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Everything posted by Poker

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: Nuune: go get some pics of Riyaale getting welcomed by Shiekh Al Sabax How did Rayaale get into the conversation? tha it?
  2. Garyaqaan, i think that was uncalled for. Holiday Inn ain't that bad U know
  3. Originally posted by 'Dalmar': Asha Ahmed Abdalla has been in east north regions for a long period, and has stopped toomuch talking about the situations of Somalia and policy in short time Salad Ghedi Ali Gargaargka Office Mogadishu-Somalia Very funny!
  4. http://www.qarannews .com/index.php?optio n=com_content&task=v iew&id=5020&Itemid=6 2 According to Anis, The public are wellcome to attend and participate the discussion.
  5. Poker

    NBA 2009

    ^^The dude just won NBA championship and you complaining about team, chemistry? Are you kidding me? Waar ninyow somalida wax walba inay nergative ka istagaan maxaa ugu wacan? I can't stand Kobe but I must admit the guy is good with large amont of will to win.
  6. Originally posted by Norf 2: Blacks - Arsenal Pakistanis - Man Utd Indians - Liverpool Somalis - who ever was doing well when they first paid attention. Lol@who ever was doing well when they first paid attention. That is so true walaahi. Mid and late 90s, the majority of Somali in Cannada and the US supported the Bulls just becuase they were good.
  7. Waayahay won. They dead broke. They just fly around to piss people like you off. Happy now. Orod hdaba so ciyaar!
  8. Lol@puple cofee, Ahmed Good shimbir was her first cousin.
  9. Originally posted by NASSIR: The man found the doctor who wrote the letter. Ninka waxaa uu heley warqad ii uu qorey dhaqtarka. ii in this case stands for who Bal ku noqo halkaa saaxiib. I think you changed the whole meaning of the sentence. What was found the doctor or the letter? Acording to the context It was the DOCTOR is being found not the letter. I think MMA and Kool kat are accurate instead.
  10. Plead the fifth..huh? Do you know any of these guys I sated above?
  11. What sites? Somaliland sites? I don't follow everyone else. The last time I check there was no "P" in Somali language. I've been spelling it that way from the begining and I will continue in doing that. Do u have anything else for me to clarify for you?
  12. What is wrong saying buttland? Isn't that the correct name? How else would you spell it? :confused:
  13. Did you listen to the debate before your posting?
  14. I think reer Somaliland and buttland should leave reer Mugadisho alone. I'm sure they can handle thier business. Niman reerahoodii iyo caailahooda meela nabada seexanayaan iyaguna wadama dibada joogaa inay ka taliyaan waxa Muqdisho ka dhacaya ama ka doodaan waa qalad baan u malaynayaa. Somaalidu dhamaanteed way qaybsantay, qabiilkii iyo geedkii laga yimid ayaa lagu noqday markaa aaayaha reer muqdisho waxaa xalin kara kaliya nin caruurtiisu ku dhex nooshahay xabada dhacaysa.
  15. ^^That is why polygamy seems is so appealing. Why getting divorce when you can take second, third or fourth wife.
  16. Originally posted by osman_nz: Those airlines u are talking about make their money outside of hargeisa, Of course they do. They're in business to take YOUR money and build Somaliland with it. Now what? Did you make your airline selection yet?
  17. Max'd Mooge ralated to a lot of well known people in both sides of his family. The famous singer by the name of Dararamle and Max'm mooge were HABRA WADAAG. Maxamd Mooge Ahmed mooge Cabdi qays Xasan ganay Ahmed good shimbir Ahmed Ali dararamle Faisal Omar Mushteeg ...were all related...I think JB knows it.
  18. Poker

    My hero's

    Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Looks like anyone who has been talked on the news is hero ............. come on people. JB, You will always be my hero.
  19. It's more for fat dudes wih no pecs and packs, I guess
  20. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: ^Aqriye=Akhriyay? I was just wondering the same. MMA, Saaxiib af soomaaliga waa taqaana laakiin AQRIYE ma waxaad uga jeedaa AKHRIYAY or AQRIYAY? Akhriyay or aqriyay (depending on your accent) is a past tense of AKHRi or AQRI AKHRIYE or AQRIYE means reader...I could be wrong