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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. Sh. Hotel is doing exactly what AY was doing and, therefore, logic dictates that those who opposed AY will readily oppose Sh. Sharif! Mese sheekadiino waa qabiil? Kismaayo news has a article that elaborates on the above. It's probably the most devastating indictment of Shariif Ahmed and his supporters that I've read. Must read for all.
  2. Bilaal, I am very surprised that the same brother who eloquently destroyed the TFG's arguments in 2006 and 2007, the same brother who penned this post, would now give his (implicit) support to the TFG of Cabdi Qaybdiid, Mohamed Dheere, Saciid Dheere, and Cumar Xashi. Oh how the noble have fallen. Xataa anta yaa Bilaal ??!! Wayxaka yaa Bilaal! Do you see no evil in these pictures ? Or is it a case of see-no-evil hear-no-evil and speak-no-evil ? Wayxaka yaa Bilaal! Are you so blinded by this dunya that you have chosen to conveniently ignore Meles Zenawi's full-throated support for his puppet. and the puppet of the so-called Beesha Caalam'ka ? What more 'proof' do you require ? Wayxaka yaa Bilaal! Are you so short-sighted and so taken by the superficial appearance of events that you fail to see the TFG of today is worse and more dastardly than the TFG of yesterday ? For this TFG wears the guise of theological legitimacy when there is nothing but Kufr and Nifaaq to be had. Wayxaka yaa Bilaal! Do you have it in you to tell me and the readership with a straight face that this Gaalo-concoction conceived in Nairobi and given birth to as a bast.tard in Ja'Booty is a Islamic government ? Are you even willing to make the case that it is a Islamically palatable government ? Wayxaka yaa rajul!! Alaa tacqil ? Alaaa tubsir ? Wayxaka yaa Bilaal! Where were you when Somali soil & sea were signed away to Ethiopia & Kenya ? Abdullahi Yusuf & Ali Gheedi never even dreamed of doing that in their heydays of puppethood. And let the truth be told, treasonous as they are, they have been surpassed in criminality, in khubth, and in makr by Shariif Ahmed and his puppet Admin. And then you have the audacity to say this: You will not find a single religious argument against Sharif's administration What manner of proof do you require if you look at the shining Sun and inquire: is it day or night ? Will you readily dispense with all these indictments and brush under the so-called dirin where Warlords and former Islamists hug and dance under the shade of Ugandan Tanks ? Alaa tacqil yaa Rajul ? Alaa tubsir yaa Akhi ? The latest reports from the ground state that Sharif Ahmed is fully aware and supportive of the Ethiopian troops invading Balad-wayne. And you dare ask me for 'religous proof' against Shariif Al-Khabeeth and his Gaalo-financed, Gaalo-founded, Gaalo-supported entity ? Brotherman akhi, those of us who took a principled stand against Yey, must take that exact same stand against Sharif. Otherwise, you are declaring your stand yesterday to be one of convenience. You'll have plenty of company: Xiin, Jujie, Theirry, Paragon, and AT&T have all been exposed on these forums as being lowborn organisms fully on board the Antarnashanal Kaamoonity's onslaught to subdue the Free Somalis of the Horn of Africa. They have their different reasons. Some are supporting Shariif because of clan, others because of jago-doon and influence, while others cannot stomach to see an Islamic state rise from the ashes of statelessness. Whatever your motivations are, as I told each and every one of them: Make your bed. And then sleep in it. Choose well. Sleep well. For the morrow brings ever more heartburn and heartache.
  3. ^^ Duly noted, abti. This thing called multi-tasking is a gift.
  4. ^^ . Good point. Sayfta aa gal'ka iga baxsan. I should make use of the scabbard when the sayf isn't called for. I thought you were rejoicing in the false report of Godane's injury. Other nomads, defeated nomads, were parading this news yesterday and doraad, hence my calling this latest report desperate.
  5. ^^ Good. So when the Islamic State of Somalia is announced, I expect you to be a enthusiastic supporter and I also expect you to come back to the homeland to volunteer your knowledge and expertise in your particular field. Let us not forget we have a country to rebuild after this necessary war of liberation is over.
  6. ^^ Don't showcase your desperation. This has already been 'reported' two days ago by similarly desperate nomads. The report is false. inside sources tell Garowe Online. Garowe Online editors are known to read SOL. They probably picked it up from one of the peacenik SOLs desperate for 'good news'.
  7. You have not even answered the question Yes I did. I'm neither a representative of Shabaab/Xisbul Islam nor am I psychic for me to know HOW AND WHEN A AMIIR WILL BE CHOSEN. Even they themselves don't know that at this point. Why ? Because they're busy wiping out the last remaining shreds of Gaalo-raac'yaal. I gave you my personal preferences based on me being a Somali stakeholder citizen planning for the future of his country, no more, no less. You did a better job with the second part of the question limiting yourself unfortunately to a compare and contrast that I would think would be naive when applied to the whole of Somalia rather than a town in the south. Like I said, I like to deal with specifics. I gave you a specific situation of leadership conflict and how it was resolved peacefully. Whereas in the warlords days and even in the TFG, blood would flow in streams. Kismaayo region not only has millions of inhabitants , but is a direct microcosm of the complex and intricate nature of Somalia due it's diverse clan constituencies, therefore it's actually naive of you to neglect it's significance and call it a town in the south. That exact same model of conflict resolution will be magnified and implemented all over Somalia. Who do you support in the current conflict ? Straight answer please. P.S.: Saying: "Nobody, I support the Somali people" is a cop-out answer I will not accept.
  8. Come on saxib. Give it a go. Let me hear what your justifications for this war are. As I said on the other thread: Basically put: The primary impetus for waging war currently is the due to the Gaalo-run, Gaalo-financed, and Gaalo-concoted TFG . And war will be waged on it and any such Gaalo-allied entities until they are dismantled and a Islamist admin is set-up. Xalaal iyo Xaaraan hal meel ma wado dago. Naathaafat iyo Najasaaah hal weel ma wado qaado. Somalia cannot have two systems of governance that are polar opposites. There cannot be a system of Islam in Kismaayo and a system of Kufr & Nifaaq in Mogadisho. The men who have been pillaging my country, raping my people, selling my scholars to intelligence agencies around the world like cattle, and relinquishing Somali soil & sea cannot and will not be left in power to enjoy the fruits of treason, genocide, and grand criminality. If it is OK by you to give Cabdi Qaybdiid and Saciid Dheere ministerial positions, some of us will not rest until they are either six feet under or in exile. Furthermore, the Sons of Somalia could not stand by and watch more African and UN troops invade the country under the pretext of 'peacekeeping'. They had to strike. They did. And very soon they will mop up the last remaining strongholds of the TFG dhaboqhoodis. If this endeavor takes years and years, so be it. Is that good enough reason/justification , yaa Muhandis Norf ?
  9. In the event that Somalia falls to al-shabaab/Xisbul Islam how will the Amir be choosen? - Consultation - Vote - Council of Leaders - Divination [i kid I kid [/indent] Personally, I would prefer a system of elected representatives. But again, that's my personal preference, which we will reach gradually. But for the short-term(next 5-10 years), the country needs centralized leadership that will provide a no-nonsense approach to governing. The Islamist can, will, and have provided that leadership, and that's the model Somalia will be run by for the short-term. And in the event that the choice does not have the support of a certain Islamic faction how will opposition be expressed Excellent question. You see, abti, when the current Maamul of Kismaayo was announced, a certain Islamist commander(with a sizeable force) wasn't happy.(I think his name Abu Zeynab(Shugri) Matter of fact, he was livid. He felt that his men were left out of the governance. So for a few days, he show his displeasure by giving interviews to the various media outlets where he spoke quite strongly against the Kismaayo governing make-up. But that's all he did. And to be more accurate, that's all he could do . For if he went before his men and said: Let us attack Kismaayo. They would ask him: What for ? And if he said: For us to take power. They would say: So you want us to fight and shed blood so you can sit in power ? Is this the teachings of our faith ? Did we fight the Kufaar and the Munaafiqeen just so that we could fight for power among us. Come here, you ingrate rebel. You'll be slapped in chains and sent to Kismaayo" Unlike the average rabble qashin-qob militia fighter in the TFG or the Ahlul Sun wal Jinni, your average Mujaahid is a thinking, discerning soldier fully cognizant of the principles and teaching of Islam. He knows exactly why the current war on the TFG is a imperative-must ; Yet he also knows jago-doon and power-hunger when he sees it. This is why almost all of the former Maxaakiim forces either defected to Al-Shabaab or laid down their arms and didn't fight. They would not fight for a Munaafiq like Shariif Al-Khabeeth nor would they stand side-by-side with Moori.yaan qashin like Cabdi Qaybdiid and Saciid Dheere. Basically put: The primary impetus for waging war currently is the due to the Gaalo-run, Gaalo-financed, and Gaalo-concoted TFG. And war will be waged on it and any such Gaalo-allied entities until they are dismantled and a Islamist admin is set-up. Should any disagreements happen between the Islamist leadership, it will be handled the exact same way the Kismaayo disagreement was handled, through is-faham, iyo af-garasho. Notice that I am providing you with concrete examples of actual occurrences, and not just talking out of my rear end(which is a popular technique for many here). The days of waging war for power and the kursi are over. The Xukm of Islam is here.
  10. Guul iyo Gobonimo for the Mujaahideen Gacals. Xiin, my defeated abti, while you are scheming and inciting clan strife to 'retake' Jowhar, Xarakutul Shabaab Al-Mujaahideen has already announced a Maamul(administratio n) in Jowhar, so that they can implement same successful governing model that has produced peace and prosperity in Baidoa, Marka, and Kismaayo. Shame, don't you think ? While you are left wallowing in clan hatred and clan owr-kacsi in your middle/old age to see the flower of Somali Youth leading and building and progressing and commanding ? Shame, abti.
  11. Abti, ur gonna have to narrow it down than that. It's too broad and if we go that way, we'll be swimming in semantics and generalities forever. I want this discussion of ours to have a point to it, so that after we're done, mudane aqristayaasha can judge for themselves and see who has a strategic vision for the future and an actual governing model in place........ and who is intellectually bankrupt, left fingerpointing on cyberspace. Again, Liqaaye and Meeji, I'm waiting for direct questions with clear parameters. Were my questions Indirect? They were too broad and open-ended. Not good for a fruitful debate. It's good for fadhi-ku-dhirir tho.
  12. Liqaaye, I like to ground myself in the world of reality, bearing tangible specifics as evidence, as in the case of Kismaayo. You can see more tangibile-specifics here(as well as Norf's disappointing reply) Any fool can 'philosophize', it takes greatness and great men to bring said philosophy to the world of reality. Gentlemen, we are seeing such greatness in action today in Somalia. That said, pose a direct question and I'll answer it, even if I have to 'philosophize'.
  13. as you know every great history in the world is written by men who had hopes and dreams. Amen to that. And while I'm still here, here's another Makavelli quote you can add to your signature: All armed prophets have conquered and all unarmed ones have failed. Note to the little people: prophets here does not mean Messengers of God. It means leaders. You're welcome. Didn't want you to get confused and all. Somalia will be brought to heel through force of arms , inshallah, like all successful revolutions in history.
  14. How would the Islamist factions govern and develop Somalia? The best way to answer this question, Meej, is to point you towards concrete success. Not words on the screen but actual reality on the ground. This is an article by Al-Jazeera(funded by Indhocadde ? Oh, oh, oh, maybe it's funded by Eriteria, yes ? this is the pathetic mindset I have to put up with in these forums. little people with little minds, sheesh.) which reports how due to the runaway success of the Kismaayo Islamic Administrations, because of the law and order they have implemented, because of their strategic economical policies which have emphasized low taxation and industrial growth & development , merchants in other parts of the Somalia have changed their port venue of choice to Kismaayo. Can there be a more ringing endorsement of the Islamist platform ? The report goes on to detail that taxes were cut on all merchandise by 40% and in the cases of equipment needed for industrial development like bulldozers, there were no taxes levied at all. And what, nigga ? Kismayo Free Port in 2015, Hollaback. The report gives an example of how the Moori.yaan of the TFG charge businessmen 1,500 dollars(a exorbitant sum in a poverty-stricken city) to unload each personal car, while in Kismaayo, it's only $145 per vehicle. Do the math. A 90% higher rate is not called taxation, it's called extortion. The cult of Moori.yaani'sm and the economical philosophy of Isbaaro/Roadblocks'i sm is all the TFG has to offer to Somalia. (A TFG, to your credit, you don't support). Guess who's in charge of the the port in Xamar ? Yup, that's right: Weasel Shariif Xasan. Money knows no ideology, homey, and Cash has no religion. If the merchants of Mogadishu have voted with their wallets to switch to Kismaayo port and thusly, validate(even tho it needs no validation) the Islamic administration, who the F are you to say otherwise ? I mean, WHERE, is your evidence ? Throughout your tenure here you have failed to show a single whit of actual evidence. It's been all finger-pointing and nacnac and jacjac. I get it, abti, you have a deep-rooted antipathy and hatred towards the Islamists, maybe because they showed the world how cowardly your clan militas were, or maybe because a wadaad karbaash'd you when you were a teenager for ogling a passing by sister, whatever the heck your underlying psychological issues with the Islamists and Islamism, they have been accepted by the realists of the world as the victorious platform and the future of Somalia. I refer you to the reporting and analysis of Professor Michael Weinstein of Purdue University(the most accurate and on-point observer of the Somali political scene, bar none) and Jeffrey Gettleman, Chief of the East Africa bureau for the New York Times. If every single metric, be it economical, political, and military points to the success of the Islamic platform, philosophy, and governing model, why would you continue screeching about religious warlords and pretenders, when you know that's complete and utter bull ? Are you exercising your freedom of speech ? Do you think this a cyber fadhi-ku-dhirir where you can say the most outrageous thing and receive applause for it ? Or do you just enjoy nonsensical prattling ? Which is it, abti ? I got another half hour. Ask another question and you will be answered, verily forsooth inshallah.
  15. Federalism will be the death-knell of Somalia. It will never be tolerated. It will never be accepted. I strongly stand by that statement. Federalism will be the Trojan Horse used to keep Somalia weak, divided, and hapless. Look towards the lessons of history: centralizing government = power and progress. Rome, Prussia(Germany), even America today(a federal state only in name). As for what happens when Federalism is introduced into a strong, vibrant nation, look at the Sick Man of Europe. Those who believe in Federalism better be prepared to fight(I mean, mostly die) for it. For it will never be tolerated in the Somalia I call home.
  16. Is that the Islamist agenda for Somalia? Yes, but that model needs to be fleshed out and elaborated upon. What questions do you have ? Hurry up, I got another hour before I gosta bounce.
  17. Zeylaci is a cleaner, more user-friendly version of Kashafa. looooooooooooooooooo oooooooool
  18. ^^ Fair enough, I get emotional when my religion, my people, and my country are under attack. Honour, after all, is a emotion. while you get emotional when Adeer Hiiraale is a)kicked to the curb by Ina Yay(ouch, this one has gotta hurt) b)is chased out of Kismaayo by Al-Shabaab c) is rejected by the Ethiopians after going to them for help d) gives an interview to BBC Somali complaining about how Al-Shabaab confiscated some bililiqo farm equipment that he gave as a 'gift' to his mother, during his heyday as Warlord of Kismaayo. Fair enough ?
  19. You have a stomach full of acid with little in the way solid food. Fair enough, and a equitable analogy at that. But let us see how many games I have won with that stomach full of acid. Let's see how far I have reached and how dominant I have become on that stomach full of acid. For you may call it a stomach full of acid, whilst I call it: Al-Tawwakal Cala Allah. Here is a visual aid that will help us appreciate my team's conquests, conquests which are giving almost all of SOL painful heartburn, be they peaceniks, dhaboqhoodis, secessionists, clannists, newly-ilbax Flight 13s, Sufi Mushriks, and even atheists. Let us take a look at the surging dominance that has caused all of the aforementiond groups to panic and call for AC-130s and Israeli air support. Here you go yaa Muhandis Norf: Allahu Akbar. Do you see that, abti ? Do you see that big bloc of red splashed all over that map,occupying a full third of Somali territorial land mass ? Now, of course, per the usual quibbling of SOL little people, you might want to nitpick and say: Well, they don't control Beled-wayne. And to which I will respond with one word: Yet. And so Muhandis Norf, I ask you: Where in the history of Somali-dom have you seen such a display of strength, dominance, and staying power ? Not even Sayyid-ka managed to control such far-flung territory. Another point: Unlike the tribally homogeneous areas of the Northwest and the Northeast, the Sons of Somalia have managed to control, govern, and tame South Somalia, an area that is both very heterogeneous and filled with clan strife and competition. Look no further than Kismaayo. A city that has suffered tremendously under the see-sawing back and forth of various clan coalitions, which today enjoys a unprecendeted thriving commercial sector, soon set to bring in more revenue than the ports of Moga, Bosaaso, and Berbera combined (unlike wacdaraha aduunka, I hope you can read Arabic) under the banner of the black flag.. And so, as they in the b-ball court after a slam-dunk in your face: And what ? And what, abti ? This is how far I've reached with that stomach full of acid. Where have you reached with your scientifically-appro ved high-carb diet ? I'll tell you where: You've begged for money in Addis and grovelled for more African baboons in Kampala, tried to put on a show in Istanbul, and spent countless of days in the plush hotels of Cairo, Doha, and Ja'Booty. And then you have the nerve to criticize my stomach full of acid ? Don't get me wrong, I think you made a very accurate analogy(which I answered in depth in this post and others)...... but what about you and yours ? Do you think the African baboons will shelter you forever ? Do you think you can bring about 'reconciliation' from the inside of a Ugandan armored carrier ? Do you think sleeping with Qanyare, Mohamed Dheere, and Cabdi Qaybdiid will endear you to the Somali masses they raped, killed, and looted ? I'm all for tough criticism.... but it seems like you are a man adrift, who bankrupt of ideas, tries to maintain his relevance by criticizing others. We have a vision and we're implementing it and we're succeeding as that big bloc of red shows. And you, abti, are relegated to a few square miles in Xamar, desperately hoping for the Antarnashanal Kaamoonity cavalry to arrive to the rescue. And that, yaa brotherman akhi, is khulaasatul qowl . Spin and rhetoric, nacnac and jacjac will not avail you when you're staring at a surging bloc of red on the map that will soon engulf all of Somalia. This post is also directed to Sherban Shabeel and GoldCoast, I'd like to get your input here as well, hopefully more reality-based arguments, and less histrionics(OMG, Aweys is a Eritrean agent!!! OMG, Eritrea is using the Shabaab to wage a proxy war!!! = pure unadulterated 100% cattle defecation )
  20. ^^ . Ok, abti. Keep on trying to tie the Mujahideen to the same warlords that you (probably) supported yesterday and still support today. Like I said, it is the silly game of a defeated man who is staring at bitter fate of Disfranchisement. Zaylaci has already done a great job exposing your clan support for Mohamed Dheere, Bashiir Raage, Cabdi Qaybdiid etc under the guise of "they are 'natives' defending their city from the 'foriegners'", so there isn't really much I can add there.
  21. And thus the question that begs to be asked is will Xassan Turki ever make it back alive to his base? According to my feeds, he most likely will not Say: "Can you expect for us (any fate) other than one of two glorious things- (Martyrdom or victory)? But we can expect for you either that Allah will send his punishment from Himself, or by our hands. So wait (expectant); we too will wait with you." And so little d.h.a.b.o.d.h.i.l.i. f, while you will spend the rest of your life being a parasite of welfare in Seattle, gathering funds from the Tol-ka for the pension of Barre Huuraale, Xasan-al-Turki and his brothers will have showed the world what it means to Live Free and Die Riding. And when the appointed hour comes, he will look at the Angel of Death straight in the eye and with a gentle smile say: Welcome, friend. I have been long waiting for this moment. That is, if his death has been written. If not, he will continue advancing the cause of a independent, strong, and clan-free Somalia. Town by Town, City by City, Degmo by Degmo, Gobol by Gobol: All will fall to the surging, conquering Sons of Somalia. And the cries of clannists will fill the airwaves just as we heard you squeal like a stuck pig when Kismaayo fell: "Alayaaaaay, Tolaaay iga soo gaara, get all the "gas and ammunition from Gedo", the barbaric terorrists are on the march. Nothing can stand in their way. Toolaaaaay Ba'aaaay Hoogaaay" Xasan Turki will live with honour, and when his time comes, die with dignity. A dignity befitting a man who fought for Laa ilaaha ilaa Allah his entire life and never flinched or swayed from that cause. Duke, if you ever encounter those "powers that be" that aa igu caabsiinaysid, fariin iga gaarsii, you tell them: Dhulkayagu Hooyo isu kaaya keena. Gather all off your men and all of your horses and then meet us in the Motherland. Let us see who gets to determine the direction Somalia takes in the 21st century. Ponder on this: What will they do that 50,000 Ethiopian troops couldn't ? What will they do that they already haven't tried ? Sanctions ? Airstrikes ? Been there, done that. Wax kale ma haysaa ? So, abti, I appreciate your concern, but don't forget that you're talking to men who fear no man but God, even as they march into the valley of death.
  22. ^^ My view is: Shit happens. The last thing on my mind at this point is some f'ing UN equipment that may or may not have been stolen but is being used as propoganda by a defeated bitter chap by the name of Meeji. That's my view, abti.
  23. Woe unto poor Sheekh Shariif, the good-hearted President. He had no idea what God-forsaken throne he was accepting Had Sheekh Shariif conducted himself like a Muslim and upheld the principles of Al-Walaa wal Baraa Had Sheekh Shariif carried himself as a Somali patriot and didn't pledge eternal fealty to Ethiopia and the Antarnashanal Kaamoonity Had Sheekh Shariif reached out the thoroughbreds he once led and readily deserted in the jungles of Jubba Had Sheekh Shariif not surronded himself with the men who coined the term "Moori.yaaan'ism" in the Somali lexicon. Had Sheekh Shariif not 'donated' 116,000 sq km of the Somali sea teeming with rich fisheries and national resources Had any of that took place, he would have a fighting chance. But as he since proved to all observers, including his fake government: He is a coward. He is a hypocrite. More importantly, above any personal failings, he is a puppet tasked to subdue the Free Somalis of the Horn Africa. And he will disgracefully fail in that mission. The facts on the ground hang him and condemn him more violently than anything I could say in these forums. Defend him all you want, homey; history will faithfully record him in it's as annals as the face of Gun'nimo, Gaalo-raac'nimo, and treason.
  24. Heck, right now, I will take my african neighbours other pakistani and chechnya soldiers when it comes to picking foreign fighters that will fight for this government's existence Axmaaro are not somalia's enemy. We just like to think they are when we know better Who's doing the calaacal'ing now, sista ? Let's see if being Ethiopian slaves takes you somewhere else other than exile in Nairobi(Gheedi) or Aden. A little situation analysis while we're here: Your non-existent government is holed up in Villa Somalia. Your 'ministers' are unable to take a stroll outside without a platoon of Ugandan baboons guarding them. Your beloved President Shaykh Hotel is making a strong case for inclusion in the dictionary under the words: lame-duck, weakling, and puppet. And now you're actually threatening me with Amxaaro ? Abaaaaybaaaaay, war aaba haysaa eee. But I give you props in one area: you're consistent. You never saw Ethiopians as the enemy, even during the worst days of the occupation. Back then, your enemy was Yey. And now that's he's gone, you can resume your friendship with our beloved African apes: Ethiopia and Uganda. How's the courtship with Abu Mansoor coming along ?
  25. ^^ Athiga kaalay, filinkaatha waa fahmi'la'ahay. Meesha ku balbalayso waa meeshee ? Is it because Jowhar is 'hometown' of Shariif Al-Khabeeth ? Were you and him shocked at how easily it fell to the 'marauding foriengers' ? If that's what's giving you heartburn, I suggest you stock up on medication, cuz the heartburn, homeboy, is only gonna get worse. With the fall of Balad-Wayne, all of Hiiraan will be under the complete control of the Sons of Somalia. All that needs to be done then is send a punitive expedition to the wayward children of Galgaduud and Ahlul Sun wal Jinni. If it makes you feel better, go ahead and call them religous warlords or pretenders. The fact on the ground says they are the Masters and Commanders over territory that is larger than all of the UK, Ghana, or the Philippines. This is an unprecedented show of dominance in the history of Somalia. Not even Sayyid-ka managed to govern terrority this extensive. Marka, feel free to sulk and pout, abti. You're only showcasing your state of mind: that of a defeated man forsaken by Ethiopia and left to rot by the Antarnashanal Kaaaaaamooooonity.