada in ay is arkeen Faroole iyo Hogaanku, waxayse ararku sheegayaan in amarada (how you like that, abti ? Amar...issuing orders to it's obedient servants) Ethiopia siisay labada nin ee Hargaysa iyo Garoowe ay la xidhiidho sidii faraha ugala bixi lahaayeen Gobolka Sool iyo dhamaan geedaana SSC. maadaba Ethiopia aragtay in dadkii lahaa goboladaas ay tashadeen isla markaana Hogaan u samaysateen. And then back in Feb 12, 2008: Waxaa ka anbabaxay Gobolladda SSC Wafti balaadhan oo ay hogaaminayaan İssimadda Kala ah Garaad Jaamac ,Garaad Claahi Garaad Soofe, Boqor Claahi, Suldaan Siciid İyo Garaad Saleebaan Buraale ,waftigan oo ka helay Casuumad dawladda İtoobiya ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa in ay kawdaa hadlaan arrimaha nabad galyada. Ergooyinka ay hogaaminyaan issimadani ayaa waxa ay gaadhayaan 100 xubnood waxaana ay halkaasi kula kulmi doonaan magaalada Qaloocan ee gobolka wardheer mas,uuliyiinta dawladda ee itoobiya ee deegaankaasi. Xubno ku dhaw dhaw İssimada ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay odayaashu doonayaan in İtoobiya ay aad isu soo waraystaan gaar ahaan arrimaha nabad galyada oo aanay noqon dadka deegaanka iyo dawlada İtoobiya kuwo had iyo jeer warar qaldan loo kala qaado This is a open-and-shut case: Garaad Jaamac, and the doddering old fools he leads, on top of their natural dhulinimo, have committed grand treason by consorting with Ethiopia. Source I Source II
  19. Sacad Ducaaale, SNM was a clannist secular organisation that was funded, armed, and equipped by Ethiopia. Nothing to be proud of, abti. When you say, "group of determined young men", you make them sound as heroic freedom fighters, when in fact they were appealing to qabyaalad "F.aqash'ka Dila!!!" and helping Ethiopia achieve it's greatest strategic win: fragmenting Somalia into a morass of warring clan-lands that will spend all their resources battling each other. But the Mujahideen are rectifying the mistakes of the past through the crack of bullets and the roar of mortar. Tell Riyaale, Inc to surrender peacefully when the time comes, if they know what's good for them.
  20. ^^ SNM was a clannist secular organisation, far far away from Islam. The man responsible for much of it's success is a family friend and if you ask him today about his SNM days he will tell you: "Those were the days of Jaahiliya, mahad Ilaahay baa iska leh oo bad'daas naga soo dhax bixiyay". Similarly, the ONLF is a clannist secular organisation that is also far far away from Islam. ONLF has abandoned Islam, murdered Islamists in cold blood in the middle of the night as they slept, all in a craven bid to curry favour with the Antarnashanal Kaamonity as in (Look! Look! We're like you! We're not ragheads! We're the good guys!) Hence they will never taste victory........untill......ay towbadkeenan, ayna ku soo noqdaan mabaa'di'da Deen-ul-Islam ay ugu horeyso ku xukun'ka Shareecada. But no worries, abti. As soon as the Mujahideen finish mopping up the last few remnants of Xabashi harlots and announce to the world the return of the Somali State this time under Islamist management, xagaa iyo Somali Galbeed bay uu soo mushaaxaayaan(love this word, af-soomali is beautiful), markaas the so-called Admiral and his command waxaa la gelinaa xeerooyin dhaqan-celis. After sufficient deprogramming and completing the Tarbiyah & Tazkiyah session, they will be given the opportunity to continue the halgan under raayatul towxeed, hadee-se ay ka indha-adaygaan, Axmad Madoobe meesho maray bay maraayaan. Objective: Wilaayada Islaamiga ee Soomali Galbeed in 2020(or sooner) inshallah. Wars are not won and freedom is not gained by the on stages; nor are they won by running away from your identity, your people, and your principles. ONLF stands guilty as charged on all three counts.
  21. Sayyid, I'm suprised at the question itself. Never heard that this was an issue. If you can marry a non-Muslim, raise kids with a non-Muslim, eat the food of a non-Muslim, play soccer with a non-Muslim.....doesn't it follow that you can also attend the funeral of a non-Muslim ? And that you can comfort the grieving family ? And that you can send them your condolences ? And that you can help them in any way you can at this difficult time ? The answer to all the above is: of course you can. The Prophet used to visit and comfort non-Muslims(both Jews and Christians). The following hadeeth is sahiih and narrated by Bukhari. Sahl Bin Hunaif (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: A funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet and he stood up(out of respect). When he was told that it was the coffin of a Jew, he said, "Is it not a soul (living being)? Narrated by Bukhari. There is another hadeeth, also in Sahiih Al-Bukhaari where the Prophet visited a sick Jewish boy(or young man, not sure) on his deathbed and comforted him. He was so taken by the akhlaaq of the Prophet, his kindness, and his mercy that he embraced Islam right then and there. Marka saaxib, forget what Scholar Fulaan Al-Carabii and Scholar Calaan Al-Baakistani said....waakukaasaa Seeratu Nabiyul Islam ee ku dhag There's a serious contradiction, some would term it hypocrisy, in this thread where some nomads erroneously think that by not attending the funeral of a non-Muslim, they are somehow being "good strong Muslims". Funny then, to see these "good strong Muslims" turning around and baying for the blood of fellow Muslims, supporting and cheering the Amisom massacres as a "neccessary evil". Or at the very best, being "neutral" as in: "My Holy scholar told me zis izz fitnah, and I have to be neutral. So when Amisom rockets murder 30 women and children in one night, I hold firm to my neutral stance and do not side with anybody. I remain silent. Actually, I pray for both sides. I pray for Beenaale Bahuko as well as Abu Mansoor because they are equally engaged in zii fitnah. Some my call me a f'ing sheep, a xoolo, for this stance, but my Holy scholar assures me that he studied in Madeenah University under Super-Holy-Scholar Rabee Madkhalii and that basically, as long as I keep my head down and listen and obey the rulers, I'm on the right path. Listen and obey the rulers!" Deen'ta hala barto, abti'yaal. Xabash'ta iyo gaalo-raaca xasooqa ba'an ka wada Soomalia dabatha aa uu dhaqaa kabaha'na waa ka dhaba qaada, markaas my neighbor oo dintay uma tagaayey waayo waa gaal, waa caqli-gaab'nida aa sheegaayay. Meesha laga rabay dhabar-adayg iyo jihaad waxaa la timaadeen jileec-jileec dhulaysan iyo is-dhiibid nifaaq ku salaysan....On the flip side, meesha la rabay naxariis iyo dacwah waxaa la timaadeen weji-qalaf iyo undue harshness(well-meaning as it is), ee deen'ta hala barto, abtiyaal.( not speaking to anybody in particular, waa general observation)
  22. Refusal to reason = intellectual cowardice and/or intellectual bankruptcy I can understand why you're afraid to debate me.(ie, you're scared of me...have to coach myself to be nicer ) But debate Shaykhii Maaddeey if you're not a intellectual coward and/or intellectually bankrupt. But you are, so you refuse to debate. Nothing new. Haakathaa cahdunaa bika, abti, as the old Arabs would say.
  23. ^^ Lol, as always a intellectual coward, unable to stand up to scrutiny, probably wasn't expecting the demolishment of his questions. As always, escapes from every debate by throwing words like: script, kellegi-muslim and then heading for the hills. La yaab malahan, he's the product of the "why-fight-when-you-can-run" culture he grew up in.
  24. Xiin, Inkastoo aa tahay nin caqli-xumi iyo aragti-gaabni isku darsaday, oo weliba uu sii ziyaada jah-wareer dhinaca caqeedatha(mur'ji'ah), weli waan kula niqaashaa, casaa in Ilaahay ku soo guide-gareeyo. Bismillah, Su'aasha uu horeysa: yaa colaadda wada? Colaada waxaa wada dadka dan ugu jirto inaysan Soomaliya ka dhalanin Dowlad Islaami ah oo kicitimayso hirgalinta Shareecada Alle. Definition'kaas anagoo indhaha ku hayno, jawaab'to waa: colaada waxaa wada Gaalada iyo Gaalo-raaca, gaar ahaan kooxaha ay soo maal geliyeen, ay soo doorteen, ay soo hubeyeen sida TFG'da iyo Mushrikeen'ta ee qaboor caabud'ka sidee Soomaliya aga dhalanin Dowlad Xoog-weyne oo Sovereign ah. Foriegn interests'kaas, ay ugu horeyso Ethiopia, waxay doonayaan inay Somalia weligeed noqoto weak & fragmented. To that end, waxay soo dhiseen the Dhoofaaray entity(TFG), oo ah nithaam jaahili oo qabiil iyo qabyaalad(4.5) ku salaysan. Waa straight out of the colonial playbook of Divide & Conquer. Adigu-se iyo caqli-gaab'ka aa isku manhaj tiheen waxaa uu aragtiin the Antarnashanal Kaamonity and Ethiopia to be your Saviours, and that they are free from blame. Your condition is described in the ayah below: Su'aasha xigta: yaa wadahadalka iyo in si nabad ah wax lagu dhammeeyo diidan Lol. Munafiqaan markoo isku dhax yaaco waa su'aashu uu gambasho uu doonan jiray. Laakin-se waxaa soo xasoosinaa waagoo shaar deeni(fake then, fake now) soo xiranjiray oo "Amxaarada halala jihaado!" iyo "Warlords waa in la cirib'tiro!" oo olol'layn jiray. Wamaa archive-search can'ka bi'baceed. You know, everytime that he uses that stale line "They are opposed to negotiations! They should come to the peace table!", I remember a memorable quote by Barafasoor G where he mocked the transparently fake call for peace talks and negotations(paraphrasing): "Negotiations ? As in, we are agreed that the TFG militia can only rape a annual quota of 5,500 women with only 1500 of them being under the age of 10, whereas before it was unlimited. We are agreed that the TFG militia can only have 5 isbaaro checkpoints in every village where they can rob passer-bys under strict supervision only. We are agreed that Ethiopia can only name the President, but not the Prime Minister who must be appointed by the Somali parliment, but the Parliment will be named by the Antarnashanal Kaamonity" And this doqon still speaks about peace and wadahal, as if his transparent charade, the peace caravan, still has any followers. This is the low-level intellect, the sheer jaahil-nimo displayed on these boards day in and day out by the peacenik TFG supporters when they call for negotiations and peace-talks. When I call them caqli-gaab, this is what I'm reffering to. When I call them xoolo, this is what I'm refferring to. That is, if they were sincere in the first place. Negotiations iyo peace-talks god-ka aa ku jirtid hakaa saarto. Jawaab'ta kooban: Wadahal waxaa diidan ninkii helicopter gaalo Xamar ku soo galay, taangi Amaxaaro'ne guri ka dhigtay. Habayn iyo maalin'na supervise-gareeynaayo xasooq matada masaakinta Ninkaas iyo burcad'da uu madax uu yahay markii laga takhalaso, Umada Soomaliyeed aayaheeda sii nabad leh bay aga tashanaaysaa.