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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. I think the lives and peace of Galkacyu, Mudug and Puntland is worth any mistake . One thing I respect about you Duke is you speak your mind, without worrying about how you will sound to others. If this was wretched peaceniks like Xiin or Paragon, they would have written post after post trying to 'explain away' this incident and 'provide the proper background' and 'we have to change the system from within' bullshit. Why all that laf wa dooraan ? Because they know what they support(Puntland) is infamy incarnate. So they gotta 'sell it' by dropping a few words of Arabic here, and couple of other gabays from Sayyid-ka there, and cap it off with a few twenty-dollar words. Not you. You call it as you see it. Respect. I appreciate candor in my opponents. It's a cool breeze in a world where bullshit is flung left and right.
  2. come to Puntland, you will be dealt with Duke, That's exactly what Shaykh Hotel, Goobaale, Ina Shaaweeye, Cabdulqaadir Cali, Cabiraxeem Ciise said........ right before 98% of Mogadisho was liberated from TFG rule. Bravado ---> Hubris ---> Humiliating defeat. Furthermore, I think all of us here are well aware of the legendary cowardice of Puntland militia. I mean, it would be cruel of me to remind you what happened to Af-Gaduud, and the Las Canood debacle. If that's how quickly you crumble against pathetic clan militia, how in the world will you cope with the battle-hardened veterans of Iidaale, Daynoonay, and countless of other battles with the forces of Kufr & Nifaaq ? But let's focus on the topic: What are your views on the capture, at the behest of Ethiopia, of Haashim Mursal Daahir ?
  3. His name is Haashim Mursal Daahir. He is a 20 year old youth hailing from Qalaafe, who came to Galkacyo fleeing Ethiopian persecution and in pursuit of working honorably by the sweat of his brow. Three weeks ago, he was snatched, without word or explanation, from his workplace by the PISS(aka pieces of shit aka Puntland Intelligence Service Slaves). And his family now fear he may be 'deported' to the outstretched arms of Ethiopian Torture Central. His crime ? a) Looking like a wadaad b) being from Somali Galbeed c) Not being a proper slave of Ethiopia. Hence, his seizure, torture, and likely rendition to our beloved ally, neighbor and friend, Mother Ethiopia. You can read more about Haashim and his plight here. Typical peacenik response: "No, no, no, no. Wait a second, pal. You got it all twisted with your fact-based reporting, ok ? Any fool can quote facts. It's takes a true wadani to ignore those facts and focus on our wishes. We in Pissland fully support Maamul-ka Pissland ee Muqadas-ka ah. Incidents like this may happen frequently, but it does not lessen from the greatness of our beloved Pissland and our able administration led by His Excellency Pirate and Money-printer Faroole together with his Maakhiri gacan-yare Rat-Teeth, who are leading us onwards to even greater heights than we reached under the leadership of Beer-dhoofaar Cabdullahi Amxaar(hey, it rhymes!). So don't you come here with that "Somali-Muslims are being handed over to Ethiopia" nonsense !! What gall ! All we did and are doing is repatriate a) Ethiopian-Somalis and b) wanted terrorists, to their designated venues" And some wide-eyed simpletons wonder why Al-Shabaab will invade 'peaceful areas' that have 'effective admins' like PL & SL. Yup, peaceful areas. Not for Haashim Mursal Daahir. Not for countless of other innocent Somalis whose names and fates are unknown. But Allah(SWT) knows them. And Allah(SWT) sees them. As you sow, you shall reap. A lesson that the leaders and supporters of SL & PL shall soon discover when it's too late. How late, you ask ? Um, like "sitting in Yemen under house arrest" kinda late.
  4. ikhawatul khawana wal khanaazeer meel walba ma gasho badow yaho I hear you, abti, laakin I insist that it's an accurate epithet for TFG supporters. I used it to describe Yey/Gheedi TFG supporters yesterday. It remains as accurate today for Sharif/Sharmaarke TFG supporters. About the ruling, if true, I think it's ridiculous. We're facing bigger problems in Somalia than to worry about whether a man and a woman come into physical contact when sitting on a bus I just didn't like the tone of our new nomad Twisted Logic/RR who's visiting us from another forum where his views are a bit more, how should I say, explicit in the clannish sense. Seems like SOL golden rules are crimping his style.
  5. ^^ For the sake of discussion, let's say you're right and I'm wrong. Let's say they banned sports purely because of religious/social reasons.(not agreeing with this depiction at all, just tryna move the discussion forward) So what ? Do you honestly believe this is a 'huge threat' ? Not being able to play soccer ? In a time of war ? You really think this 'infringes' on your Freedom ? Come on, abti. Out of all the immense challenges facing Umada Soomaliyeed, where would you rank "not being able to play soccer" Top 10 ? Do you think it's more important than the freedom to walk outside and not get raped ? What about the freedom to go to work and not get killed for a mobile phone worth 20 bucks ? What about the freedom of going to the mosque without getting snatched and sent to torture chambers ? Do any of those freedoms mean anything to you ? I can understand how banning sports may look petty or even i.diotic to some. But given where we are as a people and as a country, it's a non-issue.
  6. Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : Amazing people still support these demonic groups Amazing that in the year 2009, you're still swimming in the sewage of clan owr-kacsi and you're still fishing from the same fetid river of "Alaayaaaay Tolaaay iga soo gaara" failure. Whassa matta, boss ? I thought that approach failed miserably in '91 ? Mase it's a case of can't teach a old dog new tricks ? No problem, abti. Your wailings have been heard, and it shall be answered forthwith: If there is one thing that the Sons of Somalia specialise in, it is the spectacular destruction of clan hubris. The day is not long when you will be seen on these boards squealing like a stuck pig on the humiliating annihilation of your clan militia. Ask Horn/Gabbal, he has alotta experience in coping with the grief of watching the Tol milita crumble like dust, from the dint of the crushing blows of Mujaahideenta Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalasha(which you, given your status as a barking dog of the Antarnashanal Kamoonity, are not a part of. That's right. By standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Walad Cabdalla and Meles Zenawi, you have forfeited your Somali citzenship.) Jowhar is gone. Mahaaday is gone. 98% of Xamar Caday is gone. Shabelle Dhexe is gone. With the fall of Beled-wayne, the conquest of Hiiraan shall be complete. Aynal Ma'far ? Where will you flee to ? Your Tolaaaaaaaay Hooogaaaay Baa'aaaay will flood the airwaves as you call for 'qaaraan' and 'gurmad' and 'gas and ammunition(lol) from the Tol-ka. But the Tol-ka will respond: "Maandhow, the age of clan owr-kacsi is over. We have been crushed by the Islamists. It's over. Let us reminisce on our heydays of dhil, dhac, and kufsi. Let us cry rivers of bitter tears on the memory of heroic Halyeeys of M.Dheere, Cabdi Qaybdiid, Bashiir Raage, Saciid Jalle, and Cabdi Waal. (Note: all of the aforementioned CIA-funded Moori.yaan leaders have been deemed the Somali equivalent of Khaalid bin Waalid, Companion of the Prophet(PBUH) by no other 'authority' than his His Eminence Al-Calaamah "We must expel the foriegn hordes from Gedo, Bakool, Toghdeer, Zaylac, Jubba" Shaykh Janaqow.) I feel sorry you, abti, but this is the life you and your wretched kind, graduates from the school of Tol'ism, have chosen. May you readily reap the fruits of your actions and your positions. Khaaba ma'waakum yaa ikhawatul khawana wal khanaazeer.
  7. What about trading our freedom for security under a Alshabab/Xisbi Islam dictatorship in which people can not even do sports let alone enjoy other freedoms? Although I think Al-Shababa made a mistake with the sports-banning decree, it isn't without precedent nor is it irrational. Look at the conduct of so-called 'democratic' governments of the 'Free World' in World War II. The reasoning behind tight goverment restrictions was directing the effort of the whole nation into the war campaign. Al-Shabaab has done nothing less. Nor have they locked up TFG sympathizers by the thousands and jailed them in internment camps for that matter. Don't be like desperate TFG peaceniks who are blowing the sports-banning decree out of porportion. Under Shareeca law, you can do whatever the heck you want(yes, that includes throwing wild drunken parties with strippers) in the privacy of your home. But the minute you take that degeneracy public, is when you're gonna be whipped like a dog(to the indignation of human rights group who will go on hunger strikes to protest your karbashing. Meanwhile, 200 civillians will be blown to pieces in a cruise missle strike. Human rights groups = Complete and utter silence.) So to answer your question, yes, Security and Liberty can and will go hand in hand once foreign hegemony and Somali puppets are eradicated from Somali soil. There will be no compromise on this matter. Don't worry, abti. Soon as the war is over, sports will be back. And the barking dogs of Ethiopia and the UN will be robbed of another talking point, or should I say barking point.
  8. “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” This quote, attributed to Benjamin Franklin, is a historical and universal constant, aka Sunan Al-kowniyah. What the alliance of Kufr & Nifaaq(Ethiopia, the TFG, the AU the UN) is telling the Somali people is this: "Do you want peace and security ? Do you want a permenant break from the churn of constant warfare ? Then all you have to do is get on your knees and make sujood to us. Now, you don't have to do so literally(cuz that might make things obvious to the gullible masses), but as long as you accept your position as maxkoomiin, those who have been conquered and will be governed, we're cool. Do not aspire to the laughable notions of Gobonimo or Freedom. Since we are stronger than you and we are mightier than you, it makes sense for you to accept us as your Masters and Commanders, fait accompli. As for this archaic, caveman-like philosophy that you call Islam and Shareeca, Ok, if it will help you trick and control your gullible masses, we'll let you use it, but don't ever forget: the final word on anything Shareeca or Islam related belongs to us. Your first orders: Removing erey-ga Jihaad ama Halgan from the Somali lexicon. That's the trade-off: We will take your Freedom, your Islam, your very identity........... and in return.....we will stop killing you, we will stop funding and supporting those who rape, kill, and plunder you, we will give you peace and security. Just make sure you get on your knees and make sujood. To us. Now. Get on your knees and the world will embrace you. Get on your knees and the IMF and the World Bank will give you billions of dollars in aid((which you will later have to repay at a of rate 33%, compound interest). Get on your knees, lower your heads, cede Somali Galbeed to Mother Ethiopia, hand over anybody and anything we damn please. Why ? Cuz we're gonna give you peace and security. Well, friends, for every b!tch-made faggot(and there are plenty of them on this forum, let alone ardul-waaqic) who would accept such a disgraceful proposition, for every lowbred, lowborn maggot who would jump at a chance to serve the Enemies of Somalia, there are thousands upon thousands of thorougbreds who have sworn oaths of fealty,unto the death to stand fast on the Road of Resistance untill FULL FREEDOM is achieved first, peace and security will only then follow. And until such day, friends, the dust will never settle and the Alliance of Moori.yaan and Munaafiqeen will never rest in peace.
  9. ^^ You lie, Sir. Either that or you're blind. They are all evidently in their late teens and twenties. Try harder. The "brainwashed kids are waging this war" has already been covered by people more desperate than you.
  10. ^^ Thank you, Sir. I will take your advice into consideration. But I must need tell you: You can't knock my boys without me coming after you..... hard. Some folks have a tendency to pop off the mouth online, say stuff they wouldn't say to people's faces, so I'm just keepin' people honest and accountable with the Kashafa Karbaash. That's all.
  11. Ignorant, brainwashed young men, who do not even know waxee u dagaalamayaan, ka dagaalamayaan. Brainwashed, huh ? Very rich, coming from a H & M skinny-jeans wearing, Starbucks-sipping, newly-ilbax preppie wannabe. The freedom fighters of Somalia need no defense. In the words of Abu Dujaanah Al-Soomaali : For they are doing what you, O Coward, cannot do. Sissy boys who would rather give up their wives to the Ethiopians than stand and fight like Free Men will never understand what it means to live, fight, and die for principles. Say it with me: May the eyes of Cowards never find rest in sleep. Abu Dujaanah: The amount of people expressing their unreserved abhorrence for Al-Shabaab has become transparent here over the time they’ve began their pursuit. These people, often in the comfort of their western homes, come up with all sorts of explanations to justify their innate weakness. A disease is in their hearts – a disease that gnaws at their insides as each day passes by and though they are not oblivious to the truth, they simply turn a blind eye to the state of affairs
  12. Meeji, I agree, Cara made some excellent anthropological observations, observations that I would appreciate in any other time but this: A time of war. Shit happens in war. Deal with it. And I guess you conveniently skipped over this part of my post: I do not have to remind you of the Shabaab soldier who mistakenly killed a civilian. The family of the victim were given a choice: blood money or qisaas. They chose qisaas. Qisaas was carried out. Case closed. No fanfare. No baqbaqlayn. No hantatac. Justice shabaabi style. This sworn dedication to justice is why Al-Shabaab will win.(inshallah) And why all the other forces arrayed against them will lose.(inshallah)
  13. ^^ double-posted, abti, was responding to Sherban in the other thread. Aniga iyo khal-khal kala dheer laakin
  14. ^^ A show of guts for once. Brave man. I just wish you'd come out with it earlier. I assume they became takfiiris once they opposed the Sharif-TFG, but they were, in your words, noble knights of Somalia and the brave boys of Al-Shabaab when they were spilling the blood of Ethiopian troops and TFG-Yey militia ? Your hypocritical contradictions are amazing. A quick archives search will turn up a multitude of comments of you not only praising Al-Shabaab, but their leaders, and their manhaj as well . Wait, let me guess: You have 'evolved' in your thinking. You've decided to run for the office of Somali liaison to the Mayor of Minneapolis so you've recently discovered the virtues of 'moderation'. Al-Shabaab haven't changed their stance. They fought Yey yesterday(and exiled him) and so they fight Shariif Al-Khabeeth today(and will soon exile him). The man who is guilty of flip-flopping and which the reading audience expects a thorough explanation is you, friend. Geesinimada aa kaga jawaabtay su'aashayda la imow, and give us a explanation. Lol@xaluufi saghiir, don't know what it means but it sure sounds funny.
  15. But that doesn't mean it's gonna be a bed of roses under their new "caliphate". I never said it was gonna be all pure, sweet, and holy. And I never said I support Al-Shabaab in everything they do. Search the archives and you'll see my criticism of them for destroying grave-shrines and for the "we're gonna shoot down any airplane that uses the airport" stunt. Don't be a intellectually bankrupt fraud like Xiin and resort to pigeon-holing your opponents when they come equipped with superior arguments. All I'm saying is: -Those who opposed Yey and the Ethiopians are principle-bound and honour-bound to oppose and fight against Shariif and the Ugandans. - The Sons of Somalia, defined as: any Somali-Muslim who takes up arms in defense of Deenta, Dadka, and Dalka, regardless of ideology represented primarily by Shabab/Xisbul Islam are(pay attention here) the only group in Somalia with a cohesive and sustainable model of governing AND a vision for the future. Those are the two main points I've been making these past coupla days. Now you may say: Well, Kash, that's all fine and dandy, but don't I, Sherban, have a say in the future of my country? Don't I get a voice in the direction my country takes? And the answer to that is: Damn straight you do. But that voice and that say comes after the country is liberated, not only from foreign forces, but from clan militia funded by those foreign forces. You don't get to sit by the f'ing sidelines while war rages, stoked by the foreign powers, and nitpick about 'civil rights' and 'harsh societal rules'. The Sons of Somalia are adamant in taking back their country, Sherban. They'd love to have you along; this is your country and your people too, but if you turn your nose at them, well, it's your loss.
  16. ^^ I'll look and see if Al-Jazeera English has a similar report and will post it if i find it.
  17. ^^ Forget about me for a second. I want to hear you say Al-Shabaab is a takfeeri movement as you cowardly insinuated above. Your answer will determine alot. Do you have the guts to state outright your ugly insinuation ? Waiting.
  18. ^^ Waraa kaalay, I'm still waiting on you to actually read the Al-Jazeera article on Kismaayo.... or admit that you just looked at the pictures. See camal, abti. Xoog miyaa meesha ? Carabiga mala qasbaa ?
  19. ^^ I'm laughing at that takfiir label because it's a sign on your part of desperation and senility, abti. I'm also laughing because it's the favorite debating weapon of Islaax 'professionals' oo hoosta ka galaan Ethiopia iyo Gaalo oo idil. You're not the first Islaaxi I've debated with Jokes aside tho, xamdulilah, not takfeer, never was takfeer, I am a Somali-Muslim who refuses to be dictated to by the same foreign forces that divided me and my people into 5 colonies way back in 1884. I am of my people, the Somali-Muslims of the Horn of Africa. And I promise you this: This war will not end until you weep bitter tears on the demise of your fifth column Islaaxi philosophy. Your humanitarian posturing is as fake as your approving silence when Ethiopian troops cross the (fake) border or when the Ugandans shell Bakaaraha.
  20. ^^ Last refuge of a defeated Islaaxi: Call his opponent a Takfiri. You're losing it, old man. Note to self: He dodged the tamkiin question. Fulaynimo must be part of his heritage in conjunction with d.h.a.b.o.d.h.i.l.if .n.i.mo.
  21. Priority #1, rid Somalia off alshabaab and whoever behaves like them. Peace making shall take the back seat As I asked Mr. Somali Empire before you: You and what xaninyo? Al-Shabaab is the future, and you, old man, are the dying past, trying to stay relevant by clinging on the coat-tails of Ethiopia, the African Union, and the so-called Beesha Caalam'ka. Furthermore, to seal your infamy, on a day Ethiopian troops are making their way to Beled-wayne, you have called your Somali-Muslim brethren the enemy. In other words, Ethiopians and Ugandans are less of a danger(actually more like awliyaa) to you than the Mujahideen. I don't consider you to be my enemy(anymore). I consider you, as I've told you before, a dying breed of the dying past. My quran has clearly articulated preference for nonviolence over violence especially amongst Muslims. My quran does not encourage unnecessary conflict to pursue mechanical retribution. Brah, I know you're doing your best to 'sound moderate' and all but there's no need to sell yourself that bad. Your mental, political, and spiritual deterioration is bad enough without seeing you embarrass yourself by (almost) rejecting the concept of jihad in Islam. What, you want a moderate Muslim of the year award for that ? attain tamkiin (if you know what it means Oh, I'll raise you one better. I'll give you a pictorial representation of tamkiin: Take a look at that picture, my Islaaxi professional. Have the Islaax/Ikhwaan weaklings ever attained Tamkiin of that magnitude ? Answer the question, abti, stop staring at your feet all of a sudden. Khaaba ma'waakum. Disgraced in life, waad arki doonta in raali-galinta Gaalo liiban aadan weligaa ku gaaraynin.
  22. GoldCoast, I refuse to legitimize your "Ethiopia is arming the TFG and Eritrea is arming the Opposition, so all is fair and equal" baloney. Sorry, pal. Just can't grace that with a response. Eritrea is not arming the Mujahideen. But even if it were, it would be fully justified because both of our interests are in alignment. This does not constitute 'seeking protection' of the Gaalo. Those who are seeking protection of the Gaalo are those who are cowering behind Ugandan Tanks and guiding Ugandan artillery to civilian neighborhoods. The Sons of Somalia that now control a third of the Somali land mass are a wholly organic, Somali-led, Somali-run, Somali-financed movement. Attempting to drag their name in the mud and charging them with taking orders from Asmara is as much a failure as Sharif Ahmed's 'presidency'(lol). I'm sure tho that you will concede that the TFG is from it's inception uptil now a Ethiopian project, correct ? Seriously, yo, you need to come up with better talking points. This one is a non-starter.
  23. ^^ You make some good points, Cara, but my view still remains: Shit happens. Deal with it. If this incident is true, the UN will be compensated for their losses. End of story. If ur tryna politicize this, as the defeated nomads of SOL are doing, let me tell you that Somalia is facing bigger issues than petty pot-shots taken at the men who are liberating it as we speak. The fact of the matter is these men do in fact hold themselves to a higher standard, which is I guess what gets your goat and makes you pounce on this piece of news like "AHA!!! I have found ONE inconsistency !!!!" I do not have to remind you of the Shabaab soldier who mistakenly killed a civilian. The family of the victim were given a choice: blood money or qisaas. They chose qisaas. Qisaas was carried out. Case closed. No fanfare. No baqbaqlayn. No hantatac. Justice shabaabi style. Far cry from your civilized armies that freely rape, murder, and pillage in the name of spreading democracy and then can enjoy court cases that take 40 years of appeals and counter-appeals and are finally dismissed because the statute of limitations has expired. Try harder, Cara. This petty potshot at Al-Shabaab just doesn't cut it.
  24. I was going over these ayahs earlier and I noticed how they described those who seek protection, succor, and strength from the Antarnashanal Kaamoonity while harbouring hatred and nifaaq in their hearts towards their Somali-Muslim brethren. . Sadaqallahu wa man axsanu minallahi qeelaa. Were Shaykh E-Nuri of Soft waano here to give us a detailed lecture on the ayahs above and the clear injunctions against allying yourself with Gaalo against Muslims. No amount of fatwa'ing and Holy Scholar'ing will change the clear-cut meaning of those ayahs. It is clear to anybody who can read Arabic. Xiin, intaa shaydaanka iska naartid, ayaadahaas kor ku xusan soo aqri, tafseer'keeda na soo baar. Markaas ilaahay oo towbad-keen, waayo qar xun aa saaran tahay, wouldn't wish meesha aa saarantahay on a enemy, yo.