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Everything posted by ilax

  1. Abtigisa & Tolka xaalqaado saaxiib.Arinku waa u fududaa laakin rag aan gargalin baa galay,anigu waxaan u arkaba gabdhaha sida Neph, Malika & Afro girl inay sida si sida ka haboon u maarayn lahayen.Si kastaba ha ahaate,arinku waa hal caruur canaan laáan ma korta la yidhi marka cunigan inta la canaanta si uu u koro kadiba hadalka halkaa lagu jaro bay hayd, waxba yaan la sii eryin yuusan nagu aad usii hadaaqine. Waryaa DQ, saaxiib nin toleh baa la caantaa canaanta qaado oo sidii nin wayn u haasow, sidii foodlaydan jooji xifaaltanka, war A& T nin wayni bay haadi cuntaa iskaga soco.
  2. Artintu waxay ku haboonthay in sidan lagu dhaafo ninkan yarka markuu daalo isaga danba u aamusi. Qisaan idin sheegahayaa, nin baa masaajid soo galay , masaajidka waxaa jooga cunug yar oo dadka masaajidka imaada wax xun ku sameya , ilmihii baa sameeyay sidii uu samayn jiray marka ninkii ilmaha ma uusan edbine lacag buu siiyay waxaana ku yidhi arin fiican baad samaysay ee wad adeer. Waxaa uu ilmihii hawsha wataba ileen akhlaaqdii baa laga lumiyey , maalinki danbe nin suufi ah ayuu sidii ku sameeyay ninkii suufiga ahaa ilmihii halkii bu ku dilay. Ilmahaas yaa dilay ma suufiga misa ninkii waxa xun aaan ka qaban marka anigu waxay ila tahay A & T, cunugan dhib badan kuma hayo haddii aad caawinayso DQ, fadlan koorso yar oo anshaxaha soo sii ka dibna soo daa, arinku waa intaas uun wax loo sii dhaafa malah ileen raga xoolo iskugma jiree waxa loo baahan yhay waa dad la dhaqan oo kaliya.
  3. If you wana need to know more about the effect of Khat read that book the LEAF OF GOD. That will give you more indepth information on how this shit is killing and eroding the young generation. Otherwise, I would not advocate cialis rather abandon it all. I some times blame the man but now days the somali women browse green-leaf ( chat) like shoots.
  4. Originally posted by M.M.: . . ^Sxb, ninku haduu lo' iyo riyo uun wato xagees iyo reer abtigey araarso iyo Jigjiga lo'diisa halaqabto. Fardo, qori cuna buur ah iyo geel waxaan aheyn shaqo kumalihin. Dee hadii kalena banka jiiro iyo khookhaani bilcaan hawdoonto nimankaasaa lo'da dhadhan ku haye e . . MM, saaxiib ninkan waa ree waamo geela iyo cunabuurka dameeraha iyo idaha u dhmaa marka ha sii fogaynin waxaan u dirayna Qalaafo halkasay gabdho fiican joogaan : lol @ BOB waaba la i shukaansanays xariif ree waamo
  5. Intaan gogosha la fidin , xeer baa jira ee xeerkii hala maro. Gabdha la aflagadeyay, deel qaaf badan baa jira, marka xiinow xeerka ha jabin saaxiib , haddii aad u argagti DQ inuu lee yhaay sal uu ku fadhisto arinkisu waa ninkii laga sheegahayay bari baan fakene maxaa la iga soo heli. :eek:
  6. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: [QB] Xiin, equipped with powerful Jabbuuti talking points, engages good Horn, who is sadly still doing what he does best, dwell in doubt and We must play ball adeer. Ours, to steal gaalka gabaygiisii, is not to do and die! It’s to reason why! It does not matter if the venue is Jabbuuti. What matters is to talk this one out. Gacantii ninki lihi goynayyaa waa gumudantaayye Nin walaalki geed ugu jiraa geesi noqon waayye Xiin @We must play ball :eek: Xiin, you have your argument and positioned clear in your stand. But, your argument hits hard on the victim of this un-justice invassion, the resistence. Yes, I agree peace needs to be grown at home and it should not perscribed by the externals, but the current crises in Somalia is created by foreign/Ethiopian invassion.If it is so , then , I don't see fair to criticise those scraficing their life and time to confront this enemy. Then, there are two possible ways of solving this problem. One thesis is the solution should come from the Ethiopians, jin ninkii keena bixiya, of which needs to adopt a defeated strategy, and accept the supermecy of your nighbouring and traditional foe, the Ethiopia, follow their instruction and divide the nation on the basis of subsidarity principle with a very weak central goverment. This is the option that Ethiopia and its hand pick guys in tFG want to be implemented at the end. If this does not happen then Ethiopia will never comporomise its strategic interest, never expect some thing else. Then, the deal is between Ethiopia and some somali factions led by Sheik Sharif. This is a set-back to Xiin's peace hypothesis with the ghost tfg. The other thesis goes in line with nationalist ideology, such as xoogaga iska caabinta. Their argument is on the basis liberation first, then deal with your own internal affair. This assumbtion is shared by majority of sensible Somalis that I have met so far. For them, the presence of foreign troops in the country is disease not a medicine for somalis to reconcile and get their business done by them. This is the common sense of Somalis. Any thing goes beyond this they label treason or kufar in a extreme language. Then, the situation is a bit complex and needs to be dealt in a mixed manner, that were I see diplomacy comes in to it. Diplomacy is not synonymous with submissive strategy, it means hold a strong position in your negotiation and get win-win situation not zero-sum situation. Therefore, I don't dis-agree to break-the ice in this logger-head for better dailogu and negoatition among the Somalis but this should be inclusive process of all elements engaged in this conflict, other wise it will be hal bacaad lagu lisay oo kale. To play a ball, we should have a skillful players from both teams and play field as well, but in this virtual political game lacks important ingredient of having that politica fun. Then, arinku waa this ill-thought peace process is a drop in a sea of hostility and enemity.Somaliye isku tasho sidii uu nin culus horey u yidhi ceela uma qodna dhaaana uma maqlo
  7. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Originally posted by M.M.: [qb] Ilax@Suubaan Ballal...Dee nagga daa reer dhuunta laggu dhufey yeyna moodin @A&T-LOL , Down with BOB and his divions! eeyaa ma saa saad sheekh ku tahay! LX- salaan sare saaxiib. Will need to see Barsha dhexe some day soon. Waryee MM, saaxib filinkas waa horuu dhamaaaday suubaanku waa gogol fidsan, no wory were you put year head A&T, saaxiib mid lamid ah, nice to know it @ Aroos Qabr-dahar:LOL BOB, ha degdegin to have these beatiful ladies, how much camel do you have first. Mise loloydii ree waamo miyad thaay, then waan kuu dab qaadi karnaa. Haddii aad ku qanci wayda waand u gudbi kartaa dhankas iyo ciid/wardher, Dhagax-bur, Nogob ama suuban-balal
  8. Good questions. But, what is the problem of having many communities? I think to have many communities does not matter but what matter is do these communities operate at all or are they used merely fishing strategy for some indiviaduals? I asked this question one guy and said that Somalis need yet to learn how to use collective action and western world living system.
  9. Pucca, in the derg regime Jigjiga used to be part of Harerge not OGDN RASGAs. But, now its in Somali Region, if you call OGAdN or Somali Galbeed, I think is the same unless that person has a phopia of some names.
  10. Inna Bilaa- if you stil in need of some more places put in your list - SUUBAAN BALAL - and CEEL_XAAR
  11. Inta qorshaystay sida Zack alla qorshahoda ha hirgalinayo inta sugaysana sida waleeshan Faynuus alla kheyr iyo sida ay jeceshahay ha uga dhigo inta ku riyoonaysa sida Nuune iyo BOB iyo anigaba igu daroo riyada dhab alla ha ka dhigo. Laakin Boorama waa jirtaa dhankaase waa fogtahay laakin, Boorama dhaw baa fiicanan lahayd.
  12. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: quote:Originally posted by Nephthys: For you, my king.. Waryaa A&T, shut your pie hole and take a swig at that glass of caano boore you've been offered. Weligaaba nagaysi aana laguu dirsan baad suulasha uqabsataa ee. what a douchebag! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s Neph -- the clock is ticking. I need by the time I get back home from work. :mad: Waryaa maxaa si kaa aha misedan baa aqli kaa ah ? or are you a kind of bet learning how to bark?Shame on you with your vim of nasty and voilent words. I see no strict application of what managing body of this net used to call impartial governing rules , that proved to be failed for what ever the reason is.
  13. ^^ Xiinaw, nin yahaw rajadu waa ay fiican tahaye alla haa ka dhabeeyo , aaminn.
  14. Don't expect solution from Ethiopian's sponsored reconcilation. But, the good news is that AY is blamed by his god-father, MELEZANAWI.Arinku waa madaama aan ku fashilanay arintii Somalia waa inaan meel saaro marka odaygan baa madaxa lagaga tuuray waana iska tagi, laakin ha tagee xal Ethiopa ma keeni weeye, suaasha xigta.
  15. LOL @Muusayal. sory for upside-down, I prefer Tolka than Abtigisa first, i don't think you are in that category of Abtigisa neither Xididkiisa , i garo saaxib halka aan kawado.It was a long time that I was in Dhagaxa ,and used to remember some times. Si kastaba ha haate, habadsanin kuulayntooda yaadan misigine.
  16. ^^^ T& A adigu do you fabricate this folk lore stories or you are oday biqo nin yaaw waan kaba shakiyaye, more of ilkacas joke many does not know about it mida kale I see that you are departing far from your profession, nin yahaw inaad in badan tagtay unban umalyn Addi-behrawi theater. Nevetheless, its intersting story laakin gabdhaha ka woojee.
  17. In general the Red'idea goes in line with the world resources distrobution, these guys are talking bail-out of one and only big compnay. What about the world poverty, who is going to baill-out, no one,it not their head ache at all. About not less than 600 million people in this planet goes to bed with empty stomach one way or another. Look the animals like caws and pits in North America and Europe are living better live than human being in the developing countries. Is it fair or is it by fate? Allah knows best, what do you say?
  18. Caqliga aan kaashano. Dad iyo dal ayaa naga maqan markaasa rabtaa in aan kahadalno non issue like somaliland seccesion iwm. [/QB] Charity begin at home. this advice is relavent to this self declared vague state. Mujahid, your provacative argument does not hold water tight against the opossing ideas, rather it contradicts right from begining by trying to combine two conflicting ideology, e,i., slam ideolgy and quaso-secular state, I say quaso cus I see the Northern province not more than clan-state.One of killing factors of your baseless argument is that you misunderstand the power structure of the "land'. The people in this area are captive of gangs type of leaders with old mentality and kat chewers and of blood suckers. Thanks to the people for their effort on peace making and stabiising this part of the country, in that aspect they are excellen and model for others. But, this inavlauble stability and peace asset is eroded by self appointed and secionist oreinted leadership who make their living from the suffering of the people and are close alley of number one enemy of somalis , that you are proposing to be rid of the country, the Tigres. Then, is qabadsii, adigu aqligad sheekaysana kaasha markaan. Having said this, in principle, if you have that super ideolgy of liberating the country from foreign troops and Ethiopians , then its as simple as that do it in'Hargeisa, we have plenty of them at your side . You don't need to qaylo dhan iyo duulimad of which will cost alot. If this is merely crocodile tears, then you rather shut up and sing with the puppets and stooges in Hargeisa. Muj, don't fool your self and no one is willing to listen such cheap propoganda for fragmenting and keeping this political turmuiol. If you have true sense of Somali, I am not talking specfict region, I mean the broader identity, then get on board the war against the enemy and controbute to the rebirth of Somali state, that is my last comment , i am out.
  19. Mujahid, your temptation of creating a broader identity laeves more doubts and apprehension in this antogonasim and rival political order of the day of the poor Somalis. I would rather be happy if you thraw out this secionist stand and adhere with the super ideology of religion and strictly following rule of law, that would have gain more support of these depatetive nomads here in this thread.The worest, argument triggered the negative recation of the obsosive seccionist Xaaji.As indicated some knowledgeable Nomads, you can not isolate the people in the drivin seat of "land", from this claim of pride and generousity.Normally leaders claim the ownership of any sucess and any attribution excluding them will not have reasonable justification, at the end indirectly its Ethios and its puppet that you endorse.If this is genuine thinking, then I see alot of undone responsiblity in Northern party, i,e., let other Somalis feel at home by giving amnesity from their cruel enemy. Muj, your argument has nothing to be attracted and stands weak in relation to the true picture of hormuudka kuwa aad ugu baaqiso inay taagero bixiyaa, I see the opposite seems to be more realistic than your superficial argument.
  20. SKY, you have forwarded tunnal- vission type scenerio, do you think things will go smoothly as such in this region.The existing political situatioon of Somalis aborts all possible hope of having that scanerio. Even if the instablity spill over creates choas and turmoil in Ethiopia and Kenya, they won't be fool like Somalis, and no chance of such disaster induced revival of GS, but for me the plight of the people in the occupied will keep its momuntom. GS ideology is burried a long time and even no feasible chance of its servival. The Somalis in Kenya are better off in Kenya and doing well and won't listen us inviting to this hell and people in Ogadn, should double their liberation efforts and stand on their won feet, not dreaming the perished hope of GS. Just support them if you can to get their business done by them selves.
  21. As a personal , I have one advice that is first end the occupation then treat your wounds properly, I mean the intra-conflict. and the solution i in the hands of the people back home who are feeling the pain of this extra-ordinary situation at their places. This means, go to the local people share their plight with them and devise locally driven solution not in the luxirous hotels as you advcate, Yaa Xiin, sory for Xiin-faniin, I respect your brand name more than any thing else. Let me justify my assertation about the good Sheik Sharif, He could be a good leader and I support his approach of dealing the situation, but do you know his problem, he forget his centre-peice of power and strayed the ill-thought political proces in Jabouti, look the end result, he is no where and its true that as far as he is not in touch with the victms , the local people and the mujahidin, then I see him a blind bird flying with no clear direction. Albei these weaknes, Sherif is in my short list of future leaders of the country. Reading your threads, I thought, at least you don't have political myopia to have a fair judgement even if you are going to contradict your self. Nevethesless, Xiin, politics is not a fixed phenomena, its a situational and needs to be adjusted with the circumstence.For me I like to see stable Somalia and peaceful solution with in waring Somali fictions , to get out of this my own dreams, but always this contradicts what is happenng at the ground, may ALLAH safe Somalia
  22. Originally posted by nuune: Ilax, I believe 100% that JB's intentions are of good faith, and he cares alot about the suffering of Somalis that are daily being bombarded in Mogadishu. Siyaasadan waa political, nin Soomaali ayaa hadalkaas laga hayaa inuu ka yiri shirweyne lagu qabtey Xamar 1968kii!! Great, thanks Nuune, then does this mean JB has some thing in his inner feelings? If this is just more than benevolent gasture, then I see you guys have a greater chance of averting the situation. Nevethesless, I don't mind prospering Hargiesa if that will have posative externality on Sourthern party of the country.
  23. Marriage being a life time decission deserves more time to be invested on it.Age factor matter, hence it depends on your age and may be attractiveness. Don't waste that opportunity if you are not sure your future value, I mean before you reach where there is no return: getting old and left less option. Be wise and logic for your lovers is my best advice for you.
  24. Xiin, I understood that you blame more to the leadership, right. Yes, do you think there is defecit of leadership in Somali politics? or do you thunk there is no fertile grounds for leaders to play a leadership role? One living example is Sheik Sharif case, recently, He was well respected leader, but today many Somalis see him the reverse.Then, in your philosophical simplicity and idealist, how do address such volatile political situation. Abdalla, you are absolutely right, your wishful thinking has to do with the root cause of this political turmoil, but the issue has to do with how do you safe the leftover ( caano daatayba dabadooda la qabtaa) do we do by our selves or or like XIN's hypothesis, do we wait others to fix our problems.
  25. righteous conclusion, but over ambitiouse with less action. Xiin, seems trying to send a peace dove with out wings that will make mission impossible. I don't share T& A's dagaal moog, the solution is not on the gun'barrel rather is in the hands of thoughtful politicians who knows what they are expected to do and who to play politics with enemies To put in a net shell, miyir diin is bad political disease, can we change the rule of the games in order to solve the political problems or do you just keep the fadhi ku dirir style of war of which seems unending war between invissible enemies