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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. Resistance, Forgive me, kind sir, but I thought names had relevance. Umar was called Al-Faaroq because he divided between the Xaq and the Baatil. Abu Bakar was called Al-Sadeeq because he believed the Prophet when all others rejected him. Abu Jahal was called Abu Jahal because he was the father of ignorance. Shariif Ahmed is called Al-Khabeeth because of his khubth and makr. Do you see a pattern here ? Like I said, you need to change your name. Or your defeatist attitude. About Somalia, Shabaab already control almost all of South Somalia. They already control the TFG parliment headquarters in Baidoba. They already control the strategic port of Kismaayo. Mogadisho will be a similarly important addition. Waxba haku marmarsiyoonin "we will be invaded". According to that pathetic logic, Ethiopia should have never been resisted because resistance would only cause more death and suffering. A The ICU should have never taken over Mogadisho and Kismaayo in 2006 because the world would not allow a Islamic government to come to power. And now, the Islamists should not take over Mogadisho because "America will never allow it" Sorry, but this is the textbook description of a slave mentality, if it already wasn't clear to you. Everything you do or don't do is subject to the approval or denial of your feared masters. The sad thing is that people who think like you are deluded into thinking that their slave mentality is actually diplomacy and statesmanship.
  2. Fighting back: the locals and the government I have no problem with the fighting back part, but the use of 'locals' is a misnomer. What you're looking for is "The Moori.yaan of Cabdi Qaybdiid, Saciid Dheere, and Ina Shaaweeye". I know, it's a pretty long and unwieldy description, so I can understand why you would be tempted to use 'locals'. But they're not. They're Moori.yaan. Just like you. Birds of feather and all that. Let's try and be accurate here.
  3. Whats the purpose of overthrowing the Shariif government as America & co. will no doubt come to attack if the Shabaabs take over and then what There is a fundamental contradiction between your name Resistance/Al-Muqaaw ama and your defeatist attitude. In order to resolve this contradiction, either change your name to, say, Jaamac 'Appeaser' Chamberlain....... or change your attitude to match the spirit and resolve of Resistance. One has to go: your current attitude or your name. Question for you: Hadee aa ka tanaasushid some of your core princples and accept foriegn hegemony hoping to appease the Antarnashanal Kamoonity into not invading, what makes you think it's gonna stop there ? Do you not know that extortion and blackmail never recede but only increase ? If the mere threat of an Ethiopian re-invasion is already causing you to kneel and fold, maxaa ka nooshahay, abti ? All they have to do is say: Do this...or else we will invade you. And you'll do it right away ? Wake up, hombre, and smell the f'ing coffee. You are not a slave and this is not the 17th century for you to be taking marching orders from Master America. You are a Somali. You are Muslim. You are a Human Being. And You are a Free Man. Act like one.
  4. One thing is clear, all evils of the civil war and even during the 30-year existance of the Somali Republic will be corrected systematically and gradually . Meeji,This is why your secular-nationalist platform will forever be lodged in your forehead and never see the light of actualisation. Whereas all you have to offer the Somali people is 'gradual reform' under the heavy cog of government bureaucracy, the Islamists are and have been providing immediate and exacting justice. Gradually kulahaa. Homey, if somebody has stolen my farm, I want it back NOW, not gradually, not systematically: I want it back NOW. And you know the only force in Somalia capable of providing that immediate justice ? that exacting rule of law ? Doesn't need to be said. Every single reader of this forum knows exactly who and what that force is. It is only kibir and juxood on their part inay iska indho-tiraan. And the one definite cure for kibir and juxood is the karbaash. In a nutshell, this is why your secular-nationalist philosophy(admirable as it is in some parts) will remain only words and thoughts, while the Islamists will be welcomed by the masses everywhere they go.
  5. ^^ Good news then. Al-Turki, just like Abu Mansoor, is a unifying figure that all of Somali-dom can agree on.
  6. Al-aan xamiyal watees. Sarkaal Sarre oo ka tirsan Xisbul Islaam isla markaana ka gaabsaday in la shaaciyo Magaciisa ayaa u xaqiijyay Shabakadda Somalimirror in Sheekh Xassan Turki uu goordhaw ku soo beeganyahay Magaalada Muqdisho isla markaana ay ku jiraan Qaban qaabad soo dhaweyntiisa. Al-Turki accompanied by massive reinforcements: Sidoo kale Sarkaalkaasi ayaa waxa uu noo sheegay in Sheekha ay la socdaan Gurmadyo badan oo Raacoodii hore ay soo gaareen Duhurnimadan maanta Qeybo ka mid ah Muqdisho iyo nawaaxigeeda, waxuuna Hadalkiisa ku daray in Dhawaan Dowlada Sheekh Shariif Hogaaminayo ay Meesha ka saari doonaan. An ironic twist: Safarka Sheekh Xassan Turki ayaa noqonaya midkiisii 2-aad ee uu ku yimaado Magaalada Muqdisho waxaana uu sidan oo kale Gurmad ahaan ugu yimid xiligii Midowgii Maxaakiimta ay la Dagaalamayeen Isbahaysigii la dagaalanka Argagixisadda, iyada oo uu xiligaasi uu Gurmad u ahaa Sheekh Shariif oo Gudoomiye u ahaa MMIS, maanta uu Gurmad ka yahay isla Sheekh Shariif oo Madax u ah DKMG ah. Source Warkaan saaka soo yeeray oo ka so xiganay Somali Mirror, rag badan ayo ka farxiyay, rag kale'na ka naxiyay. Hadee aa ku farax'thay warkaan: Can I get a TAKBEEEEEEEEEEEEER Hadee aa ka naxthay warkaan: Shaahatil Wujooh, wa qabaxakallah wa akhzaak. Sabran Ahla Muqdisho, for victory is on the horizon, qaaba qowsayni oo adnaa. Patience, O people of Muqdisho and tomorrow brings the final expulsion of the men who have feasted on your weak and preyed on your poor. Patience, and you will never worry about being killed for a mobile phone or being raped by Kufaar mercenaries and Moori.yaan militia. Patience, and the 6 months of heaven you tasted under the banner of the Kitaab and the Sunnah will be back, inshallah. Wamaa thaalika calallahi bi cazeez. Dardaaran'keenu waa: Patience!
  7. ^^ I'm embarrassed now, abti. You make it sound like I'm the only person on SOL with a refrigerator. On a serious note, I hope you come prepared with something better than "You are calling for war while you sit in the comfort of your home". If that's the line of reasoning you're bringing, I got better stuff to do with my time...... like research and report on the latest defeats of the TFG......or how Kismaayo turned into a thriving city of commerce ever since the the Islamists took over. Some of us have a eye for the future and are working to get there. It's called a vision. A vision that liberated Kismaayo from the xaaraan ku nax qashin-qob moori.yaan you call "My Adeer Hiiraale" ........ to the peace and prosperity of Islamic governance. A peace and prosperity that Al-Jazeera news reported on the link provided above. And the exact same vision that will now liberate Mogadisho from the najaasah of the TFG & Amisom, the Isbahaysiga Kufaar'ta iyo Munaafiqeenta. Defeated little men like yourself, however, will always cling to petty one-liners like "You hate me" "You hurt my feelings" "You want people to die and suffer" Like I said, little men, wax macno yar ku fadhiyo.
  8. so how is he gona fight for it, unless aysan clanish ahayn You don't say! For real, yo ? Is it really true that sheekada inay clannish tahay ? Emperor, any observer of Somalia with more than 5 brain cells can tell you that the entire existence of the TFG(and it's supporters) is predicated on, nourished by, and dedicated to Qabyaalad and qabiil interests. Every 'wazeer' that is named, every bribe that is paid, every trip that is taken, is done under the auspices of Al-Qabiil. Cabdullahi Amxaar was kicked to the curb because of Qabiil. Shariif was brought in because of Qabiil. And he turn brought in that obese hack, Ina Sharmaarke, because of Qabiil. Marka, it's a bit naive of you to express astonishment that Shariif Al-Khabeeth would call his former employer and cousin, Maxamed Dheere, when the going got tough.
  9. Looks like they are lacking the fighting skills How much do you weigh ? Honestly now, how much do you weigh ? When you stand up, if you look straight down, are you able to see your feet ? Or is there some sorta round obstruction in the way ? You might wanna focus on those pertinent issues before commenting on the fighting skills of other. Looks like they lack fighting skills kulahaa. Waraa, akhyaartaan ayaakoo laafyoonaayo ayay Hargeyso kuugu imaanaayaan. You can deliver your assesment of their fighting skills in person then.
  10. Kismaayo-News out with another investigative piece that exposes the teetering TFG and how it has resorted to naked clan politics(in la isku habar wacdo, "alayaaay tolaay iga soo gaara" in it's final hours of existence in a desperate bid to stave off defeat. Abdullahi Yusuf is a suufi saint compared to the clan machinations of Shariif Al-Khabeeth Ahmed. Full article. Halkaasi waa laga sii talaabsaday oo Shariifka ayaa shaqsiyan u wacay Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) oo ay qaraabo yihiin , una sheegey in kursigiisa uu qiilqiil ku jirro ( ) , kana codsaday in maanta ay tahay maalintii uu garab uga baahnaa, haddii uu caawiyana uu u abaal gudi doono, wararka aan heleyno qaarkood waxay sheegayaan in Maxamed Dheere Dayuurad lagu keeney Xamar . Saxaafada qaar ayaa saacadihii ugu dambeeyey tabineysey in Shariifka uu kullan albaabada u laaban la leeyahay Maxamed Dheere , jiho wareer baddan ayaa ka jirra halka lagu jiheynayo Maxamed Dheere oo aan iminka gacanta ku heeynin wax awood ciidan ah, warar aanan la xaqiijinin ayaa ka hadlaya in laga yaabo in Maxamed Dheere loo magacaabo wasiir ku xigeenka Gaashaandhiga. Waxaa iyana jirta in rag ay ka midyihiin Xusseen Weheliye Cirfo , hogaamiye kooxeedkii heysan jirrey Afgooye looga yeerey gobolada dhexe, Qanyare , Muuse iyo Xaaraan Ku-naax ayaa dhamaantood hoos wax loogu sheegey, ayna muuqato in ay howlahooda qansanayaan. Marka loo fiirsado dhamaan astaamaha jirra, DKMG ah waxay taagantahay halkii dowladii ka horeeysey ee Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, taasoo ah in ay hesato oo kaliya xoogaa moori.yaan ah oo Cabdi Qeybdiid uu hogaamiyo , iyo kumanaan xabashi ah. On the Noble Muqaawama: Waxaa intaasi dheer in muqaawamada ay heeysato hub casri ah oo riddo dheer oo dhawaan dalka yimid, midowga Afrika ayaa hubkani ka calaacalay, hubkani waa mid liishaankiisu dheeryahay, waxaa ka mid ah gantaalo taangiyada dhalaaliya, arrintani waa walwalka ugu baddan ee heysta AMISOM , waxay xittaa wararku sheegayaan in hubka lidka dayuuradaha oo casri ah uu gacanta u galay muqaawamada Qorshaha rasmiga ah ee muqaawamada waa in markani ay galaan dagaal fool ka fool ah, waxayna joojiyeen qorshihii “ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq”, tani waxay ka turjumeysaa baaxada awoodooda, hubka ay heystaan iyo waliba dhiiranaanta ku jirta, waxay isu keeneen ciidamadii ugu badnaa oo laga fillan karay, waxay xittaa howlgaliyeen ciidamo gaar ah oo hoowshoodu ay kaliya tahay dagaal galinta, waxay ku xeeldheeryihiin dhanka muqaabaraadka. The TFG basturd that was conceived in the fleshpots of Nairobi by the devilish congregation of warlords and war criminals and that was delivered to Mogadisho on the back of Ethiopian tanks will be terminated once and for all in the coming few weeks and months. 2010 will dawn upon Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalaasha ah with a Islamic government operating in full swing, inshallahu tacaala.
  11. ^^ Care to explain how ? Kinda hard to discern much from a cryptic one-liner.
  12. ^^ They want to live in peace. The same peace enjoyed by the inhabitants of Kismaayo and Baidoa. Your position is noted.
  13. Speaking about digging through archives...... Abu Paragon of 2006 and 2007: The TFG and the Ethiopian brethren are engaged in constitutionalized thuggery. I am afraid nothing changes from their side and unless we get rid of them altogether , these gross abuses we get rid of them altogether . Qowleysato Paragon of 2008 and 2009(paraphrasing): I would welcome the return of Ethiopian troops if that means crushing the Islamists. Ethiopia is our better choice. I hope the America send in their AC-130s and Tomahawk cruise missles. We welcome the help of Moori.yaan warlords, past and present. Basically, we went to enlist the support of all of the enemies of Somalia in order to save Somalia. No, this is not a oxymoron. It's called high-level statesmanship and diplomacy Rab'banaa laa tuziq quloobanaa bacda ith hadaytanaa. Rab'banaa thabit quloobanaa calaa Deenaka, wa Kitaabaka, wa Sunnata Nabiyuka. Such is the hypocrisy that ensues when Man takes leave of his principles and concience and follows his shahawaat and ah'waa. On another note, Norf said: Very sad indeed. The worst thing is TFG supporters, ministers, parlimentarians and ambassadors (including the Peru ambassador) are not coming out to condemn anything. People in those positions should be doing the moral thing. And not suprisingly, today he is still condeming and calling on the TFG to do the moral thing. Uganadan troops rape Somali girls: Norf condemns it and writes a strongly-worded letter of censure to His Excellency President Museveni TFG burcad-shufto molest and man-handle Somali women while robbing them: Norf condemns it and picks up the phone and calls Sharif's represenatives in Dubai and delivers a severe tongue-lashing. He is promised the matter will be looked into and strongly investigated within 3 year's time. 116,000 sq km of Somali sea is sold to Kenya in broad daylight: Norf condemns it and sends a stern protest e-mail to the Office of Shaykh Shariif. It bounces back as 'Mailer-Daemon'. 30 years from now, when Somalia is a official UN trusteeship and UN soldiers turn Somalia into their sexual playground just as the British and the Italians did, my brother Norf(who i respect even as i disagree with) will still be 'doing the moral thing' and calling for 'peace and reconillation'. Norf-ow, Ebbe deen wuu ku baray, education-na wuu ku seeyay, xikmad'ne wuu kuu arzaaqay, adigu-se waxaas oo dhan waa ka kor tilaabsatay, xagaas iyo dhulinimo baa uu duruqtay, is dhabo-qabo, abti, soona laabo. Taasi'na waa nasteexa nin kaa naxaayo.
  14. ^^ Instead of tryna attain some sorta self-validation, what don't you draw parallels with the jihad in Mogadisho today ? Speaking of, you've been awfully 'neutral' about the current war to liberate Xamar. Where do you stand ?
  15. Athar(or Hadeeth, not sure): Af'dhalul jihaad kalimatu Xaq cinda Sultaan jaa'ir. The best of Jihad is word of Truth said in front of a Tyrant. Basically, speak truth to the Power. I swear the ladies of Code Pink have more Raganimo, Gobonimo, and Geesinomo than Sharif Ahmed, the Council of Scholars led by Basheer Salaad, and Xiin's Islaax party, all put together. Falaa naamat acyunal Jubanaa. May the eyes of cowards never find rest in sleep. When Sharif 'Al-Khabeeth' Ahmed went to prostrate himself in front of Meles Zenawi and beg for his support, did it ever cross his mind to hold Zenawi accountable for the Ethiopian genocide and occupation ? When he was grinning like a well-trained house nigger, did it occur to him to say a word of Truth to this Tyrant with the blood of tens of thousands on his hands ? Just a little bit of Xaq ? For the sake of the countless of Somali women raped, impregnated, molested, robbed, and killed by both the Ethiopian soldiers and their TFG cousins(led by Saciid Dheere and Cabdi Qaybdiid who are now the peaceniks heroes and last hope) ? Gun'nimo, as the poet said, is a shirt once worn becomes impossible to take off. Shariif Al-Khabeeth and his dayoosi peaceniks have worn the shirt of Gun'nimo since the Ja'Booty farce and every new day brings a new disgusting act of dhulinimo. And then you see the Code Pink ladies and your heart is filled with admiration and pride: There are men and women of Honour in all countries and across all spectrums, speaking truth to the power, whether by the pen, the tongue, or the sword. All hail the ladies of Code Pink.
  16. ^^ Magaca horta sax. It's not SL or PL. It's the Xabashi Protectorate of Smelly,land and the Tigray Colony of Pissland.. It's very important that we use accurate terminology when referring to the two Ethiopian puppet entities, in the interests of honest discourse. You're not the first to declare: "My Tol-land will never fall to the terrorists." Many others have said that before you and watched in disbelief as their Tol-towns and Tol-lands crumbled like crackers before the battering ram of Mujaahideen'ta Soomaliyeed. I suggest you drop the fake humanitarian posturing. Else, you're gonna force me to dig through the archives and show the world how much of a caring, loving soul you were when you and your Yusufite scum cheerleaded the Xabashi genocide in the spring of 2007.
  17. Kismaayo will never fall to these barbaric surwaalgaabs. Baidoa will never fall to these mindless lunatics. Merka will never fall to these fringe-puritans. Mogadisho will never fall to these anti-peace qaran-diids. :cool: Reality is hard to accept when you're a delusional peacenik or a despondent secular-nationalist witnessing the triumphant march of Islamist thoroughbreds all across Somalia. Denial is their first drug of choice. Qaylo-dhaan iyo in Gaalo madow iyo Gaalo Cad loo habar-wacdo is the second. Qul muutuu bi qaydhikum, yaa kilaab al-UN al-mascoorah. .
  18. ^^Good for you. I hope you're prepared for the homecoming party of Ina Godane and Abu Bakar Al-Zaylaci. No matter how much you try to distance gobolada Waqooyi Galbeed from the rest of Somalia, Ina Godane and Al-Zaylaci will be painful reminders that all of Somalia is forever inextricably bound by: One Deen, One Language, One God. There is no escaping the Islamist tsunami that is now engulfing Mogadisho.
  19. An article that examines and then answers Horn's question. Waxay u egtahay in Shariifka, Cumar Cabdirashiid iyo dhamaan inta ku xeeran ay si kalsooni ku jirto u dhexfadhiyaan Villa Soomaaliya xilli lagu xeeranyahay laguna sii durqayo, waa maxay isku halayntu? Maalmaha soo socda Xamar waxay marqaati ka noqon doontaa duqeyn xagga cirka ah oo aanan loo meeldayin, iyadoo taangiyada AMISOM ay kusoo guurguuran doonaan magaalada qeeybaheeda kale. Qorshahani waxa uu u egyahay kii lagu jabiyey Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan ee ugu dambeeyey horaantii qarnigii tagay , tani micnaheedu waxay tahay in haddii wax guul ah ay cadawga ka gaari waayaan talaabadani ugu dambeysa in ay si buuxda ugu kala dhexbixi doonaan Soomaalida. Read on
  20. More on the fate of C/Raxiin Cisse Caddow, official spokesman and senior leader of the Sharif-ite militia.
  21. ^ He has a doctorate in Aqeedah from the Harvard of Islamic higher education, Madeenah University. But being a highly educated, newly-ilbax, pencil-pushing bureaucrat working out of a cubicle, you wouldn't care about medieval studies that are useless in a modern world, would you now ? Come to grips with it: It's only a matter of weeks/months before Sharif Ahmed is sent to the refugee camps of Yemen to join his predecessor.
  22. AT&T, xanaaq'qa waxaa iga keenaayo how easily some of my former brothers were suckered and succumbed to the temptations of Beesha Caalam'ka. Waraa, Divide and Conquer is the oldest trick in the colonial playbook, but in the year 2009, the imperial powers are still able to find a bunch of spineless Uncle Toms to fulfil their agenda. WTF, yo ? How did things reach this level ? We were once brothers. Hal saf aa kuwada jirnay, hal dhinac aa wada istaagsanayn, we were on the cusp of uniting all of Somali-dom under Laa ilaaha ilaa laah. And then Antarnashanal Kamoonity, knowing that it was only the Islamists that had the credibility and acceptance from the shacab, dangled the trappings of power, money, and recognition to Sharwade Ahmed, who promptly shaved off his beard, exchanged his thowb for a Armani suit, and dropped all Islamic references. Somalia will never be playground for Imperial interests, be it that of Ethiopia or the West. Taas kuna soo kac, kuna seexo, kuna soo toos. Hadee aa iska dhadhicisay that it is acceptable to sacrifice Somali sovereignty in order to get recognition from the powers that be, my former comrade: You are dreaming. Even if Sharif manages to hold on Villa Somalia, once the West sees that he is a lame-duck militia leader with no influence, they will toss him aside like a dirty diaper, just as they did to Abdullahi Yusuf and pick another 'clean new face' to carry out their agenda. And you know the sad thing, AT&T ? You and your peacenik simpeltons will fall for that 'clean new face', just as you have fallen for Sharwade Ahmed, and Nur Cadde before him, and Ali Gheedi before him, and Abdullahi Yusuf before him. Once a gullible simpleton, always a gullible simpelton, ilaa man raxima Rab'bii. NG, interesting that you should say that. Just yesterday I had conversation with this dude from Gabon that went along those lines. He was basically saying that EVERYBODY in politics, sooner or later, will be forced to bow down to the powers that be and kiss the ring. I disagree, I'll expound upon those themes in another thread, inshallah
  23. ^^ And you are relishing the spectre of clannist warlords trying to defend their 'hometowns' against the rampaging Shabaab 'extremists' ? Lol. Go ahead, abti. Start making dhikri to Abdulqaadir Jaylaani to save Beled-weyne, Jowhar, and Hiraan from Xarakatul Shabaab Al-Mujahideen. Let me know if Abdulqaadir answers you. What you are witnessing, yaa Meeji, is the firig-firig'ta iyo rafashada of a goat that is just about to be slaughtered. The goat that is being slaughtered in Xamar today is the goat of Warlord qurun and Islaaxi puppets. Rafasho will not avail you. Mohamed Dheere will not avail you. Dabageed will not avail you. And Abdulqaadir Jaylaani will not avail you. Believe that. Waa maqashay aan umalaynaa that Shabaab took over Buulo-berde, right ?
  24. ^^ Your feet are in the fire, abti. Wiggling will only make it hurt. You made a loud-mouthed assertion, all I asked you to do was back it up. Can you do that ? You stated that Eritrea is sending weapons and money to Mujahideen. Prove it. It's a very simple request. Prove it.
  25. ^^ Let me get something out of the way: The TFG started this war. They and they alone are solely responsible for all the death and destruction that has ensued. Cumar Xashi, Ciise Caddow, and Cabdi Qaybdiid have all been foaming at the mouth over the past month threatning war on what they call the 'forigners in our midst'. To top that off, they attacked a Shabab convoy and attempted to assasinate a Shabab field commander, twice, after the first assasination attempt failed. After that they attacked a Xisbul Islam base. These are facts reported by pro-sharif sites, so if you're are going to contest them, I really don't see what there is to debate about. Again, let me reiterate: Shaykh Sharif's TFG deliberatly started this war, both verbally by inciting qabyaalad and kooxaysi, and by attacking a Shabaab and Xisbul Islaam base. Let's get that out of the way. Now I'd like to dissect something you said: Those who have not given peace and reconciliation a chance (AS and co.) using various excuses to oppose Sheikh Sharif and his govn't are the wrongdoers(feel free to prove me wrong here). Give peace and reconillation a chance ? Brah, what the heck is a vauge phrase like that supposed to mean ? 'Peace and reconcilliation' is a talking point, not a specific tangible. It's a malleable piece of clay-putty that you can mould to suit your desires. For example, it can mean: -Accept my government....or else I will brand you as evildoers and wrongdoers(as you just did above). -Accept the presence of Ugandan soldiers impregnating Somali women.....or else I will brand you as intransigent extremists(as your fellow peaceniks put it) -Accept the former warlords and war criminals to be honourable ministers.... or else I will call you fringe-anarchists and enlist the help of Ethiopia to fight you. Give peace and reconcillation a chance ????? HOW ??? How exactly do you want the Mujahideen to 'give peace and reconcillation a chance' ? Mida labaad, let me flip it on you: Why has Shariif refused to talk to the Mujahideen ? Forget Al-Shabaab, why has he refused to sit down and talk with Cumar Iimaan and Aweys when they are in the same damn city ? Why can he fly to Addis Abbaa and Nairobi to meet with CIA agents and Meles Zenawi....but he will not fly to Kismaayo. Or Baidoba. Or Merka. I'd appreciate tangible specifics this time. Xiin waxa aa kula dagaalay waa this feel-good rosy buzzwords that mean nothing but surrender and submission to the Antarnashanal Kamoonity.